View Full Version : Ghallanda guild list

08-01-2007, 10:10 AM
Abyss note: No new players "noobs" leader:Sweets
Adventurer's League of Ebberon
Black Knights of Templar Fernia
Blackmoor Defenders (http://www.takzu.com/) leader: Thaco
Black Rose Society Fernia
Brothers of absolute character leader: Ames note: No-multiclassing allowed
Calamitous Intent note: roleplaying guild
Clan Diabolic (http://diabolic.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=331549&TabID=2775596) leader: Ricgard 18+ only, sense of humor required, focus is on fun not powergaming
Captain's Crew (http:\\cc.ddoguilds.com) leader: Xandrell
Clan of the Twilight leader: katsumi
Clan of the Ubergruff leader: Chaery note: friendly to adults with real-world interruptions. Adults over 20.
Council of the Elders leader: Anka
Council Of Healing Spellswords (http://cohss.spruz.com/) leader: Kitzu
Crazy Canucks leader: Arcie note: Adults only
Crusading Legions leader: Missdemeanor
DDO Korea Season II
DDO QUÉBEC (http://karnath.guildportal.com) note: French speaking leader :Vaahama
Defenders of Light DFOL Lhazaar
Descendants (http://descendants.guildportal.com)
Disavowed Soldiers leader: Ashamant note: Mostly active duty and retired military. Uses Ventrillo
Draconic Order leader: Ambrra note: Adult only
Dragonmark Alliance leader: Cassandra note: uses teamspeak server
Dragon Renaissance Brotherhood (http://www.freewebs.com/dragonrenaissancebrotherhood) leader: DRB note: Adult guild of old school DND players
DragonRenaissanceBrothehoodJr note: Training guild for DragonRenaissanceBrothehood
Eastwind Riders
Eberron’s Elite ( http://eberronselite.com/)
Enforcers Of the Realms (http://www.enforcersoftherealms.org) leader: Fleetal note: Treat others as you would like to be treated
Eutopia (http://eutopia.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=67365&TabID=583827)
Evilempire (http://www.evilempireddo.org/modules/newbb/)
Eyes of the Beholder leader: Elriack
Face Stabbing Misfits (http://guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=129557&TabID=1103316) leader:Althenna
Fallen Heroes
Fellowship of the Bling
Freelance Mercenaries (http://www.guilduniverse.com/freemerc) leader: Spikke
Freelancers Union
Friends of Nice and Slow (http://fonas.phpbb24.com)
Ghallanda Rerolled leader: Rocka Raid oriented guild
Gods and Generals (http://www.godsgeneralsguild.com) leader: Guderane Primarily raid based guild, 17-75 ages, main hours are 8pm till 2am central, nightly
Ground Huggers
Guardians of Light
Guided by Voices
Harbringers of Torm (http://hoftorm.notlong.com) leader: Turial note:friendly group of people to game with
Heroes of DnD (http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/pa...7285679?ref=ts) leader: Dartagnon
Heroes of Stormreach
Holy Knights Fernia
Holy Knights of Torm (http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/malin20091992/) leader: Sweetmist note: adult only. Good alligned only
House of Ja-Zac
House Thuranni
Hullu famiglia
In Cog Neato
Iron Phoenix
Ixtlan (http://ixtlan.guildportal.com) leader: Jaenar note: casual adult oriented 21+
Jalon's Irregulars (http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=329478) leader:Jalon Andoran
Knights of the Illuminati
La Guilde des Anciens (http://anciens.guildjdr.com/forum.htm) leader: Cythmos note: Originally from DDO Europe/Devourer
Legacy of the Brotherhood
Legacy of the Fallen (http://my.ddo.com/guild-ghallanda-legacy_of_the_fallen/) leader: Ryiden
Legion of the Silver Swords Fernia leader: Tresh Xardinik note: roleplaying guild ages 10+
Legion of souls
Legion of the Damned (http://www.thedamnedlegion.proboards92.com/) leader: Enniry note: Australian friendly casual gamers
Legion of the Phoenix (http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.asp...&TabID=2246920) leaders: Vampyre and Keledain
Legion of the Silver Swords Fernia
Lifetakers and Heartbreakers (http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=196775&TabID=1661981) leader: Holley
Lost Legends
Marauding Missfits leader:Missandry note: Adults only. Closed recruiting.
Mercenarios (http://www.orkut.com.br/Main#Community?cmm=95825508) note: Portugese speaking Leader: Celanull
New OutRiders (http://www.newoutriders.com) note: Casual gamers "all-ages friendly" multi-mmo
Nights of Ni
Old School DnD
Old Timers Guild
Old Time Hockey
Order of the Golden Dragon
Order of the Knights Arcane
PD Halls of Valhalla (http://valhallans.proboards.com/) Leader: Valnarchalla note: permadeath in the PnP tradition
Poetic Justice
Rebellious Hordes of Greyhawk
Rent A Mook (http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.asp...&TabID=2314623) note: Slow steady non-ueber play
Revelationz leader: Nzar
Ripped Dragon (http://site25149-2780.mmoguildsites.net/home) leader: Druscilla note: multi mmo guild
Run N Hide
Runs with Scissors leader: Varzil
Sabbat note: zergers leader:Samahdi
Secret Society leader: Chatuyscha note: International Guild
Sanctus Armata
Shadowblade Assassins
Shadowlords of Xendrik
Shadows of Chaos
Sigmar's Hammer leader: Durginn
Silver Runes
Sin Lives Again Fernia
Soul Society
Southern Tenant Farmers Union (http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=125123&TabID=1066362) leader: Misscarlet
Strong Souls
Sun War Reborn (http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=329973&TabID=2763899&PageName=H ome) leader: Nekrud
Tavern Brawlers
Tempered Heroes
Terrorismo Interno (http://guild-ddo-terrorismo-interno....alogo-del.html)
Terror Australlis
THAC0 (www.thaczero.net) leader: Bronko
The a team
The Circle of Night (http://circleofnight.com) leader:Branwynn
The Crimson Iron Fist
The Decendants (http://www.the-descendants.net) leader: Fiara note: small multi mmo guild
The Dragon Marked
The Fellowship (http://thefellowshipddo.mmoguildsites.net) leader: Spazzy
The Forgotten Circle
The Iron Phalanx (http://theironphalanx.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=174859&TabID=1479753) leader:Leloric
The Leper Squad (http://home.comcast.net/%7Elepersquad/) leader:Rindalathar Dyffyn
The Knights of Myth Drannor
The Old Timers Guild (http://www.oldtimersguild.com)
The Order of the Dark Hand
The Resistanze Fighters (http://forums.knightsofthecrimsonguard.com) leader: Lorzean
The Social Society
Tyrs Palladium (http://tyrspaladium.forumotion.com/forum.htm) leader: Paksenarion
Valhalla Permadeath
Valiant Accord (http://valiantaccord.guildlaunch.com) leader: Aomyn
Whispered Death (http://my.ddo.com/guild-ghallanda-whispered_death/)
Wrath of God
X Factor
Dragonmark Alliance leader: Cassandra

To get added to the list, please be seen on line. I will not be adding guild names with a guildname-oldserver name unless I receive notification from a guild member that the name is not being changed, as I assume most of these will be. I will not be adding guild names based solely on a post in this thread saying add my guild, or if only one member is seen online as alot of the guild names are one-player guilds (not really a guild) or joke names.
Please send all flavor information to ronodde@roadrunner.com with the subject line "guild list". Flavor information includes type of guild (ie: roleplaying, adults only, french speaking, warforged only, ect...), name of guild leader, website and/or blog url, misspellings, corrections, renamings, ect...
This list is being generated on a strictly volunteer basis and is not endorsed, sponsored, ect.. by turbine or it's parent company.

Thanks for your help and cooperation and welcome to all new server-mates. Hope this list becomes a helpfull resource. Thank you goes out to Quarion for making this a sticky, and to Dimi for all his help.

Moonprophet aka Ellecktra of Valiant Accord.

