View Full Version : +1 loot? lvl 17 chests.? who r u kidding

07-08-2007, 11:22 AM
Just wanted to say to the devs. If you think this +1 loot from lvl 17 chests will attract players to come back. Your wrong. o wait a +2 chr ring with improved acid res min lvl 13 rr warforged or a +3 scimmy of vertigo +10 comon man who r u kidding lol :( Ive played since ddo first was launched and i must say it was actually funner in the game when not everyone had a vorpal and u werent expecting to get ubber items because of high lvled chests so when something like a para disruptor or vorp droped it actually impressed you. I think you guys have developed the game way to fast and are wondering why players are leaving.. I mean if you want to say it's +1 loot add something like flaming vorp or something man not this seeker +6 vertigo +4 junk knowone wants it and knowones gonna continue to play if you keep it up. This is the 3rd +1 loots weekend and i think by far the worst it's almost better to take the time to reroll a lowbie for the xp then to quest for lvl 17 junk :P

07-08-2007, 11:29 AM
Just wanted to say to the devs. If you think this +1 loot from lvl 17 chests will attract players to come back. Your wrong. o wait a +2 chr ring with improved acid res min lvl 13 rr warforged or a +3 scimmy of vertigo +10 comon man who r u kidding lol :(

Maybe you should put down your can of Vienna Sausages and go outside. Play some catch with your kid sister or something.

07-08-2007, 12:45 PM
Just wanted to say to the devs. If you think this +1 loot from lvl 17 chests will attract players to come back. Your wrong. o wait a +2 chr ring with improved acid res min lvl 13 rr warforged or a +3 scimmy of vertigo +10 comon man who r u kidding lol :( Ive played since ddo first was launched and i must say it was actually funner in the game when not everyone had a vorpal and u werent expecting to get ubber items because of high lvled chests so when something like a para disruptor or vorp droped it actually impressed you. I think you guys have developed the game way to fast and are wondering why players are leaving.. I mean if you want to say it's +1 loot add something like flaming vorp or something man not this seeker +6 vertigo +4 junk knowone wants it and knowones gonna continue to play if you keep it up. This is the 3rd +1 loots weekend and i think by far the worst it's almost better to take the time to reroll a lowbie for the xp then to quest for lvl 17 junk :P

Is there a point to this? So you had some bad rolls. Big deal and also it wasn't the +1 loot weekend that killed the economy. It was MOD 4(a.k.a. lootfest)

07-08-2007, 01:18 PM
You are aware that what you get out of a chest is based on a die roll, right?

Chest level is just a modifier to increase your chances of getting better loot.

Level 17 chests are not a guarantee of a +5 Vorpal Bastard Sword of Destruction nor does it mean the chest won't contain mostly spell components, gems, and scrolls.

It's not the chest, it is the random factor tied to what's in the chest.

07-08-2007, 01:24 PM
I wasn't aware that there were any lvl 20 quests in the game at the moment..The max level chests right now are about level 15/16 as the formula is the quest level minus 3.

07-08-2007, 01:26 PM
also not everyone has a vorp either....

07-08-2007, 01:26 PM
+3 scimmy of vertigo +10 :P

Since this is junk mind sending it to me for free... Vertigo +10 is an awesome weapon effect, and to have it on a +3 scimitar is even better cause 1. it is a+3 weapon and not a +1 and 2. It is a scimitar and not a less commonly used weapon. What are you talking about? You obviously do not know the value of an item, nor do you even understand how the loot tables work in this game. So please take it somewhere else.

07-08-2007, 01:50 PM
Just wanted to say to the devs. If you think this +1 loot from lvl 17 chests will attract players to come back. Your wrong.

you do realize this isnt a welcome back weekend right?

This is a hey sorry about the downtime loot weekend.


everyone gets crappy loot rolls.

07-08-2007, 04:42 PM
You are aware that what you get out of a chest is based on a die roll, right?

Chest level is just a modifier to increase your chances of getting better loot.

Yes, but the concept that the Duergar king and his retinue just fought to the death to protect a +1 lesser acid guard full plate of acid resistance is moronic.

They can't produce adventuring content fast enough, don't seem interested in adding things to do while not adventuring, so it's all about the loot after a certain level.

To that end 90%+ of the loot has to be sh*t. The "end game" is borked beyond reason. It's a joke.

07-09-2007, 10:02 AM
Yes, but the concept that the Duergar king and his retinue just fought to the death to protect a +1 lesser acid guard full plate of acid resistance is moronic.

They can't produce adventuring content fast enough, don't seem interested in adding things to do while not adventuring, so it's all about the loot after a certain level.

