View Full Version : Battlemage: Arcane Avenger

08-01-2007, 06:00 PM
I originally posted this build in the Paladin forums where it evolved from a 4p/8s back in January '07 to it's current incarnation of 2r/2p/10s. Given the rising popularity of BattleMage builds, and the fact that there are now far more Sorcerer levels in this template than melee levels, it seemed appropriate to migrate the Arcane Avenger to the Sorcerer forums.
The original post and some (mostly) out of date discussion was recently wiped out with the forum purge :(

I've posted non-raid item maximum values.
The build once assumed +4 items, then +5 items and one or two tomes... It now assumes +6 items and +1 tomes, as these items are quickly becoming the 'norm' for Elite toons, which this build is in it's most effective incarnations. Adjust accordingly for your own gear and/or expectations.

If you want a build that has something for just about EVERY situation, look no further...

Evading Arcane Avenger
The Raging Blurry Strength-based 2handing Flame-throwing Evading Holy Dervish

Lawful Good
Rogue 2 / Paladin 2 / Sorcerer 10
(alternate: Rogue 2 / Paladin 3 / Sorcerer 9).
(alternate: Robe-Wearing Dwarf with massive Hitpoints and Axe Enhancements)
(alternate: Reconstructing Warforged)

Ability Point Distribution (adjust however you like, but i'd stay away from Dex/Finesse)
17 Str (28) +3 ability raise, +6 item, +2 favor tome) Effectively 30 thanks to continuous Rage spell.
12 Dex (22) +6 item, +2 drow enhancement, +1 rogue enhancement, +1 tome)
11 Con (18) +6 item, +1 tome) Effectively 20 thanks to continuous Rage spell.
11 Int (12) +1 tome at LEVEL 1 for additional skill points
9 Wis (16) +6 item, +1 tome)
16 cha (26) +6 item, +3 sorc enhancement, +1 tome).

Slashing / or skill focus: UMD
Power Attack
Improved Crit: Slashing @ cap raise

Power Attack is viable based on availability of Divine Power Clickies (check the jewerly section of AH).
Also, with this builds UMD score you can scroll Divine Power (32 UMD) without fail.

Essential Enhancements:

Paladin Toughness I
Sorcerer's Charisma III
Arcane Fluidity I (minimum for 5% asf in mith chainshirt)
Dragon Blood III
Elven Dex II
Rogue Dex I
Sorcerer Fire/Cold Enhancement IV
Drow Spell Resistance III SR18 (optional)
Rogue Skills Action boost I (+2)
Paladin Attack Action Boost I (+2)

Spell selection:
sorc 1: shield, expiditious retreat, jump, MM Alternatively: Mage Armor
sorc 4: Blur (use scrolls & wands of stoneskin)
sorc 5: Scorching Ray (use scrolls & wands of stoneskin)
sorc 6: Haste (use scrolls & wands of stoneskin)
sorc 7: Resist Energy (20 point) + Displacement (use scrolls & wands of stoneskin)
sorc 8: Firewall (use scrolls & wands of stoneskin)
sorc 9: False Life, Rage, Stone Skin
sorc 10: Cloud Kill or Cone of Cold

self-buffed UMD------
8 charisma
3 golden cartouche
4 greater heroism
1 Rabbit Gloves
17 ranks
2 rogue action boost
with SF:UMD 38

10 base
9 - +5 mithral chainshirt
6 - 22 dex
2 - chaosgard
3 - spec optics
3 - Barkskin potion
1 - haste
1 - paladin aura
4 - shield spell
-2 - Rage
37 self-buffed while Raged and 2hand fighting.
With +5 Mithral Light Shield: 39

8 bab
9 (28 str)
4 heroism
1 haste
1 Rage
+5 weapon
1 slashing
+6 with Divine Power clicky/Scroll
+2 with paladin action boost running.

On a side note, I find +28 to be a decent number for all elite content. You have to boost now and then for tough mobs, but you hit quite well enough overall. you can scorching ray, firewall, or MM impossible-to-hit mobs if necessary.

