View Full Version : My ideas for improving/fixing DDO

07-03-2007, 11:13 PM
I preordered DDO long before many of the free play weeks and weekends and I was disappointed in what I saw. I felt many important aspects of D&D had been left out and I really disliked the combat implementation. So I played for a short while and quit. I came back to see how the game was doing and found many neat changes. But the basics problems are still there for me. Changing combat would be too big of a thing to do so I have come to accept it. But my first fix addresses what I think is an important issue.

Drop the penalty for moving while attacking. Simple at that. In PnP you move and attack in the same turn so it is a poor reflection of the game. A more accurate reflection would be to slow attacks or movement representing the splitting of action. Spring attack and shot on the run could be changed to allow full movement or attacks.

The magic item crafting feats should be impemented. The system should be simple and reflect the PnP version. That means the creation feats should be put in the game. There should be a gold and xp cost for each item. These costs should be proportional to the increased xp cost for leveling in DDO. Hand in hand with this the availability of magic items from NPC vendors should be limited to brokers who resell items sold by PCs. If the material components are made to be similar to the spell inscription components I would think creation of this system should not be too difficult. The game can already handle the concept of prerequisites so entering in each item from the DM's guide and its requirements should not be difficult.

In terms of how long it takes to craft an item I think it should take 30 minutes real time per 1000gp market price. This time can be served offline while the player runs another character. Come back a few hours later and your wand is done. This will make the auction houses useful and could give new dimensions to quests. I would also make wizards really worthwhile as they could get all the spells needed for item creation. It could also (finally) allow implementation of the Eberron specific class the Artificer. It could also serve as a real money sink as items get really expensive at the higher levels.

Make hit points more in line with the PnP game. This counts for both PCs and monsters/npcs. The first step could be to have the bonus 20 pts at first level paid off as the person levels.(I understand the need for the bonus points at first) So wizards may take 5 levels to gain hp and fighters could take only 3. e.g. wiz starts with 20hp, gets say 3-4 per level with a con bonus. Once his earned hit points exceed his bonus ones then he can gain hit points. This also means the monster damage needs to be more in line with the game.

Red mob immunities should head to the trash pile. It is just poor design. the encounters should be designed so that the bosses have many helpers who help him along. Some should be cannon fodder and others strategically useful (e.g. a cleric healing the boss mob or a wizard shaping the battle field/ dispel magic on player spells) Blanket immunities are strongly against the spirit of the game and represent lazy development.

With these helpers a boss mob could be buffed up if the party fails to be stealthy enough. This would make stealth and scouting useful in missions.

I am a bit tired so I can't remember all my points right now so I may edit this later.

07-04-2007, 12:18 AM
I agree with pretty much all you said except for attacking while moving penalty for the following

1. I spent my feats to get spring attack if you want to avoid a -4 to hit so should you

2. In pnp if you move you can only attack once you dont get your full attack string so lets not go there.

07-04-2007, 12:46 AM
Thanks for your input.

My suggestion was designed to not make the spring attack and shot on the run feats obsolete. My design suggestion was to make the implementation more like the PnP game and make spring attack and shot OTR less "required," in that you get a hefty penalty for moving and attacking. They built a system which encourages you to move away from enemy attacks and then penalize you for it. To avoid the penalty you have to burn three feats--which is a lot of feats for non-fighters/non-humans.

In PnP you get a single attack action after moving but there is no penalty to hit because you moved. You have moved less than your full movement and you have attacked less. So my suggestion was to reduce movement and attacks if you are moving and attacking.

To keep Spring Atttack and SOTR useful I suggested that they mitigate that penalty or part of it (moving or attacking). In the PnP game you get more movement and the reduced attack. This would make those feats useful (and reflect PnP feats) as the mobs (under my proposal) would get less movement when attacking. You could jump up attack and jump back faster than they could jump up.

All things considered if I HAD to choose one thing to not implement from my list it would be the attack change. But I do think it is important.

