View Full Version : Weekly Development Activities (June 18, 2007)

06-18-2007, 10:29 AM
These items are in QA and are scheduled for Update 4.2: Searing Heights.


NEW – Players get 3 more weapon set configuration slots, for a total of 7!
Fixed an Auction House bug where it was possible to bid on an auction and receive a different quantity of the item than expected.

UI Improvements

The XP bar should no longer disappear on larger monitors.
Auction House

You can now filter your auction house searches by item level. This search is based on the minimum level to use the item. Items with no level requirement are considered level 1 by the filter.
Clothing and Jewelry sections in the auction house are now broken up into multiple categories based the slot the item equips to. There are now a total of ten categories for both of these two sections. Note: Only newly posted auctions will appear in these new categories.

Friends List

Offline friends will no longer show up in the friends list when added or imported if "Hide Offline Friends" is checked.


UPDATED – The spike damage of the Razor Cats is now working properly. Those who hit a razor cat in melee combat will have to make a reflex save or be injured by the spikes. Keep some throwing hammers and/or spearblock items handy.
The fire elemental's Aura of Flame has been fixed. It can no longer be blocked by spell resistance.
Duergar barbarians, bandits, and bards had their alignment corrected. They are now Neutral Evil instead of Lawful Evil.
Higher level wights and ghouls (CR 10 and above) will be able to use their innate abilities like level drain and disease on more of their attacks, rather than only doing these on their “rear back and jump forward” attack. This makes them more like their pen and paper counterparts and will make them a little more challenging. Players will of course still get their saves to resist these effects.



New Spell:

Holy Sword

Paladin 4
Channels holy power to turn a Blessed Cold Iron weapon into a +5 Holy Cold Iron weapon that grants its wielder a continuous Protection From Evil effect while equipped. The holy weapon is permanent, but is destroyed on dungeon exit.

NEW – Tenser's Transformation now grants Simple Weapon Proficiencies in addition to Martial Weapon Proficiencies. Additionally, casting Tenser's Transformation will now also grant proficiency with Throwing Hammers.
NEW – Chill Touch now (properly) has a fortitude save to negate the strength damage portion of the spell.
Potentially long-lasting debuff spells like crushing despair, bane, doom, and ray of enfeeblement have been changed so that they are removed by resting at a rest shrine.
Fixed Mind Fog's spell school. Mind Fog is an enchantment, not a conjuration.
The description for the Symbol of Flame spell has been fixed to accurately describe the amount of damage the spell does. The reflex save for this spell has also been fixed. Players and enemy npcs can now attempt a reflex save to reduce damage by half. The spell has always done 5d6 damage, and this has not been changed.

Skills, Feats, & Abilities

Reduced difficulty of detecting traps with Search and Spot, especially at low levels (5 and under).
NEW – The Power Critical feats have been upgraded. All of these feats have been consolidated into one. Once you have this feat, you will get a +4 bonus to confirm critical hits with any type of weapon.


The Toughness enhancement lines for dwarves, barbarians, fighters, and paladins have been upgraded. They now give you 5, 10, 15, and 20 additional hit points respectively instead of 5, 5, 5, and 5. They all still have the Toughness feat as a prerequisite.
The Follower of the <diety> Enhancement Lines now grant sub-abilities:

Tira's Champion: (Associated with Follower of the Silver Flame) Activate this ability to grant weapon proficiency in longbows to yourself or a friend until the target next rests. Consumes a use of turn undead.
Similar sub-abilities exist for the other faiths.

Rogue Subtle Backstabber is now an active enhancement that has a toggled stance. While turned on, you will generate less hate on melee attacks.
NEW – General

Extra Dragonmark I

Cost: 1 Action Point
Prereqs: Any Dragonmark, Level 2 Character, 3 Action Points Spent.
Benefit: Gain an additional use of your Least, Lesser, and Greater Dragonmarks per rest.

Extra Dragonmark 2

Cost: 2 Action Point
Prereqs: Any Dragonmark, Level 6 Character, 18 Action Points Spent.
Benefit: Gain an additional use of your Least, Lesser, and Greater Dragonmarks per rest.

Extra Dragonmark 3

Cost: 3 Action Point
Prereqs: Any Dragonmark, Level 10 Character, 33 Action Points Spent.
Benefit: Gain an additional use of your Least, Lesser, and Greater Dragonmarks per rest.

Extra Dragonmark 4

Cost: 4 Action Point
Prereqs: Any Dragonmark, Level 14 Character, 48 Action Points Spent.
Benefit: Gain an additional use of your Least, Lesser, and Greater Dragonmarks per rest.


Warforged Brute Fighting I

Cost: 1 Action Point
Prereqs: Warforged Level 2, 3 Action Points Spent
Benefit: Activate this ability to cause your melee attacks to generate 10% more hate, making enemies more likely to attack you.

Warforged Brute Fighting II

Cost: 2 Action Points
Prereqs: Warforged Level 6, Warforged Brute Fighting I, 18 Action Points Spent
Benefit: Activate this ability to cause your melee attacks to generate 15% more hate, making enemies more likely to attack you.

Warforged Brute Fighting III

Cost: 3 Action Points
Prereqs: Warforged Level 10, Warforged Brute Fighting II, 33 Action Points Spent
Benefit: Activate this ability to cause your melee attacks to generate 20% more hate, making enemies more likely to attack you.

Warforged Brute Fighting IV

Cost: 4 Action Points
Prereqs: Warforged Level 14, Warforged Brute Fighting III, 48 Action Points Spent
Benefit: Activate this ability to cause your melee attacks to generate 25% more hate, making enemies more likely to attack you.

NEW – The Silver Flame Exorcism enhancements now use 10 + (class level) + Charisma Modifier as a DC for the Will and Fortitude saves rather than a fixed save DC. Updated the descriptions to match.
NEW – An enemy poisoned by Thoughtburn (from the Way of the Assassin ability) now displays appropriate particle effects.
Undying Call now properly differentiates between Drow and "real" elves.
The various enhancements that summon creatures (Iron/Steel/Mithral Companion and Vulkoor’s Avatar) can now only be summoned in dungeons. You will no longer trigger the cooldown (and lose the attempt) if you try to summon them elsewhere. Summoning these creatures will now also break stealth.
Iron Companion no longer lists Cannith Repair II as a potential prerequisite, since a character with Cannith Repair II has already unlocked the enhancement through the Least Mark of Making.


The House Jorasco Divine Reagent Vendor now carries Blessed Cold Iron Greatswords, Bastard Swords, Longswords, Shortswords, Scimitars, Warhammers, Rapiers, Dwarven Waraxes, Khopeshes, Mauls, and Heavy Picks.
NEW – New enchanted food and drinks are available in all taverns. Warforged also have new enchanted balms and tonics. The new drink and tonic restores 2500sp over 1 minute. The new food heals 500hp over 1 minute.The new balm heals 450hp over 1 minute.
Corrected the caster levels for Wands of Flame Arrow and Wands of Holy Smite to appropriate values for their spell level. Wand of Flame Arrow was reduced to Caster Level 5. Wand of Holy Smite was increased to Caster Level 7. Wands of Resist Energy was changed from Caster Level 1 to 3. These changes will affect the UMD difficulty of activating the wands as well as the wands gold value.
The Helm of the Black Dragon and the Helm of the Blue Dragon will now appear in the correct Clothing section of the Auction House. They were so pretty they were mistakenly put in the Jewelry category.
NEW – Randomly generated thrown Returning weapons will now correctly bypass their targets Damage Reduction.
NEW – Clarified the description of the Nullcloth Gown to make it obvious that the 15% Spell Failure applies to all spell casters, even Divine casters.
NEW – Corrected the naming for stacks of higher level Barkskin and Shield of Faith potions. They will now indicate their additional bonus eg Potions of Shield of Faith (+5).
NEW – You will no longer be able to attach items to mail messages that are not currently in your inventory (i.e., an item that is in your bank).


Several enemy characters from the Aurum have had their alignment changed to Lawful Evil.
Many npcs were incorrectly insisting that they were "Race: Elf" in the examination window. This information has been removed from these lying npcs.
Niles Cage (Stormreach Harbor) is no longer performing an appendectomy on himself.



Made a change to help prevent quest items from becoming inaccessible if the party member who was carrying them dies or leaves the quest.
NEW – Ataraxia's Haven

Players will now always be able to exit the mine cave without difficulty.

Cerulean Hills

Rare Encounter Garunt will now have a treasure chest.

NEW – Menechtarun

The winds have shifted the sands of Menechtarun, revealing ancient roads.
Many of the named minibosses out in the desert of Menechtarun have gotten new supplies or found new sources of power. They are a fair amount stronger than before and will put up a better fight.

The Missing Ward

The hard and elite versions of Necromancer Gerti have had their spell lists fixed. They will no longer repeatedly cast the sleep spell.

NEW – Prison of the Planes

Cochitlehua has remembered that he has "Teleport Without Error" as an at-will spell-like ability.

NEW – Sorrowdusk Island

The named gargoyle Vermilo now functions properly (and his chest spawns on the ground).

Stormcleave Outpost

Made several changes to the pillars:

The Mephits have had their hide skill lowered so they should be easier to find
The Mephits now have a 60 meter leash so they shouldn't wander away
Changed an objective to read 'Alight the Pillars' to make it more clear that they need to be fully lit and fully active rather than just partially lit.

Xorian Cipher

The three named spectres in the Xorian Cipher quest, the Urdak brothers, have been changed into skeletons so they can no longer occasionally flee and leave you stranded in a locked room. They will be slightly more challenging to beat than they were before.

In Development
These items are in development and are scheduled for Module 5: The Accursed Ascension (Litany of the Dead Parts 3 & 4).

UI Improvements

Added active/toggle/passive usage to action tooltips.
Tooltips that display long cooldown periods will display them in minutes and seconds – e.g., 2 minutes 30 seconds instead of 150 seconds.
Action tooltips will inform the user when an action is useable in water, not useable in a brawl, or when it is useable only in public. They will also display the target type for the action.
Tooltips for skills now include the key ability.
Tooltips for spells and feats now include the save DC and save type(s).