Base Damage--------
15 str (28 base + 2 for rage = 10 x 1.5 for 2hand weapon rounded down)
5 +5 weapon
With Power Attack running: 30

Saves with the items outlined below
6/6/7 base
4/6/3 stat bonus with outlined stats
8/8/8 divine grace
1/1/1 aura of good
4/4/4 Resistance +4
4/4/4 Grtr Heroism
0/1/0 Haste
1/0/1 Rage
Needless to say, the saves are great.

MOD 4.2 Hit Points with toughness feat, enhancements, and Rage: 183
Add Greater false life item, False life spell, and Giant Hold Favor: 70.
total: 243

Mod 4.1 Spell points:
110 dragon blood III
705 Level 10 Sorcerer and magical training
33 Level 2 Paladin with 16 Wisdom
152 +8 charisma modifier
171 Magi/PoPx/Wizardy IV item with 64% sorcerer level bonus

DD 38 4 ranks + 4 int + 1 enhancement + 15 item + 7 tools + 2 boost + 4 grtr hero + 1 luck bonus (scroll or gloves)
OL 40 4 ranks + 6 Dex + 1 enhancement + 15 item + 7 tools + 2 boost + 4 grtr hero + 1 luck bonus
Search 33 4 ranks + 4 Int + 2 racial + 1 enhancement + 15 item +2 boost + 4 grtr hero + 1 luck bonus
Haggle 30 4 ranks + 8 Cha + 11 item + 2 boost + 4 grtr hero + 1 luck bonus
UMD 32 (already broken down)
Balance 14 4 ranks + 6 dex + 4 grtr hero
Jump 48 +4 ranks + 10 str + 30 jump spell + 4 grtr hero
Concentration 19 10 ranks + 5 Con + 4 grtr hero

Leveling Strategy (I opted to take evasion early to enjoy it throughout the character's life)
1 rogue
2 paladin
3 paladin
4 rogue
5-14 sorc

for 2/3/9 build, take 3rd level of Paladin last.

item payload looks something like this:
eyes..........Spectacular Optics
Helm..........+6 Charisma
trinket........Pearl of power X (no real need for mental toughness)
necklace.....+6 con
cloak..........+4 Resistance
belt............Heavy Fortification *and planar gird(s)
gloves.........+6 strength
ring 1..........+6 wisdom
ring 2..........Grtr. False life ring (+30 hp)
boots...........+6 dexterity
gauntlets......chaosgaurd bracers
armor...........+5 mithral chainshirt
shield...........OPTIONAL +5 light mithral shield when not 2handing.

extended Haste and Displacement duration @ 10 lvls of Sorcerer: 2 minutes

Here's a list of Arcane/Divine scrolls that you can use without fail (highlighted most useful):
0/28 UMD - no failure
Prayer (+1 luck bonus)
Protection from Energy
Remove Blindness, Curse, Disease
Searing Light
Dimension Door
Waves of Fatigue

32 UMD - no failure depending on equipped items
Cure Critical Wounds
Death Ward
Divine Power
Freedom of Movement
Recitation (+2 luck bonus to attack rolls, AC, and saves- short duration)
Restoration (remove negetive levels and ability dmg)

36 UMD - little-to-no-failure, depending on items/buffs:
Raise Dead

40 UMD/*Caster Check roll - Some failure, but still acceptable between fights:
*True Seeing
*Greater Heroism

This Rogue Sorcerer Paladin combo allows for Elite-capable levels of to-hit, damage, SP, HP, Saves, moderate AC, Evasion, and wand-whipping/LoH healing, enabling him to be versatile in a multitude of rolls. Backup healing, backup arcane dmg, and off-tank all the while providing solid DPS support.