08-01-2007, 10:58 AM
Not meaning to put down your work at all, MP, but maybe with the server merge about to happen a re compiling would be in order? I know of a few splits and falling outs that have happened over the last two weeks or so on Ghall alone. Then we have all of the "new comers" as it were, possible guild name issues, and all that joysome fun.

08-01-2007, 12:58 PM
There is a natural process in place for dropping guilds that no longer exist from the list. It happens in one of two ways. Either a notification from the guild themselves that they are disbanding , which is then verified, or by not observibg the guild online for an extended period. The list was designed as a dynamic document. The work that would be lost would not just be thge list of guilds, but the links to guild webpages, flavor information, ect....

08-01-2007, 01:48 PM
I believe there was a forum post by one of the devs... They lost the last 3 months or so of posts due to "corrupted data". I don't believe that the posts were expected to be restored. (but really hope I'm wrong and misread it since I do my forum posting/browsing during lunch)
As I work in the IT field, I must ask: Did you have a backup of your list? (because I somehow doubt that the forum mods do)

If you need help recompiling it, shoot an email to Dimi and I'll send you a list of the guilds I see online when I log in for the day and log out for the night to help you get started again.

08-02-2007, 07:11 PM
Ahh, translates to - somebody goofed but it's been deemed non-critical.

08-02-2007, 10:40 PM
I would gladly accept your help. Also working in the IT field, I know the importance of making a backup. If I did so myself as often as I lecture my clients to, I would not be in this prediciment I suppose. So, In any case, I will restart the list. If you can send me your data, I would appreciate it. I will make a backup this time :-). Also, I am still trying to get teh devs attention to replace the old sticky with the new list. Any idea on how to accomplish this? I have tried sending PM's with no response.

08-03-2007, 09:55 AM
I'll start collecting guild names I see tonight when I log in then. If you don't mind, please send me a PM with your email address so I know where to send the info to.
Also I'll keep another backup copy of the list as it gets posted. More copies never hurt :)

08-07-2007, 12:28 AM
Well, they made the wrong thread sticky, so I fixed it. :-). In any case thanks (sorta) to Quarion for finally getting this stickied, and thanks to everyone who also sent PM's. I will do my best to keep the list as accurate as possible.

08-07-2007, 07:58 PM
Wrath of God from Fernia is now thriving in Ghallandra with a grand total of 3 guildies. We've been here from day 1 (Formerly from the guild Keepers of the Borderland which that guild name ran into problems with some customs officials in the state of Texas ;) )
the guild name comes from a magic card from wizards of the coast, we're not really very religous.

08-07-2007, 10:40 PM
Please add Calamitous Intent to your Guild Roster. Thanks

08-08-2007, 03:48 PM
Appreciate the recognition before I had a chance to check in. Just wanted to mention that we do have a guild site here (http://www.****-ddo.com).

08-09-2007, 11:42 AM
Burning Legion web page - www.burninglegion.us (http://www.burninglegion.us)

08-09-2007, 01:38 PM
Runs with Scissors is an active guild. We have about 30 players, some of us are on most evenings.
We will welcome anyone to the guild, generally on the recommendation of another guildie. Just send Varzil (leader), Araxie, Fyrys, Lokcs, Aerrows, Milthann, Galbatorix or Rhodi a tell while in game or a game mail. A lot of us have alts that we play as well, so send anyone that is in the guild a tell. We can get you signed up

Our goal is FUN for everyone.
The only rule is "NO mean people"

We keep it PG

Have a great day!

08-10-2007, 04:06 PM
Dragons Nex (http://www.guilduniverse.com/dragonsnex) is a 18+ casual guild full of drunken adventurers! Our Leading Wino is Crystalyens.

08-12-2007, 12:10 PM
*Deleted Eutopia link.*

The Renown system of guild accounts/decay ...

Meh. Pfft.

Daerius of the Blessed Blades
08-13-2007, 08:23 AM
For some reaosn our website is no longer listed - Lifetakers and Heartbreakers is still at http://lhguild.org . Leader Kohbal.

This is a thankless job and appreciated, btw...

08-17-2007, 02:11 AM
Just giving you the info to update!

Legacy of the Brotherhood:


08-23-2007, 11:01 PM
Shadow Guard and The Shadow Guard are the same guild... Leader Forerunner... website shadowguardrealm.com and really should be rated 17+ as rules for foul language and content are not enforced

08-30-2007, 11:14 PM
Where Zen Ends (Ghallanda) is recuiting..


The newly formed Where Zen Ends is looking for new people..

Do you like to have fun??

Be apart of a great group of players??

New to Stormreach or a seasoned veteran??

Causal player or hardcore gamer??

Please sign up and join..

We are looking for players that like to have fun and willing to be loyal to your guild mates and not afraid of asking questions.. Girls are welcomed as we do have quite a few..

We are a type of guild willing to take on anything even if the group is not made correctly. We have players that push the enevelope all the time while still having fun and helping old and new players out the quests and obtaining the loot you need..

We do Raids but not all the time but will run them if we get enough intrest. Also, we do loot runs and such for all you loot mongers

So if you think you fit in to our little guild then sign up by sending Deadlydaph a PM or catch him in game.. Thanks for your time..

Deadlydaph Leader of Where Zen Ends
Check out our website aswell..

here is a list of his alts.
Ghallanda (Where Zen Ends)DeadlyDaph Lvl 14 Halfling Wiz / Bellissa Lvl 14 Human Clr / Deadlyshego Lvl 12 Halfling Duel Weilding Ftr / Deadlyangel Lvl 3 Halfling Rog / Gwennie Lvl 1 Pally
Sin Lives Again=Latanya Lvl 13 Drow 8 Rgr/5 Rog

08-31-2007, 06:58 PM
note: to Where Zen Ends. The link you posted is no good. Also, and most importantly, if anyone has any information about guilds disbanding, please post a note on this thread so that they may be taken off the list. I do not want to pull a guild off teh list prematurely just because members may be taking some time off or something. For example, has anyone seen Katapult Kittens around lately?

09-03-2007, 10:07 AM
Hey there Moonprophet. Nice job leading the charge to recompile the Ghallanda guild list. And now to my standarized post for the servers.

I've got some suggestions for your guild list if you care to take a look at Argonnessen's Guildlistings, which has been meticulously tweaked by three generations of managers in the last 1.5 years. I've run a tight ship over there concerning it, but I offer the format and maintenance process at least by utilizing a Ghallanda Calling All Guilds Quarterly or Semi-Annually. It would probably benefit your service greatly.

Also, I'm stepping down from the Argonnessen Guildlistings on October 1, 2007 and Aargos is taking over that position. I'm attempting to move into Ret Greenwood's old position at the Player to Player: Guild Matchup Forum. Please check out the latest post (http://forums.ddo.com/showpost.php?p=1328415&postcount=476) and add any comments or suggestions or your fellow guilds may have in this process I'm creating to streamline all datas.

09-05-2007, 05:11 PM
note: to Where Zen Ends. The link you posted is no good. Also, and most importantly, if anyone has any information about guilds disbanding, please post a note on this thread so that they may be taken off the list. I do not want to pull a guild off teh list prematurely just because members may be taking some time off or something. For example, has anyone seen Katapult Kittens around lately?

Try this link for Where Zen Ends


And thank you for this list. It is hard work and much appreciated.

09-24-2007, 11:48 PM
Over the next couple of weeks (assuming mod 5 hits in September) for up to a week or so after the realease of mod5, barring any significant server downtimes, I will be carefully observing the guilds represented online on the servers and removing those from the list that appear to be defunct. During this period of time, if you know of any guilds on the list that need to be removed, please send an ingame pm. I would also encourage any ingame pm's that update your guild information. Thank you.

09-28-2007, 01:17 PM
We are alive and well, and un listed. :-)

URL? http://www.evilempireddo.org/modules/newbb/

Leader is Forlo


09-28-2007, 01:30 PM
Furgulder's Angels

Guild Leader: Selyia Krawford

No website at this time.

