08-01-2007, 10:58 AM
The SIRies
Recognizing The RP Community Authors
Some of you may have noticed that the SIRies Award Show is no longer on the Event Schedule. This was an award show meant to be a sort of Academy Awards for the Thelanis Anthology ( a collection of the writers stories from the resident RP community. There are a few things standing in the way of us having the in-game award show:
Our sponsor, Robi3.0, has had to leave the game for RL reasons
I unfortunately will not be able to host this in game event due to RL time constraints (It's all I can do to get in game at all lately feels like)
At least two of the people, with nominations in several catagories, are no longer in DDO (an only recent occurance, also RL reasons)
The server merger will more than likely interrupt our evening
Too few of you have submitted your ballots. I know the deadline was Aug 2nd, but today is Aug 1st, and the ballots that Robi had been kind enough to pass to me, in the hopes of continuing the event, were less than we had hoped. The anthology is a loooong read, we know, but those who haven't even started reading had a lot ahead of them if they intended on turning in a ballot. The capasity to catch up at this late stage of things is unlikely.
If there is a way to have this event, that would be wonderful... but more and more it is looking like this will not be possible. Those of you who turned in your ballots, I thank you very much! You are still welcome to participate in this activity...
So here is what I'm going to do:
In this thread, feel free to simply cast your ballot - those of you who had been holding off, or maybe were only halfway done - and this thread will serve as the home of the award show. Use this as a way to give a nod to those writers who you think deserve recognition, based on the following catagories (I've added a couple as well, an explaination will be provided momentarily):
Series of the year:
Favorite Character (male):
Favorite Character (female):
Best fight/Battle:
Best love story:
Best bad guy:
Best supporting character (male):
Best supporting character (female):
Achievement in Character development:
Most notable quote:
Best character chemistry/interaction:
Best use of setting:
Best monologue:
Honorable mention:
Copy/paste the above catagories, and reply to this thread with your nominations. Those who voted before, you're welcome to simply reprise your vote. (If you forgot or lost what you turned into Robi3.0, let me know and I can send you a copy of it).
Additionally, all content within the anthology ( now eligible, not merely those that came in before Robi's original deadline.
You have until August 8th to get your responses in
August 9th, thursday, I will look over all the submissions, and do something special for the authors. I won't tell you what that something special is though.
Good luck!
Explanation of Ballot Catagories:
Here is the format for your ballots. The list below tells you what exactly the catagory means, and the format you should use to do your nominations. For the sake of example, we've used some real world authors as examples so you know what we were going for in terms of format of your nomination. For the most part you will be using: specific thing; series; author unless otherwise specified... mostly the idea is we need to be able to easily figure out WHERE the thing your referencing in the anthology can be found in terms of the chapter/series it appears in, such as specific characters or quotes.
Series of the year:
The overall body of work you think stands above the rest.
example - The Sword of Truth, Terry Goodkind
Favorite Character (male):
Your favorite main character from any of the stories in the anthology. Think of this like the lead actor of the stories.
example - Richard, The Sword of Truth, Terry Goodkind
Favorite Character (female):
Your favorite main female character from any of the stories in the anthology. Think of this like the lead actress of the stories.
example - Kahlan, The Sword of Truth, Terry Goodkind
Best fight/Battle:
Your favorite scene from any of the series that involves physical confrontation between characters or entities. Can be as large scale as a war, or as small as a barfight.
Format: description of scene (can be done as "this vs this"), Chapter or volumn it appears in, Series, Author
example - scene when Richard fights a Quad, Wizard's First Rule, The Sword of Truth, Terry Goodkind
Richard vs Quad, Wizards First Rule, The Sword of Truth, Terry Goodkind
Best love story:
Your favorite part related to relationships and the characters. You can even throw in something as simple as 'best kiss' for this one.