Given the reduction in importance of AC, Arcane buffs can have a tremendous impact on survivability, and this build shines by handing out Perma-haste, Stoneskin, Blur, and Displacement.
He’s a dervish in combat who, while not completely immune to fear, will almost never fail a save against it. He laughs at spells and traps and is often the best suited group member to lead the way. When everyone in the party but him wipes, he can raise the dead on a 1. Also, with but a few points into Open lock and a +10 or better open lock item he can pop open the average door or chest. Traps on normal are usually not a problem if you can equip level-appropriate items. Not that you particularly care about traps with his reflex save, but it's nice to help the clunky tanks through.

Highlights of the build:
# Tremendous saves combined with Evasion and SR18. huge survivability vs casters and traps.
# 1138 spell points to spend on Haste, Displace, and Rage. Groups will love you as you turn your party into a blurry blender of death.
# 2hand str dmg with solid ac and the best arcane buffs to keep you alive. your UMD score enables you to use Divine Power scrolls and support Power Attack. You will be competing for kill counts.
# Arcane damage with Firewall, scorching ray and magic missile. you don't have imp. crit yet, but standing in your firewall goes a long way to making up for it.
# you can scroll just about anything you would want to.
# has nice balance, jump, open lock, concentration, UMD, diplomacy, bluff, haggle, etc. Very versatile.
# Evasion with a 30 reflex is just plain fun.

Downfalls/weakness of the build:
# 20 point resists
# Dispel can be annoying, but not as crippling as you may think as you can pretty much re-buff yourself without depending on anyone else. Honestly, it’s more annoying when my Pure paladin gets dispelled!
# The cost/time involved in equipping him for maximum effectiveness.
# Scroll costs for stoneskin (though i do loot a lot of SS wands).
# Relies on (self) buffs for to-hit bonus and dmg reduction/avoidance.

Tips for levelling:
# carry around a stack of bulls str until you can A: buy the buff from house P/J. B: wear +4 or better str/dex items
# carry a stack of heroism potions until you can equip planar gird(s) or reliably scroll Grtr Hero.
# carry the highest +X weapon you can find for your level for hard-to-hit mobs.
# get yourself a greater aberration bane weapon for beholders after they dispel you.
# you can scroll Haste and Rage fairly reliably at level 3 sorcerer. it's only 30 seconds, but still nice.
# You can scroll stoneskin reliably enough at level 3 sorcerer. though multiple <10's are annoying.
# map often used spells/abilities to keys like E, F, G, H, V, B, T
# be sure to rub it in a little when you out-kill the other "pure" melee'rs.

Going 32 point Dwarf:
# gain about 100 HP putting you into the 300's
# slightly more to-hit and damage with axe enhancements

# no built-in SR, if you are utilizing this on the drow build
# hard to spread action points into fire dmg enhancements - you will lose out on a minor amount of arcane dmg
# without twilight mithral armor you will have spell failure in armor, so you wear a robe with lower ac, thus you get hit by trash mobs unless you're always displaced - whereas the Drow version can get away with a long-lasting blur most of the time because he has 40 ac. Not needing displacement all the time frees up more mana for offensive spells.

the 32 point Dwarf HP and Axe enhancements are very nice, but a drow does just fine.
The most popular Dwarven Wizard Battlemage can be found here:

The final option is a Warforged Variation - this is a very potent character as you take self-sufficiency to the extreme with the Reconstruct spell. You can heal yourself for about 120 points a shot with this spell. you also gain some nice immunities, though they aren't as important to this build due to very high saves.
You can also take Mithral Body and the Inscribed Armor enhancements to have a decent AC and no spell failure.
If I wanted a 32 point non-drow Arcane Avenger, Warforged would be my first choice.
The down side is a lowered Charisma.


The Black Company
Berkely: 13 Human Paladin
Kinlock: Drow 5 Paladin - 8 Sorcerer
Kinlore: Drow 2 Rogue - 2 Paladin - 10 Sorcerer
The Arcane Avenger
Last edited by Rentz : 07-09-2007 at 04:45 PM.

08-01-2007, 06:37 PM
The Arcane Psychoe link in your thread of course does not work. Here is a working link...for now. hread.php%3Ft%3D105658

08-01-2007, 07:55 PM
Hey Rentz, I respecced Illusionary into improved two-weapon fighting, and finally got level 14. Three words:
I am invincible.

