View Full Version : Balancing End Rewards

06-20-2007, 09:37 AM
I know this is tricky, and likely controversial. It may also be technically difficult to implement. Having said that, it seems like this would remedy some of the end reward imbalances.

There are nine different groups of "quality" items:

1) Vorpals/Banishers/Paralyzers/Smiters/Disruptors
2) Greater Bane weapons
3) Stat damaging weapons
4) Mithral Armor
5) Tomes
6) High Skill boost items
7) High Stat boost items
8) Greater X Resist cloaks/shields, Greater False Life Items
9) Potency/Magi/Spell Pen scepters

Right now, everyone seems to be given options from the subset of these 9 that they qualify to use. Melee types, in general, seem to get all of these types of items as choices, while clerics get few choices from the top list, arcanes get few from the uber weapons or armor list, etc. Thus, they miss out on most of the uber weapons.

There's a couple of ways to remedy this:
1) Reduce the number of slots on the end reward option list for melee types - instead of 8 items to choose from, they get 5.

2) Adjust probabilities:
a) Adjust the probabilities so that tomes fall more often for arcanes and/or less often for melee
b) Adjust the probabilies so that greater bane and stat damaging weapons fall more often for rogues and clerics
c) Same with Mithral

Maybe rogues already get good drops, and this approach isn't necessary for them. But that's a side point. The main point is to try to ensure that each class or class group has something of value to trade to others in other class groups.


06-20-2007, 09:43 AM
8. Making short posts for the sole purpose of moving your thread up the forum ("bumping") or adding to your post count is not allowed. The sole exception to this is in the marketplace forums where informative bumps (i.e., "the vorpal cupcake has been sold") are allowed.

Can I please have a "vorpal cupcake"??? (of returning)
Sounds like a great food fight

Goldenhair Moonbeam :14th Cleric

06-20-2007, 09:51 AM
i think it should be completely random

06-20-2007, 09:56 AM
i think it should be completely random


06-20-2007, 10:04 AM
There are nine different groups of "quality" items:

1) Vorpals/Banishers/Paralyzers/Smiters/Disruptors
2) Greater Bane weapons
3) Stat damaging weapons
4) Mithral Armor
5) Tomes
6) High Skill boost items
7) High Stat boost items
8) Greater X Resist cloaks/shields, Greater False Life Items
9) Potency/Magi/Spell Pen scepters

When the Quest is done and the "Main" chest is pulled, Why can't there be just "1 random named item" that is "Binding" be in the chest each time?

That way "Named" items are pulled, but cant be Traded or Sold just kept, or destroyed.

Goldenhair Moonbeam: 14th Cleric
Wizbanger Kylidscope: 12th Mage
Machmood the Desertrat: 4th Bard

06-20-2007, 10:06 AM
i think it should be completely random
Same here. It's the only way to make it fair.

06-20-2007, 10:47 AM
Just how "random" can the system be when there is such an obvious and gross imbalance of items generated for pull by fighter types, caster types, healer types, etc.

No, I truly think the "random"ness of loot drops is a falsehood. And unless the coding for the loot tables and loot generation were made available for review (which will never happen of course) we can never be sure.

I have had at one point in time or another, one of every type of character, at as high a level as possible at that time and the simple fact was, if I wanted to go loot whoring, I always brought a fighter type because they've proven time and time again to get the best and most consistant drops.

06-21-2007, 11:28 AM
Here's my suggestion.

You recieve 8 options for end rewards at the end of each quest. Make 1 of them dependent on each of the following:

One item tailored to your highest level class.
One item tailored to each of your classes (if three classes, one for each; if two classes, one for the lower level and two for the higher, if single-class, this is 3 more class-based items).
One item tailored to a randomly chosen ability score, favoring the ones you have high scores in (for example, a character with a high Str score might get a +Str tome, +Str enhancement item, or a +skills item for an Str-based skill like Jump).
Two items tailored to feats or class abilities (e.g. a Fighter with Exotic:Khopesh could get a Khopesh, and a caster might be offered a Potency/SpellPen/Efficacy/Power item.
And two totally random items, one of which is single-use (e.g. a level-appropriate wand, or 10-50 healing potions) and one of which is permanent.