09-28-2007, 05:28 PM
The Order Fernia and Heroes For Hire is the same guild. We changed our name.

10-02-2007, 09:55 AM
Wow, nice job on the list!

I wanted to let you know that Sigmar's Hammer is small but active. We have 17 close-knit members and recruit by member recommendations only.

The guild leader is Durginn; the sucessor is Khulgrim.

Again, great job on a time-consuming project like capturing and monitoring the guild list!

10-03-2007, 11:43 AM
For reasons I cannot explain, Evilempire refuses to show up on the list. This makes absolutely no sense to me. This is not a joke or gag. They show up on the raw text veiw, but not once saved. You guys MUST be evil. I will try and fix this ASAP. Evilempire had actually been added some time ago, but just refuses to appear.

10-03-2007, 11:58 PM
Had to just about retype the whole list, but evilempire is now represented. Still no explanation, but all's well that ends well.

10-12-2007, 09:48 PM
Thats cuz we get down like that.


11-17-2007, 08:25 AM
DROW is back and running again.

Our organization has been around since 1989 and we play on pretty much any MMO that is successful (dont even go to this one isnt successful:)

Anyways would love to have our guild linked again. Our website is www.drow.org

Leader is Trivilus
Co-leader is Candela

Guild is for those that want to have fun and no drama. Very small at the moment. Most of us have multiple lvl 14's but since i reformed the guild have gotten 3 complete newbies from prior drow teams to join us and we are having fun levelling up some new people to the game.

Anyways if you want to join feel free to look for a DROW member online and group up with them.

We still do raids also for those that like that kind of thing.

11-18-2007, 12:49 PM
Drow has been added successfully. If anyone knows of any guilds on this list that have been disbanded or are listed incorrectly, please let me know. Also, if there are guild websites missing, please forward that information as well.

11-22-2007, 03:42 AM
Hey if you could please add this link for the Exodus guild.

Drow and Exodus merged so we are using www.drow.org as our website.

Thanks in advance.

12-04-2007, 07:13 PM
So, does Exodus still exist, or have all exodus players now moved over to drow? If the guild name is no longer being used, i will remove it from the list entirely to avoid confusion.

12-04-2007, 07:51 PM
United and Vintage have rolled up and become part of:

The a team.

(lowercase a and t since way back when you couldn't do caps other than first letter)

They still have 1 or 2 mules with their guild tabs on it, but their mains are now with The a team.

"If you have a problem (the Titan, for example), if no one can help, and you can find them, maybe you can hire......

The a team!"


12-16-2007, 07:39 AM
So, does Exodus still exist, or have all exodus players now moved over to drow? If the guild name is no longer being used, i will remove it from the list entirely to avoid confusion.

We are Drow but the guild name remains as Exodus, as confusing as that sounds.

02-03-2008, 03:46 AM
A new guild looking to recruit members; we are currently at six members, including my main, and secondary character.

Preferance will be given to Elves; multiclassed Rogues, Rangers, Clerics, Bards, Sorcerors, and Wizards of other races, and single classed Bards, Rogues, Rangers, Sorcerors and Wizards; all I ask is that you group well, have a bit of tact when confronted by other players with an unsavory attitude, and play your character well.

Shadowlords of Xendrik is a guild designed for people who like to have a good time; officer status will be automatic--within reason; we can't all be officers--for players I've personally grouped with, and observed to show a degree of common sense and port themselves well.

Objective for any potential Shadowlord should be to raise one character up to maximum level, provide accurate information regarding adventures, opponents, game trivia, and various trials and quests to those who require it when available to do so; any fee placed on information by a Shadowlord should be minimal and based on no more than 100 gp per level of the respective item/quest in question. Preferentially, no fee shall be required; though a Shadowlord who falls upon hard times may request one. Complaints in regards to the behaviour of any Shadowlord may be PM'd to me, or another officer to be named at a later date. No Shadowlord is required to dispense information at any time. Should another Shadowlord require a small bit of advice or information, it is preferential that any information--should it be known--be shared.

Welcome to any and all interested; should you see a Shadowlord and be interested in joining the guild; don't hesitate to ask. Preferentially, you will join his or her group for a trial quest of an appropriate level and difficulty, and be notified as to positive recommendation, invitation, or pending acceptance afterward. I prefer that no Shadowlord should give a negative opinion of any other players abilities to any other Shadowlord, and so only positive recommendations should be considered.


Shadowlords of Xendrik - Ghallanda Server

Ashareign has resigned his position in the guild and gone on to other things; guild member Shenkcer has been promoted to leader as the last surviving member of the guild..

02-26-2008, 03:32 PM

Also known as Thac0, surprised we're not on the list already...

03-07-2008, 10:18 AM
I am surpirised you are not on the list either. What is teh official spelling fo the name, and who is the leader and what is the website if there is one? I have seen you guys running around quite a bit, so I know you are active. Guess there was just no-one on for your guild when I was scanning to update the list.

03-07-2008, 02:34 PM
Guild: ToHitArmorClassZero
Leader: Tazmakein
Website: http://www.guilduniverse.com/thaczero

03-07-2008, 11:52 PM
Darkhorse legion still very active Leader:Artamax/Cleanup Welcome all new players and experienced to join in our fun website bellow-->

03-08-2008, 12:03 AM
dang, you beat me to it Farnese....was gonna get our stuff up there too.

03-21-2008, 11:53 AM
we are a slowly crowing training guild for Dragon Renaissance Brotherhood... our guild name is DragonRenaissanceBrothehoodJr... and nowe dont have a websiet... yet

03-26-2008, 02:11 AM
Can you correct the name for Ineffable Warriors. Also include our website www.ineffable-warriors.com

03-26-2008, 02:13 AM
Burning Legions web site is now www.yoinkguild.com/boards

03-26-2008, 04:56 AM
Virus Clan is alive and strong, and recruiting, on Ghallanda. Our website is http://www.viruslabs.org. We were formerly VirusClanReSpawn on Lhazaar but are renamed on Ghallanda.

We strive for a fun supportive enviroment.

03-26-2008, 10:23 AM
Nice job on this list.
Wanted to give you some updated info on The Souls of the Night
Our website is http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=134319&TabID=1142898
With the recent addition of 3 guild's merging into ours, we now have about 60 total members with 30 of our members being hardcore gamers.
Leader of the Guild is myself Phyromania
Co leader is Lotarr
Thanks and keep up the good work.

New direct link is now

03-26-2008, 05:31 PM
New guilds:

My Wifes Hates DDO


My Wife Really Hates DDO

No website yet.

03-27-2008, 03:22 PM
FYI- You have KaTet listed. That is an error as there is no guild on Ghallanda that goes by that name.

Thank you for not knowing what may not be learned in order to eradicate the above mentioned phallacy in the guild listings.

03-31-2008, 05:05 PM
The website you indicated does not appear to be a ddo guild website, and therefore will not be linked to here. If you feel this is in error, please speak to me about it in-game. Send me a pm here for my toon names in game.

03-31-2008, 05:07 PM
Can we get the website in my sig added to The Iron Phalanx please you can also list me as the guild leader. Ive asked this twice now.

03-31-2008, 05:12 PM
Please grow up and stop wasting everyone's time with this kind of nonsense. Take this business over to some WoW forum if you want to be cute.

New guilds:

My Wifes Hates DDO


My Wife Really Hates DDO

No website yet.

03-31-2008, 05:16 PM
ask this before? A scan of the posts on this forum shows this as being your first request. I am not trying to be a wiseguy. Please advise me as to where and how you have made the request previously so that I can look into it. If your previous requests have been missed, it is possible others have as well.

Can we get the website in my sig added to The Iron Phalanx please you can also list me as the guild leader. Ive asked this twice now.

03-31-2008, 05:17 PM
Prev was by pm as i didnt feel the need to clutter this thread with requests

03-31-2008, 05:19 PM
...how do you know that there is no guild named KaTet? There must have been at one time or it would not be listed. Can you provide some more information? I would not want to remove someone from the list without confirmation.