That is all.

08-01-2007, 11:07 PM
Hey Rentz, I respecced Illusionary into improved two-weapon fighting, and finally got level 14. Three words:
I am invincible.

That is all.

are you primarily using stat damagers?
he's str-based, right?

08-02-2007, 01:47 PM
are you primarily using stat damagers?
he's str-based, right?

No actually he's dex based using rapiers and shortswords with 22 strength to inflict damage. In hindsight, I may have wanted to go strength based and cap out at 22 dex to fill out the mithral chain, but whatever. He's kicking some serious butt, and really doesn't take damage.

If I ever feel the urge to "perfect" him maybe I will reroll, but right now I don't really care.

And no I don't use stat damagers I currently use a +2 Icy Burst Rapier of Backstabbing(+3) and an acid shortsword of destruction, or swap out for a greater banes if I happen to have a rapier/ss combo.

08-03-2007, 09:45 AM
No actually he's dex based using rapiers and shortswords with 22 strength to inflict damage. In hindsight, I may have wanted to go strength based and cap out at 22 dex to fill out the mithral chain, but whatever. He's kicking some serious butt, and really doesn't take damage.

If I ever feel the urge to "perfect" him maybe I will reroll, but right now I don't really care.

And no I don't use stat damagers I currently use a +2 Icy Burst Rapier of Backstabbing(+3) and an acid shortsword of destruction, or swap out for a greater banes if I happen to have a rapier/ss combo.

yeah the melee caster builds are nearly invincible with the only problem I've noticed being damage output. Top elite stuff just takes too long. That's why I decided to go with 12 sorc / 2 pally

My str is 26 now (cap 28, 30 buffed) and I am just barely keeping up with the other DPS builds. Combined with firewall, I tear it up at melee, faster then any other tank or tanks combined while at range I hit as hard as the next pure caster with scorching ray or magic missile. I'll take my rogue levels when the cap goes up heh.

I am a 2 hander user. Just not enough feats to hit hard with magic AND spend a lot of feats on melee.

(extend, maximise, empower, power attack, improved crit)

08-03-2007, 10:23 AM
yeah the melee caster builds are nearly invincible with the only problem I've noticed being damage output. Top elite stuff just takes too long. That's why I decided to go with 12 sorc / 2 pally

My str is 26 now (cap 28, 30 buffed) and I am just barely keeping up with the other DPS builds. Combined with firewall, I tear it up at melee, faster then any other tank or tanks combined while at range I hit as hard as the next pure caster with scorching ray or magic missile. I'll take my rogue levels when the cap goes up heh.

I am a 2 hander user. Just not enough feats to hit hard with magic AND spend a lot of feats on melee.

(extend, maximise, empower, power attack, improved crit)

It's just a different playstyle, though. Sure a mob lasts a little longer, but he does less damage and it ends up not mattering. I'm dual-wielding weapon-finesse based 2rog/4pali/8sorc. I have one damage spell, magic missile, for the off-chance I can't hit something very well (or I just want to hit it from far away).

My damage output isn't that of a barbarian, but it's enough to kill things, stay alive and have a good time. I'll tell ya one thing, my saves are completely outrageous.

08-03-2007, 10:53 PM
i'm going 2r/3p/9sorc or 2r/2p/10sorc with a human build to get 30 str raged. i'm about to hit level 6 and i'll post the build at level 11.

08-04-2007, 04:18 AM
yeah the melee caster builds are nearly invincible with the only problem I've noticed being damage output. Top elite stuff just takes too long. That's why I decided to go with 12 sorc / 2 pally

My str is 26 now (cap 28, 30 buffed) and I am just barely keeping up with the other DPS builds. Combined with firewall, I tear it up at melee, faster then any other tank or tanks combined while at range I hit as hard as the next pure caster with scorching ray or magic missile. I'll take my rogue levels when the cap goes up heh.

