View Full Version : coupla quick ideas

07-05-2007, 01:32 PM
We already have the prison of the planes:

How about a tower with portals that lead to other planes...........

not a quest but new zones

planes of fire, ice, madness and so forth with free roaming areas, rare encounters, explorer and actual instanced quests.

of course you would need special gear to survive on these planes and your ice spells may not work on the plane of fire but I think it would be suitable epic content.

guess that was only really 1 idea...think I had another when I 1st started ...but I forgot.

edit- oh I remember now.....cursed items that say +5 strength bracers when you look at it but when u put them on u get the big curse dot over your head and cant take them off.

you would then have to go to a silver flame priest who would offer to "remove cursed item"
after which the item is destroyed......and not sold on auction house for 1 million gold

07-05-2007, 01:44 PM
I've read some similiar ideas about "free roaming areas", explorer/wilderness areas that are random tiled to go on continuously, with random encounters. If I understand you correctly. Personally, I like the new explorer areas, the idea of running around on a tiled (even if a well done tile) endlessly for random encounters doesn't interest me and reeks of time sink.

Notwithstanding, some planes of existance as explorer zones with instanced questing would be interesting. A harsh environment that required specific equipement from pre-req quests to even get in and survive would be interesting.

We already have the prison of the planes:

How about a tower with portals that lead to other planes...........

not a quest but new zones

planes of fire, ice, madness and so forth with free roaming areas, rare encounters, explorer and actual instanced quests.

of course you would need special gear to survive on these planes and your ice spells may not work on the plane of fire but I think it would be suitable epic content.

guess that was only really 1 idea...think I had another when I 1st started ...but I forgot.

edit- oh I remember now.....cursed items that say +5 strength bracers when you look at it but when u put them on u get the big curse dot over your head and cant take them off.

you would then have to go to a silver flame priest who would offer to "remove cursed item"
after which the item is destroyed......and not sold on auction house for 1 million gold

07-06-2007, 02:29 AM
oh no I wasnt thinking endless.

Just similiar to what we have now is fine.

Like a gianthold but on the plane of fire and so forth.

07-06-2007, 06:08 AM
Slightly on the topic of planar travel - I was running Xorian Cipher/Invaders and was thinking that it would be really cool that if someone stepped into one of those portals, they would be transported to the plane of Xoriat. Complete travel package with all the beholders, mind flayers, tharaak hounds, flesh renders, fire reavers, ice flensers, and chaos orbs you could ever want!

07-06-2007, 07:33 AM
Idea has some merit the planes work a little diff in eberron then they do in the rest of the worlds sometimes planes are closer sometimes further away could do something like that in your idea have some portals work sometimes others at other times.

07-06-2007, 08:37 AM
Not bad ideas. Cursed items would be a nice little F-U, wouldn't they? More than finding that uber item that's RR when you have no UMD. ;)

07-06-2007, 10:52 AM
Not bad ideas. Cursed items would be a nice little F-U, wouldn't they? More than finding that uber item that's RR when you have no UMD. ;)

I loved cursed items in D&D. Means you don't equip anything new until you have had it identified. And some of the nasty items... gloves of strangulation, bags of devouring... oh what fun :cool:

07-06-2007, 11:05 AM
bag of devouring *screams* but my tomes....NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! (darth vader yell)

07-06-2007, 12:54 PM
Slightly on the topic of planar travel - I was running Xorian Cipher/Invaders and was thinking that it would be really cool that if someone stepped into one of those portals, they would be transported to the plane of Xoriat. Complete travel package with all the beholders, mind flayers, tharaak hounds, flesh renders, fire reavers, ice flensers, and chaos orbs you could ever want!

I find all the beholders I ever want right in the Stormreach marketplace.

07-09-2007, 01:33 PM
oh no I wasnt thinking endless.

Just similiar to what we have now is fine.

Like a gianthold but on the plane of fire and so forth.

Good idea then, on my wish list now.

07-09-2007, 02:07 PM
I do like the idea of venturing into the planes of Xoriat, Mabar, and noway I can spell it Dorfur (the Marut plane). Those would have to be individual areas. Maybe put a raid in each one.

The Xoriat one you fight a three headed beast known as the devourer. Has Beholder, Mindflayer, and Thraak hound heads. Make it one real tough fight. Kinda like pre-nerf Titan.

The Mabar one you fight a liche that summons vampires. Basically this is undead haven and all the bad parts of the bible rolled into one.

The Marut one (Construct plane). Yes the big baddie should be a HUGE Marut, and summon Constructs.

Randomly the mobs should have spell resist. Not all of them, just enough to throw us into changing weapons.

Also, throw this idea with a ladder of being "blooded".

3 planes need to access the next 3 planes. then access of at least 1 plane maybe more or a raid zone.

First level planes: Air, Fire, Ice.

Second Level: Madness (Xoriat), Death (Mabar), War(Marilth)

Third Level: Constructs(Marut).

Make this hard. Make the mobs fair but a challenge.

Like LOD, this can be a phased implementation. I think a lot of people would like this. Just make sure risk vs reward is there. I do not like a rough kick in the nuts except when I might get something for my pain and suffering.

07-09-2007, 02:34 PM
I do like the idea of venturing into the planes of Xoriat, Mabar, and noway I can spell it Dorfur (the Marut plane). Those would have to be individual areas. Maybe put a raid in each one.