03-31-2008, 05:24 PM
...how do you know that there is no guild named KaTet? There must have been at one time or it would not be listed. Can you provide some more information? I would not want to remove someone from the list without confirmation.

I'm not sure where he's coming from either. I just grouped with a few KaTet guys this weekend running the shroud.

They exist.


03-31-2008, 05:59 PM
I'm not sure where he's coming from either. I just grouped with a few KaTet guys this weekend running the shroud.

They exist.


Ah, you may see people running around with KaTet over their heads, but I assure you it is not a guild. Thus, why I suggested that it not be on the guild roster for Ghallanda.

04-01-2008, 07:59 PM
Ah, you may see people running around with KaTet over their heads, but I assure you it is not a guild. Thus, why I suggested that it not be on the guild roster for Ghallanda.

Ok, now I'm confused but curious. And up front I'm not trying to be snippy, but if they're "not" a guild, what are they?

Genuinely wondering,

04-01-2008, 08:06 PM
Please grow up and stop wasting everyone's time with this kind of nonsense. Take this business over to some WoW forum if you want to be cute.


Uh, lessee ...

If you're trying to suggest that they're not real guilds, then you're wrong.

If you're trying to suggest that the names are silly and therefore don't belong on your list, then I guess it's your list, so have fun.

If you're just trying to be an a-hole, then congrats - you have succeeded.

04-02-2008, 05:16 AM
I too am confused on the KaTet guild issue. I've seen several people, at once, since well before the post saying they didn't exist, w/ Katet as a guild name. So if they don't exist, these people are....? Just curious, cause I'm definitely confused.

04-02-2008, 08:07 PM
Uh, lessee ...

If you're trying to suggest that they're not real guilds, then you're wrong.

If you're trying to suggest that the names are silly and therefore don't belong on your list, then I guess it's your list, so have fun.

If you're just trying to be an a-hole, then congrats - you have succeeded.

If I see the guild names in use with more than one player logged in at a time, I will add them to the list. You must admit, as strange as guild names get, these obviously look like a sarcastic joke. If that was not your intention, i appologize for being rude. In any case, As should be listed in the first post (i beleive it is still there), guild names are not added or removed without in-game verification.

04-02-2008, 08:10 PM
I too am confused on the KaTet guild issue. I've seen several people, at once, since well before the post saying they didn't exist, w/ Katet as a guild name. So if they don't exist, these people are....? Just curious, cause I'm definitely confused.

Our plan is working.. wait what plan... scratch that.. I was never here. :eek:

04-09-2008, 11:17 PM
Sentient has merged into ToHitArmorClassZero, and we welcome them.

Our link is bad also, here it is again.


[*splish splash squish*]

04-20-2008, 02:54 PM
I ran a shroud run with kaTet last night. As I am pretty sure that I have not consumed any hallucinegenics in maney years, they will remain listed as a guild on Ghallanda.

04-21-2008, 02:02 AM
I ran a shroud run with kaTet last night. As I am pretty sure that I have not consumed any hallucinegenics in maney years, they will remain listed as a guild on Ghallanda.

No you didnt.

04-22-2008, 06:22 PM
I dunno are you? :)

Nope we have a strict no recruiting policy actually.

04-22-2008, 06:38 PM
Nope we have a strict no recruiting policy actually.

That is if we were actually a guild

04-22-2008, 06:56 PM
Nope we have a strict no recruiting policy actually.

Actually believe recruiting is a mistake also....if you ..your actually a guild =)
Not much of a guild if you have to try to find members without having them come to you...
and even then... prove you belong

04-22-2008, 08:06 PM
To reflect the true spirit of this guild it as been renamed in french so other french speaking can identify it more easely.

the new guild name is "LES SEIGNEURS DE KARRNATH".. wich means the lords of Karrnath

05-20-2008, 04:35 AM
DDO Korea is changed DDO Korea Season II. :D

05-21-2008, 02:18 AM
The Ripped Dragons have gone under some leadership changes and the site has changed as well. The new site is http://site25149-2780.mmoguildsites.net/home and the leader is Druscilla

Thank You

05-21-2008, 07:56 PM
Dungeon Crawlers Inc. has merged into ToHitArmorClassZero, and we welcome them.

Leadership of Thac0 has been passed on to Broncko.


05-26-2008, 02:06 AM
Guild specifics to be found here (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=147371)

PM Rhaklam in game to join..

05-26-2008, 10:47 PM
Dungeon Crawlers Inc. has merged into ToHitArmorClassZero, and we welcome them.

Leadership of Thac0 has been passed on to Broncko.


Close Ves. It's passed on to Bronko, not Broncko. I know, I know... that damned naming convention can get you mixed up easily. :rolleyes:

I was going to post the news myself but I'm waiting on Khalad and a few other stragglers to join up before considering DCI completely defunct but I guess the cat is out of the bag.

To all members from DCI, welcome to THAC0!

06-03-2008, 11:31 AM
Close Ves. It's passed on to Bronko, not Broncko. I know, I know... that damned naming convention can get you mixed up easily. :rolleyes:

I was going to post the news myself but I'm waiting on Khalad and a few other stragglers to join up before considering DCI completely defunct but I guess the cat is out of the bag.

To all members from DCI, welcome to THAC0!

Just wanted to say thank you to THAC0 for having us, and that DCI will still be there, going to leave a couple of chars in there to keep the name in case any of our former players come back.

And I will be back shortly, finally got everything squared away in real life.

Edit: Figures, I get the rest of my computer working again.... and on patch day, the hard drive i had DDO on craps out, and I need to reinstall everything..... I might be on today after it repatches....

06-04-2008, 09:50 PM
Bickering Idiots is a two-month-old guild on the DDO Ghallanda server and could we be added to the list please? We only have about a dozen members ATM but are actively recruiting. There's usually at least three or four of us on in the evenings/overnight (U.S. time) if you need visual confirmation of our existence. Our website is here @ http://www.guilduniverse.com/bickering_idiots Thanks!

06-04-2008, 09:55 PM
I'm running a guild Queen raid in a few minutes, and we all agree that we aren't here.

06-12-2008, 11:15 AM
Hello and and advance thanks for posting this thread and keeping it updated. Kindred Spirits was a founding guild on Fernia and when LOTRO released we began to play that game. After 1 year many of us have come back to DDO and have started recruiting again and we are looking to update information about the guild.

Name: Kindred Spirits
Leader: Tenuvial
Website: KSGUILD.ORG (http://www.ksguild.org)
Requirements: We are a mature, multi-game guild with an application process and democratic leadership.
Multi-game: DDO, LoTRO, WoW, AoC.

06-20-2008, 12:36 AM
Shadow Guard leader changed to Foreeye with Silenoz in second.

06-23-2008, 03:11 AM
Leadership change,
Phyromania (questar) passed leadership on to Theamis

07-11-2008, 01:12 PM
New guild ... just a few members at this time but all are dedicated long time players.

No website to forward at this time.

08-03-2008, 11:35 PM
Cause Clerics are a lot like cops. There never seems to be one around when you need them.

08-19-2008, 12:51 PM
The Eternal Mercenaries have now merged into THAC0. Welcome aboard to our newest members! :)

We also have a new website at www.thaczero.com. Please update the guild list accordingly. Thank you in advance.

08-20-2008, 02:19 AM
I just came back from Fernia any old Epic guildies in these guilds? Just checkinben gone for a yr.

08-22-2008, 04:04 PM
Looking for Folks to join New guild

Rent a Mook is headed by me and I have been playing since Launch. I'm an Alt-aholic so only One capped toon and he isn't uber raid equipped, haven't done Shroud raid yet ... and not in a huge hurry .. and that basically is my play style.

Here is a link to The Guild page http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=275771&TabID=2314623

Stop by or stop anyone with the Guild tag I log on most evenings and weekends.

See you online soon.

