View Full Version : Big surprise: Another raid bug. :rolleyes:
05-28-2007, 05:29 PM
Apparently the Stormreaver can get stuck in reverse gravity mode. We all got tossed to the ceiling and got stuck there for about 7 minutes until time ran out. Oh, and before you ask: No, I did not bug report it (and I won't) because I honestly do not believe devs read bug reports. We didn't report it to a GM either because by the time we would have received a response we would have done it again and finished it. Of course, then we would have received some smart-@ss response from some GM about us not being in the raid.
05-28-2007, 05:31 PM
some guy stole my car.
i'm not going to tell the police, they would take forever to get it back anyway.
and i'm not telling my insurance because they wouldn't make me feel better.
some guy stole my car.
i'm not going to tell the police, they would take forever to get it back anyway.
and i'm not telling my insurance because they wouldn't make me feel better.
And would you go to the police if someone stole your newspaper?
Or if, in the past, they had simply told you "nothing we can do, just go buy a new car"?
The problem is that there is not a lot of incentive for players to endure the in-game DM assistance process. In most cases, you are looking at a 1-2 hour wait, only to find as often as not that the DM can't help you, and you have to do the quest over anyway. The stormreaver raid can be run 3 times before you're likely to get a response, so in the end there is no tangible benefit to going through the help ticket procedures. Sure, there is an argument that doing so helps to alleviate (or perhaps even eliminate) such problems in the future, but the long waits and frequently unsatifactory results serve to punish those who try and do what's supposedly best for the game.
05-28-2007, 05:56 PM
Apparently the Stormreaver can get stuck in reverse gravity mode. We all got tossed to the ceiling and got stuck there for about 7 minutes until time ran out. Oh, and before you ask: No, I did not bug report it (and I won't) because I honestly do not believe devs read bug reports. We didn't report it to a GM either because by the time we would have received a response we would have done it again and finished it. Of course, then we would have received some smart-@ss response from some GM about us not being in the raid.
Wow. Got some real chutzpah there...
If your not part of the solution your part of the problem or however the saying goes...
05-28-2007, 05:56 PM
Funny u mention this lol we had him bugged out in khyber the whole time someone throwing the switch and us getting rezzed into the room lifted to the spikes in middle . Well we kept yelling stop and the guy in room kept throwing the switch end result timer ran out and i ended up with 25,000xp debt
05-28-2007, 06:08 PM
Wow. Got some real chutzpah there...
If your not part of the solution your part of the problem or however the saying goes...
So it's my fault the devs have yet to make a raid which doesn't have a quest-stopping bug? Huh... and here I thought it was incompetence. Oh, and I was right. We restarted and finished long before we would have got a response. :p
some guy stole my car.
i'm not going to tell the police, they would take forever to get it back anyway.
and i'm not telling my insurance because they wouldn't make me feel better.
Me: Uh, our quest bugged.
Dev: Oh, too bad. Your problem not mine. Describe the bug and we'll be sure to maybe fix it in the next 6 months.
Me: Uh, my car was stolen.
Officer: Oh, too bad. Your problem not mine. Describe the vehicle and we'll let you know when it turns up in a chop-shop in 6 months.
05-28-2007, 06:33 PM
Oh, and before you ask: No, I did not bug report it (and I won't) because I honestly do not believe devs read bug reports...
I can tell you with 100% certainty that they do. Many of the bugs I report on Risia get fixed. Many of the bugs I report on live get fixed.
But if you'd rather just whine and ***** about something than actually telling anyone who can even begin to think about fixing it, by all means, proceed as planned.
05-28-2007, 06:51 PM
I can tell you with 100% certainty that they do. Many of the bugs I report on Risia get fixed. Many of the bugs I report on live get fixed.
But if you'd rather just whine and ***** about something than actually telling anyone who can even begin to think about fixing it, by all means, proceed as planned.
The bugs which you report are most likely also spammed all over the forums as such this one was posted by me. They're more likely to read the forums and discover bugs that way than read my bug reports. *****ing and whining seems more effective than submitting a bug report.