You can now ctrl-click on an item in a shop to purchase the item in bulk. A pop-up dialog will prompt you to enter the number of items to purchase. Note: This dialog is only used when purchasing items. There is still no way to control the number of items you sell from a stack.
When items in a shop are alphabetized, they are sorted first by base name (e.g. sword, dagger) and then by prefix (e.g. masterwork, vorpal).
When you add items to the shopping cart, the cumulative cost of the items in the cart will affect the "can afford" status of the items available for purchase / repair.
If a player's haggle skill changes, then the shopping cart display price will now update to reflect the change.


Spell tooltips now include blocks that describe whether or not a spell can be resisted, and what the specific material component is for a given spell (if any).
Spell tooltips now include a metamagic information block. This block lists the kinds of metamagic that can affect this spell.


NEW – The Crushing Despair FX are now persistent.

Skills, Feats, & Abilities

NEW – The number of Turn Undead attempts per rest will now be calculated on the current displayed Charisma modifier. Previously only permanent changes to Charisma from level advancement and tomes were counted.
NEW – The Listen skill now helps you detect hidden monsters.

06-18-2007, 10:35 AM
NEW – The Listen skill now helps you detect hidden monsters.

How did this take a year to get noted?

06-18-2007, 10:37 AM
These items are in QA and are scheduled for Update 4.2: Searing Heights.

NEW – Players get 3 more weapon set configuration slots, for a total of 7!

Yay, more weapon slots! :D

06-18-2007, 10:39 AM
NEW – The number of Turn Undead attempts per rest will now be calculated on the current displayed Charisma modifier. Previously only permanent changes to Charisma from level advancement and tomes were counted.

Thank god. I've been bug-ing that one since beta.

06-18-2007, 10:41 AM
Is that list of Dragonmark enhancements correct? 1 AP for each, not 1,2,3,4?

That just might make them worth something.

06-18-2007, 10:42 AM
NEW – Prison of the Planes

Cochitlehua has remembered that he has "Teleport Without Error" as an at-will spell-like ability.

Wonder if he'll end up teleporting "without error" to a place where players can't reach him?

Potentially long-lasting debuff spells like crushing despair, bane, doom, and ray of enfeeblement have been changed so that they are removed by resting at a rest shrine.This one makes me happy, though.

In all, good list.

06-18-2007, 10:43 AM
Although, I could swear that listen let you "see" stealthed monsters. At least while they are moving (which is when it makes sense to me, not while they're just standing there).
And those Dragonmark increases will be nice.
More weapon slots, great for all the TWF-ers out there.
PotP end fight will be trickier now, I imagine.

06-18-2007, 10:46 AM
Is that list of Dragonmark enhancements correct? 1 AP for each, not 1,2,3,4?

That just might make them worth something.

Has to be wrong. Hmm 4 action points for 4 heal spells? Thats like what..140 sp value for 4 action points.

06-18-2007, 10:49 AM
NEW – Prison of the Planes
Cochitlehua has remembered that he has "Teleport Without Error" as an at-will spell-like ability. Excellent. PotP getting more challenging is a good thing.

Any idea when we will get information on the bard changes?

06-18-2007, 11:00 AM
Is that list of Dragonmark enhancements correct? 1 AP for each, not 1,2,3,4?

That just might make them worth something.


You're right. It should be 1, 2, 3, 4. :o

06-18-2007, 11:03 AM
The weapon slot change is great actually for both TWF and casters. No more fiddling with weapon combos before a quest, or just saying screw it and not having the optimal combo for a certain encounters (PoP has a wide variety of enemy types for example).

I noticed that the Dragonmark enhancements set yet another precedence for cost progression in that the incremental benefit and the cost stay the same as you go up.

As a compromise, how about applying that math to the Toughness change? Each progression costs an additonal 1 AP but the incremental benefit stays at 5. You spend 4 AP for 20 HP. I think this would be more balanced than what you are proposing.. although I would prefer it to just stay the way it currently is.

EDIT: I see the correction now .. NVM then although that still makes the Toughness progression the odd one out.

06-18-2007, 11:03 AM
These items are in QA and are scheduled for Update 4.2: Searing Heights.


NEW – Menechtarun

The winds have shifted the sands of Menechtarun, revealing ancient roads.
Many of the named minibosses out in the desert of Menechtarun have gotten new supplies or found new sources of power. They are a fair amount stronger than before and will put up a better fight.

The desert is supposed to be for levels 8 through 12 (I think), so why are you making it harder? Don't change things like this because you have a capped population. Make more content. I don't want to run my baby characters through quests that say they should be level 10 but instead are really level 14 quests.

The desert area has been out for a long time, why the change now? The devs changed PoP in less than a week when they decided it was to easy. If the devs thought the desert was to easy why didn't it change when it first came out?

The correct answer is.... it wasn't to easy for us then and it's still not a push-over for most level appropriate characters now. DON'T FIX IT IF IT AIN'T BROKEN!!!!

06-18-2007, 11:04 AM
I was afraid of that. I was almost ready to build a dragonmarked character, too.

Still worth it for that AP cost? Hmm... I dunno.

06-18-2007, 11:07 AM
The desert is supposed to be for levels 8 through 12 (I think), so why are you making it harder? Don't change things like this because you have a capped population. Make more content. I don't want to run my baby characters through quests that say they should be level 10 but instead are really level 14 quests.

The desert area has been out for a long time, why the change now? The devs changed PoP in less than a week when they decided it was to easy. If the devs thought the desert was to easy why didn't it change when it first came out?

The correct answer is.... it wasn't to easy for us then and it's still not a push-over for most level appropriate characters now. DON'T FIX IT IF IT AIN'T BROKEN!!!!

Many of the outdoor named mobs could use a buff. Thirsty One (bloodstone chest) has always been a complete push-over (the arcanes and skeleton archers are tougher). The named mummy is just as easy as the unnamed one at the ring of spell storing chest.. etc,. (the list goes on)

06-18-2007, 11:08 AM
Is this really going to make a June release, as per the splash screen?

06-18-2007, 11:11 AM
Many of the outdoor named mobs could use a buff. Thirsty One (bloodstone chest) has always been a complete push-over (the arcanes and skeleton archers are tougher). The named mummy is just as easy as the unnamed one at the ring of spell storing chest.. etc,. (the list goes on)

Exactly .. those chests could all be solo'd rather easily. The hardest thing about farming them was waiting for the instance to reset.

Anything which the game harder and encourages grouping is a good thing IMO.

06-18-2007, 11:13 AM
Anything which the game harder and encourages grouping is a good thing IMO.

I'm glad you're not a dev.

Harder isn't always better. The only time you should make something harder, is if the rewards are worth the challenge. With the exception of 3-4 good named items out there (with abyssmal drop rates), those chests suck...

06-18-2007, 11:15 AM
NEW – New enchanted food and drinks are available in all taverns. Warforged also have new enchanted balms and tonics. The new drink and tonic restores 2500sp over 1 minute. The new food heals 500hp over 1 minute.The new balm heals 450hp over 1 minute.

emote: cheer

06-18-2007, 11:17 AM
I'm glad you're not a dev.

Harder isn't always better. The only time you should make something harder, is if the rewards are worth the challenge. With the exception of 3-4 good named items out there (with abyssmal drop rates), those chests suck...

You think people run them for the normal loot?

In this particular case, the challenge of the encounter did not match the potential reward in any way shape or form.

06-18-2007, 11:19 AM
NEW – New enchanted food and drinks are available in all taverns. Warforged also have new enchanted balms and tonics. The new drink and tonic restores 2500sp over 1 minute. The new food heals 500hp over 1 minute.The new balm heals 450hp over 1 minute.Yay, House Ghallanda has finally reached a new trade agreement with House Cannith! :D

06-18-2007, 11:25 AM
No more "easy" button for the end of PoP thats cool

and yea twf range can now group 7 weapon slots yaaaaaaa

06-18-2007, 11:26 AM

The Toughness enhancement lines for dwarves, barbarians, fighters, and paladins have been upgraded. They now give you 5, 10, 15, and 20 additional hit points respectively instead of 5, 5, 5, and 5. They all still have the Toughness feat as a prerequisite.
NEW – General

Extra Dragonmark I

Cost: 1 Action Point
Prereqs: Any Dragonmark, Level 2 Character, 3 Action Points Spent.
Benefit: Gain an additional use of your Least, Lesser, and Greater Dragonmarks per rest.

Extra Dragonmark 2

Cost: 2 Action Point
Prereqs: Any Dragonmark, Level 6 Character, 18 Action Points Spent.
Benefit: Gain an additional use of your Least, Lesser, and Greater Dragonmarks per rest.

Extra Dragonmark 3

Cost: 3 Action Point
Prereqs: Any Dragonmark, Level 10 Character, 33 Action Points Spent.
Benefit: Gain an additional use of your Least, Lesser, and Greater Dragonmarks per rest.

Extra Dragonmark 4

Cost: 4 Action Point
Prereqs: Any Dragonmark, Level 14 Character, 48 Action Points Spent.
Benefit: Gain an additional use of your Least, Lesser, and Greater Dragonmarks per rest.


Warforged Brute Fighting I

Cost: 1 Action Point
Prereqs: Warforged Level 2, 3 Action Points Spent
Benefit: Activate this ability to cause your melee attacks to generate 10% more hate, making enemies more likely to attack you.

Warforged Brute Fighting II

Cost: 2 Action Points
Prereqs: Warforged Level 6, Warforged Brute Fighting I, 18 Action Points Spent
Benefit: Activate this ability to cause your melee attacks to generate 15% more hate, making enemies more likely to attack you.

Warforged Brute Fighting III

Cost: 3 Action Points
Prereqs: Warforged Level 10, Warforged Brute Fighting II, 33 Action Points Spent
Benefit: Activate this ability to cause your melee attacks to generate 20% more hate, making enemies more likely to attack you.

Warforged Brute Fighting IV

Cost: 4 Action Points
Prereqs: Warforged Level 14, Warforged Brute Fighting III, 48 Action Points Spent
Benefit: Activate this ability to cause your melee attacks to generate 25% more hate, making enemies more likely to attack you.