To that end 90%+ of the loot has to be sh*t. The "end game" is borked beyond reason. It's a joke.

Actually too much of the loot is good. As many have said before me this is a monty hall loot system that has WAY too many Vorpals, Paras, Distrupters, etc out there. As much as I also get a bit grumpy when I get a +1 bastard sword of useless vendor fodder, its better that than more vorpals drop.

In PnP we left behind much of what we found, vendored huge amounts of stuff we brought back in our portable holes/bags of holding, and felt lucky if we found one or two really nice things for each of us over the course of adventuring while levelling up from one level to the next. (And really nice might mean going from a +2 sword to a +3 flaming sword, I'm not talking vorpal drops, no way we would have a vorpal at only level 14!)

Drop the end game concept and you are fine. Have you capped? Great, time to either take a break or do the D&D thing and move on to your next char.

07-09-2007, 10:07 AM
*wipes at her very tired eyes*

Ok, so my dice deserted me all weekend. I played my cleric, get a disrupter and it's a crossbow...

I play my ranger and the best she saw was a plus 5 con neck...

I play lowbies, and get excited over a great axe lol

I loved this weekend. While I may have horrible loot luck, I met up with friends, drank too much caffenine, ate too much junk food, got no sleep and wished I could take today off to recuperate...

And I enjoyed this one more than any of the others so far... I think it was just that all the people on were people who loved the game as much as I do...

WAIT... there is a couch in the office... Hmmmm

See ya in Stormreach...

07-09-2007, 10:44 AM
What will be even more impressive is when most of the joe-shmoe mobs start "magically" becoming immune/resistant to these affects. With them all in such plaetiful supply, its not uncommon to have PUGs where 4 out of 6 party members have all the big 5 weapons. I think we will be seeing a whole lot more mobs making "deals" with their gods for immunity to instadeath weapons. Most gods bestow the immunity to vorpalling on their followers anyway, so no big deal.:)

07-09-2007, 10:55 AM
The "power 5" are overrated anyway. Banishing is junk. Smiting is cool as long as you have a good one. paralyzing is only OK(best is bows used by support types). Disruption and Vorpals have a use but limited for the most part. DPS is better for melee for the most part. The value on the power 5 has dropped to the point where the housing market looks great by comparison. I pulled a pair of +15 search goggles and I wouldn't trade it for any of the power 5.

07-09-2007, 11:03 AM
lol sorry but this is a pointless thread. And thats exactly why im posting on it. =D. Everyoen has a streak where they get good loot rolls and bad loot rolls. Saturday was my time and i got 4 or 5 epics, 3 tomes, and bout 4 +6 stat items and i went to sleep smiling at only 3 a.m. Sunday i didnt pull anything at all and ended tryign to lvl my lowbie which is what these days are to me any way.

The maker of thsi thread only mention the loot but its the xp that really calls ppl out. First loot weekend got my first toon to 12 capped. Second loot weekend got my second toon to 14 capped. and this weekend i got my uhm fighter *cough* 1 rank. but besides the point =D. one guild on riedra has a motto. "Its not about the XP, its about the Experience!" and that is one of my favorite motto's in my game cuz so many ppl play this game on a competition lvl instead of fun. Maybe it should be " Its not about the loot, Its about the ..." someone can fill that in. =)


07-09-2007, 11:20 AM
I pulled a pair of +15 search goggles and I wouldn't trade it for any of the power 5.

How about some Tasty Ham and a pair of tickets to an Orioles game?


07-09-2007, 12:06 PM
Maybe you should put down your can of Vienna Sausages and go outside. Play some catch with your kid sister or something.

/lol agree

07-09-2007, 12:19 PM
I loved this weekend. While I may have horrible loot luck, I met up with friends, drank too much caffenine, ate too much junk food, got no sleep and wished I could take today off to recuperate...

And I enjoyed this one more than any of the others so far... I think it was just that all the people on were people who loved the game as much as I do...

This weekend (for me) was more about pillaging the XP bonus and pushing my lvl 8 to lvl 13 :D weeeeeee!!!!

07-09-2007, 01:59 PM
I pulled 3 nice items all weekend, wizardry 5 helm, greater fire resist cloak and a +2 greater giant bane weapon thats it, am i complaining nope had a blast thats all that matters in the end.

07-09-2007, 02:00 PM
yeah, these last 2 loot weekends were horrible, all i pulled was...

8 paralyzers, 4 smiters, 4 banishers, 4 disrupters, 2 vorpals and 3 +6 stat items

oh, and i only have 1 character

please give us a REAL loot weekend turbine, seriously, i think we deserve more.