I am a 2 hander user. Just not enough feats to hit hard with magic AND spend a lot of feats on melee.

(extend, maximise, empower, power attack, improved crit)

what level are you? I have been running DDOChargen it says I need a bab of 8+ at level 12 get improved Crit. The only way I can figure I can get improved Crit is with 4 levels of polly, is the generator wrong can you get it with only a bab of 7 in the game? if so have you done it?

08-06-2007, 11:24 AM
he can't get improved crit. he doesn't get a bab of 8 until level 14. the only way you can get a bab of 8 by level 12 is to take 4 pally or 3 rogue/3 pally

08-06-2007, 05:39 PM
Well here is my dwarven version that I am working on.

Level 14 Lawful Good Dwarf Male
(2 Paladin / 2 Rogue / 10 Sorcerer)

Hit Points: 268+False Life Spell=288 +other buffs.
Spell Points: 1100

BAB: 8/8/13
Fortitude: 21 +4GH +4Item=29 / 32 vs. spells / 31 vs. poisons
Reflex: 20 +4GH +4Item +1Haste=29 / 32 vs. spells / 30 vs. traps
Will: 13 +4GH +4ITem=21 / 24 vs. spells

32-Point Build
Strength 15 +3Level +6Item +2Tome +2Rage=28 (+9)
Dexterity 14 +1Enhancement +1Tome +6Item=22 (+6)
Constitution 16 +2Enhancement +6 Item +2Rage=26 (+8)
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 8
Charisma 13 +3Enhancement +6Item=22 (+6)

Concentration 24 +Item = Enough
Use Magic Device 26 +3Cartouche +4GH +2Boost +1Rabbit Gloves=36

Level 1 (Rogue) Toughness
Level 2 (Paladin)
Level 3 (Paladin) Skill Focus: Use Magic Device
Level 4 (Rogue)
Level 5 (Sorcerer)
Level 6 (Sorcerer) Maximize Spell
Level 7 (Sorcerer)
Level 8 (Sorcerer)
Level 9 (Sorcerer) Extend Spell
Level 10 (Sorcerer)
Level 11 (Sorcerer)
Level 12 (Sorcerer) Power Attack
Level 13 (Sorcerer)
Level 14 (Sorcerer)

Other noted abilities:
Evasion, Lay On Hands=72 hp's, Smite Evil

Enhancement: Paladin Attack Boost I
Enhancement: Rogue Skill Boost I
Enhancement: Dwarven Axe Attack II
Enhancement: Dwarven Axe Damage II
Enhancement: Dwarven Constitution II
Enhancement: Dwarven Spell Defense I
Enhancement: Dwarven Toughness I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Elemental Manipulation IV
Enhancement: Sorcerer Energy of the Dragonblooded III
Enhancement: Sorcerer Charisma III
Enhancement: Rogue Dexterity I
Enhancement: Paladin Toughness I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Wand Mastery II

L1 Jump, Tumble, Niacs, Shield
L2 Blur, False Life, Scorching Ray, Resists
L3 Haste, Displacement, Rage
L4 Firewall, Stoneskin
L5 Cloud Kill

10 base
9 - +5 Mithral Chainshirt
6 - 22 Dex
5 - Protection Item
3 - Barkskin potion
1 - Haste
1 - Paladin Aura
4 - Shield Spell
-2 - Rage
=37 self-buffed while Raged and 2hand fighting.
=41 vs. giants

With +5 Mithral Light Shield: 39 - Rage=41
vs. Giants +4=45

To Hit:
4 GH
1 Haste
5 Weapon
2 Enhancement
=29 Regular Mobs
=30 vs orcs and goblins

+6 with Divine Power clicky
+2 with Paladin Action Boost running
-5 Power Attack
=32 Bosses
=33 If boss is an orc or goblin

This build really needs one more level to shine. (3rd ray for scorching ray, 30-point resists)
The key to making this work is hot keying divine power clickies to keep you BAB = to a fighter.