Ok, not one but TWO new enhancement lines following the system of diminishing returns. And one being changed from diminishing returns to flat increases. C'mon now... Even attribute cost at creation isn't flat cost; the cost increases with increasing stat.

Perhaps a song from 'Sesame Street' will help bring the problem to light. Sing it with me now.

"One of these things is not like the others,
One of these things just doesn't belong,
Can you tell which thing is not like the others
By the time I finish my song?
Did you guess which thing was not like the others?
Did you guess which thing just doesn't belong?
If you guessed this one is not like the others,
Then you're absolutely...right!" :(

06-18-2007, 11:29 AM

You're right. It should be 1, 2, 3, 4. :o

I don't know, it'd fit with the changes to the Toughness enhancements.

06-18-2007, 11:37 AM
[ NEW – Prison of the Planes

Cochitlehua has remembered that he has "Teleport Without Error" as an at-will spell-like ability.


Give it up turbine. You're not gonna make PoP hard for the power-gamers(a.k.a. the reason you keep making changes to PoP) You're only hurting the casual gamer.

06-18-2007, 11:40 AM
NEW – New enchanted food and drinks are available in all taverns. Warforged also have new enchanted balms and tonics. The new drink and tonic restores 2500sp over 1 minute. The new food heals 500hp over 1 minute.The new balm heals 450hp over 1 minute.

How about putting some ale in the taverns?

06-18-2007, 11:42 AM
How about putting some ale in the taverns?

heck yeah. They could make it really fun too. Every drink you have to make an increasingly difficult fort save or stumble around drunk. Can have drinking contests in the taverns.

06-18-2007, 11:44 AM
More two weapon slots, better food, extra dragonmarks - good stuff.

06-18-2007, 11:47 AM
How about in addition to the weapon slots we get some magic slots? There are a lot of spells I'd like to bind to certain metamagics. Haste should always be extended. Divine favor too. And I never want virtue extended. You'd make a lot of casters happy if we could bind spells to metamagic and not have to toggle.

06-18-2007, 11:51 AM
Still no fix for rogue abilities. Remember that fix that almost made it into the hotfix? Still not showing up, but at least someone is working on it. Crippling Strike? Still no word, unless you count getting it confused with the elemental damage issue multiple times. It was supposedly brought to the attention of the Devs about two weeks ago(about 6 weeks after it was bug-reported). But at least bugs that were found less than one WEEK ago are getting fixed.

Oh well, class abilities are over-rated anyway. I've managed to get along without all of them working for 7 out of the last 8 months. Guess I can manage without them pretty well.

06-18-2007, 11:57 AM
Cochitlehua has remembered that he has "Teleport Without Error" as an at-will spell-like ability.

Sweet, how will the party know which area he has teleported to so the Wizard can take the party to his new location with Greater Teleport? Or will it be a set couple of locations that he always goes to?

06-18-2007, 12:00 PM
Sweet, how will the party know which area he has teleported to so the Wizard can take the party to his new location with Greater Teleport? Or will it be a set couple of locations that he always goes to?

"In the same room" would be a safe guess as to where he teleports to.

06-18-2007, 12:02 PM
Give it up turbine. You're not gonna make PoP hard for the power-gamers(a.k.a. the reason you keep making changes to PoP) You're only hurting the casual gamer.

Even the most casual group of 6 level 14's shouldn't have too much of a problem with this.

06-18-2007, 12:02 PM
Clerics will have spell failure with the type of armor they wear when casting spells?

06-18-2007, 12:05 PM
Clerics will have spell failure with the type of armor they wear when casting spells?

Only when wearing the Null-cloth Gown, which gives everyone Arcane Spell Failure.

06-18-2007, 12:05 PM
"In the same room" would be a safe guess as to where he teleports to.

Are you trying to say he is going to teleport as many times as a Kobald Shaman spam casts Cause Fear? like once every other round?

06-18-2007, 12:07 PM
Thank god. I've been bug-ing that one since beta.

Same here, looks like Soph is gonna have to find her Charisma item again.

06-18-2007, 12:08 PM
Even the most casual group of 6 level 14's shouldn't have too much of a problem with this.

I doubt that. Even the way it is I have been in groups where PoP runs are just painful. This is nothing but a lame attempt to make the most obvious loot run in the game harder. I am just wondering when they are gonna make the mini-bosses red named.

06-18-2007, 12:09 PM
"In the same room" would be a safe guess as to where he teleports to.

I also can't wait for the tons of bug reports that will be flying when this happens. "He teleported into the wall" springs to mind.

06-18-2007, 12:15 PM
I also can't wait for the tons of bug reports that will be flying when this happens. "He teleported into the wall" springs to mind.

Exactly. They go and finally change the 3 spirits from Xorian in this update because they bug so much and now they are gonna do this.

06-18-2007, 12:19 PM
Speaking of Teleport Without Error....... Lailiat does this and sometimes it's difficult to get the raid to start correctly because she Teleports before the party can damage her.... poof bugged, in that one it's only a minor annoyance to start over because it's at the beginning, but I'm not looking forward to starting over at the last encounter of the adventure.

Currently if you report Lailiat teleporting like that the DM will tell you to start over and they won't/can't do anything about it. That will be completely unacceptable at the end of an adventure that takes anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours for some groups.

06-18-2007, 12:23 PM
I also can't wait for the tons of bug reports that will be flying when this happens. "He teleported into the wall" springs to mind.

Exactly. They go and finally change the 3 spirits from Xorian in this update because they bug so much and now they are gonna do this.I don't think (rather I hope) the teleport will not be like Incorporeal phasing into the floor/wall or Scorpion burrow. I do think (and hope) it will be simple like Ogre Magi or Bugbear Rogue disappear/reappear behind you.

Basically, its a way to make the encounter more dynamic. As it is now, he stays aggro'd on the caster who layed a Wall of Fire on his head, regardless of the tanks beating him. I've seen 4 tanks boxing him in, all mindblasted by Mindflayers and poor Cochitlehua remains stuck while the caster nukes him to oblivion. Now, he'll just teleport out and chase the caster.

06-18-2007, 12:31 PM
I don't think (rather I hope) the teleport will not be like Incorporeal phasing into the floor/wall or Scorpion burrow. I do think (and hope) it will be simple like Ogre Magi or Bugbear Rogue disappear/reappear behind you.

Basically, its a way to make the encounter more dynamic. As it is now, he stays aggro'd on the caster who layed a Wall of Fire on his head, regardless of the tanks beating him. I've seen 4 tanks boxing him in, all mindblasted by Mindflayers and poor Cochitlehua remains stuck while the caster nukes him to oblivion. Now, he'll just teleport out and chase the caster.

Nah... more likely the casters won't use wall of fire on him anymore, and the tanks will box him in and beat on him. He won't teleport out because he's able to attack his agro mark.

(Casters shouldn't be firewalling him anyway, as that grabs the other mob agro. Just have the tanks box him in and melee him. Casters can MM or Force Missle him, or just stay out of the way.)

06-18-2007, 12:34 PM
The desert is supposed to be for levels 8 through 12 (I think), so why are you making it harder? Don't change things like this because you have a capped population. Make more content. I don't want to run my baby characters through quests that say they should be level 10 but instead are really level 14 quests.

The desert area has been out for a long time, why the change now? The devs changed PoP in less than a week when they decided it was to easy. If the devs thought the desert was to easy why didn't it change when it first came out?

The correct answer is.... it wasn't to easy for us then and it's still not a push-over for most level appropriate characters now. DON'T FIX IT IF IT AIN'T BROKEN!!!!

I think it's because the Desert (and Waterworks) is being changed to a wilderness area and that it's the rare encounter bosses Samera is referring to?

06-18-2007, 12:43 PM
Okay, I still haven't figured this one out.

"NEW – You will no longer be able to attach items to mail messages that are not currently in your inventory (i.e., an item that is in your bank)."

Is this actually possible right now? I'm picturing someone with some extremely long arms, trying to mail something out of their bank.

Oh, and still nothing about Crippling Strike...

06-18-2007, 12:49 PM
I don't think (rather I hope) the teleport will not be like Incorporeal phasing into the floor/wall or Scorpion burrow. I do think (and hope) it will be simple like Ogre Magi or Bugbear Rogue disappear/reappear behind you.

I actually hope it's like a real Teleport - he instantly dissapears in a blue flash and reappears somewhere else right away, no delay whatsoever. The Bugbears still disappear for a while .. it's more like a Blink or something.

Anyhow about new bugs due to Teleport .. I hope the spectre of bugs don't dissuade the dev team from trying new and interesting things ..

06-18-2007, 01:31 PM
NEW – Players get 3 more weapon set configuration slots, for a total of 7!

NEW – The number of Turn Undead attempts per rest will now be calculated on the current displayed Charisma modifier. Previously only permanent changes to Charisma from level advancement and tomes were counted.


06-18-2007, 01:33 PM

You're right. It should be 1, 2, 3, 4. :o

Using Toughness math, shouldn't the second enhancement grant you 2 additional uses and the third grant you 3 additional uses and the fourth grant 4 additional uses for a total of 10 extra uses for all four enhancements?


06-18-2007, 01:36 PM
heck yeah. They could make it really fun too. Every drink you have to make an increasingly difficult fort save or stumble around drunk. Can have drinking contests in the taverns.

They'll never add 'alcoholic' beverages to the game. It's too PC and kiddy friendly for it.

Age of Conan, however, will have alcohol in game and drunken bar fights. The bar fights will only take into account how drunk you are, not level, and sounds hilarious.

06-18-2007, 01:39 PM
"In the same room" would be a safe guess as to where he teleports to.

I suspect the AI will be as flakey as the 'incorporeal' action of Wraiths. He'll teleport around spastically for about 50 seconds out of every minute and only be in one spot for the rest of the time.

06-18-2007, 01:39 PM
They'll never add 'alcoholic' beverages to the game. It's too PC and kiddy friendly for it.