07-09-2007, 02:02 PM
Just wanted to say to the devs. If you think this +1 loot from lvl 17 chests will attract players to come back. Your wrong. o wait a +2 chr ring with improved acid res min lvl 13 rr warforged or a +3 scimmy of vertigo +10 comon man who r u kidding lol :( Ive played since ddo first was launched and i must say it was actually funner in the game when not everyone had a vorpal and u werent expecting to get ubber items because of high lvled chests so when something like a para disruptor or vorp droped it actually impressed you. I think you guys have developed the game way to fast and are wondering why players are leaving.. I mean if you want to say it's +1 loot add something like flaming vorp or something man not this seeker +6 vertigo +4 junk knowone wants it and knowones gonna continue to play if you keep it up. This is the 3rd +1 loots weekend and i think by far the worst it's almost better to take the time to reroll a lowbie for the xp then to quest for lvl 17 junk :P

Less Red Bull, more Poland Spring...and definitely LESS internet.

07-09-2007, 02:08 PM
yeah, these last 2 loot weekends were horrible, all i pulled was...

8 paralyzers, 4 smiters, 4 banishers, 4 disrupters, 2 vorpals and 3 +6 stat items

oh, and i only have 1 character

please give us a REAL loot weekend turbine, seriously, i think we deserve more.

I now hate you with a passion that is undying. ;p :D

07-09-2007, 06:17 PM
Yes, but the concept that the Duergar king and his retinue just fought to the death to protect a +1 lesser acid guard full plate of acid resistance is moronic.

They can't produce adventuring content fast enough, don't seem interested in adding things to do while not adventuring, so it's all about the loot after a certain level.

To that end 90%+ of the loot has to be sh*t. The "end game" is borked beyond reason. It's a joke.

I always thought the Duergar were protecting that glowing sword on the pedestal.

07-09-2007, 07:05 PM
yeah, these last 2 loot weekends were horrible, all i pulled was...

8 paralyzers, 4 smiters, 4 banishers, 4 disrupters, 2 vorpals and 3 +6 stat items

oh, and i only have 1 character

please give us a REAL loot weekend turbine, seriously, i think we deserve more.

Obviously you do not play an Arcane caster or you'd have gotten 20 robes, a club and a bow of disruption, if you were lucky.

The more important issue is the **** poor loot table that locks Arcane casters from getting anything worthwhile in the End Rewards.

07-09-2007, 07:38 PM
the loot tables. I would rather be here talking about lack of content, lack of diversity, lack of role-playing opportunities, but that does not seem to be what this thread is about. So, as far as the loot tables are concerned, I think the item levels are just fine. I think that basing the loot drops on the class of character causes some issues. Mostly because the devs idea of what a particular class needs or wants seems to be very narrow. I play a level 14 paladin, and an average end-reward chest from a loot pop run looks like 5 shields (mostly sacred or ghosttouch), 3 or 4 weapons, and 4-5 suits of armor. Very rarely do I see a single peice of clothing or jewlery. I would prefer if the loot was truly random and non-class specific. I also think it would be neat to see "weapon set" items. Like a group of items that are relatively mundane, but confer some rare special effect when worn together. In other words, I would like the devs to start to think outside of the chest, er, box.

07-09-2007, 08:01 PM
Obviously you do not play an Arcane caster or you'd have gotten 20 robes, a club and a bow of disruption, if you were lucky.

The more important issue is the **** poor loot table that locks Arcane casters from getting anything worthwhile in the End Rewards.

Interesting enough my caster is the only one who gets any worthwhile end rewards. +6 stat items 3 out of the 7 runs. He's just lucky I guess.

07-09-2007, 08:46 PM
I think the best item I got all weekend was a +1 Wounding Rapier of Puncturing, and that was from the House D vendor, lol, the things people sell there sometimes.

Had fun leveling my lowbie and my sorc just got PK, fun times :D

07-09-2007, 08:51 PM
I ran PoP about 20 times and the only thing that I got as an end reward that isn't being sold to a vendor was a Paralyzing Kopesh. Out of the chests I got a few good items but nothing to get me too excited.

You know what? It doesn't matter, I still haven't pulled a vorpal, disrupter, or smiter. At least I still have something to look forward too.

07-12-2007, 01:52 AM
I played about 30-40 hours during last +1 loot weekend, never saw a lvl 14 required item.

Did get a Wounding Rapier of Puncturing, but I'm sure it could have easily been gotten outside of the weekend as I only got one vorpal, on the day before the event rather than during.

