View Full Version : elf sorce using a repeater

06-13-2007, 10:36 PM
theres gotta be a way of making a sorce that uses a repeater and gets damage and stil deals arcane damage? any ideas? thanks for the input:)

06-14-2007, 07:31 AM
theres gotta be a way of making a sorce that uses a repeater and gets damage and stil deals arcane damage? any ideas? thanks for the input:)

You'll need to spend 1 feat on Exotic Weapon Proficiency - <Light or Heavy> Repeater. If you were to play a pure Sorc up to at least level
12 you would earn 5 feats along the way. A traditional build would likely see you use 4 of them on:

Mental Toughness
Improved Mental Toughness
Maximize or Empower Spell
Extend Spell

This selection leaves you with 1 feat you could apply to Exotic: Repeater, and IMHO does not detract substantially from your build as a Sorc. Repeaters are DEX based to hit rolls, so keep in mind that you will want a high DEX to improve your to-hit chances since your BAB is going to be low as an arcane caster in the first place.

I would also suggest waiting until your 2nd feat is available at level 3. At the early levels the SP benefit from mental toughness probably outweighs what you could do with a repeater.

Alternately, if you are not set on ELF as a race, you could opt to build a HUMAN sorc and use the 1st level bonus human feat for the repeater.

Still another approach: if you dont intend to push the build up to L14 or decide you can live without Finger of Death (available at 14), you could multi-class and take 1 level of fighter. You'll receive a bonus feat at Fighter level 1 which you could spend on the repeater.


06-14-2007, 07:39 AM
theres gotta be a way of making a sorce that uses a repeater and gets damage and stil deals arcane damage? any ideas? thanks for the input:)

It really depends. How many HP do you want? Your best bets of course are halfling, elf, drow, and human.

Having a str of 8 really won't hurt you in the long run. As a caster, if you are targeted, you are GOING to be hit. So forget any AC. STR bracers at later levels will handle your issues of being burdened due to loot.

Drow win on the CHA stat, no argument. starting at 20? hard to beat. Drawback? You have squat for HP as if you want to hit anywhere near realiable, you need to shove up your DEX a lot. Being drow also means you do not take a skill point penalty as you start with an INT of 10, and your DEX has no penalty given a start of 10 as well. Issue however is it is a 28 point build.

Elves are very similar to drow, accept they get a max stat of 18 for CHA. The turn about is that being a 32 point build, you can make up for the HP loss a little better, but you don't get the starting value of 10 INT for skill points.

Halflings get the bonus to DEX like elves, but loss to STR instead of CON, meaning better hit points. This really isn't an issue as I've play tested via my halfling bard and I've never had an issue with the str loss and 75% burdening. (I have a base... 12 str being a bard build)

Humans get +1 skill points so you don't need to worry about that -1 skill point from a starting INT of 8. They also get the bonus starting feat that you could take your heavy repeater proficency at the start vs. lossing one at the start to something else. Being a 32 pt build, you can make up the CON, DEX, and CHA as balanced as you want as all starting stats are 8.

Now, with this information, what do YOU envision yourself doing, and do you have any equipment in stock you plan on using? I am curious so I can see just how to advise a build of classes for what you want after you choose a race.

06-14-2007, 09:43 AM
i made a drow pure sorc who uses a light repeater and i'll never go back. 186 hp (equiped), 26 dex, 34 cha....only thing i really did was get the light repeater feat. those special light repeaters (para, wounding puncturing, banish, etc) work just fine!

06-14-2007, 12:44 PM
I personally wouldn't waste the feat on using a repeater. For one you really don't have the feats to spare. And since you have the best direct-damage spells with oodles and oodles of SP, I don't see why you would replace using a nice scorching ray with a repeating crossbow.

06-14-2007, 11:19 PM
because there are times u don't want to scorching ray something

06-15-2007, 01:15 AM
mana isn't endless, to that end I have been playing a Sorc with 2 pally lvls as a repeater user, he has a +27 to hit with greater heroisim and presision turned on using +3 bolts.

I save mana for crowd control, party buffs and bosses,

06-15-2007, 04:29 AM
Just as a note-a Sorcerer can not take the Exotic Weapon profiency feat at level 1.

If you are going pure sorcerer, the only feasible (<-Pardon my English. I think that is the correct word.) way to make this work would be to play a human. As a sorcerer, your feats are too valueable to throw away on weapon profiency. The only way to make it work is to have an extra.

06-15-2007, 05:01 AM
My 14 drow sorc uses a heavy repeater.
I once got a really nice deal on a cursespewing heavy repeater of pg. Took the skill, and haven’t looked back.

Situational instances it works out really well, such as, if I see massive saves against spells like pk, and fod, a couple well placed bolts, a floaty curse symbol, and then pk or fod ftw.

It also come sin handy for those times when your out of sp’s and on your way to the next shrine as you are still able to contribute, however slightly.

06-15-2007, 06:49 AM
this is a waste of time imo especially considering that sors have more mana than ever now, e.g., at level 10, my drow sor has 1186 mana, needless to say that lasts a long time

so unless you have access to very special repeaters, spending feats on ranged combat is foolish IMO

a bard would be better for this type of build

06-15-2007, 08:06 AM
Having alot of mana doesn't mean as much when you must cast spells more often than you used to. it takes 2 Cloudkill casts now to do the work of one previous cast, same with Hypnotic Pattern, Web and other AOEs. At lvl 14 on ellite mobs you have to use heighten, extend, maxamize quite a bit...so you don't really have the mana you would like.
Cast extended Blur, Greater Heroisism and than a Haste on the party and you have already used quite a bit.
Eventually you get the good repeaters that help the party without you doing too much damamge to draw agro, Cursepsewing, Wounding, Para...these 3 help the party immensely. You save your own mana and the Clerics mana.

anyway, off to loot till I drop, good hunting.

06-15-2007, 09:53 AM
With this build I recommend a repeater with a high backstab (sneak attack) bonus. This will increase your to-hit dramatically, also you can tell when you get aggro, because your BS damage will go away... time to start kiting, cc'ing, etc. Of course you have to be close enuff, but that is the only drawback.

06-15-2007, 06:30 PM
thanks for all the info, im going to wait till i get a nice repeater and give it a run, thanks for the tips:D

06-15-2007, 07:15 PM
Cant do it with a sorc

do it with a wizard.

Sorcerors cant spare the feats and spell choices.

Wizards can take

repeater feat
precision feat

flame arrow spell.
cats grace spell.

No question, drow wiz is the way to go for a repeating arcanist.