08-27-2008, 03:06 AM
i just came back to the game to find out my guild leader left a week or so before i came back i was a founding member and i was kicked because the woman he left in charge dont like me so this is no longer the leader of this guild

Southern Tenant Farmers Union leader:Ozmoth

09-01-2008, 10:26 PM
Hello folks, we are a new and upcoming guild on Ghallanda. Trainers is a guild that is here to try to help both new players and players that have been around a while. We are all equals and have equal say in the guild. We are looking for like minded people that like to help other people. If you want to learn or just hang out come check us out. We run toons from level 1-16. We do raids as a guild. By no means are we conceaded. We are not the best nor the worst players out there we are group that just wants to help keep the game alive by helping people. Please feel free to contact anyone of us in the game. All are officers so any can invite you.

Thanks for looking.


alts Jr level 16 fighter
alicia level 15 rogue/1 fighter
Bonny level 16 wiz
Ryan level 16 cleric
Annmarie level 14 paladin/2 fighter
fullmoon level 16 fighter
Buggg level 10 bard/1 fighter
Felicity level 4 ranger
Whahalanicha level 2 ranger/ 1 rogue

09-21-2008, 03:16 AM
; )

The Guard lives and breathes again!


Yes, if you don't have 80 hrs to raid, if you don't have 10 toons capped loaded with raid gear, if you aren't ready to raid, if you only join raids to socialize, THEN WE ARE NOT THE GUILD FOR YOU! ... If confused, please re-read and memorize above statement.


Three words - Silver Flame Talisman!

09-22-2008, 10:57 AM
Send me a PM with guild leader name, website ect....

09-23-2008, 06:26 PM
i just came back to the game to find out my guild leader left a week or so before i came back i was a founding member and i was kicked because the woman he left in charge dont like me so this is no longer the leader of this guild

Southern Tenant Farmers Union leader:Ozmoth

Several weeks and its funny that you think I was the only (or even main person) that wanted you gone... anyway that is not for here.

If possible please make a note of the leadership change at Southern Tenant Farmers Union to Misscarlet.


10-01-2008, 02:28 PM
Effective immediately the Rezistance Fighters have merged with THAC0. Please update the guild listing as we welcome our newest members.

10-07-2008, 11:36 AM
Trying this again since it seems my last post was not seen...

Bickering Idiots is a small guild on the Ghallanda server; we've been around about six months and have around 12-15 members, most of which are active every day and primarily in the evenings/overnights (US time zones). We are a casual, adult guild (18+) who just like to have a good time with fun people. Leader is Dalong. We'd appreciate being listed alongside Ghallanda's other great guilds!

(The name is not a joke name, BTW. And ask anyone who's partied with us, we're not idiots. We know our stuff. Just having a bit of fun with the guild name.)

We have pages both on the Compendium (http://compendium.ddo.com/wiki/Bickering_Idiots) and on Guild Universe (http://www.guilduniverse.com/bickering_idiots)

10-20-2008, 12:35 PM
Legion of the Phoenix is now a live guild, comprised of members of other guilds who were looking for a more laid back and relaxing atmosphere.
We have two active guild leaders, Vampyre and Keledain

Link to page is as follows:

Please feel free to check us out.

We're not big, but we are a "REBORN" group.

12-08-2008, 09:43 AM
brothers of absolute character is a pure-class only guild. we've grown rapidly in the past few weeks, and continue to pick up characters who are ready to take on a new challenge.

we've just created a new website, and it's a work-in-progress: http://www.ddo-boac.com

we're also listed in the compendium: http://compendium.ddo.com/wiki/Brothers_of_Absolute_Character

12-13-2008, 02:49 PM
Add : Dragon knights to the list btw we have a good amount of people still playing

01-21-2009, 09:53 PM

01-23-2009, 10:14 AM
Hey, why don't you people with active guilds put them in the Compendium (http://compendium.ddo.com/wiki/Category:Guilds_Ghallanda)!!!!!

01-23-2009, 10:40 AM
Hey, why don't you people with active guilds put them in the Compendium (http://compendium.ddo.com/wiki/Category:Guilds_Ghallanda)!!!!!
Talking about the Compendium, it could use some improvements (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=169668).

See, you're not the only one who can pull shameless plugs.;)

01-23-2009, 11:04 AM
Hey, why don't you people with active guilds put them in the Compendium (http://compendium.ddo.com/wiki/Category:Guilds_Ghallanda)!!!!!

When the compendium isn't so user unfriendly, they probably will.

01-23-2009, 11:09 AM
When the compendium isn't so user unfriendly, they probably will.
I heard each time someone edits the Compendium Turbines kills a puppy.

01-23-2009, 11:13 AM
I heard each time someone edits the Compendium Turbines kills a puppy.

And each time we edit the ddo wiki.....Borror0 gives the world a rabid badger....(this is a good thing)

01-23-2009, 01:02 PM
sry, I gave up tryin on the comm.

Add: Plague

01-29-2009, 04:32 PM
The compendium is a fine place for guilds to provide more information about themselves. If you have a compendium entry and want it linked to in this thread, send me a pm. I WILL NOT be adding any guilds to the compendium myself. It is enough work to maintain this list. Addind the compendium entries would be far too time consuming, and would , imho, be out of line for me to do. The compendium entries should be done by the guilds themselves.

03-17-2009, 12:52 PM
Bones Combat Brigade has been disbaned and who was left merged with ToHitArmorClassZero.

03-20-2009, 12:49 PM
New guild from old guild mates.
With the help of alot of old A-team members, Katapult Kittens, United and a few straglers, a new guild has emerged." ABYSS "
After being a memeber of the A-team, Exodus and Ravensgaurd over the past 3 years, I felt it was time to go and do my own thing. I have total respect for all three guilds listed above. They were all great guilds with a great core of players. There just comes a time where you need to step up and start doing your own thing. For me that was to start making my own schedules and enjoy the game as much as I use to. Unfortunitly that means a new start.( well not completly new ).
In the first three weeks this guild has grown into a core of 17 regular players, all of whom know what they are doing.Most of us have 7-10 capped toons which includes a cleric. Thank God!
Anyone looking for membership needs to know how to controll the following. MOUTH, MOUTH, MOUTH.
WE love to raid and do most raiding around 9:00est weekdays. Weekends are up for grabs.
Leader: Sweets (16 fighter)
alts: Littlesweets (16 ranger)
Nuggett (16 wiz)
Littlenuggett (16 cleric)
Snowmann (16 sorc)
Tombstoned (16 barb)
Littletomb (16 cleric)
Blanco (16 Rouge)
Sweetsounds (? bard) under construction

03-20-2009, 12:59 PM
new Guild From Old Guild Mates.
With The Help Of Alot Of Old A-team Members, Katapult Kittens, United And A Few Straglers, A New Guild Has Emerged." Abyss "
After Being A Memeber Of The A-team, Exodus And Ravensgaurd Over The Past 3 Years, I Felt It Was Time To Go And Do My Own Thing. I Have Total Respect For All Three Guilds Listed Above. They Were All Great Guilds With A Great Core Of Players. There Just Comes A Time Where You Need To Step Up And Start Doing Your Own Thing. For Me That Was To Start Making My Own Schedules And Enjoy The Game As Much As I Use To. Unfortunitly That Means A New Start.( Well Not Completly New ).
In The First Three Weeks This Guild Has Grown Into A Core Of 17 Regular Players, All Of Whom Know What They Are Doing.most Of Us Have 7-10 Capped Toons Which Includes A Cleric. Thank God!
Anyone Looking For Membership Needs To Know How To Controll The Following. Mouth, Mouth, Mouth.
We Love To Raid And Do Most Raiding Around 9:00est Weekdays. Weekends Are Up For Grabs.
No Noobs Need Apply. :)
Leader: Sweets (16 Fighter)
Alts: Littlesweets (16 Ranger)
Nuggett (16 Wiz)
Littlenuggett (16 Cleric)
Snowmann (16 Sorc)
Tombstoned (16 Barb)
Littletomb (16 Cleric)
Blanco (16 Rouge)
Sweetsounds (? Bard) Under Construction

Yes But Do You Have Ventilated Bracers ~~~~

03-23-2009, 10:56 AM
Yea I really need to get me a set of those so I dont stay gimped :) I dont know what I'll do without those bracers on my rouge. How will he ever pick, sneek, open, disable, etc without the uber loot like bracers on him?
Screw it, I might just make him sit in time out untill they come up with a better way to get those bracers.:)

04-25-2009, 09:33 AM
Thanks for the update Moonprophet :o

07-24-2009, 12:42 PM
In anticipation of an influx of new players, the list will be getting a major "spring cleaning" this weekend. If I accidentally purge an active guild, please forgive me. If there is a guild that should be on the list, and is not, please end me a RL email at ronodde@roadrunner.com and use the words guild list in the subject line. Likewise, if there is a guild that you know for FACT has been disbanded, please advise me of that as well. I wuld like this to be a usefull resourse for both the active guilds, and new players.