05-28-2007, 06:51 PM
So it's my fault the devs have yet to make a raid which doesn't have a quest-stopping bug? Huh... and here I thought it was incompetence. Oh, and I was right. We restarted and finished long before we would have got a response. :p
Yep, you found a quest stopping bug. Terrible thing to encounter and a real pain in the rear. Yet, you didn't do anything to help, flatly refused to help, and get the information to the proper people so it could get fixed and not be experienced by anyone else. You could have a bug report filed by time your trouble ticket was submitted. Thanks for looking out for your fellow gamers and community!!
05-28-2007, 08:16 PM
Apparently the Stormreaver can get stuck in reverse gravity mode. We all got tossed to the ceiling and got stuck there for about 7 minutes until time ran out.
Yes, that's actually the same bug that has been happening to raid bosses since module 1. Sometimes the boss can aggro on a player who leaves the area (disconnect, knock off, recall, teleport, or release) and be stuck not moving.
If it's the kind of boss you just need to damage to death, like Velah or Laliat, then "yay": free win.
But if it's the kind of boss who needs to move or take actions so you can beat the quest, like Titan or Stormreaver, then you're in trouble. If the Titan isn't in the right spot, then there's nothing you can do except wait. But after 5-20 minutes, whatever player he was stuck on will probably reset and you can continue.
But it's worse in Reaver's Fate. Not only are the players dependent on the boss's attacks to buff them so they can fly, but also you've got a fairly strict timer going. If he gets stuck with lost aggro, there's nothing you could do. You could try to attack him to get aggro back, but if his hitpoints are already low you'd fail the quest by killing him. And of course there's no way a GM could respond in the 5-10 minutes you have remaining.
Being stuck on the ceiling is a special case of that where Storm Reaver lost aggro after having cast antigrav, but before dismissing it.
Oh, and before you ask: No, I did not bug report it (and I won't) because I honestly do not believe devs read bug reports.
In this case, that doesn't matter much, because this bug has been encountered and reported at least a few times already.
05-28-2007, 08:28 PM
The bugs which you report are most likely also spammed all over the forums as such this one was posted by me. They're more likely to read the forums and discover bugs that way than read my bug reports. *****ing and whining seems more effective than submitting a bug report.
Well, you know, if you actually wanted it fixed, you'd hedge your bets and submit it every possible way there is (Bug report in game, bug report on the website, post on the forum, call a GM every couple days and remind him, PM Samera, etc.) instead of just relying on one method.
And sure, sometimes they see stuff on the boards, but sometimes they don't (::cough::song of freedom::cough::).
05-28-2007, 09:49 PM
And would you go to the police if someone stole your newspaper?
Or if, in the past, they had simply told you "nothing we can do, just go buy a new car"?
The problem is that there is not a lot of incentive for players to endure the in-game DM assistance process. In most cases, you are looking at a 1-2 hour wait, only to find as often as not that the DM can't help you, and you have to do the quest over anyway. The stormreaver raid can be run 3 times before you're likely to get a response, so in the end there is no tangible benefit to going through the help ticket procedures. Sure, there is an argument that doing so helps to alleviate (or perhaps even eliminate) such problems in the future, but the long waits and frequently unsatifactory results serve to punish those who try and do what's supposedly best for the game.
Just so everyone knows, help requests really don't take an hour under normal circumstances.
We had a character in our raid group get stuck between the wall and the torch on the right hand side on the ramp leading to the Stormreaver Saturday night at around 10 p.m. I filed a help request and got a response in 20-25 minutes at the most. Of course by then he'd /death ed and gotten back and we were finishing (NOT finished, but we did win) the raid. There have been a couple instances where I or the party I was in have had to wait more than 45 minutes for help...usually around 8 on a weekend night...
The majority of the time sending a help request WILL get you a prompt response.
05-28-2007, 11:06 PM
Apparently the Stormreaver can get stuck in reverse gravity mode. We all got tossed to the ceiling and got stuck there for about 7 minutes until time ran out. Oh, and before you ask: No, I did not bug report it (and I won't) because I honestly do not believe devs read bug reports. We didn't report it to a GM either because by the time we would have received a response we would have done it again and finished it. Of course, then we would have received some smart-@ss response from some GM about us not being in the raid.
