View Full Version : Toughness Enhancements

07-20-2007, 11:22 AM
I have just returned from a 6 month break to a much improved system that I like tons better than the old one for both playability and enhancements. The question I have is about Toughness Enhancements.

Are the totals from each level of the toughness enhancements Cumulative or do they replace the prior one?
Dwarven Toughness I replaces the standard +3 hp at 1st level with a +5.
Dwarven Toughness II replaces the it with a +10 BUT does it replace DT I's +5 for a +7 hp increase


Does it add the 5 from Dwarven Toughness I and the 10 from Dwarven Toughness II for a total increase of +12hp?


Does it add the increase for Dwarven Tough I and Dwarven Toughness II together for an increase of +9hp?




With this simple yet complex series of questions being answered, I will be able to formulate the proper build I am making for a 8Paladin/6Fighter. I greatly appreciate any help on this subject that everyone can supply.

07-20-2007, 11:38 AM
The enhancements are in addition to the HP gained from Toughness feat. Until Wednesday, they replaced. Now, with 4.2, they are additive. Dwarven Toughness I grants +5 HP. Dwarven Toughness II grants +10 HP for a total of +15 HP. At level 14, you can get:

Toughness feat = +16 HP
DwToughness I = +5 HP
DwToughness II = +10 HP
DwToughness III = +15 HP
DwToughness IV = +20 HP
PalToughness I = +5 HP
PalToughness II = +10 HP
PalToughness III = +15 HP
Total Toughness = +96 HP

07-20-2007, 12:07 PM
Thank you Mad Bombadier.

So with 4 Feats of Toughness I will be looking at an extra 96 x 4 so 384hp. This is correct right?

07-20-2007, 12:13 PM
Thank you Mad Bombadier.

So with 4 Feats of Toughness I will be looking at an extra 96 x 4 so 384hp. This is correct right?

No, only applies to the first toughness feat you take.

07-20-2007, 12:48 PM
So there is in all honesty absolutely no reason at all to spec for multiple feats of Toughness, because 16hp is not really wortha feat when mobs hit for 60-90 on elite level 14 quests

07-20-2007, 12:49 PM

unless your name is Meat Shield....

07-20-2007, 12:52 PM
I have played a tank class in all the MMORPS I have ever played and I have to honestly say that the 16 extra HP at end game is in all honesty worthless. When you spend a 2nd through 4th feat on it AND a mob takes those HP Away + half again as much it is.. well... pointless even for a meat shield

07-20-2007, 01:02 PM
Personally I have found that squishies who steal aggro make better meat shields than few extra HP from a redundant feat:D

07-21-2007, 08:26 PM
Personally I have found that squishies who steal aggro make better meat shields than few extra HP from a redundant feat:D