View Full Version : Alphabetical listing for quests!!!!!!!

07-07-2007, 09:44 AM
Here is a novel Idea! Alphabetical listings for the quests. Everyone wins. The way it is now, I WASTE A LOT of my time searching for a quest I have never heard of and wonder why the hell these titles are not alphabetical. It is my opinion that this should be mandatory.

07-07-2007, 09:52 AM
Here is a novel Idea! Alphabetical listings for the quests. Everyone wins. The way it is now, I WASTE A LOT of my time searching for a quest I have never heard of and wonder why the hell these titles are not alphabetical. It is my opinion that this should be mandatory.

If you are looking in your favor window, which is the quick way, you can alphabetize them.

07-07-2007, 09:52 AM
In your quest log quest areas are listed alphabetically. Inside the areas, the uncompleted quests are listed alphabetically, then the ompleted quests are listed alphabetically.

In your favor window you can click on the quest name column title to sort them alphabetically (though quests like "the kobold's new ringleader" are sorted as 'T' rather than 'K').

Where exactly do we need MORE alphebetizing? I think you can even sort alphabetically in the group creation window. Am I missing something,...or are you? :D

07-07-2007, 09:54 AM
Oh, I did not know I could click and alphabatize them myself. Thanks. I'll check into it.

07-07-2007, 12:03 PM
You can also click and organize them by level, faction, level completed on. The favor panel is very nice.

The LFM, Who, Friends, and Guild panels have the same functionality for sorting by level, quest, name, rank (guild), etc.

07-07-2007, 02:37 PM
Oh, I did not know I could click and alphabatize them myself. Thanks. I'll check into it.

You come to this forum FLIPPING about stuff that you are unaware of, take it to the newbie corner please. There is nothing wrong with needing questions answered, but this is the wrong place for uneducated questions and comments.

07-08-2007, 10:31 AM
Oh, I did not know I could click and alphabatize them myself. Thanks. I'll check into it.However, there are dozens of quests out of alphabetical order because of the word "The." We've asked for "The" to be removed from quest titles, but to no avail.

07-08-2007, 11:22 AM
However, there are dozens of quests out of alphabetical order because of the word "The." We've asked for "The" to be removed from quest titles, but to no avail.

*Most* computer programs ignore the word *The* when alphabatizing, almost as a matter of convention. Heck, I was even asked to do that in one of the first asignments for a lame intro to computer programming class I once took...