I had a bug in Stormcleave, and the GM responded in less than 1 minute. And then fixed the problem.
05-29-2007, 01:15 AM
Apparently the Stormreaver can get stuck in reverse gravity mode. We all got tossed to the ceiling and got stuck there for about 7 minutes until time ran out. Oh, and before you ask: No, I did not bug report it (and I won't) because I honestly do not believe devs read bug reports. We didn't report it to a GM either because by the time we would have received a response we would have done it again and finished it. Of course, then we would have received some smart-@ss response from some GM about us not being in the raid.
Does someone need a hug?
05-29-2007, 02:13 AM
happend to me once. I don't bug report **** either, mostly cuz i'm lazy. I don't complain about it either tho.
05-29-2007, 02:52 AM
Just chiming in for Rumor Control:
Yeah, I've had bugs and quest-errors. GMs have fixed as quickly as 1-5 minutes and as long as 30-40 minutes later. Either way, that's pretty good the average being about 5-10 minutes tops for me. If you can't wait 5-10 minutes for something then why are you playing an MMO -- someone with that kind of time constraints needs a first person handheld to take with them on the go!
05-29-2007, 03:07 AM
This thread makes me wonder if the demon queen bug will ever be fixed. You know, that bug where she sits there after you finish talking to her and stays immune to all damage that was discovered like what, 7 months ago?
05-29-2007, 05:04 AM
2 words. Known Issue
05-29-2007, 11:13 AM
Just chiming in for Rumor Control:
Yeah, I've had bugs and quest-errors. GMs have fixed as quickly as 1-5 minutes and as long as 30-40 minutes later. Either way, that's pretty good the average being about 5-10 minutes tops for me. If you can't wait 5-10 minutes for something then why are you playing an MMO -- someone with that kind of time constraints needs a first person handheld to take with them on the go!
I'm sorry, but what game are you playing? Shortest I've ever waited for a GM is 20 minutes. The average time for a GM in my experience is 4-6 hours. Back when getting stuck in a spot was common I waited over 24 hours and never got a GM. Had to /death and take a (at that time) ridiculous death penalty. (BTW, thanks for lowering the penalty devs.)
05-29-2007, 11:30 AM
Just chiming in for Rumor Control:
Yeah, I've had bugs and quest-errors. GMs have fixed as quickly as 1-5 minutes and as long as 30-40 minutes later. Either way, that's pretty good the average being about 5-10 minutes tops for me. If you can't wait 5-10 minutes for something then why are you playing an MMO -- someone with that kind of time constraints needs a first person handheld to take with them on the go!
That has also been my experience.
Yep, you found a quest stopping bug. Terrible thing to encounter and a real pain in the rear. Yet, you didn't do anything to help, flatly refused to help, and get the information to the proper people so it could get fixed and not be experienced by anyone else. You could have a bug report filed by time your trouble ticket was submitted. Thanks for looking out for your fellow gamers and community!!
QFT. Well said.
Does someone need a hug?
Yes, I do, Just because its almost like Monday. I hope they're free :)
05-29-2007, 11:35 AM
I'm sorry, but what game are you playing? Shortest I've ever waited for a GM is 20 minutes. The average time for a GM in my experience is 4-6 hours. Back when getting stuck in a spot was common I waited over 24 hours and never got a GM. Had to /death and take a (at that time) ridiculous death penalty. (BTW, thanks for lowering the penalty devs.)
You waited in-game, for over 24hrs, stuck, before you /death?!?!?
Thats 24hrs longer that I would have waited...
05-29-2007, 12:01 PM
Bug reports are easy to submit but don't offer any immediate remedy. They are useful to the devs and whomever reads them, but again, doesn't help much when you are stuck in a raid quest. The issue I have come across is that in some raid quests, the GM's are told NOT to help people who are stuck. I have seen this first hand in the Titan raid. The mission was bugged and not complete-able. Nothing that we did wrong mind you (since I had completed it many times before then and many times since), just the mission basically bugged up and we could not finish. Contacted a GM, waited for about 1.5 hours, was told no help was currently being offered for the Titan raid and then ticket was immediately closed like a slap in the face.