Age of Conan, however, will have alcohol in game and drunken bar fights. The bar fights will only take into account how drunk you are, not level, and sounds hilarious.

LOTRO has beer and its way more kiddie than this game, in more ways than one.

06-18-2007, 01:49 PM
Thank you very much for the weapon combo slots increase and the turn undead use fix.

Please pass the following requests onto development:

1. Please increase the number of hotbars. This will become even more important as high level casters need more spaces for new spells. (I know about the /alias workaround trick.)

2. It would be nice if you could just drag the spell slot from your character sheet to the hotbar, and it would change the spell when you change what you have memorized. (As it works with multi weapon slots.)

3. Another nice feature would be a way to cast spells from the main window, for example with a right mouse click or shift right mouse click that opens up a selection tree of your memorized spells.

06-18-2007, 01:52 PM
Using Toughness math, shouldn't the second enhancement grant you 2 additional uses and the third grant you 3 additional uses and the fourth grant 4 additional uses for a total of 10 extra uses for all four enhancements?


That's how I figure it too. Same for Skill bonus enhancements, and SP bonuses, and spell damage bonuses. . .

06-18-2007, 01:58 PM
Using Toughness math, shouldn't the second enhancement grant you 2 additional uses and the third grant you 3 additional uses and the fourth grant 4 additional uses for a total of 10 extra uses for all four enhancements?


Well then they would have to change it to Dwarf only as another racial enhancement to better "balance" the game :D

06-18-2007, 02:19 PM
I suspect the AI will be as flakey as the 'incorporeal' action of Wraiths. He'll teleport around spastically for about 50 seconds out of every minute and only be in one spot for the rest of the time.
Yeah I figure this change will just make the end boss annoying like incorporeal undead are annoying.

I never did understand how incorporeal undead could phase out where ghost touch weapons could not attack them. IMO the 50% miss chance of normal magic weapons is already accounting for this ability, but I'm not the DM here.

06-18-2007, 02:31 PM
Oh please Great Samera (<--- Sucking Up), I am on my knee's beggin, give us a Sneak Peek of the Bard stuff. It's driving me crazy and I am serious. :mad: :) :D :o :eek: :rolleyes: :o :cool: :eek: :o :( :(

See, please save me from myself with a little sneak peek.

Edit: I will also so hook any character you make on mabar up with Fat Loot , so much your ears will bleed. :D :D :O Please Bard info Please =P

06-18-2007, 02:35 PM
Cochitlehua has remembered that he has "Teleport Without Error" as an at-will spell-like ability.

I hope he finds the spell to have the same in-combat worthiness that I do.

"Chupicabra wants to Greater Teleport you to the Portable Hole for some Martinis and finger sammiches. Do you accept? [y/n]"

You know, if I was building a Prison for Extraplanar creatures that can cast Greater Teleport at will - I'd probably invest in something like a permanent Dimensional Lock. Otherwise my prisoners could get away or something. What the pfargtle is he still doing here if he can freaking teleport?

So is he going to be annoying like the Ogre magi, or annoying like the Phase Spiders, or annoying like the Vampire?

06-18-2007, 02:35 PM
double post, oh how I wish I could delete thee

06-18-2007, 02:37 PM
Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you

For the new drinks and food for Warforged

Again Thank YOU!!

06-18-2007, 02:54 PM
You think people run them for the normal loot?

In this particular case, the challenge of the encounter did not match the potential reward in any way shape or form.

No... the challenge matched the reward perfect. You just were confused on what the challenge was. The challenge wasn't beating the Thirsty One. It was having the patience to beat the Thirsty One 35 times while you grinded it out on your leather butt.

06-18-2007, 02:56 PM

NEW – Players get 3 more weapon set configuration slots, for a total of 7!

That's good. Did you see my suggestion that shift-dragging a weapon onto a shortcut (not just a weapon set) puts it as a part of a weapon set?. This would effectively enable nearly infinite weapon sets without having to code them or find space for them in shortcut bars. Less work for you guys, more good for us. Win-Win.

NEW – The Power Critical feats have been upgraded. All of these feats have been consolidated into one. Once you have this feat, you will get a +4 bonus to confirm critical hits with any type of weapon.

Any possibility that heavy and light repeating crossbows can be rolled into one feat?


NEW – General

Extra Dragonmark I

Cost: 1 Action Point
Prereqs: Any Dragonmark, Level 2 Character, 3 Action Points Spent.
Benefit: Gain an additional use of your Least, Lesser, and Greater Dragonmarks per rest.

Extra Dragonmark 2

Cost: 2 Action Point
Prereqs: Any Dragonmark, Level 6 Character, 18 Action Points Spent.
Benefit: Gain an additional use of your Least, Lesser, and Greater Dragonmarks per rest.

Extra Dragonmark 3

Cost: 3 Action Point
Prereqs: Any Dragonmark, Level 10 Character, 33 Action Points Spent.
Benefit: Gain an additional use of your Least, Lesser, and Greater Dragonmarks per rest.

Extra Dragonmark 4

Cost: 4 Action Point
Prereqs: Any Dragonmark, Level 14 Character, 48 Action Points Spent.
Benefit: Gain an additional use of your Least, Lesser, and Greater Dragonmarks per rest.

This will make dragonmarks much more useful, in many cases. Especially the greater marks. 5 clickie heals per rest? My halfling cleric is actually considering them, now.

NEW – New enchanted food and drinks are available in all taverns. Warforged also have new enchanted balms and tonics. The new drink and tonic restores 2500sp over 1 minute. The new food heals 500hp over 1 minute.The new balm heals 450hp over 1 minute.

Very nice. Thank you very much. :)

NEW – Prison of the Planes

Cochitlehua has remembered that he has "Teleport Without Error" as an at-will spell-like ability.

No more boxing him in, eh? Any word on making him not go crazy when he first drops and sees a person?

NEW – Sorrowdusk Island

The named gargoyle Vermilo now functions properly (and his chest spawns on the ground).

Stormcleave Outpost

Hehe, I guess the GM got tired of spawning it for us... :D Thanks!

NEW – The number of Turn Undead attempts per rest will now be calculated on the current displayed Charisma modifier. Previously only permanent changes to Charisma from level advancement and tomes were counted.

Thank goodness! Woohoo!

NEW – The Listen skill now helps you detect hidden monsters.

It didn't before? And here I thought I just didn't have enough listen skill.

06-18-2007, 03:09 PM
You know, if I was building a Prison for Extraplanar creatures that can cast Greater Teleport at will - I'd probably invest in something like a permanent Dimensional Lock. Otherwise my prisoners could get away or something. What the pfargtle is he still doing here if he can freaking teleport?

Unless each jail cell was a pocket dimension modeled after real dimensions. Then the only place he could teleport would be that room, as that's the extent of the plane.

I do agree, though. This has the potential to make the Prison of the Planes incredibly annoying.

06-18-2007, 03:14 PM
They'll never add 'alcoholic' beverages to the game. It's too PC and kiddy friendly for it.

Age of Conan, however, will have alcohol in game and drunken bar fights. The bar fights will only take into account how drunk you are, not level, and sounds hilarious.

But beheading monsters is ok? I will say I had zero interest in AoC until you said bar fights. Now I may check it out.

06-18-2007, 03:21 PM
Please don't forget gimped archery please... as you can imagine, firing blanks isn't a pleasant experience :D

06-18-2007, 03:21 PM
hi, i dont really see the point of this feat line considering we already have intimidate? could you please change it to increasing the damage percentage? i would surely take these feats then. my warforged barbarian has about a 30 intimidate and rarely fails. except on some of the red bosses, which this feat might be good for then i guess, but i wouldnt spend all those points on it.

06-18-2007, 03:28 PM
"NEW – Players get 3 more weapon set configuration slots, for a total of 7!

Reduced difficulty of detecting traps with Search and Spot, especially at low levels (5 and under)."

These two I love, ty for the extra weapon slots, this is going to make life a lot easier, now I don't have to have all my weapons in my shortcut bars so that I can change them out all the time.

As for the reduction in Search and Spot, I hope that includes A Cabal for One, that way I don't have to build a new rogue.

• NEW – Prison of the Planes
o Cochitlehua has remembered that he has "Teleport Without Error"
as an at-will spell-like ability.

This one I hate, and I don't really care if he moves around, I just hate it because of the way I know that he well move around. Running around making him immune to weapon damage, plus the damage you have to inflict in order to complete, plus the fact that he is a red named mob so he is immune to all spell effects minus direct damage.

I wouldn't mind so much if when we swing at mob's while they are running we could hit them, but sense we can't, or at least not for the majority of swings, it bothers me.

PoP just got harder, but not because it is a hard mission but because the way that the game functions. Is it intentional to make mob's immune to weapon damage while they are running or was that just a mistake made?

Before making mob's able to run around, how about fixing the fact that they can't be hit while they are doing the running. If the immune to weapon damage while running is not intentional.

06-18-2007, 03:40 PM
These items are in QA and are scheduled for Update 4.2: Searing Heights.

NEW – Players get 3 more weapon set configuration slots, for a total of 7!

Any chance of greater flexibility like dual weapons, wands/shields ?

06-18-2007, 03:40 PM
NEW – You will no longer be able to attach items to mail messages that are not currently in your inventory (i.e., an item that is in your bank)

When has that ever been possible?

* Fixed an Auction House bug where it was possible to bid on an auction and receive a different quantity of the item than expected.

Did this only happen with items that were already in stacks, or could I have gotten two of the same weapon by accident?

The House Jorasco Divine Reagent Vendor now carries Blessed Cold Iron Greatswords, Bastard Swords, Longswords, Shortswords, Scimitars, Warhammers, Rapiers, Dwarven Waraxes, Khopeshes, Mauls, and Heavy Picks.

Why only those specific weapons? Holy Sword should be able to be cast on all melee weapons

06-18-2007, 10:31 PM
You know, if I was building a Prison for Extraplanar creatures that can cast Greater Teleport at will - I'd probably invest in something like a permanent Dimensional Lock. Otherwise my prisoners could get away or something. What the pfargtle is he still doing here if he can freaking teleport?