The Xoriat one you fight a three headed beast known as the devourer. Has Beholder, Mindflayer, and Thraak hound heads. Make it one real tough fight. Kinda like pre-nerf Titan.

The Mabar one you fight a liche that summons vampires. Basically this is undead haven and all the bad parts of the bible rolled into one.

The Marut one (Construct plane). Yes the big baddie should be a HUGE Marut, and summon Constructs.

Randomly the mobs should have spell resist. Not all of them, just enough to throw us into changing weapons.

Also, throw this idea with a ladder of being "blooded".

3 planes need to access the next 3 planes. then access of at least 1 plane maybe more or a raid zone.

First level planes: Air, Fire, Ice.

Second Level: Madness (Xoriat), Death (Mabar), War(Marilth)

Third Level: Constructs(Marut).

Make this hard. Make the mobs fair but a challenge.

Like LOD, this can be a phased implementation. I think a lot of people would like this. Just make sure risk vs reward is there. I do not like a rough kick in the nuts except when I might get something for my pain and suffering.

This is exactly what Im talking about but worded better. Im glad to see people are liking this idea...too bad its not up to us.

also....In the monster manual there are 3 inevitables, 1 of which is the marut...for a change compaired to the books, the DDO version of the marut is actually underpowered IMO.

So you need a special item to traverse the plane of fire (be cool if that item also let u swim in lava in TS ..but not in the plane of fire) plane of fire wandering encounters = fire ele, fire reaver, fire mephits, hellhounds, fiendish trolls.......lots more out there

Plane of water? hope u put points in your swim skill.....whirlpool any1 (ice is a quasi-plane and u have to go thru water to get there..even if only a brief trip thru water..would be nice.

07-09-2007, 02:36 PM
Notwithstanding, some planes of existance as explorer zones with instanced questing would be interesting. A harsh environment that required specific equipement from pre-req quests to even get in and survive would be interesting.

This could be a Bad Thing(TM) if not implemented properly. If this required equipment is a "simple" item that everyone gets for running the quest, it might be acceptable. Maybe like a Silver Flame cookie (can't remember the name of the actual item), that functions until you leave the zone. Or like a desert bowl/orb/phylactery that you turn in to the extraplanar quest giver so they'll grant you those protections as you portal in. If it's something like this, I don't foresee it being a huge issue, and it would give you a reason to repeat the pre-requisite quest if you want to go back.

A bad implementation, in my mind, would be an item that has to be equipped and only provides "Resistance to Mabar environmental effects". Certain characters would be hard pressed to equip the item based on location. Even worse is if the item only has a chance to drop. This could be countered if the item were set up like the ore turn-ins for in the Relic of Sovereign Past. Perhaps you collect 10 Kyber dragon shards, give them to a Gnomish Artificer, and he crafts the item for the slot of your choice. You can collect 10 more and repeat for another spot, but he takes the old one.

edit- oh I remember now.....cursed items that say +5 strength bracers when you look at it but when u put them on u get the big curse dot over your head and cant take them off.

you would then have to go to a silver flame priest who would offer to "remove cursed item"
after which the item is destroyed......and not sold on auction house for 1 million gold

While I like the idea of extraplanar adventuring, I cannot back the idea of cursed items. Putting in "gotcha" items would have a serious impact on casual players. In your example, as a casual player, that person might be ecstatic to finally have pulled +5 strength bracers, an item they could use. But wait, now they find out they're really wearing -5 strength bracers and have to pay money so that the item can be destroyed from their inventory - not even vendored. If that isn't a kick in the shorts, I'm not sure what is.

07-09-2007, 02:37 PM
Girdles of Masculinity/Femininity for all!

07-09-2007, 02:38 PM
Girdles of Masculinity/Femininity for all but WF!

Fixed it for ya.:D

07-09-2007, 02:59 PM
Hey Karethon,

I agree with the 1st half of your post. Having to pick a spot to equip the item would be a hassle. Maybe better to have it work like the bowls or work if its in your inventory.

As for the curse thing...yeah its a kick in the shorts ...but some people like myself would like it....others like yourself wont....its a mixed bag and much like the curse spell or despair spell noone is going to enjoy having it happen to them, but it adds flavor to the game.

The sound effect when u put them on should be like Dah du duuuunnnn (with base)

OMG............girdles that change you from male to female........programming nightmare......but would be so funny.

07-09-2007, 03:04 PM
I always wondered what happened to the "appendage" for Warforged.

Ever watch Robots? :D

07-09-2007, 03:29 PM
As for the curse thing...yeah its a kick in the shorts ...but some people like myself would like it....others like yourself wont....its a mixed bag and much like the curse spell or despair spell noone is going to enjoy having it happen to them, but it adds flavor to the game.

The sound effect when u put them on should be like Dah du duuuunnnn (with base)

The difference is that remove curse and crushing despair only cost a few hundred gold pieces, or a bit of time to cure. Even if the "remove cursed item" spell only cost you 100 gp, you have now not only had to pay out of your pocket, but also lost any potential funds from selling the item - adding insult to injury for the casual player. I think it's one thing to put hidden properties on certain items, specifically named or raid loot, it's something entirely different for the displayed function to be completely wrong and misleading.