View Full Version : Litany of the Dead

07-16-2007, 08:53 AM
I was questing this weekend and had some questions.

1. A while back Litany of the Dead was suggested as a quest b/c you get to kill a vampire. Where do you get this quest? I tried to do it this past weekend and could not find it. Someone said it was in the Necropolis but I couldn't find it.

07-16-2007, 08:56 AM
House P, go through the gap in the north wall. There are two NPCs. The left one (sitting) takes you to Threnal. The right one takes you nowhere. But, double click on his wagon and you'll be in the Necropolis.

07-16-2007, 08:59 AM
Is it a chain quest? I found the Necropolis (sorry I didn't specify that), but there are a ton of quests in there. Also, are the quests in Necropolis not popular? I got the impression that no one liked them b/c it took forever to get up a party and everyone was confused on where it was.

07-16-2007, 09:06 AM
It is two chains. For the first chain, you get 2 missions from the Silver Flame and 2 missions from the Emerald Claw. After completing these 4 missions, you get a 5th mission from Loremistress Jinna. All 4 missions must be completed in quest log for Jinna to talk to you (no picking up missions again). Same for the second chain. 2 from Silver Flame, 2 from Emerald Claw. The talk to Kei (sp) for mission 5.

One of the problems is that the series is a non-linear chain, so it has many steps where players can mess up talking to NPCs and have to redo missions. But, if you pay attention to your Quest Log and talk to the right NPCs, its managable.

07-16-2007, 09:10 AM
To get to the first vampire in the bloody crypt does require a chain. I believe you need to complete ( forgive me I am doing this from work so I don't have my compendium in front of me.) Tomb of the burning heart, Tomb of the crimson heart, Tomb of the Sanguine heart, and Tomb of the immortal heart. After completing those four you can then pick up the bloody crypt quest from the npc for the bloody crypt. Be careful and read at this npc is it's possible to accidentally reset your chain instead of pick up the quest. WhOOPS! :-) Also, when you head into the bloody crypt make sure you pick up your trinket from either the silver flame guy or the emerald claw person. ( They stand on exact opposite sides of the main drag when you first zone into the necropolis.) After completing the quest while still in the adventure there is an altar behind the vamp. Place your trinket there and you will recieve a necklace in return. Check the cataclysm's static reward list post for complete descriptions on what they do. As far as popularity, I will let someone on your server speak to that.

07-16-2007, 09:14 AM
LotD gets a lot of bad press for being repetitious. Mostly the people I've talked to don't like it because it give low XP compared to other quests, and the loot is sub-par.

As for the repetitious part, I find it funny that the same people talking about that will often be the same that run Stormcleave five times in a row because the XP is better.

If you haven't done the series, it's worth a trip through to see the sights, in my opinion. Just make sure to bring some nice Holy weapons, and definately Ghost Touched (along with the Death Ward spell) if you move onto the second part of the series.

07-18-2007, 06:25 PM
The first part isn't that bad; my only real complaint is that area that requires four people. Because of that, I can't grab a friend and run through it at a higher level; i'm stuck finding a more or less real group, which is annoying. The XP is on the low end of average, but acceptable...

07-18-2007, 07:23 PM
The first part isn't that bad; my only real complaint is that area that requires four people. Because of that, I can't grab a friend and run through it at a higher level; i'm stuck finding a more or less real group, which is annoying. The XP is on the low end of average, but acceptable...

You can do it fairly easily with two if they are strong enough. The skeletons you fight can set off those pedistals you stand on, so if you each get some skeletons agroed on you you can usualy get one to stand on a pedistal while you stand on another one, and if the other guy does the same it works. Also summoned creatures will work for this. Takes some practice to learn how to position them. In this case hold undead is handy, with that you could do it with one person.

07-18-2007, 07:50 PM
I think the Problem here is that the Quest is NOT called "Litany of the dead" Thats what the Quest chains are called...

The Quests you want (And they are the ONLY ones in the Necropolis) are the

"Tome of...." Quests.... Theres 8 youc an pick up. The Vampire quests cant be picked up until ya finish the 4 prequests for each series.

07-20-2007, 03:28 AM
If you're actually looking for a vampire there is one in Church of the Vol. Its Silver Flame favor, but located in House P. The quest giver is near the Auction House person in House P.

BTW be prepared for a nasty fight. Tried to solo it on Normal with MedicLady, got all the way to the final fight then realized that I couldn't hit him let alone damage him and ran out of there screaming like a little girl. Came back with a group on elite and it was still a tough fight.


07-20-2007, 08:45 AM
I think the Problem here is that the Quest is NOT called "Litany of the dead" Thats what the Quest chains are called...

The Quests you want (And they are the ONLY ones in the Necropolis) are the

"Tomb of...." Quests.... Theres 8 you can pick up. The Vampire quests cant be picked up until ya finish the 4 prequests for each series.Silly Impaqt. :p

07-20-2007, 09:14 AM
Silly Impaqt. :p


would that they gave out tomes!!! I think they would be a LOT more popular.

I agree with the irony part. How many people complain about something like TangleRoot. I mean talk about repetitive. You repeat the SAME dungeon how many times and fight essentially the same mobs how many times, yet how many people run TR over and over.

I think the end reward from the Litany series is one of the best ones in the game. Every character of mine who has done them, keep that Amulet very handy. None of the lower level series are very hard and are in fact pretty linear if you follow any sort of pattern. Will need to try out the Hold Undead trick in the one with 4 triggers, see if I can pull it off sometime.

What does get you is the normal tendancy to instantly reset quests when you finish them that is almost SOP for every other quest. Do that here and you are messed up.

07-21-2007, 12:28 PM
underwater breathing item! The 6th in the chain the Shadow Gaurd(?), is silly with swimming. I loved it, but it was h^ll. It was very early this morning, and we were just trying to get done. Do not try with out having the underwater action...The map will be of almost NO use! You will get familiar with the submerged passageways once you spend a couple hours down there :rolleyes:. And although we were higher level than the dungeon it was still a slight challenge. Try and have a wiz or sorc with some empowered firewalls to throw. There are phase spiders, phasing wolves, and umbral (lords?). Quite a new collection of creatures. But, the dungeon is nice, vast, and challenging. It took us almost three hours, being that no one had tried it before. I am going to try the final part of the series today I believe the shadow king. GL! Out there.

07-21-2007, 08:01 PM
Is it a chain quest? I found the Necropolis (sorry I didn't specify that), but there are a ton of quests in there. Also, are the quests in Necropolis not popular? I got the impression that no one liked them b/c it took forever to get up a party and everyone was confused on where it was.

Not really. You need to run 4 quests to get the fifth but it doesn't matter what order you do the four. You can pick them all up in advance and do them however. After you do them then you can go get the fifth. It's pretty normal to do them all once you get a group together (which can be a little daunting because of the sub-par loot & XP).