07-24-2009, 02:24 PM
Lumen Solis and Divinity remnants were both absorbed into Sabbat.

Souls of the Night was disbanded (sadly).

09-19-2009, 11:28 AM
Here is the mail correspondence, I will let it speak for itself. No harm intended here and the list is being corrected to reflect this new and more accurate information.

This is my first time seeing your post, and the entry will be corrected. Appearantly my information was incorrect. I will post this retraction on the thread as well as making the necessary corrections in the listing.


It was recently brought to my attention that you somehow already had a slanderous description of my month-and-a-half-old Ghallanda guild on your guild index. Ghallanda ReRolled is led by Rocka and Fanfare, and is just the opposite of your description; we are those who were left and not banned from the game! We were tired of the old complaints and stagnation and put together this fresh, relaxed guild that is not caught up in old grievances. In the short time we have been around, we have beaten every other Ghallanda guild to the new Abbot raid, the Tower of Despair (on normal, hard, and elite difficulties), and even 4-manned the Tower of Despair. Although we are an endgame raiding guild, we are looking more for a positive attitude than mad gaming skillz or uber guild pedigrees.

Here is the post I made on the guild forums just below your thread the day my guild opened:

Welcome to Ghallanda Rerolled, the newest guild on Ghallanda. With mod 9 on the horizon and many of the old guard embittered, we feel the current guild situation on Ghallanda needs to be remixed. New times call into question some of the old notions of what it means to be a power gamer. We are formed with the idea that the game's top players can also be friendly, respectful, and pleasant. Being a good player means keeping an open mind and having fun and goes beyond mere twitch skills or raid loot.

Rerolled means:

Tight-knit environment
Cross-guild raiding and idea exchange
A private forum laboratory for critical build discussion
Pushing existing characters to their limits and beyond
Mastering tried methods for all of the game's content as well as pioneering ingenuitive ways of running content

Leaders: Rock and Fan


09-23-2009, 12:03 PM
We are laid back but all business when it comes to runs, we have fun and socialize about 1/3 of the time with each other as we prepare to run either lowbies, middlebies, or highbies. We have FUN period. If a guildy needs something, be it XP or Favor we try very hard to get a guild group to do it and will put up an LFM if needed, we have a guild bank as well as seriously dedicated guild officers.
We only require that you run with an officer that you have run with and either the co leader or Leader in order to be invited to the guild, thus we bypass any pootential drama. NO DRAMA ALLOWED. We are close as a family and I am probably the eccentric uncle lol.
If you would please add the loon a tics to your list it would be greatly appreacited.

HawkeXII Proud memeber and officer of the Loon A Tics

09-29-2009, 12:16 AM
like to add that the Guild 'Runs with Scissors' is not a role playing guild. i have asked, and talked to leader. he said that there is no role playing.

10-29-2009, 10:00 AM
Heavy metal friendly guild named after the festival. :)

11-27-2009, 05:14 PM
Hola Moonprophet, Clan Diabolic would like to be added to your list. Led by yours truly, homepage is in my sig, NOT a powergamer guild and we accept almost anyone.

11-29-2009, 11:46 AM
..hope I caught and executed all recently requested changes. if not, give me a shout. Also, if anyone knows how we can make the list format more dynamic using coding tricks, ect... please send info in a PM

12-06-2009, 05:52 AM
Please add Marauding Missfits to the list.

We are a group of vetran players and friends from various other guilds. Some of us have been around since the beginning, others are returning after taking a couple years off.

Closed recruiting at the moment, but old friends have an open invite. We have a bunch of the old OKA members (remember them?) but without the drama. Look us up if ya wanna reconnect with some of the old crew.


12-10-2009, 04:58 AM
God is AFK - new polish and others guild.

Leader: main char:Suldae toon:Onufry

Polacy mile widziani (nice to see polish in out ranks)

Fun is what we seek.

12-24-2009, 01:40 PM
Lookin for players who want to:

1. Grow their toons

2. Share knowldge and items to help other players

3. Be mindful of players that are less experienced

The only rules are:

1. Share with fellow guild members what you gain on a quest that you cant use

2. Don't abandon players in a quest if you can help it

3. Share information to help guild members develop their toons

4. Last but not least no spamming EVER!!

We want peole who like to play and realize the fun of the game and are helpful to others. So if your lookin to have a good time, run quest and grow your toons along with others like yourself give me a yell we're looking for you.

p.s. we run mostly at night

01-06-2010, 12:41 AM
I'd like to get my guild added to the list. Its only a few months old and growing fast. Leader: Nzar

01-27-2010, 05:07 PM
I would appreciate this guild being added to the list.

We are a few months old, and have a great time.

Guild leader is Elriack.


Eyes of the beholder

02-18-2010, 09:32 AM
Nous une guilde francophone qui a demenager du serveur europeen pour se retrouver ici sur Ghallandra. L'ensemble des joueurs de cette guilde connaissent tres bien le jeu.

La guilde est compose de joueur francais et quebecois qui sont sur le jeu pour certain depuis la beta. P

Nous comptons plus de 70 joueurs donc une moyenne d'une vingtaine par soir connecter. Le chef de la guilde est Cythmos et la co-chef est Mandriva. Nous acceptons presque tous les joueurs desireux de jouer amicalement dans un contexte de jeux relax si tu es un rusher oublie nous car les Anciens ca veut dire un groupe de joueurs experimenter qui prennent le temps d'aider les nouveaux et s'amuser.

pour etre recu sur cette guilde tu dois en faire la demande dans la section NOUS REJOINDRE sur le forum


L,inscription est rapide et tu peut poster 5 minutes apres t'etre inscrit. Nous avons comme politique de demander une presentation pour pouvoir te connaitre un peu, et signer la chartes des Anciens qui te donne une idee de la maniere que l'on aime jouer.

Malgre un decalage de pres de 6 heures avec les USA nous sommes sur le jeu le soir car le chef est quebecois donc si cela t'interresse tu es le bienvenue en suivant c'est procedure de recrutement.

P.S. ajouter s.v.p. cette guilde a la liste des guildes de Ghallandra add that guild to the list please Thanks

02-28-2010, 03:51 PM
I would like to add my Guild Sippy Cup Brigade. We are a guild of parents and are currently recruiting.

02-28-2010, 08:49 PM
I would like to add my Guild Sippy Cup Brigade. We are a guild of parents and are currently recruiting.

Not to be confused with the "Knights of the Sippy Cup"...

We are a guild of parents who still drink from sippy cups.

No one is looking to join us...


03-04-2010, 01:05 PM
Include Comunidad Umbria in your list


03-15-2010, 02:03 PM
I have not posted my guild info on this thread bc if veryone that posted "Please add my guild" would have read the OP's full post, your guild will be added once you have online presence and are noticed... I have been recruiting like crazy so i can be seen online enough to warrant being added to the list... The prob that the OP is trying to avoid is all of the 1 or 2 ppl guilds that are out there that really don't have much in the way of anything to contribute to newer people coming up through the ranks... That's just my take on the whole thing...

03-16-2010, 04:17 PM
Les Seigneurs de karrnath changed name after 3 years of good work.
Same peoples, same attitude, same quality.

New name is DDO Québec. link to guild webcite stays the same.