07-12-2007, 02:26 PM
Actually too much of the loot is good. As many have said before me this is a monty hall loot system that has WAY too many Vorpals, Paras, Distrupters, etc out there. As much as I also get a bit grumpy when I get a +1 bastard sword of useless vendor fodder, its better that than more vorpals drop.

In PnP we left behind much of what we found, vendored huge amounts of stuff we brought back in our portable holes/bags of holding, and felt lucky if we found one or two really nice things for each of us over the course of adventuring while levelling up from one level to the next. (And really nice might mean going from a +2 sword to a +3 flaming sword, I'm not talking vorpal drops, no way we would have a vorpal at only level 14!)

Drop the end game concept and you are fine. Have you capped? Great, time to either take a break or do the D&D thing and move on to your next char.

The problem is not really the loot.....the problem is the lvl cap itself. When you run a high lvl quest once, everyone doesn't get a vorpal.......but when you run it 1,000 times (or MMO runs it for you) then everyone (but me :( ) has a vorpal.
If there was no lvl cap, most people would be much higher lvl by the time they got their uberloot.....and then it would be appropriot.

07-12-2007, 02:57 PM
yeah, these last 2 loot weekends were horrible, all i pulled was...

8 paralyzers, 4 smiters, 4 banishers, 4 disrupters, 2 vorpals and 3 +6 stat items

oh, and i only have 1 character

please give us a REAL loot weekend turbine, seriously, i think we deserve more.

That's where all my loot went...stupid freakin' universe...I knew there would be people out there as lucky as I was unlucky...sort of like that movie Unbreakable...already vowed I'll never schedule to do one again...was a total bust. Sure, if I'm on I'll lootapalooza, but not going out of my way to schedule it.

07-12-2007, 06:42 PM
The op actually said that he thinks the content is developing too fast and that is the issue? Nope, issue is content is developing too slow (think who put that silly splash screen up there with a date we never meant to make :) ) and the PR people are giving out loot weekends in the hopes that it will keep people from realizing that they have done the same quests 20 or more times...sadly the PR people wrong though since the loot weekedn means best loot for time quest run 800 times ie POP, ATDQ, and that stupid graveyard quest which I still hold was a waste of time and completly boring after you ransacked it once on a toon (and my goodness people were still running it last loot weekend to my amazement).

07-12-2007, 08:45 PM
#1.) Loot weekends are a joke... I've pulled at very least a dozen vorpals, 2 dozen paralyzers a dozen banishers a dozen smiters and yes a dozen disruptors... I've been around for 3 such weekends and to tell you the truth, I have never seen a change in the loot I get.

#2.) What good is +50% xp to a capped character? It means jack... and who.. pray tell, is going to lvl up their lvl 6 character if they have lvl 14's to loot with? Seriously? Show me someone who says they would, and I'll show you a liar.

#3.) The Fact that a party I was in... did Madstone Crater, on elite, in 38 minutes, because all 4 tanks had vorpals and disruptors should say something about how messed up the loot system is. I mean, when I first started playing (7 or 8 months ago) and we had a party doing delera's tomb, there was one party member who had a disruptor... I thought they were a god and suffered in silence, jealously thinking that I should have such a great item. Now it's just eh, another disruptor.. oh well pitch it in the bank with the others where they'll never get used.

#5.) I hate the number 4.

#6.) I don't believe in "quoting" people... but there was a couple things in this thread I agree with.. game development is entirely too slow... true. A dragons treasure trove should never consist of lvl 6 to 8 gear as a lvl 6 to 8 character would never go trapsing off searching to pick a fight with a dragon let alone a storm giant with a pet white dragon o.O... Loot is wayyyy to class-specific... let's drop some weapons and armors and such for mages and clothes and trinkets for tanks...

#7.) Where the hell is my +5 Holy Avenger?!?! :D

Ok. I'm done...

Enric Lvl 14 Pally
Valyent Lvl 11 pally/Lvl 2 Fighter/Lvl1 Cleric
Ebonbane Lvl 12 Rogue/Lvl 2 Fighter
Perelay Lvl 6 Ranger
Anomalie Lvl 6 Barby
Tastee Lvl 5 Cleric
Azakoth Lvl 2 Wizzy

07-12-2007, 09:05 PM
quit winning the best thing my wizard pulled all weekend was +6 intell goggels warforge only lol. you know what made it fun grouping with players that i haven,t seen in a while and guild runs, so you had a few bad rolls i have still yet to get any vorpla,paralizer,disrupter weapons since i started, Annie says, smile have fun enjoy the game.