Did I send a bug report? Yes
Did I contact customer support via phone in regards to the way we were treated? Yes
Did I send emails in regards to it? Yes
Did we all waste about 3 hours of our life with no resolution from Turbine? Yes
Was anything done to appease our feelings of frustration and mistreatment? NO
Did some of my friends finally give up and move on to other games? Yes
In game support has been spotty since about 1-2 months after the game was released. Either there has been too much turnover in support or too many bugs to support with the current staff. Either way, spotty at best.
05-29-2007, 12:40 PM
The bugs which you report are most likely also spammed all over the forums as such this one was posted by me. They're more likely to read the forums and discover bugs that way than read my bug reports. *****ing and whining seems more effective than submitting a bug report.I can also tell you that QA DOES read each and every bug report (well, the intelligible ones anyway). I have not submitted many bug reports for DDO, maybe a dozen in all. But, in addition to the automatically generated response, I have received personal responses from QA staff for a full HALF of those responding to my report. I like to think that it's because I take the time to completely fill out the bug report form, including full steps to reproduce, and using good grammar (as best as I can, I don't have a degree in English). So, "yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus."
05-29-2007, 12:49 PM
I wish I could get some personal attention from bug reports, seeing as I still can't respec feats on my ranger because they're showing the wrong Level Selected when I attempt to. Sigh.
With regard to GMs and raids - I remember back when the arcane signet ring in VoN 5 could disappear that I could always get a GM to respawn it in fairly short order (quicker than restarting, at the time, anyway). Since then, GM helpfulness has gone way, way downhill.
05-29-2007, 01:54 PM
I would think that in the worse case (sorry there is nothing I can do) the GMs should be able to restart/reset an instance.
I get that the Titan bugs - I get that they don't want to help when he bugs - I am told that the Pillars are not "Quest Items" and that the Titan is not a "Monster". I even get the quests (especially scripted ones) get into states that fixing or changing something will just cause additional issues.
But it takes time and resources to run Twilight Forge over - its not just a sorry he's bugged re-run the quest UNLESS the GM can simply restart the encounter from the beginning - then it is re-run the quest which most of us would be ok with.
I think that this - although not perfect - would not be very difficult to implement and would really please the player base.
05-29-2007, 03:30 PM
Apparently the Stormreaver can get stuck in reverse gravity mode. We all got tossed to the ceiling and got stuck there for about 7 minutes until time ran out. Oh, and before you ask: No, I did not bug report it (and I won't) because I honestly do not believe devs read bug reports.
Bug reports go to QA, and they are read. I know this because I'm one of the people who reads them. You aren't guaranteed to get a personal reply, but your report will be investigated and assigned a priority.
Just clearing that up. :)
05-29-2007, 03:44 PM
I know this because I'm one of the people who reads them.
How could you be reading them when you spend so much time on the boards answering questions?!?! Or do you just pretend to be reading them!!!!?! :eek: :eek: :eek: :tinfoilhat: :eek:
Bug reports go to QA, and they are read. I know this because I'm one of the people who reads them. You aren't guaranteed to get a personal reply, but your report will be investigated and assigned a priority.
Just clearing that up. :)
Thank you, Cathy. It has been said several times by devs that the normal bug-sumission procedure is the best way for the right pEople to see them (and forum mods are not the right people). As such, while I do understand that many poeple would simply not bother to submit a help ticket, it is always a good idea to submit a bug report when these things pop up, especially since simply mentioning it on the forums give little specific details (the bug form asks for a lot of specific data).
Individual experience with in-game DM help obviously varies, personally the quickest response I have seen is about 25 min for a response, with about another 15-20 to solve the problem (it was an NPC stuck on a ladder preventing PC's from proceeding, so nothing complex), while the longest response I had seen was about 2.5 hours. While I have been relatively fortunate in encountering quest-breaking bugs only very rarely, I have heard enough horror stories to be wholly unsurprised that many people have no faith in the in-game help system.
It does seem tremendously unlikely that any DM help would arrive in time to successfully complete a Stormreaver raid, but I would have to agree that at the very least you should take the 2-3 min to fill out a bug report (which can be done while players are re-assembling for the raid), as we can hardly expect things to improve otherwise.