Format: the couple involved/scene, series, author. chapter is optional here if you're sighting a specific moment in the story between the characters.
example - Richard & Kahlan at the spirit house, Wizard's First Rule, The Sword of Truth, Terry Goodkind
Best bad guy:
What villain stands out in your mind from the stories? Can be male or female. Can also be characters with questionable alliances - but think 'conflict' here when you nominate your bad guy.
example - Darken Rahl, The Sword of Truth, Terry Goodkind
Best supporting character (male):
Your favorite non-main character that is male. Sometimes the supporting character can even be a villain. On the whole, the story is not considered to be specifically about them, and they are 2nd fiddle to another main character.
example - Zed, The Sword of Truth, Terry Goodkind
Best supporting character (female):
Your favorite non-main character that is female. Sometimes the supporting character can even be a villain. On the whole, the story is not considered to be specifically about them, and they are 2nd fiddle to another main character.
example - Shota, The Sword of Truth, Terry Goodkind
Achievement in Character development:
This is to recognize the author you feel has done the most in terms of giving 'life' to the characters of their story, and helping you connect with those characters. Helping you feel like their characters could exist.
example - Terry Goodkind
Most notable quote:
Something a character said that stands out in your mind. List the quote specifically, what character said it, and which story/author it goes with.
example - "You are a very attractive woman" spoken to Addie by Zed, The Sword of Truth, Terry Goodkind
Best character chemistry/interaction:
Think of this like the best cast... nominate for this catagory the series that you feel has characters that play off of one another well in the story in terms of dialogue and interacting in the scenes on the whole.
example - The Sword of Truth, Terry Goodkind
Best use of setting:
Spotlight the series that you feel seems to really go the extra mile to encorporate aspects of the Eberron, or DDO specific, setting. This can be anything from how well they bring aspects of Eberron into the story, to how they explain some of the conventions we deal with playing an mmo.
example - The Sword of Truth, Terry Goodkind
Best monologue:
Your favorite section of speech done by a character. Sometimes these can be an actual speech given before a group of people, or maybe it's just a moment when a character talks at length about something. Basically it is a point at which a character talks for a while without interruption. If you can, highlight the actual monologue when you do your nomination. If you can't find it, just at least say what the circumstances of that monologue were.
example - Zed's speech to Rahl, Wizard's First Rule, The Sword of Truth, Terry Goodkind (I wont list the speech so as not to include a spoiler for anyone reading this book ;) )
Honorable mention:
Just anything at all that doesn't fit one of the above catagories, that you feel deserves making mention of. Can be personal word to a certain author, or maybe your runners up for one of the other catagories.
example - I love the part where Addie and Zed first see each other. The Sword of Truth, Terry Goodkind.
Recognizing The RP Community Authors
Some of you may have noticed that the SIRies Award Show is no longer on the Event Schedule. This was an award show meant to be a sort of Academy Awards for the Thelanis Anthology ( a collection of the writers stories from the resident RP community. There are a few things standing in the way of us having the in-game award show:
Our sponsor, Robi3.0, has had to leave the game for RL reasons
I unfortunately will not be able to host this in game event due to RL time constraints (It's all I can do to get in game at all lately feels like)
At least two of the people, with nominations in several catagories, are no longer in DDO (an only recent occurance, also RL reasons)
The server merger will more than likely interrupt our evening
Too few of you have submitted your ballots. I know the deadline was Aug 2nd, but today is Aug 1st, and the ballots that Robi had been kind enough to pass to me, in the hopes of continuing the event, were less than we had hoped. The anthology is a loooong read, we know, but those who haven't even started reading had a lot ahead of them if they intended on turning in a ballot. The capasity to catch up at this late stage of things is unlikely.
If there is a way to have this event, that would be wonderful... but more and more it is looking like this will not be possible. Those of you who turned in your ballots, I thank you very much! You are still welcome to participate in this activity...
So here is what I'm going to do:
In this thread, feel free to simply cast your ballot - those of you who had been holding off, or maybe were only halfway done - and this thread will serve as the home of the award show. Use this as a way to give a nod to those writers who you think deserve recognition, based on the following catagories (I've added a couple as well, an explaination will be provided momentarily):
Series of the year:
Favorite Character (male):
Favorite Character (female):
Best fight/Battle:
Best love story:
Best bad guy:
Best supporting character (male):
Best supporting character (female):
Achievement in Character development:
Most notable quote:
Best character chemistry/interaction:
Best use of setting:
Best monologue:
Honorable mention:
Copy/paste the above catagories, and reply to this thread with your nominations. Those who voted before, you're welcome to simply reprise your vote. (If you forgot or lost what you turned into Robi3.0, let me know and I can send you a copy of it).
Additionally, all content within the anthology ( now eligible, not merely those that came in before Robi's original deadline.