So is he going to be annoying like the Ogre magi, or annoying like the Phase Spiders, or annoying like the Vampire?

Since when do the Devs ever need a rational to giving the mobs exceptional abilities that they shouldn't have, or logically wouldn't have?

And he's probably going to be a brand new annoying.

06-19-2007, 12:00 AM

Players get 3 more weapon set configuration slots, for a total of 7!

Auction House
You can now filter your auction house searches by item level. This search is based on the minimum level to use the item.
Clothing and Jewelry sections in the auction house are now broken up into multiple categories based the slot the item equips to. There are now a total of ten categories for both of these two sections.

SWEEEEEET! I can hope that you will soon implement a "search" engine within the auction house for an even more convenient shopping experience???

You can now ctrl-click on an item in a shop to purchase the item in bulk. A pop-up dialog will prompt you to enter the number of items to purchase.

If a player's haggle skill changes, then the shopping cart display price will now update to reflect the change.

Thank you SOOOOO much for these changes.

Spell tooltips now include a metamagic information block. This block lists the kinds of metamagic that can affect this spell.

Nice addition and I have to agrree with this reply-

How about in addition to the weapon slots we get some magic slots? There are a lot of spells I'd like to bind to certain metamagics. Haste should always be extended. Divine favor too. And I never want virtue extended. You'd make a lot of casters happy if we could bind spells to metamagic and not have to toggle.

Definately /petition signed by me. All too often, I wished I did not have to constantly toggle metamagic feats on and off for a specific spell. Wish I could specify which metamagic feats I could bind to each spell, before I start questing. Probably a very complex feature to add for the devs, but worth it in my opinion.

Please don't forget gimped archery please... as you can imagine, firing blanks isn't a pleasant experience

Could not agree with you more K! Still wish my heavy repeaters actually fired 3 round bursts rather than 2. Seems as though the animation is actually firing 3 bolts, but only the 1st and 3rd shots are gettin dice rolls and weapon dmg above a mobs head. Can't remember if the combat log is registering 2 or 3 shots fired. Either way, it does look like it is firing blanks on the 2nd of 3 shots...most of the time. Again, another complexity which I doubt the devs are looking forward to fixing, but all praise will be to them when they do.

If I could have 1 more addition to the game, it would be a show-cloak option...specificaly a hooded cloak maybe...a cloak graphic rather than armor. Perhaps a graphic toggle between cloak and armor as to show if your cloak is over top of your armor. I think a lot of rogues and rangers would appreciate this. After all, armor and cloaks are layered...I would just like to have the option of deciding which is the outer wear.

All in all, my hat's off to the devs for such a great game. In terms of mmo games, DDO is still young, and I'll try to remain patient for new game features and fixes. Thank you devs for all your hard work and be proud of your creation, don't let any of the negative nancies get ya down.

We are either part of the solution or part of the problem. Disclaimer: problem solutions may require patience, understanding, suggestions and a proactive interest in game development.:D If you don't like what you paid for, then leave...less lag for the rest of us when we log in to giant hold tavern on a welcome back weekend.

06-19-2007, 09:05 AM
Um, I would like to join the applause for more weapon sets, but could someone explain why only three? If you are going to take the effort to make the change, why not 8 or 20? Do they have to always be visible in the equipment window? Is seven all that could fit? Seven is better than four, but honestly, I'll still have to switch sets around between quests which is a hassle. I'll still need to know the quest by heart ahead of time to know which weapon sets to equip. Twelve would be a number where I could start setting them up once and for all. Why not 24 to be safe?

Really...just three...? :(

06-19-2007, 09:37 AM
NEW – Corrected the naming for stacks of higher level Barkskin and Shield of Faith potions. They will now indicate their additional bonus eg Potions of Shield of Faith (+5).

okay i'm a n00b...

is that a lvl 5 shield of faith (+3 deflection bonus) or a +5 deflection bonus shield of faith potion.

if it's a +5 deflection bonus, where do i find it!? :P

06-19-2007, 09:44 AM
okay i'm a n00b...

is that a lvl 5 shield of faith (+3 deflection bonus) or a +5 deflection bonus shield of faith potion.

if it's a +5 deflection bonus, where do i find it!? :P

its deflection bonus and +4 and +5 pots can be looted in chests or breakables

06-19-2007, 09:54 AM
still no notes on bards that are supposed to be getting updated this month huh.

I am starting to worry.

06-19-2007, 10:40 AM
No... the challenge matched the reward perfect. You just were confused on what the challenge was. The challenge wasn't beating the Thirsty One. It was having the patience to beat the Thirsty One 35 times while you grinded it out on your leather butt.

Maybe now they can increase the drop rate.

06-19-2007, 12:48 PM
PoP just got harder, but not because it is a hard mission but because the way that the game functions. Is it intentional to make mob's immune to weapon damage while they are running or was that just a mistake made?

This is good point, since there is no reason (the bug was fixed) to have the reverse bonus on attacks (except, maybe to keep ranged nerfed). The first attack roll should have the highest bonus, per PnP, which would make hitting on the run much more possible.

06-19-2007, 12:55 PM
PoP just got harder, but not because it is a hard mission but because the way that the game functions. Is it intentional to make mob's immune to weapon damage while they are running or was that just a mistake made?

Before making mob's able to run around, how about fixing the fact that they can't be hit while they are doing the running. If the immune to weapon damage while running is not intentional.

They can be hit while running. You have to get in front of them, or at least parallel to them. Because when you're running behind them, the game thinks you're attacking the air behind them.

06-19-2007, 02:13 PM
They'll never add 'alcoholic' beverages to the game. It's too PC and kiddy friendly for it.

The game already is rated with a "alcohol references" warning. It's probably ulitmately up to Wizards and Turbine to decide. The only real alcohol references I've seen are an NPC or two who acts drunk and a placard with a lobster holding a beer and a breadstick--and, of course, Old Sully's Grog.

06-19-2007, 04:02 PM
They'll never add 'alcoholic' beverages to the game. It's too PC and kiddy friendly for it.

Age of Conan, however, will have alcohol in game and drunken bar fights. The bar fights will only take into account how drunk you are, not level, and sounds hilarious.
The game already is rated with a "alcohol references" warning. It's probably ulitmately up to Wizards and Turbine to decide. The only real alcohol references I've seen are an NPC or two who acts drunk and a placard with a lobster holding a beer and a breadstick--and, of course, Old Sully's Grog.
Since both DDO & LOTRO are rated T, I don't see why they can't implement some of LOTRO's finer qualities... smoking, drunkeness (yes you can get hammered and stumble around, with tunnel vision and everything). I would think DDOs' audience would actually be a bit older than LOTRO's so would be much more tolerant of that kind of thing.

06-19-2007, 04:03 PM
I don't think that DnD halflings smoke pipeweed as much as LOTR hobbits, but come on, the Dwarves need their ale!

06-19-2007, 04:13 PM
I don't think that DnD halflings smoke pipeweed as much as LOTR hobbits, but come on, the Dwarves need their ale!

As Eberron's main practitioners of medicine (and with prestige classes devoted to studying and producing both poison and disease), one might wager that halflings could get a little more creative than "pipeweed" when it comes to their recreational past-times. :eek:

06-19-2007, 04:16 PM
As Eberron's main practitioners of medicine (and with prestige classes devoted to studying and producing both poison and disease), one might wager that halflings could get a little more creative than "pipeweed" when it comes to their recreational past-times. :eek:

That is just too precious.

06-19-2007, 04:34 PM
They can be hit while running. You have to get in front of them, or at least parallel to them. Because when you're running behind them, the game thinks you're attacking the air behind them.

Cool, I see what your saying, I need to get to the side of them, but also I would like to ask do you agree that it would be a good idea to fix the problem of not being able to hit them while you are behind them? I mean you could jump over them your so close behind them and you still can't get hit's in untell they stop to attack.

06-19-2007, 07:05 PM
"In the same room" would be a safe guess as to where he teleports to.

As in, he will without error teleport behind the most dangerous caster and kill them with a massive enhancement to hit from behind.

Unless each jail cell was a pocket dimension modeled after real dimensions. Then the only place he could teleport would be that room, as that's the extent of the plane.

I do agree, though. This has the potential to make the Prison of the Planes incredibly annoying.

And the big problem: FRUSTRATION. A subject and word I've brought up many times and will continue to point at, because over this emotion people have road rage, passive-aggressive disorders, school shootings, and reality television. It is an odious thing, and the one thing least taken seriously by anyone anywhere.

In this case, many people who made out like bandits when PoP first ran when the loot was seemingly an insane +2 or better and people pulled vorpals, tomes, and smiters like they were Hummel figurines on your Aunt Matilda's coffee table, will gleefully tell the noobs to come about those wonder days... who will then of course be very FRUSTRATED when Chihuahua teleports around like his namesake on amphetamines, with the exception that most Chihuahuas don't strike down level fourteen sorcerors from behind and make mincemeat of level fourteen admantine full plate wearing paladins.

Great idea. While we're at it, let's make Offering of Blood have a swarm of scorpions who can wipe a party levels eleven to fourteen on normal. Oh wait...

This one I hate, and I don't really care if he moves around, I just hate it because of the way I know that he well move around. Running around making him immune to weapon damage, plus the damage you have to inflict in order to complete, plus the fact that he is a red named mob so he is immune to all spell effects minus direct damage.

I wouldn't mind so much if when we swing at mob's while they are running we could hit them, but sense we can't, or at least not for the majority of swings, it bothers me.

PoP just got harder, but not because it is a hard mission but because the way that the game functions. Is it intentional to make mob's immune to weapon damage while they are running or was that just a mistake made?

Before making mob's able to run around, how about fixing the fact that they can't be hit while they are doing the running. If the immune to weapon damage while running is not intentional.

FINALLY!!! I thought I was taking crazy pills!

I have been telling all and sundry in every pug, for the love of all that is good and decent, STOP RUNNING FROM THE PARTY WHEN YOU GET AGGRO - WE CANNOT HIT THE MONSTERS WHILE THEY ARE RUNNING!