07-04-2007, 01:06 AM
2. In pnp if you move you can only attack once you dont get your full attack string so lets not go there.
Additionally, in PnP not only do you lose attacks by moving, but you give your enemies bonus attacks per round.

07-04-2007, 01:27 AM
Additionally, in PnP not only do you lose attacks by moving, but you give your enemies bonus attacks per round.

yeah I left out AoO as they would be a real can of worms to mess with

07-04-2007, 01:52 AM
My apprehension regarding crafting is that i do not want to see the game turn into a grindfest where you spend all your time hitting the space key over and over again so that you can mine enough mithral ore to boost your crafting skill so that you can mine adamantine ore so that you can, ect....

Anyone who has ever played the free MMO runequest knows EXACTLY what I am talking about. I am very uneasy about anything that will change the basic feel and play of the game. It is for this reason that I am also glad that there is not widespread (camp at the respawn point) PVP in ths game. If I wanted that kind of experience , I would play WOW.

If crafting IS implemented, perhaps it could be used to allow you to change the appearance of your armor, or learn how to repair your own equipment, ect... These changes / additions would not effect the overall game experience. As soon as crafting is used to create items that cannot be obtained any other way, the grindfest is soon to start.

Just my opinion.

07-04-2007, 02:07 AM
You dont have crafting right now do you? So how would implementing this affect you? If you dont want to craft...THEN DONT. Not gonna change the game for YOU, but it could make it more fun for people that WANT to do this...is it just me...or, ahh NM

07-04-2007, 02:16 AM
Anyone who has ever played the free MMO runequest knows EXACTLY what I am talking about.

You mean Runescape, and yes I know what you mean, however, it kept you busy during downtimes, my fear is that it would take away from people available for questing.

07-04-2007, 07:43 AM
You dont have crafting right now do you? So how would implementing this affect you? If you dont want to craft...THEN DONT. Not gonna change the game for YOU, but it could make it more fun for people that WANT to do this...is it just me...or, ahh NM

If crafting allows you to get things that are better than what is available through quests (or very hard to get through quests) then it either forces you to do it or leaves you at a severe disadvantage.

Turbine should not entertain traditional MMO time sink crafting. It's stupid, it will drive people awaya, and most important since the first 2 points are just opinion, its not D&D. When Turbine puts crafting in it should be based on either the core D&D crafting rules (might be a bit difficult to impliment) or the spell point alternate rules (a very good fit).

07-04-2007, 08:33 AM
1. moving while attacking

how about a 'cool down' after moving. During the move and for a few (say, 6) seconds after moving, you can only make one attack per 6 seconds. spring attack, etc. would eliminate the cool down period. I think this would more closely emulate the move action/standard action setup from PnP while still making moving and attacking a viable option.

2. crafting: 3 ideas

A) replace/augment the collectibles with crafting materials
B) replace the repair skill with the 'craft' skill that allows for:
i) healing warforged as per the current repair skill
...ii) repairing one's own gear (high check = no perm. damage)
...iii) creation of non-magic items make up to masterwork quality items of
.......various materials (i.e., make your own adamantine arrows)
C) implement the item creation feats as per PnP, with cost/xp adjustments to
....fit DDO. Remember that in order to craft better magical items, you have to
....be higher level, and you spend a lot of xo, meaning more spellcasters out
....for xp.
D) all spellcasters gain access to a series of ehancements: crafting assistants.
....these would effectively mean that for lower level items, the character can
....start an item creation process, then go quest (or whatever) for a period of
....time, then collect the crafted item. As the enhancements are taken, the
....level of the item that can be crafted in absentia goes up.

07-04-2007, 06:54 PM
I am not really looking for typical MMO crafting. In most PnP games in which I have played it was as simple as spend the gold for the materials then spend the xp and time. I think the DDO version should follow this. The time to craft should be the limiter not the time to gather materials.

Scion, I like your move/attack idea to. In fact it seems better than mine, **** you.

If none of this makes sense, I think I am a more than a little drunk right now.