View Full Version : Getting frustrated

07-01-2007, 11:23 PM
Ok, I have been playing some new characters of late, enjoying the low level quests again. But. One thing is really beginging to...well **** me off. You have fixed the wolf/dog knockdown ability, you have changed the giant knockdown ability, to that they have to hit you to attempt the trip. Players definatly have to hit the enemy to trip, then why in all things unholy do bugbears/hobgoblins not have the same restriction!!! You go through tangleroot or any other quest with then and you are constantly on your ass. Why, well one, you face them at low level so your str and dex mods are not very high to resist them and they don't have to hit your AC to trip you!!! And to boot one creature can trip multiple opponents. Come on now, you are trying to bring the game into balance and you have fixed/tweeked/nerfed trip numerous times to date, why-o-why was this not on the 'to do' list too?:mad:

07-01-2007, 11:40 PM
Ok, I have been playing some new characters of late, enjoying the low level quests again. But. One thing is really beginging to...well **** me off. You have fixed the wolf/dog knockdown ability, you have changed the giant knockdown ability, to that they have to hit you to attempt the trip. Players definatly have to hit the enemy to trip, then why in all things unholy do bugbears/hobgoblins not have the same restriction!!! You go through tangleroot or any other quest with then and you are constantly on your ass. Why, well one, you face them at low level so your str and dex mods are not very high to resist them and they don't have to hit your AC to trip you!!! And to boot one creature can trip multiple opponents. Come on now, you are trying to bring the game into balance and you have fixed/tweeked/nerfed trip numerous times to date, why-o-why was this not on the 'to do' list too?:mad:

I feel so bad for the dev's.. It doesnt **** you off how overpowered we are or easy this game is? Stop crying that your char isnt invincible .. Get an AC and you wont get knocked down..

07-02-2007, 04:42 AM
I feel so bad for the dev's.. It doesnt **** you off how overpowered we are or easy this game is? Stop crying that your char isnt invincible .. Get an AC and you wont get knocked down..

Err, that's exactly problem. The mobs (hobgoblins to be specific) don't have to bypass your AC to make a trip attempt.
Furthermore, they can still AoE trip as far as I know. Gee, I must've missed the "No-need-to-hit Area of Effect Uber Trip" -feat on the feat list at level-ups.

Devs, please bring hobgoblins in-line with the rest of the monsters, thanks.

07-02-2007, 06:09 AM
the fact that 1 hobgoblin has been know to trip 3 fighter types with 1 attack can be annoying as well...........worgs do it also..........these attacks miss and do zero damage 90% of the time but can area effect trip any number of people in front of them.

Im not saying anything new here tho.

07-02-2007, 07:21 AM
Get an AC and you wont get knocked down..

Wow, DK, reading comprehension for the win. ;)

Hobgoblins/Bugbears don't have to hit you to trip you. The OP wants that fixed. It seems like a very reasonable request, especially given that they've just recently fixed everything else that used to do this (Wolves, Giants).