The idea is to stand in your own firewall or cloud kill while dishing out damage.

+You can UMD heal scrolls on a 5 or better
+Wand Mastery II boosts your CSW wands
+AC is respectable
+Evasion with a reflex save high enough to matter
+Raise Dead scrolls without failure,
+You can spam yourself (and the party with stoneskin, blur, displacement, haste, GH (via scrolls until level cap increase), false life, rage, and resists.
+72 hp LOH for that uh-oh moment
+300 hp's with buffs
+1100 sp on a mellee dps

-Relying on Divine Power clickies for hard to hit mobs

08-07-2007, 04:51 AM
what level are you? I have been running DDOChargen it says I need a bab of 8+ at level 12 get improved Crit. The only way I can figure I can get improved Crit is with 4 levels of polly, is the generator wrong can you get it with only a bab of 7 in the game? if so have you done it?

my bad, I have toughness at the moment instead of improved crit but planned on switching it. I do have a +8 bab at 14th but I don't know if it will let me swap it heh.

Now I'm all nervous to switch it lol. Perhaps I'll just wait for 15th level and take it then.

08-07-2007, 07:39 AM
my bad, I have toughness at the moment instead of improved crit but planned on switching it. I do have a +8 bab at 14th but I don't know if it will let me swap it heh.

Now I'm all nervous to switch it lol. Perhaps I'll just wait for 15th level and take it then.

You can't switch it.

08-07-2007, 07:57 PM
the key thing about running an ooman is the ability to keep your rogue skills high

str 16 + 3 levels + 1 human adapt + 2 tome + 6 item + rage = 30
dex 9 + 1 enh + 6 item = 16
con 15 + 1 tome + 6 item = 22
int 13 + 1 tome at 1st = 14
wis 8
cha 15 + 2 enh + 1 greater adapt + 6 item = 24

you get 1 extra feat, the ability to max search ranks and the ability to add 11 ranks to disable device

08-08-2007, 10:52 PM
really glad u re-posted this. I was bummed when it disappeared after they did the forum merge

08-10-2007, 09:48 AM
really glad u re-posted this. I was bummed when it disappeared after they did the forum merge

np Ladywolf- I credit Wiglin for saving it. :)

the Dorf looks great Wig -
the only downside would be the bit of arcane failure in a mith chain shirt. how's that working out for you? i've been playing with 5% on my drow ('cause i haven't bothered to buy the II and III failure enhancements yet), and it's been tolerable.

of course, when you get to the gianthold you can always swap out to a robe, but i think the AC very worthwhile outside of GH.

08-10-2007, 12:27 PM
The 10% doesn't really bother me. I see a failure every now and then, but not enough to really matter.

The eventual goal would be to get the seven finger titan gloves for +5 UMD and -10% arcane failure. This will get arcane failure in a mithril chain shirt down to 0%.

I will be going with Mummy Wraps at level 8 so thier will be a little decrease in ac, but fearsome affect is well worth it at these levels, so from level 8 to whenever I swap them out I will be sitting at 5% failure.

I don't think its worth spending the ap to get fluidity III, 5% is plenty tolerable for this type of build.

08-10-2007, 12:48 PM
The 10% doesn't really bother me. I see a failure every now and then, but not enough to really matter.

The eventual goal would be to get the seven finger titan gloves for +5 UMD and -10% arcane failure. This will get arcane failure in a mithril chain shirt down to 0%.

I will be going with Mummy Wraps at level 8 so thier will be a little decrease in ac, but fearsome affect is well worth it at these levels, so from level 8 to whenever I swap them out I will be sitting at 5% failure.

I don't think its worth spending the ap to get fluidity III, 5% is plenty tolerable for this type of build.

yeah, i agree the 5% is pretty tolerable. you fail the odd haste, no biggie. only annoying if you fail a maxed/extended firewall. :)

what you need is my guild-mate's +4 mithral twilight breastplate for non-GH quests. :)

my dream setup for this guy if i ever get playing more than i am now:
-Belt of brute str (+6 str, grtr false life)
-Ancient Band (heavy fort, +3 protection) --everyone and their dog wants it
-Seven fingered gloves (+11 DD, OL, +5 umd, -10% asf)


08-15-2007, 02:36 PM
made my own thread rather then piggybacking

08-15-2007, 03:57 PM
What are your stats. These kinds of builds are really hard to pull off with a 28-point build.