03-17-2010, 01:51 AM
Les Seigneurs de karrnath changed name after 3 years of good work.
Same peoples, same attitude, same quality.

New name is DDO Québec. link to guild webcite stays the same.

Dieu merci!

I saw some players running around with that DDO Quebec guild tag and I thought perhaps you had some competition. It's good to know that you folks are still around.

But to avoid any forum infraction points I will continue to limit my Quebec jokes to voice chat only. ;)

Bonne chasse et bonne chance mes amis.

04-10-2010, 06:44 PM
First update in a while today. if I missedsomething, send me a PM.

04-10-2010, 06:57 PM
I have not posted my guild info on this thread bc if veryone that posted "Please add my guild" would have read the OP's full post, your guild will be added once you have online presence and are noticed... I have been recruiting like crazy so i can be seen online enough to warrant being added to the list... The prob that the OP is trying to avoid is all of the 1 or 2 ppl guilds that are out there that really don't have much in the way of anything to contribute to newer people coming up through the ranks... That's just my take on the whole thing...

You are correct. I appologize to anyone that I have missed, and will add that sending me an email to "ronodde@roadrunner.com" with the name of the leader, guild website url, and any other pertinent info should be enough to get you added to the list. I have not updated in a while due to Real Life and in-game commitments, but will try to be more dilligent. If I could share controll of this thread with someone else, I would, but it does not work that way. Also, if you have knowledge of a guild disbanding, please let me know.

04-10-2010, 07:01 PM
I would love to add your guild, but I do not speak french well enough to read your post. Please have someone translate your request to English. I want to support all of our new freinds from the European servers as much as possible. As we say in Valliant Accord, Welcome Home!

Nous une guilde francophone qui a demenager du serveur europeen pour se retrouver ici sur Ghallandra. L'ensemble des joueurs de cette guilde connaissent tres bien le jeu.

La guilde est compose de joueur francais et quebecois qui sont sur le jeu pour certain depuis la beta. P

Nous comptons plus de 70 joueurs donc une moyenne d'une vingtaine par soir connecter. Le chef de la guilde est Cythmos et la co-chef est Mandriva. Nous acceptons presque tous les joueurs desireux de jouer amicalement dans un contexte de jeux relax si tu es un rusher oublie nous car les Anciens ca veut dire un groupe de joueurs experimenter qui prennent le temps d'aider les nouveaux et s'amuser.

pour etre recu sur cette guilde tu dois en faire la demande dans la section NOUS REJOINDRE sur le forum


L,inscription est rapide et tu peut poster 5 minutes apres t'etre inscrit. Nous avons comme politique de demander une presentation pour pouvoir te connaitre un peu, et signer la chartes des Anciens qui te donne une idee de la maniere que l'on aime jouer.

Malgre un decalage de pres de 6 heures avec les USA nous sommes sur le jeu le soir car le chef est quebecois donc si cela t'interresse tu es le bienvenue en suivant c'est procedure de recrutement.

P.S. ajouter s.v.p. cette guilde a la liste des guildes de Ghallandra add that guild to the list please Thanks

04-20-2010, 11:31 AM
OP thanks for you effort. Comunidad Umbria is nonoperational. Some of us moved to Terrorismo Interno with an actual count of 50 members so....

Guild Name: Terrorismo Interno http://guild-ddo-terrorismo-interno.blogspot.com/2010/04/principio-regla-cardenal-y-decalogo-del.html

Leader: Assassi

Requirement: Been spanish speaker

This guild is member oriented and everyone should help lower level guildies with equipment to enhance DDO experience (that can be frustrating at those lower levels).

04-23-2010, 04:10 PM
Can you add The Seekers to this list.

The only flavor/rules we have is that we try to 100% every quest and we just try and have fun.

Other than that, any character/person is more then welcome to join.

The leader is Ilyanna (character name) and Llewndyn (forum name), but should contact me for guild info via forums or Deltree in game.

Here is our link - it's only a MyDDO link, but it's better than nothing.


Thanks OP.

06-08-2010, 12:25 PM
It looks like morethan half of the list disapeared. I am sending a PM to Tolero to see if it can be retrieved. If not, it will have to be re-done froms scratch. If that is the case, I may just bag it. That would depend on the feedback (or lack thereof) that I receive regarding wether or not the resourse is being used, and if I can get assistance rebuilding it.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

BTW...seems I am looking for a new guild myself ironicly enough.

06-08-2010, 12:46 PM
With the upcoming update 5, and guild only specials coming, I'm feeling a bit more pressure to join a guild. I discovered this post because I'm somewhat picky, having run a guild myself on another game. So I, for one, would love to see the list updated.

06-09-2010, 10:59 AM
It looks like morethan half of the list disapeared. I am sending a PM to Tolero to see if it can be retrieved. If not, it will have to be re-done froms scratch. If that is the case, I may just bag it. That would depend on the feedback (or lack thereof) that I receive regarding wether or not the resourse is being used, and if I can get assistance rebuilding it.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

BTW...seems I am looking for a new guild myself ironicly enough.

Well that sucks. I was going to ask you to add my guild to the list... but if its going away...

Welp, here goes anyhow:

Blackmoor Defenders
Leader - Thaco (no relation to Bronko and his fine family :) )
Active Members - About 15-20 (characters upwards of 130)
Site - http://www.takzu.com

We don't aggressively recruit, but do invite people who we quest with from PUGs after we have run a few quests to see if (s)he is a good fit in our family. This seems to work well for both the new person and our family of players.

Nice work on the list too... I hope is stays around in some fashion.


06-16-2010, 01:14 PM
Not trying to be rude or anything, I'm just wondering why my guild has not been added to the list. I have posted all the information on this thread, and I have sent you an email. Not sure what else to do.

Again, not trying to be rude, just trying to figure out what I need to do. Thanks.

06-17-2010, 01:46 PM
for restoring the list after the mishap last week. Sorry for any inconvenience.

06-17-2010, 01:51 PM
Not trying to be rude or anything, I'm just wondering why my guild has not been added to the list. I have posted all the information on this thread, and I have sent you an email. Not sure what else to do.

Again, not trying to be rude, just trying to figure out what I need to do. Thanks.

give me your information again. I try and keep up with this asmuch as I can, but things do get missed. If you send an out of game email, please use the words guild list in the title. This helps me identify it as not being spam.


06-17-2010, 08:51 PM
Thanks.. PM sent, but in case you inbox is flooded....

Blackmoor Defenders leader: Thaco = bad URL copy paste...url no worky. :)

06-17-2010, 09:54 PM
New guild started this week.

Name: Unlikely Heroes
Leader: Ulfgaar
Active Memebers 15-20 and growing
Recruiting: Yes

07-12-2010, 04:25 AM
no erat legends ??? :(

07-19-2010, 04:17 AM
The better spanish guild :)

Name: O.T.R.A. (means On The Road Again)
Webside: http://otra.guildportal.com
Leader: Naiala
Active Memebers: 8-12
Recruiting: Yes, check our forum
Time: GTM+1

08-05-2010, 01:01 AM
Keepers of the Asylum isnt up there in the first post. Also could you please include info marking guilds that are european time based or are at least very european time friendly (maybe 10 players or more who play in that time zone) or make another sticky for this? This is the official DDO forums and DDO Europe are now joining so I was hoping there would be something allowing us in European GMT friendly tme zones to be able to match up.

08-26-2010, 09:29 AM
Oh, all those corridors and pits and steps and doors and tunnels and pools ... - I get so confused down there.
That's why we like to do it nice and slow.

To the left, they say! Well, I'm a girl, where should I know what side that is ;) Back there was a shrine, they say!
Hey, I am lucky when I remember the last two rooms, let alone the whole map! So we stay together and move as one.
No soul gets lost. No part of the family has to walk alone in the dark.

And if some of us want to count the golden hearts in the hobgoblin chief's carpet then we wait for them
(and think about some new hobgoblin jokes). Yes, we know: time is xp. But, you see, there are more important things.
Like the person behind that armed character, like roleplaying and solving quests and finding lost treasure and punishing the guilty
and having a good look at the scenery and beeing fond of the details (or do you know the colour of an ogre's eyes?).