07-12-2007, 09:52 PM
I'm a fairly new player compared to you guys, but I loved the loot weekend. It was awesome to run around with people, doing quests, and meeting new people. No matter how many times I run the kobald assault, I will love the fact that me and my frinds beat up a bunch of kobalds.

07-12-2007, 09:57 PM
Loot weekends rock:)

07-13-2007, 11:28 AM
#2.) What good is +50% xp to a capped character? It means jack... and who.. pray tell, is going to lvl up their lvl 6 character if they have lvl 14's to loot with? Seriously? Show me someone who says they would, and I'll show you a liar.My guild was split about 50/50 for leveling characters and looting. So, all the players running characters under level 10 on the loot weekends are liars right? :rolleyes:

07-13-2007, 12:02 PM
I wasn't aware that there were any lvl 20 quests in the game at the moment..The max level chests right now are about level 15/16 as the formula is the quest level minus 3.
Max level chests currently is 13. Prison is base 14, 16 on elite, minus 3 is 13. On +1 weekends, it reaches 14 which is a big deal since only Madstone/Crucible/Prison/Tor/Reaver are level 14 quests, and will be the only ones dropping level 14 req gear.

07-13-2007, 12:07 PM
Well when we do get +1 loot weekends I don't hardly run any kind of loot runs anymore. Mainly because I have a cursed hand. I mean once in a blue moon I pull something worth keeping. I don't get +8 and +10 Shatter, vertigo, weighted, or whatever, I don't normally get banishers, disruptors, vorpals, or smiters. I don't put any weapons that are useful to me.

This last +1 loot weekend I ran pop twice past ransack on my fighter and to ransack on my cleric. I got a +1 Seeker (+2) longsword of smiting. That's all I got and I'm very happy for it, normally I don't pull something that good for that many runs.

Plus I don't run around trying to ransack all the gianthold quests any longer.

I realize that I'm not going to get anything during the loot weekend that I wouldn't get normally, so I've started using the XP portion of the loot weekend and that's a garanteed +50% that you always get.

07-13-2007, 12:08 PM
lol sorry but this is a pointless thread. And thats exactly why im posting on it. =D. Everyoen has a streak where they get good loot rolls and bad loot rolls. Saturday was my time and i got 4 or 5 epics, 3 tomes, and bout 4 +6 stat items and i went to sleep smiling at only 3 a.m. Sunday i didnt pull anything at all and ended tryign to lvl my lowbie which is what these days are to me any way.

The maker of thsi thread only mention the loot but its the xp that really calls ppl out. First loot weekend got my first toon to 12 capped. Second loot weekend got my second toon to 14 capped. and this weekend i got my uhm fighter *cough* 1 rank. but besides the point =D. one guild on riedra has a motto. "Its not about the XP, its about the Experience!" and that is one of my favorite motto's in my game cuz so many ppl play this game on a competition lvl instead of fun. Maybe it should be " Its not about the loot, Its about the ..." someone can fill that in. =)


That would be the Trinity Guild's Motto
"Its not about the XP, its about the Experience!"

07-13-2007, 01:12 PM
#2.) What good is +50% xp to a capped character? It means jack... and who.. pray tell, is going to lvl up their lvl 6 character if they have lvl 14's to loot with? Seriously? Show me someone who says they would, and I'll show you a liar.

Well, then I guess I'm a liar who got his recent re-roll from level 6 to level 11 using the last 2 bonus weekends.:rolleyes:

07-13-2007, 11:33 PM
Well, then I guess I'm a liar who got his recent re-roll from level 6 to level 11 using the last 2 bonus weekends.:rolleyes:

The loot was very bad for me too, so I moved on my lowbies to get extra exp.. so i must be an other liar...

With that said, i do agree that the +1 loot do not bring more people in the game and do not help the game at all. Why would you ask? Cause it make the rift between weekend players and hard core "i do not work" player even greater. They play like crazy, got amazing stuff, making there character a lot stronger then yours... Anyway.. just my opinion.

07-14-2007, 05:40 AM
yeah, these last 2 loot weekends were horrible, all i pulled was...

8 paralyzers, 4 smiters, 4 banishers, 4 disrupters, 2 vorpals and 3 +6 stat items

oh, and i only have 1 character

please give us a REAL loot weekend turbine, seriously, i think we deserve more.

Thats nothing. If I count the last two loot weekends and the one weekend I got bored and ransacked all my toons: 9 Para's, 2 Smiting Scimmy's, 1 Smiting Falcion, 2 Smiting Kopesh, 3 Banishing Rapier's, 6 vorpal's, 3 Disruptor's, Wiz V Helm, Wiz VI Ring, and 2 +6 stat item's :D :D :D