08-15-2007, 04:41 PM
woops forgot those stats.
srry! (edited them back in the post)

08-28-2007, 02:27 PM
human version currently level 13
Lawful Good
(2 Paladin / 2 Rogue / 9 Sorcerer)

Hit Points: currently 183
Spell Points: 1000

BAB: 7/7/12
saves buffed

32-Point Build
Strength 18 +3Level +5Item +1 ENH + 1Tome +2Rage= 30 (+10)
Dexterity 8 +1 Enhancement +1Tome +6Item=16 :o
Constitution 15 +1 Enhancement +4 Item +2Rage=22 (+6)
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 8
Charisma 13 +3 Enhancement +6 Item=22 (+6)

balance 4 ranks
concentration 14 ranks
disable device 5 ranks
haggle 4 ranks
intimidate 4 ranks
jump 4 ranks
open lock 5 ranks
search 15 ranks
spot 3 ranks
tumble 1 rank
UMD 16 ranks

Level 1 (Rogue) Toughness SF:UMD
Level 2 (Paladin)
Level 3 (Sorcerer) extend spell
Level 4 (Sorcerer)
Level 5 (Sorcerer)
Level 6 (Sorcerer) Maximize Spell
Level 7 (Sorcerer)
Level 8 (Sorcerer)
Level 9 (Sorcerer) Power Attack
Level 10 (Sorcerer)
Level 11 (Sorcerer)
Level 12 (Rogue) lightning reflexes
Level 13 (Paladin)
Level 14 (most likely Paladin)

yeah, my reflex save was pretty bad at 12 so i took the feat to overcome some issues. probably swap it out to either mental toughness or toughness later

Enhancement: Paladin Attack Boost I
Enhancement: Paladin Saves Boost I
Enhancement: Human Str I
Enhancement: Human Cha I
Enhancement: HV I-IV
Enhancement: Paladin Extra Smite Evil
Enhancement: Rogue Sneak Attack Training I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Elemental Manipulation III (critical chances and multiplier II)
Enhancement: Sorcerer Energy of the Dragonblooded III
Enhancement: Sorcerer Charisma II
Enhancement: Rogue Dexterity I
Enhancement: Paladin Toughness I
Enhancement: Improved Trap Sense I
L1 Jump, Tumble, Expeditious Retreat, Nightshield (need to switch to shield)
L2 Blur, False Life, Scorching Ray, Resists
L3 Haste, Displacement, Rage
L4 Firewall, Stoneskin

pretty bad. have an alternate version going for AC. mainly use a fearsome robe

To Hit:
10 STR
4 GH
1 Haste
5 Weapon
+6 with Divine Power clicky (have 2 goggles of 5 charges a piece)

+2 with Paladin Action Boost running
-5 Power Attack
=30 (28)

i went the tough route on leveling depending upon spells for protection. level 9 is when you become insanely powerful -> haste + displacement + divine power.

edit: one other note is that this is more of a barbarian build than a fighter. for a fighter, i'd take a hit of 2 points on str to disperse them throughout the build.

12-30-2007, 11:30 PM
Old thread, but I'm late to the game.

Any thoughts on how to spec a wforged using 32 pt build?

having the minuses on both wisdom and cha make the drow/human template unusable.


12-31-2007, 09:12 AM
Old thread, but I'm late to the game.

Any thoughts on how to spec a wforged using 32 pt build?

having the minuses on both wisdom and cha make the drow/human template unusable.


Actually, check out this thread (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=116254) by buildmaster Nick. The original build is posted in a dwarf template, but he discusses using warforged in the thread. His current Arcane Psycho is a WF.