View Full Version : Updated Game Maunal Includes Shimmy, Game Doesn't (Still)

06-24-2007, 11:07 AM
From the Game Manual here: http://download.turbine.com/ddo/DDO_FL_Manual_v27.pdf

Updated since launch. The note on page 28, "Controls" under Climb reads:

To climb up or down a ladder, approach it and your character will get on it. You
can then press forward or backward to ascend or descend the ladder. When
you jump near the edge of a precipice, your character will grab that edge. Use
A and D to mantle left and right, respectively (but this only works for short
distances; you won’t be able to turn corners). Push forward to climb up from the edge.

The Original Game Manual said: When you jump near the edge of a precipice, your character will grab that edge. Use A and D to mantle left and right, respectively. Push forward to climb up from the edge.

Question: Why have you updated the game manual, even adding ADDITIONAL INFORMATION about using this feature, yet haven't actually implemented it?

06-25-2007, 12:02 AM
IIRC they had this ability in game very early, but it was taken out as controlling exploits that relied on shimmying around was too difficult.

Or, I may have dreamt that.

06-25-2007, 01:32 AM
BTW when is the manual going to be updated to include levels 13 & 14?

06-25-2007, 03:54 AM
I imagine this company doesnt have any managers that oversee the entire project. If they did, that person would catch things like this. (If there is someone like this already, I would ask why that person has not been fired yet)

06-25-2007, 07:11 AM
I imagine this company doesnt have any managers that oversee the entire project. If they did, that person would catch things like this. (If there is someone like this already, I would ask why that person has not been fired yet)


It seems to me that Turbine has no controller. Only programmers. They dont even check anything before it rolls out to the public, it just goes and they deal with the problems later.

QA/QC is utterly non-existant. If there is any type of management with their hands in control of the production of this game, it certainly does not show. Mods go live with glaring bugs, Patches go in with no QC of the content of the patch, and in-game GM behavior is erratic, inconsistent, and sometimes outright rude.

IMHO there is nobody at Turbine that is taking responsibility for the entire project as a whole. There are different groups each responsible for their own part of the game, and each group works independantly of the others, it seems.

Just an FYI, to the Turbine (mis)management: Computer Programmers are NOT business or project managers.

06-25-2007, 10:00 AM
I imagine this company doesnt have any managers that oversee the entire project. If they did, that person would catch things like this. (If there is someone like this already, I would ask why that person has not been fired yet)

Until DDO increases subs to the level of LotRO, we get the scraps. Scraps doesn't include management pay :D.