05-29-2007, 04:25 PM
Just chiming in for Rumor Control:
Yeah, I've had bugs and quest-errors. GMs have fixed as quickly as 1-5 minutes and as long as 30-40 minutes later. Either way, that's pretty good the average being about 5-10 minutes tops for me. If you can't wait 5-10 minutes for something then why are you playing an MMO -- someone with that kind of time constraints needs a first person handheld to take with them on the go!
Yeah, I've seen a quick response once or twice. More often, I've seen waits of an hour or more. A few times, including just this weekend, I got a gm to look at my ticket 8 hours after it was reported. Of course they didn't do anything but close the ticket without fixing things, since I couldn't wait online for 8 hours for a fix.
05-29-2007, 05:10 PM
Well, you know, if you actually wanted it fixed, you'd hedge your bets and submit it every possible way there is (Bug report in game, bug report on the website, post on the forum, call a GM every couple days and remind him, PM Samera, etc.) instead of just relying on one method.
And sure, sometimes they see stuff on the boards, but sometimes they don't (::cough::song of freedom::cough::).
I agree. I've experienced the same thing. Turbine does fix bugs. They read the reports. Unfortunately they have a pretty big backlog. It can take a long time and sometimes it appears they just give up.
A real Dev-compiled, comprehensive, up-to-date know issues list would go a long way.
05-29-2007, 05:14 PM
Bug reports go to QA, and they are read. I know this because I'm one of the people who reads them. You aren't guaranteed to get a personal reply, but your report will be investigated and assigned a priority.
Just clearing that up. :)
How is the priority set? There's some obvious repeatable bugs that have been around a long time. At some point players get tired of reporting the same bug. If you just look at the reports from last week, you may be ignoring well-known but less reported issues.
05-29-2007, 05:15 PM
I can attest that they read bug reports, the last update had two items fixed that I had reported a week or so before the update went in.
I can attest that they read bug reports, the last update had two items fixed that I had reported a week or so before the update went in.
I can second that. I bug reported the lock-out problem with Stealthy Reposession just a few weeks ago. And behold, the fix was in 4.1.
They read 'em. I think it helps if you give a very *detailed* description on how to reproduce the bug in question, if you can.
05-29-2007, 06:34 PM
How is the priority set? There's some obvious repeatable bugs that have been around a long time. At some point players get tired of reporting the same bug. If you just look at the reports from last week, you may be ignoring well-known but less reported issues.
Difficulty in actually fixing the problem doubtless plays a part. Some are easy (like "Bonus hit points from Aid and Mass Aid stack with each other"). Others aren't (like "The system randomly thinks we have a 12th level character in our party all of a sudden" or even "Some of my shots get lost."). Being able to find what's actually causing the problem is a huge first step to fixing the bug (and often not as easy as it seems like it might be).
05-29-2007, 08:47 PM
Saddly, there is just no way to get people to understand or accept what needs to be done to help make a better game.
I would love to read some actual bug reports.
Maybe cathy can post some good ones and some less the good ones? No names of course.
05-30-2007, 07:33 AM
Honestly and this is just IMHO,
I think this game out of all the MMO's I've played (EQ,EQ2,EvE,CoH,Vanguard) has the best GM turn around and response time... I have been playing since launch and had to petition a few different things. Thankfully I can say I have never waited 2-3 hours like a few of you claim to do. The longest I have ever waited was probably 30 minutes (Guess I got lucky hehe). But aside from the wait period I love the service I have gotten so far. There has never been one time where a GM told me "Sorry we cant help, fill out a bug report and try this quest later" (A'la Everquest). Each time We've had a problem if it was fixable the GM was more then happy to respawn a mob, or return a lost quest item if the request was legitimate. Thats more then I have ever seen most GM's do on other MMO's.... So my hats off to Turbine and their GM support keep up the good work
05-30-2007, 07:54 AM
I would love to read some actual bug reports.
Maybe cathy can post some good ones and some less the good ones? No names of course.
i think i might pay to see some of those :D
05-30-2007, 03:05 PM
... I want names. :p
i think i might pay to see some of those :D
Saddly, there is just no way to get people to understand or accept what needs to be done to help make a better game.