Of course, the casters and clerics keep running away, getting overtaken and slaughtered because the monsters get a bonus to attack from behind while the monsters in flight are nigh invulnerable. As in, 90% of swings go right through them with no attack roll even generated and 9.9% of swings generate a roll but you miss 99% of those.

Anecdotal calculations but pretty darn close if you put pen to paper and count the number of swings you make versus rolls seen and damage done.

If they get a bonus to attack a running player charcter from behind, you should get one too. At the very least, they should not be nearly impossible to hit while we are many times more likely to be hit.

06-19-2007, 07:30 PM
This is good point, since there is no reason (the bug was fixed) to have the reverse bonus on attacks (except, maybe to keep ranged nerfed). The first attack roll should have the highest bonus, per PnP, which would make hitting on the run much more possible.

It can probably never do that in this game. It is my understanding that attacks progressed in beta like in PnP. Then they realized it was completely broken and reversed it...

You take your first two swings at +10 then +5 and then interrupt your attack chain. Then pause ever so slightly and do attack twice more at +10 and +5. EVEN if you mistime it, your next two attacks will be at +6 and +1 (if you DONT have Spring Attack) which is better than +0 and +0. If you DO have Spring Attack, its constant attacks at +10 and +5.

06-19-2007, 07:36 PM
Thanks for the news, Samera!

06-19-2007, 08:54 PM
Using Toughness math, shouldn't the second enhancement grant you 2 additional uses and the third grant you 3 additional uses and the fourth grant 4 additional uses for a total of 10 extra uses for all four enhancements?


If they're gonna do that, then the Ranger, Barb, and Rogue Resistance enhancements should add 2, then 4, then 6, then 8, for a total of 20 Resistance by Tier 4.

Oh, wait. That'd make them worth taking. Nevermind. ;)

06-19-2007, 09:08 PM
You take your first two swings at +10 then +5 and then interrupt your attack chain. Then pause ever so slightly and do attack twice more at +10 and +5. EVEN if you mistime it, your next two attacks will be at +6 and +1 (if you DONT have Spring Attack) which is better than +0 and +0. If you DO have Spring Attack, its constant attacks at +10 and +5.

Well, there is no reason they couldn't simply get rid of the bonus and go without any progression. Higher BAB will simply result in faster swings which is what the PnP extra hits at a penalty is trying to simulate anyway.

06-19-2007, 09:36 PM
Well, there is no reason they couldn't simply get rid of the bonus and go without any progression. Higher BAB will simply result in faster swings which is what the PnP extra hits at a penalty is trying to simulate anyway.

That is true. Lots of other fixes/balances that are possible. FYI, I was responding to why the PNP attack chain wont work in the future, and didnt work in the past. Huge discussion that probably deserves its own thread.

06-19-2007, 09:43 PM
These items are in QA and are scheduled for Update 4.2: Searing Heights.


NEW – Players get 3 more weapon set configuration slots, for a total of 7!
Fixed an Auction House bug where it was possible to bid on an auction and receive a different quantity of the item than expected.

UI Improvements

The XP bar should no longer disappear on larger monitors.
Auction House

You can now filter your auction house searches by item level. This search is based on the minimum level to use the item. Items with no level requirement are considered level 1 by the filter.
Clothing and Jewelry sections in the auction house are now broken up into multiple categories based the slot the item equips to. There are now a total of ten categories for both of these two sections. Note: Only newly posted auctions will appear in these new categories.

Friends List

Offline friends will no longer show up in the friends list when added or imported if "Hide Offline Friends" is checked.


UPDATED – The spike damage of the Razor Cats is now working properly. Those who hit a razor cat in melee combat will have to make a reflex save or be injured by the spikes. Keep some throwing hammers and/or spearblock items handy.
The fire elemental's Aura of Flame has been fixed. It can no longer be blocked by spell resistance.
Duergar barbarians, bandits, and bards had their alignment corrected. They are now Neutral Evil instead of Lawful Evil.
Higher level wights and ghouls (CR 10 and above) will be able to use their innate abilities like level drain and disease on more of their attacks, rather than only doing these on their “rear back and jump forward” attack. This makes them more like their pen and paper counterparts and will make them a little more challenging. Players will of course still get their saves to resist these effects.



New Spell:

Holy Sword

Paladin 4
Channels holy power to turn a Blessed Cold Iron weapon into a +5 Holy Cold Iron weapon that grants its wielder a continuous Protection From Evil effect while equipped. The holy weapon is permanent, but is destroyed on dungeon exit.

NEW – Tenser's Transformation now grants Simple Weapon Proficiencies in addition to Martial Weapon Proficiencies. Additionally, casting Tenser's Transformation will now also grant proficiency with Throwing Hammers.
NEW – Chill Touch now (properly) has a fortitude save to negate the strength damage portion of the spell.
Potentially long-lasting debuff spells like crushing despair, bane, doom, and ray of enfeeblement have been changed so that they are removed by resting at a rest shrine.
Fixed Mind Fog's spell school. Mind Fog is an enchantment, not a conjuration.
The description for the Symbol of Flame spell has been fixed to accurately describe the amount of damage the spell does. The reflex save for this spell has also been fixed. Players and enemy npcs can now attempt a reflex save to reduce damage by half. The spell has always done 5d6 damage, and this has not been changed.

Skills, Feats, & Abilities

Reduced difficulty of detecting traps with Search and Spot, especially at low levels (5 and under).
NEW – The Power Critical feats have been upgraded. All of these feats have been consolidated into one. Once you have this feat, you will get a +4 bonus to confirm critical hits with any type of weapon.


The Toughness enhancement lines for dwarves, barbarians, fighters, and paladins have been upgraded. They now give you 5, 10, 15, and 20 additional hit points respectively instead of 5, 5, 5, and 5. They all still have the Toughness feat as a prerequisite.
The Follower of the <diety> Enhancement Lines now grant sub-abilities:

Tira's Champion: (Associated with Follower of the Silver Flame) Activate this ability to grant weapon proficiency in longbows to yourself or a friend until the target next rests. Consumes a use of turn undead.
Similar sub-abilities exist for the other faiths.

Rogue Subtle Backstabber is now an active enhancement that has a toggled stance. While turned on, you will generate less hate on melee attacks.
NEW – General

Extra Dragonmark I

Cost: 1 Action Point
Prereqs: Any Dragonmark, Level 2 Character, 3 Action Points Spent.
Benefit: Gain an additional use of your Least, Lesser, and Greater Dragonmarks per rest.

Extra Dragonmark 2

Cost: 2 Action Point
Prereqs: Any Dragonmark, Level 6 Character, 18 Action Points Spent.
Benefit: Gain an additional use of your Least, Lesser, and Greater Dragonmarks per rest.

Extra Dragonmark 3

Cost: 3 Action Point
Prereqs: Any Dragonmark, Level 10 Character, 33 Action Points Spent.
Benefit: Gain an additional use of your Least, Lesser, and Greater Dragonmarks per rest.

Extra Dragonmark 4

Cost: 4 Action Point
Prereqs: Any Dragonmark, Level 14 Character, 48 Action Points Spent.
Benefit: Gain an additional use of your Least, Lesser, and Greater Dragonmarks per rest.


Warforged Brute Fighting I

Cost: 1 Action Point
Prereqs: Warforged Level 2, 3 Action Points Spent
Benefit: Activate this ability to cause your melee attacks to generate 10% more hate, making enemies more likely to attack you.

Warforged Brute Fighting II

Cost: 2 Action Points
Prereqs: Warforged Level 6, Warforged Brute Fighting I, 18 Action Points Spent
Benefit: Activate this ability to cause your melee attacks to generate 15% more hate, making enemies more likely to attack you.

Warforged Brute Fighting III

Cost: 3 Action Points
Prereqs: Warforged Level 10, Warforged Brute Fighting II, 33 Action Points Spent
Benefit: Activate this ability to cause your melee attacks to generate 20% more hate, making enemies more likely to attack you.

Warforged Brute Fighting IV

Cost: 4 Action Points
Prereqs: Warforged Level 14, Warforged Brute Fighting III, 48 Action Points Spent
Benefit: Activate this ability to cause your melee attacks to generate 25% more hate, making enemies more likely to attack you.

NEW – The Silver Flame Exorcism enhancements now use 10 + (class level) + Charisma Modifier as a DC for the Will and Fortitude saves rather than a fixed save DC. Updated the descriptions to match.
NEW – An enemy poisoned by Thoughtburn (from the Way of the Assassin ability) now displays appropriate particle effects.
Undying Call now properly differentiates between Drow and "real" elves.
The various enhancements that summon creatures (Iron/Steel/Mithral Companion and Vulkoor’s Avatar) can now only be summoned in dungeons. You will no longer trigger the cooldown (and lose the attempt) if you try to summon them elsewhere. Summoning these creatures will now also break stealth.
Iron Companion no longer lists Cannith Repair II as a potential prerequisite, since a character with Cannith Repair II has already unlocked the enhancement through the Least Mark of Making.


The House Jorasco Divine Reagent Vendor now carries Blessed Cold Iron Greatswords, Bastard Swords, Longswords, Shortswords, Scimitars, Warhammers, Rapiers, Dwarven Waraxes, Khopeshes, Mauls, and Heavy Picks.
NEW – New enchanted food and drinks are available in all taverns. Warforged also have new enchanted balms and tonics. The new drink and tonic restores 2500sp over 1 minute. The new food heals 500hp over 1 minute.The new balm heals 450hp over 1 minute.
Corrected the caster levels for Wands of Flame Arrow and Wands of Holy Smite to appropriate values for their spell level. Wand of Flame Arrow was reduced to Caster Level 5. Wand of Holy Smite was increased to Caster Level 7. Wands of Resist Energy was changed from Caster Level 1 to 3. These changes will affect the UMD difficulty of activating the wands as well as the wands gold value.
The Helm of the Black Dragon and the Helm of the Blue Dragon will now appear in the correct Clothing section of the Auction House. They were so pretty they were mistakenly put in the Jewelry category.
NEW – Randomly generated thrown Returning weapons will now correctly bypass their targets Damage Reduction.
NEW – Clarified the description of the Nullcloth Gown to make it obvious that the 15% Spell Failure applies to all spell casters, even Divine casters.
NEW – Corrected the naming for stacks of higher level Barkskin and Shield of Faith potions. They will now indicate their additional bonus eg Potions of Shield of Faith (+5).
NEW – You will no longer be able to attach items to mail messages that are not currently in your inventory (i.e., an item that is in your bank).