You have until August 8th to get your responses in
August 9th, thursday, I will look over all the submissions, and do something special for the authors. I won't tell you what that something special is though.
Good luck!
Explanation of Ballot Catagories:
Here is the format for your ballots. The list below tells you what exactly the catagory means, and the format you should use to do your nominations. For the sake of example, we've used some real world authors as examples so you know what we were going for in terms of format of your nomination. For the most part you will be using: specific thing; series; author unless otherwise specified... mostly the idea is we need to be able to easily figure out WHERE the thing your referencing in the anthology can be found in terms of the chapter/series it appears in, such as specific characters or quotes.
Series of the year:
The overall body of work you think stands above the rest.
example - The Sword of Truth, Terry Goodkind
Favorite Character (male):
Your favorite main character from any of the stories in the anthology. Think of this like the lead actor of the stories.
example - Richard, The Sword of Truth, Terry Goodkind
Favorite Character (female):
Your favorite main female character from any of the stories in the anthology. Think of this like the lead actress of the stories.
example - Kahlan, The Sword of Truth, Terry Goodkind
Best fight/Battle:
Your favorite scene from any of the series that involves physical confrontation between characters or entities. Can be as large scale as a war, or as small as a barfight.
Format: description of scene (can be done as "this vs this"), Chapter or volumn it appears in, Series, Author
example - scene when Richard fights a Quad, Wizard's First Rule, The Sword of Truth, Terry Goodkind
Richard vs Quad, Wizards First Rule, The Sword of Truth, Terry Goodkind
Best love story:
Your favorite part related to relationships and the characters. You can even throw in something as simple as 'best kiss' for this one.
Format: the couple involved/scene, series, author. chapter is optional here if you're sighting a specific moment in the story between the characters.
example - Richard & Kahlan at the spirit house, Wizard's First Rule, The Sword of Truth, Terry Goodkind
Best bad guy:
What villain stands out in your mind from the stories? Can be male or female. Can also be characters with questionable alliances - but think 'conflict' here when you nominate your bad guy.
example - Darken Rahl, The Sword of Truth, Terry Goodkind
Best supporting character (male):
Your favorite non-main character that is male. Sometimes the supporting character can even be a villain. On the whole, the story is not considered to be specifically about them, and they are 2nd fiddle to another main character.
example - Zed, The Sword of Truth, Terry Goodkind
Best supporting character (female):
Your favorite non-main character that is female. Sometimes the supporting character can even be a villain. On the whole, the story is not considered to be specifically about them, and they are 2nd fiddle to another main character.
example - Shota, The Sword of Truth, Terry Goodkind
Achievement in Character development:
This is to recognize the author you feel has done the most in terms of giving 'life' to the characters of their story, and helping you connect with those characters. Helping you feel like their characters could exist.
example - Terry Goodkind
Most notable quote:
Something a character said that stands out in your mind. List the quote specifically, what character said it, and which story/author it goes with.
example - "You are a very attractive woman" spoken to Addie by Zed, The Sword of Truth, Terry Goodkind
Best character chemistry/interaction:
Think of this like the best cast... nominate for this catagory the series that you feel has characters that play off of one another well in the story in terms of dialogue and interacting in the scenes on the whole.
example - The Sword of Truth, Terry Goodkind
Best use of setting:
Spotlight the series that you feel seems to really go the extra mile to encorporate aspects of the Eberron, or DDO specific, setting. This can be anything from how well they bring aspects of Eberron into the story, to how they explain some of the conventions we deal with playing an mmo.
example - The Sword of Truth, Terry Goodkind
Best monologue:
Your favorite section of speech done by a character. Sometimes these can be an actual speech given before a group of people, or maybe it's just a moment when a character talks at length about something. Basically it is a point at which a character talks for a while without interruption. If you can, highlight the actual monologue when you do your nomination. If you can't find it, just at least say what the circumstances of that monologue were.
example - Zed's speech to Rahl, Wizard's First Rule, The Sword of Truth, Terry Goodkind (I wont list the speech so as not to include a spoiler for anyone reading this book ;) )
Honorable mention:
Just anything at all that doesn't fit one of the above catagories, that you feel deserves making mention of. Can be personal word to a certain author, or maybe your runners up for one of the other catagories.
example - I love the part where Addie and Zed first see each other. The Sword of Truth, Terry Goodkind.