View Full Version : Hold Monster??????

06-26-2007, 10:02 AM
I want to address the players being held by hold monster??? how does this apply to humans, dwarfs, elfs, ect.... shouldnt we be getting hold person cast on us?????
My second issues is the AI of mobs seems to be nerfed again allowing them to climb impossible objects like the kobold caster in WW part 2 continuously climbs right up the center of the drawn bridge and then is unobtainable but by distance attack. As well, the dwarfs in POP and Gianthold climb up into mid air and stand on nothing!!! Are these issues going to be fixed , when??? Arent the mob AIs getting a little out of control??? I mean really you fixed the archers AI in mod 4.0 the in 4.1 they went back to interminably running again, and nothing has ever been done about the casters neverending run!!! can we do something about that please the game should be enjoyable not out right frusterating .

06-26-2007, 10:44 AM
I want to address the players being held by hold monster??? how does this apply to humans, dwarfs, elfs, ect.... shouldnt we be getting hold person cast on us?????

Hold Person only affects a limited selection of creature types. Hold Monster affects a much broader range, including everything Hold Person does.

My second issues is the AI of mobs seems to be nerfed again allowing them to climb impossible objects like the kobold caster in WW part 2 continuously climbs right up the center of the drawn bridge and then is unobtainable but by distance attack. As well, the dwarfs in POP and Gianthold climb up into mid air and stand on nothing!!! Are these issues going to be fixed , when??? Arent the mob AIs getting a little out of control??? I mean really you fixed the archers AI in mod 4.0 the in 4.1 they went back to interminably running again, and nothing has ever been done about the casters neverending run!!! can we do something about that please the game should be enjoyable not out right frusterating.

Hmmmm... did you forget to invest in a ranged weapon? You mean Ranged Combat has a use since caster and ranged mobs DON'T run away when you shoot them? Chase them across the map, or let the range based character or caster deal with them? Hmmmm... BTW, when playing certain characters that can deal with said caster mob, I hate melee chasing them out of my casting range, think about that.

06-26-2007, 11:06 AM
Hmmmm... did you forget to invest in a ranged weapon? You mean Ranged Combat has a use since caster and ranged mobs DON'T run away when you shoot them? Chase them across the map, or let the range based character or caster deal with them? Hmmmm... BTW, when playing certain characters that can deal with said caster mob, I hate melee chasing them out of my casting range, think about that.

I had a guy in the Orc Lair on elite chasing every caster and archer down hallways and agroing even more mobs. I would tell them politely not to chase them down. After the 5th time or so he types into the chat "I'll chase what I want" So I said I just don't want you to agro more mobs, we get swamped in here and we could wipe. He then says, I'll just go then, I am doing fine in here maybe your all not up to par. I told him to leave if he wanted I would rather not have him in the group if thats how he plays, he stayed anyway.

I just don't understand why anyone would chase anything down, let it run a few steps it will stop to turn at you and start to attack. Or really use your head and run past the Mob and then start attacking it, you will drive it towards your party. I do this all the time with casters and archers to get them stuck in crowd control spells laid down at the doors. Use the AI to your advantage, or be a zerging fool, thats pretty much the choice players have there.

06-26-2007, 11:07 AM
I want to address the players being held by hold monster??? how does this apply to humans, dwarfs, elfs, ect.... shouldnt we be getting hold person cast on us?????

Geez dude do a little research on the SRD or something. It is amazing how few people know anything about DnD rules when the core books are plastered for free all over the web.

06-26-2007, 11:15 AM
Geez dude do a little research on the SRD or something. It is amazing how few people know anything about DnD rules when the core books are plastered for free all over the web.

Well, how about the fact not eveyone plays DnD, let alone 3.x to have a clue about the rules/mechanics. Half of the people are probably your standard MMO players who never rolled a true dice in their life and decided to give this a shot. Aka, you expect them to read something to learn?

As for your zerger, why didn't you just let him die? Cary his stone around, but don't rez him. Or leave him put then come back to rez him so he can get his chests.

06-26-2007, 11:33 AM
Well, how about the fact not eveyone plays DnD, let alone 3.x to have a clue about the rules/mechanics. Half of the people are probably your standard MMO players who never rolled a true dice in their life and decided to give this a shot. Aka, you expect them to read something to learn?

As for your zerger, why didn't you just let him die? Cary his stone around, but don't rez him. Or leave him put then come back to rez him so he can get his chests.

Just because you don't play DnD does not mean that you should not read up on some of the rules. It is free to do so, why go into something so unprepared. If anything it is an advantage that other MMO's do not have since playing the other games in the same franchise of a paticular MMO does not really help much at all. It is sad Missing that you ask if I expect them to read and learn cause I do and they don't.

So let me say it here to all of you MMO junkies who play video RPG's and don't know square one about D20 rules. PICK UP A BOOK, GET A SOCIAL LIFE AND GO PLAY A PnP GAME. I mean my god even if you don't play the game go find the SRD www.d20srd.ord see no excuse to not find it, and do some research. What kills me more is that MMO's are RPG's and all RPG's stem from the late 1970's early 80's pencil and paper games. The old RPG video game were total ripoffs of these games too. IMO to be "into" MMORPG's and to know nothing about REAL roleplaying is like being an artist and not knowing the basics of where styles come from. Or being a musician who never paid any attention to any other genre then the style that they play (I am a metal head and this is a HUGE issue in that community) How can a person do something with out getting into the history, the complete history behind it? Maybe it is my historical background, being a Social Studies teacher that makes me value the history of my modern interest. But you could be the best power gamer in the world, you could be that dude in the South Park episode that could only be killed by The Sword of One Thousand Truths, but if you think J.R.R. Tolkien ripped off Gary Gygax... I'll stop before I get more infraction points for calling about 80-90% of this game community a nasty word.

BTW the zerger, I was not the cleric, and it was not about him dying, I was worried about the squishies like the Cleric and Casters. He runs ahead gets mobbed he's not going to die (Dwarf Tank) just take alot of damage and run back to the cleric for a heal with all his new found friends.