Name: Friends of Nice and Slow
Webside: http://fonas.phpbb24.com/
Leader: Plinh
Active Memebers: around 30
Recruiting: all the time looking for more friendly citizens to join the family :)
Origin: European servers (Aureon, Keeper) June 2006, on Ghallanda since May 2010

We have no regular schedule. We just come to Stormreach, have an eye open for each other and join whatever questing
we desire. FONAS is about freedom and friendly people. There are member's alts in other guilds, too.

We will like you at any age or size or class or alignment. As long as you are a friend of nice and slow.
Mail or speak to Theongard or Plinh .. or any other familiy member. We are ALWAYS looking for more nice and slow citizens
to join the family, so you don't need to ask whether we are recruiting at a given time :-)

cu there, sweetie.


10-02-2010, 11:21 AM
Hey Ellecktra, would you update our Guild in the list to include our website link?


10-07-2010, 01:12 PM
This is a new guild on Ghallanda Server, Open to anyone to join, we are a lvl 8 guild at the moment Elonway Trelean is the Guild Leader, and our website address is http://thecrystalprophets.yolasite.com/

feel free to add as needed

10-07-2010, 02:57 PM
you guys will notice that the last time the list was edited was june 22nd, so I wouldn't complain if you aren't added to the list.

10-07-2010, 03:22 PM
The list will be receiving a major overhaul this weekend utilizing the data from the guild rankings list. every guild will NOT be listed from this source, but every attempt will be made to list as many of the guilds as will fit starting with the highest ranking and working down, as well as those guilds that appear on the list allready or that have requested to be added by sending a pm or standard email per the instructions in the first post on this thread. As always, if you know of any guilds on the list that have disbanded , please advise me so that I can look into it. Sorry I have been so lax with this list of late, but I have a newborn baby that has been making RL a little more time consuming of late.

10-07-2010, 03:49 PM
Email sent w/ two pieces of info, one guild inactive and one active

10-10-2010, 01:38 PM
I feel rather left out, and am too busy multitasking a quest to send you an e-mail.

Warriors of the Arcane Flame has quite a lot of members on this server. People know us.
Also, our allies in the House d'Arcane Flame. Dragons Dark Ones, Dreamweavers of Hades, and Eyes of the Beholder

we are not new guilds from update five...we've been here QUITE SOME TIME.

Please update.

10-11-2010, 05:21 AM
oh yeah...the warriors of the arcane flame alliance website....ddo.cugs.org

10-11-2010, 09:45 AM
Avelon IV. Leader - Dockerman.
Compasion, perfection and fun loving - three ideals to have.

10-13-2010, 03:45 PM
... I have a newborn baby that has been making RL a little more time consuming of late.

grats :D
what class you chose for little one? ^^

10-26-2010, 09:52 AM
dear Moonprophet/Ellecktra,

if you like, please add the following leader and note to our entry in your list (Friends of Nice and Slow):
- - - -
leader: Plinh
note: gathering teamplay oriented players of all ages and sizes
- - - -
thanks a lot for your work, Moon.


11-09-2010, 02:12 PM
Can you please add
Legions of Hell
expats from Devourer :P



11-14-2010, 12:16 PM
Could you please re-add Adventurer's Luck Elite (ALE) to the list. We are a Ghallanda founding guild and somehow have been removed. Here is a link to our forums Adventurer's Luck Elite (ALE) (http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=381453&TabID=3210752)

11-16-2010, 03:55 AM
Well, since we staying on the server and been here for a few months now, questing and raiding pretty much all day..

-Playing DDO since Beta-


Leader: Draugkir

Website/Boards : z DRAGON SLAYERS z (http://www.5wwwww5.com/guildmaster/index.php?mforum=guildmaster)

Let me know if anything else is needed to add the guild to your list.



11-24-2010, 07:13 AM
Guild Name Keeper Elite
Leader = Teaboy
Moto = Helping you fail each and every quest

01-10-2011, 02:48 AM
Can you add Reorganised Chaos to your list.

Reorganised Chaos (former Disorganised Chaos from Keeper) - we are still not responsible for any wipes

01-10-2011, 03:14 AM
Since we now seem to be more established, please recognize my guild:



Primary Officers:

We are currently recruiting and always welcome company on our raid nights.
We can't grantee it'll be pretty, but we do guarantee you'll have fun and interesting time.

We are a very active guild, but are still learning day by day.

01-16-2011, 03:51 PM
We've posted our info in a separate thread.

Guild of the Tempest Pentacle
Leader: Spunkyjerky

Casual gamers, mostly adult 28+.

Send tell to Nekyia or Solismuss.

03-10-2011, 03:00 AM
Hello, i just found in now

changed to Kaisyas.

" kasiyas "

05-19-2011, 11:26 AM
Terrorismo Interno is inviting by referral only. Tropa Terrorismo Interno is in full motion and leader is Zigsilent. Please include.

Terrorismo Interno solo recluta por referidos. Tropa Terrorismo Interno esta en movimiento el lider es Zigsilent.

05-19-2011, 05:40 PM
what happened was i had two players jonorho and youknowwhat then youknowwhat made a guild and i tried to make jonorho the leader of the guild but that didnt work and i made bluehell the leader and bluehell was useing that character as a player to gain fovar points for DDO store points so now he'll never be on again and i will not be the leader so i cant recruit people :( what do i do???????? the guilds name is "The Shadows" level 9 so far!!

07-08-2011, 01:43 PM

Did you solve your problem? I sent you a private message.

07-11-2011, 11:18 PM
Hi, it seems you are missing most of the top renown guilds in the server in the 70s levels on your list:

Dirty Monkey
A Few Good Men
Legendary Blades and Roses
majulah singapura
Samurai Pizza Cats
Echelon Elite

07-12-2011, 01:39 AM
Hi, it seems you are missing most of the top renown guilds in the server in the 70s levels on your list:

Dirty Monkey
A Few Good Men
Legendary Blades and Roses
majulah singapura
Samurai Pizza Cats
Echelon Elite

If you'll notice, the list hasn't been updated since October of 2010. Lots of dead guilds on there too.

11-17-2011, 05:01 AM
Out of curiosity. Would there be any Danish or Scandinavian guilds on the server?

11-17-2011, 08:43 PM
Out of curiosity. Would there be any Danish or Scandinavian guilds on the server?

Try Ghallanda directory of guilds thread.
Its a sticky (always on top) on Gladn guild forum section.

11-21-2011, 03:25 AM
Out of curiosity. Would there be any Danish or Scandinavian guilds on the server?

There are Maniacs from Sweden, a small guild consisting of experienced players afaik.
And The Sovereign Knights (which I happen to be a member of) who have a number of Swedish and Danish members, although guild language is English - not very active at the moment and might not be recruiting either, but you could always give it a try.

11-21-2011, 03:28 AM
There are Maniacs from Sweden, a small guild consisting of experienced players afaik.
And The Sovereign Knights (which I happen to be a member of) who have a number of Swedish and Danish members, although guild language is English - not very active at the moment and might not be recruiting either, but you could always give it a try.

I'm active!

But ok, that's about it. Meh. People with RL need to un-get it.

02-02-2012, 10:46 AM
There are Maniacs from Sweden, a small guild consisting of experienced players afaik.
And The Sovereign Knights (which I happen to be a member of) who have a number of Swedish and Danish members, although guild language is English - not very active at the moment and might not be recruiting either, but you could always give it a try.

I am back, we are again open for business, but I'm not a Swede :P


03-07-2012, 09:52 AM
we are the victors level 62 guild . i dont expect to be put on this list . but if you see us around add if want ..
leader been playing for 3 years . we are small unfortunatly but it tough when you get players and other guilds influence them to leave and join them ..

11-17-2012, 10:24 AM
Coharts brothers in arms Guild is adding new members ! want a small guild guild with airship? (always buffed ship) weekend guild team ups ! active leadership!