Several enemy characters from the Aurum have had their alignment changed to Lawful Evil.
Many npcs were incorrectly insisting that they were "Race: Elf" in the examination window. This information has been removed from these lying npcs.
Niles Cage (Stormreach Harbor) is no longer performing an appendectomy on himself.



Made a change to help prevent quest items from becoming inaccessible if the party member who was carrying them dies or leaves the quest.
NEW – Ataraxia's Haven

Players will now always be able to exit the mine cave without difficulty.

Cerulean Hills

Rare Encounter Garunt will now have a treasure chest.

NEW – Menechtarun

The winds have shifted the sands of Menechtarun, revealing ancient roads.
Many of the named minibosses out in the desert of Menechtarun have gotten new supplies or found new sources of power. They are a fair amount stronger than before and will put up a better fight.

The Missing Ward

The hard and elite versions of Necromancer Gerti have had their spell lists fixed. They will no longer repeatedly cast the sleep spell.

NEW – Prison of the Planes

Cochitlehua has remembered that he has "Teleport Without Error" as an at-will spell-like ability.

NEW – Sorrowdusk Island

The named gargoyle Vermilo now functions properly (and his chest spawns on the ground).

Stormcleave Outpost

Made several changes to the pillars:

The Mephits have had their hide skill lowered so they should be easier to find
The Mephits now have a 60 meter leash so they shouldn't wander away
Changed an objective to read 'Alight the Pillars' to make it more clear that they need to be fully lit and fully active rather than just partially lit.

Xorian Cipher

The three named spectres in the Xorian Cipher quest, the Urdak brothers, have been changed into skeletons so they can no longer occasionally flee and leave you stranded in a locked room. They will be slightly more challenging to beat than they were before.

In Development
These items are in development and are scheduled for Module 5: The Accursed Ascension (Litany of the Dead Parts 3 & 4).

UI Improvements

Added active/toggle/passive usage to action tooltips.
Tooltips that display long cooldown periods will display them in minutes and seconds – e.g., 2 minutes 30 seconds instead of 150 seconds.
Action tooltips will inform the user when an action is useable in water, not useable in a brawl, or when it is useable only in public. They will also display the target type for the action.
Tooltips for skills now include the key ability.
Tooltips for spells and feats now include the save DC and save type(s).

You can now ctrl-click on an item in a shop to purchase the item in bulk. A pop-up dialog will prompt you to enter the number of items to purchase. Note: This dialog is only used when purchasing items. There is still no way to control the number of items you sell from a stack.
When items in a shop are alphabetized, they are sorted first by base name (e.g. sword, dagger) and then by prefix (e.g. masterwork, vorpal).
When you add items to the shopping cart, the cumulative cost of the items in the cart will affect the "can afford" status of the items available for purchase / repair.
If a player's haggle skill changes, then the shopping cart display price will now update to reflect the change.


Spell tooltips now include blocks that describe whether or not a spell can be resisted, and what the specific material component is for a given spell (if any).
Spell tooltips now include a metamagic information block. This block lists the kinds of metamagic that can affect this spell.


NEW – The Crushing Despair FX are now persistent.

Skills, Feats, & Abilities

NEW – The number of Turn Undead attempts per rest will now be calculated on the current displayed Charisma modifier. Previously only permanent changes to Charisma from level advancement and tomes were counted.
NEW – The Listen skill now helps you detect hidden monsters.

Just want to say thanks and keep on keepin' on.

06-19-2007, 09:47 PM
Bards were supposed to get some upgrades in 4.2 I thought? Warchanter and rumors of a new song iirc, but I see nothing in the new notes. :(

06-19-2007, 09:57 PM
Bards were supposed to get some upgrades in 4.2 I thought?

Last thing I read on Bards & 4.2 (http://forums.ddo.com/showpost.php?p=1125918&postcount=15)

06-19-2007, 10:05 PM
It's been confirmed in some bard thread (look at the dev tracker) that the 3 enhancement lines are Spellsinger, Warchanter, and Virtuoso, and they will be available at level 6, similar to the cleric's and rogue's.

06-19-2007, 10:59 PM
Thx found the threads. Hope they didn't get pushed back and will be added in 4.2.

06-20-2007, 01:50 AM

Devs, please take a look at the 'missing fire' issue!

Recently I can't shoot something which is moving (like from left to right of my screen), the 'missing rate' is like 1 in 2, i.e. lost 1 shot every 2 shot when the target is moving.

Pumping the bard or beefing up cleric is fine, just don't forget this archery issue has been outstanding since module THREE POINT ZERO.

06-20-2007, 06:28 AM
More weapon sets! Yay!
Filter AH items by min level! Yay!
AH subcategories for clothing and jewelry! Yay!
Did I mention the added weapon sets? Yay yay yay!

06-20-2007, 07:36 AM

Devs, please take a look at the 'missing fire' issue!

Recently I can't shoot something which is moving (like from left to right of my screen), the 'missing rate' is like 1 in 2, i.e. lost 1 shot every 2 shot when the target is moving.

Pumping the bard or beefing up cleric is fine, just don't forget this archery issue has been outstanding since module THREE POINT ZERO.

I think the archery thing is by design... and it's only fair, really. Once an arrow is in the air, if you can see it and react in time, you can dodge it. It's far more difficult to shoot something moving perpendicular to you than it is coming straight at you.

The trick is to not select the critter you're shooting at, but use your targeting reticule and lead it by a pace or two. Fire at where it's *going* to be and your hit rate will go up.

That's the theory, anyway. I'm actually not very good at it. ;)

Sarcasm from my earlier post about the Resistance enhancements aside, I think the changes overall look pretty good. I especially like the Listen change, since I'm one of those silly people that actually invested in it from the beginning. :rolleyes:

06-20-2007, 08:05 AM
I think the archery thing is by design... and it's only fair, really. Once an arrow is in the air, if you can see it and react in time, you can dodge it. It's far more difficult to shoot something moving perpendicular to you than it is coming straight at you.

I think the bug he is referring to is the one where your target can be standing perfectly still, yet you only get attack rolls on roughly half your shots. No amount of aiming will correct that. This has been around awhile, but it seems ranged combat always takes a back-seat to everything else in the game(See Crippling Strike also). I take that back. Ranged combat for PLAYERS has always been largely ignored. For mobs, it is just as lethal as melee, only with a much longer range.

06-20-2007, 08:37 AM
I think the bug he is referring to is the one where your target can be standing perfectly still, yet you only get attack rolls on roughly half your shots. No amount of aiming will correct that. This has been around awhile, but it seems ranged combat always takes a back-seat to everything else in the game(See Crippling Strike also). I take that back. Ranged combat for PLAYERS has always been largely ignored. For mobs, it is just as lethal as melee, only with a much longer range.

Oh, THAT bug. Yeah, that one's irritating, I agree. To be honest, though, I've shifted my focus away from ranged combat and towards melee on my Ranger, so I haven't noticed if it's still an issue lately.

What gets me is the speed with which mobs can fire. It's at least double, in most cases, the fastest speed a player character can fire... and they do a hell of a lot more damage. Maybe they're using specialty arrows, though... human bane, or something. :confused:

06-20-2007, 09:05 AM
...why only three? If you are going to take the effort to make the change, why not 8 or 20? ... Is seven all that could fit? Seven is better than four, ... Twelve would be a number where I could start setting them up once and for all. Why not 24 to be safe?

Really...just three...? :(

Fourty-Two. Just ask the mice, it's their computer.

06-20-2007, 07:09 PM
Will Holy Sword be self-only?

06-20-2007, 09:10 PM
I thought right on the ESRB label when you start the game it mentions use of alcohol, violence, animated blood.

They should add drunkenness and alcohol into the game.

They'll never add 'alcoholic' beverages to the game. It's too PC and kiddy friendly for it.

Age of Conan, however, will have alcohol in game and drunken bar fights. The bar fights will only take into account how drunk you are, not level, and sounds hilarious.

06-21-2007, 10:09 AM
How about in addition to the weapon slots we get some magic slots? There are a lot of spells I'd like to bind to certain metamagics. Haste should always be extended. Divine favor too. And I never want virtue extended. You'd make a lot of casters happy if we could bind spells to metamagic and not have to toggle.

What a great idea! In PnP I believe a metamagic'd spell is actually one spell level higher, and it has to be prepared. This idea is a good translation of that to DDO, I think. Awesome idea, Spoot.

06-21-2007, 10:57 AM
What a great idea! In PnP I believe a metamagic'd spell is actually one spell level higher, and it has to be prepared. This idea is a good translation of that to DDO, I think. Awesome idea, Spoot.

Metamagic in PnP is a good deal different from how it works here in DDO.

For example, a Sorcerer/Bard using Metamagic has to make all the standard action spells use up a full round action to cast instead, and they can't use Quicken Spell because of that.

A Wizard/Cleric/Druid must specifically prepare a spell with metamagic, and it takes up a spell slot from 1 to 4 levels higher than the spell would normally take.

Metapsionics, and metamagic in a game using a SP variant, is different too. In those, the base cost of a spell is 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, and 17 for slvl 1-9. The metamagic and metapsionic abilities increase the cost by 2-8 sp/pp depending on the meta. (Empower increases the cost by 4.) In addition, the cost can never be higher than your Caster Level.

06-21-2007, 11:42 AM
What a great idea! In PnP I believe a metamagic'd spell is actually one spell level higher, and it has to be prepared. This idea is a good translation of that to DDO, I think. Awesome idea, Spoot.If you like the idea, you should check out MysticTheurge's detailed description here: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=108859

06-21-2007, 01:53 PM
For example, a Sorcerer/Bard using Metamagic has to make all the standard action spells use up a full round action to cast instead, and they can't use Quicken Spell because of that.
Sorcerers can give up their familiar to gain the ability to use metamagic without increasing the casting time (Complete Mage). And DDO does not have familiars :)

06-21-2007, 03:48 PM
Sorcerers can give up their familiar to gain the ability to use metamagic without increasing the casting time (Complete Mage). And DDO does not have familiars :)

Sure. 3+Int / day. Limited resource ^_^

06-22-2007, 02:45 AM
These items are in QA and are scheduled for Update 4.2: Searing Heights.

NEW – The Power Critical feats have been upgraded. All of these feats have been consolidated into one. Once you have this feat, you will get a +4 bonus to confirm critical hits with any type of weapon.

Is this intend to give Melee yet more power? How about casters get spell focus that works for all schools?

06-22-2007, 10:15 AM
Power Critical isn't a very useful feat. This makes it more versatile, but not really more powerful. No problems there.

06-22-2007, 11:05 AM
NEW – Prison of the Planes

Cochitlehua has remembered that he has "Teleport Without Error" as an at-will spell-like ability.

too bad he doesnt play by the rules that using his spell like ability provokes an AOO. will he be able to teleport in an antimagic field if that spell is introduced?


so i am not a negative nellie.

I like the changes to WF drinks, listen checks, and am pleased with more weapon sets.

06-22-2007, 11:22 AM
Is this intend to give Melee yet more power? How about casters get spell focus that works for all schools?

Because spell focus and power critical are so similar in power and usefulness?


06-22-2007, 12:18 PM
Is this intend to give Melee yet more power? How about casters get spell focus that works for all schools?
Power Critical is a weapon feat, not a melee feat. It works on ranged as well; and with this new change, it is actually marginally better for ranged than for melee.

Furthermore, the Power Critical feat is taken from PnP rules where attack bonuses work differently. A level 14 PnP character making a full attack has these sequences:
Melee: +14, +9, +4
Ranged: +14, +9, +4

But a DDO character instead has
Melee: +14, +14, +19, +23
Ranged: +14, +14, +14, ....

With either category of weapon the DDO warrior has a higher bonus accross his multiple attacks, meaning an extra +4 to confirm critical hits is less useful, as he's already very likely to confirm. Broadening Power Critical to work with all kinds of weapons makes it slightly more attractive, but is still not enough to make me at all interested in training it on any of my characters.

06-22-2007, 02:46 PM
By increasing the effectiveness of power critical, melee damage output increases. To claim that critical as not an important part of melee damage output is nonsense, otherwise high crit/large crit range weapons would not sell for the most on AH. The monsters in DDO already have insane hp compared to PnP due to the fact melee damage output is so high. Caster damage output however is the same in DDO as in PnP. Making melee combat increase in effectiveness automatically means that monster hp will continue to increase. Without a corresponding increase in direct damage output, caster will be increasing forced to used to FoD and as direct damage spells have very little effect against the already insane monster hp. The overuse of FoD has caused monster to have a higher protection against such spells in DDO than PnP. The recent content added clearly shows the developers feel a need to make monsters less vulnerable to such spells. By changing spell focus as I suggested caster will be better able to join the player offensive/monster defensive balance race.

My comments about making power critical/ spell focus was really to question the advisability of the annouced change to power criticals in the interest of monster/player balance. Next time I will try to be less subtle.

Is increased damage ouput of melee combat that will be caused by the annouced change to power critical in the best interest of player/monster balance?

Is that a clear enough post?

06-22-2007, 04:53 PM
It's doubtful that melee damage output will increase with this change. Confirming criticals is not a bottleneck faced by melee at this time.

There are other feats that better increase damage output (or at least overall effectiveness) than even this modified power critical feat. Thus, at worst, this makes some slightly below average (relatively speaking) fighter types closer to average.

06-22-2007, 05:39 PM
The Toughness enhancement lines for dwarves, barbarians, fighters, and paladins have been upgraded. They now give you 5, 10, 15, and 20 additional hit points respectively instead of 5, 5, 5, and 5. They all still have the Toughness feat as a prerequisite.

So just out of curiosity again, do the Devs really have nothing to say for themselves about this absolutely absurd change?

06-22-2007, 08:53 PM
By increasing the effectiveness of power critical, melee damage output increases. To claim that critical as not an important part of melee damage output is nonsense, otherwise high crit/large crit range weapons would not sell for the most on AH.
No, it will not change in any substantial way.

In the unlikely event that a melee warrior wants Power Critical to increase his damage, he already has Power Critical Slashing. Criticals from any other kind of weapons are an afterthought for him, and he probably only uses non-slashing weapons against skeletons or other uncritable monsters.

The chance he will use a blunt or pierce melee weapon for a critical hit is low, and the chance he'll need to roll higher than a 1 to confirm those crits is also low. It might happen in some hypothetical 0.05% of cases, but that's meaningless, and is less than the chance a ranged combatant will take it (which is also low)

06-23-2007, 05:53 PM
Forgive me if covered but:

Skills, Feats, & Abilities
Reduced difficulty of detecting traps with Search and Spot, especially at low levels (5 and under).
NEW – The Power Critical feats have been upgraded. All of these feats have been consolidated into one. Once you have this feat, you will get a +4 bonus to confirm critical hits with any type of weapon.

So Does this mean the prerequisit for this will be changing? Will it still require focus in a weapon type? If it does not, this has become a very good choice for barbarians everywhere.

06-23-2007, 06:17 PM
with the change to the power critical feat, will it mean that the feat stops generating a +90 or more to confirm the critical? :D

06-23-2007, 08:48 PM
[QUOTE=Olaff;1204800]I think the archery thing is by design... and it's only fair, really. Once an arrow is in the air, if you can see it and react in time, you can dodge it.

oh relly so you wouldnt mind if I had some world champion archer come and shoot at you then??? lol

06-23-2007, 09:19 PM
"NEW – Players get 3 more weapon set configuration slots, for a total of 7!

Reduced difficulty of detecting traps with Search and Spot, especially at low levels (5 and under)."

As for the reduction in Search and Spot, I hope that includes A Cabal for One, that way I don't have to build a new rogue.

Pffft, Cerulean with a "gimpy" +28 search (forgot to enhance) found it. Disabled it with that range too just to prove a point that people were making an exaggeration on the "impossible" area (on elite of course.) Nice major Nmeumonic he pulled BTW.

PS, to GET to the box to disable, Evasion helps :)

06-23-2007, 10:35 PM
Pffft, Cerulean with a "gimpy" +28 search (forgot to enhance) found it.
That is impossible. There's no way you're finding that thing without 45+ search (and probably more).

Maybe you are confused and thinking about the original release of Module 4, before the Search DC was raised and the trap's area was expanded.

06-23-2007, 11:08 PM
That is impossible. There's no way you're finding that thing without 45+ search (and probably more).

Maybe you are confused and thinking about the original release of Module 4, before the Search DC was raised and the trap's area was expanded.

It's DC63! we've measured it... even higher to disable.

Considering there is not a halfling or wf in all eberon who can possibly find and disable it right now you are correct... a full rank halfling or wf rogue fully buffed with the best search and disable items fall short of finding it by 2 points with a roll of 20. It can only be found and disabled by a fully buffed dwarf, human, drow or elf rogue with full investments in search and plus boosts. It can also only be disabled 5% of the time if you taken all the feats, enhancements and fully buffed also. The box in question is at the extreme end of the scale... I mostly do not worry about it and just use reflex to get in and open the chest ... is easy enough for any melee or rogue to get in and casters can haste in as timed.

As for the enhancements I really kind of wish they would balance the enhancements across the races rather than add more to gimp certain races by making other races even better suited for clases... they keep it up and eventually the 20-30% differences will weed out all the others leaving DDO having to reamain to EDD (Elf,Drow,Dwarf). Well actual WF are finanly getting some of there due... but it's very easy to forget about the other two races these days.

06-24-2007, 12:15 AM
with a roll of 20

DDO searching doesn't have rolls.

(But if you're 2 points short, a feat would do it for you. So I don't know about "no halfling or warforged in all of Eberron" ;))

06-24-2007, 12:27 AM
THE trap is a DC 61 to find on elite.
51 on hard.
41 on normal.

06-24-2007, 12:53 AM
DDO searching doesn't have rolls.

(But if you're 2 points short, a feat would do it for you. So I don't know about "no halfling or warforged in all of Eberron" ;))

While I typo'd the dc and am off on the mechanic the point I tried to convey is it's at the extreme of rogue ability and that only rogues of a certain race and build can do it readily... thus the idea of well rounded or diverse charaters cease to exist the more extremes are added to the game.

Counting full feated Halfing they come up short (no pun intended) a level 14 hafling fully spec'd as a search/disable trap monkey cannot get the trap... it is impossible for them untill next cap increase. We've been down this path before... elves have the perception to stack with skill focus:search then with items buffs and skill boost they can hit the number, dwarves also have a dragonmark feat to help them reach the number. halfings/wf can not. Just as posted in the rogue forum below... they need a bard to make it happen.


06-24-2007, 11:03 AM
While I typo'd the dc and am off on the mechanic the point I tried to convey is it's at the extreme of rogue ability and that only rogues of a certain race and build can do it readily... thus the idea of well rounded or diverse charaters cease to exist the more extremes are added to the game.

Counting full feated Halfing they come up short (no pun intended) a level 14 hafling fully spec'd as a search/disable trap monkey cannot get the trap... it is impossible for them untill next cap increase. We've been down this path before... elves have the perception to stack with skill focus:search then with items buffs and skill boost they can hit the number, dwarves also have a dragonmark feat to help them reach the number. halfings/wf can not. Just as posted in the rogue forum below... they need a bard to make it happen.A non-Dwarf, Drow, Elf Rogue can still get the 61 Search to find the trapbox on Elite. Any race can hit 66 Search with all possible boosts, items, feats, and enhancements. I'm not suggesting you build your character to do so, but it is possible and can be done by all. The maximum search available by race is:

Halfling, WF: 66 Search
Human: 67 Search
Elf, Drow: 72 Search
Dwarf: 74 Search (with Greater Dragonmark)