I would love to read some actual bug reports.
Maybe cathy can post some good ones and some less the good ones? No names of course.
That would be fun, a list of QA's favorite bug report/help requests. Of course, some would likely take offense (even if theirs is not on the list) and accuse Turbine of making fun of and belittling their customers, but I think many of us would get a kick out of it. After all, anyone who has ever worked in customer service has had their fair share of "interesting" customer complaints.
05-30-2007, 05:24 PM
Does someone need a hug?
Sorry I agree 150% with Mirta. I have asked for help 5 different times in the game. All 5 times I was told in the end sorry we can't help you there is nothing we can do Have a nice day and thank you for playing ddo. Yes I have had more then 5 issues with this game.
Cast in point. We did Madstone one of the gaints bugged on us (last gaint) waited around for 45+ minutes and in the end the GM told us Sorry but I can't fix that you will need to restart the quest. I can't help you. I even asked him to respawn the Gaint and Skillie so we could just beat the skillie again. I was told sorry I can't do that report it as a bug. (Yes I did repot it as a bug will be suprised to see it fixed). This was over 2+ hours between the quest and waiting around.
Case in Point 2 I did Von 3 as a lvl 9 toon on elite (alot of xp as lvl 9) I got a error on my xp screen. I contact a GM I was told he was looking into it and continue on with the quest. We finished Von 3 and the GM was still looking into the issue only to find out that I was SCREWED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he couldn't fix it. So not only did I lose my 50% for frist time on elite BUT I didn't get to credit for completing the quest.
Now I am not totally cold hearted I understand the GM are don't get paid or atleast that is my belief. So they must really love the game. Now for those who have said the GM do a wonderful job or that reporting things is always the fix explain to me how making me waste my time and not fixing the issue is the fix.
05-30-2007, 05:39 PM
Cast in point. We did Madstone one of the gaints bugged on us (last gaint) waited around for 45+ minutes and in the end the GM told us Sorry but I can't fix that you will need to restart the quest. I can't help you. I even asked him to respawn the Gaint and Skillie so we could just beat the skillie again. I was told sorry I can't do that report it as a bug. (Yes I did repot it as a bug will be suprised to see it fixed). This was over 2+ hours between the quest and waiting around.
Well then get ready to be surprised, because it already has been fixed!
This was a known "bug" (i.e. "User Error") which they fixed as soon as it became clear there were a lot of people who just couldn't follow simple instructions. (I mean come on, the first thing that shows up on your Quest Goals is "Talk to Blaze.") The GMs, who normally solve these problems by respawning the creature in question, couldn't do anything about it because the originally-spawned state was precisely the state Blaze was in when he "bugged" (which is to say, someone forgot to talk to him in the first place). This meant there was nothing to do but restart the quest, and try to actually do the Quest Goals the second time around.
But even still, the devs got right on it and fixed it so you don't even need to talk to him right away any more.
So not only did I lose my 50% for frist time on elite BUT I didn't get to credit for completing the quest.
Oh and, if you didn't get Credit, you shouldn't have gotten any XP and it shouldn't have counted as a completion (meaning next time you did it on elite you should've gotten the bonus).
05-30-2007, 05:47 PM
Well then get ready to be surprised, because it already has been fixed!
This was a known "bug" (i.e. "User Error") which they fixed as soon as it became clear there were a lot of people who just couldn't follow simple instructions. (I mean come on, the first thing that shows up on your Quest Goals is "Talk to Blaze.") The GMs, who normally solve these problems by respawning the creature in question, couldn't do anything about it because the originally-spawned state was precisely the state Blaze was in when he "bugged" (which is to say, someone forgot to talk to him in the first place). This meant there was nothing to do but restart the quest, and try to actually do the Quest Goals the second time around.
We did talk to him. I know this because I am the person who talked to him. This wasn't our frist time in the quest
But even still, the devs got right on it and fixed it so you don't even need to talk to him right away any more.
Oh and, if you didn't get Credit, you shouldn't have gotten any XP and it shouldn't have counted as a completion (meaning next time you did it on elite you should've gotten the bonus).
I got NO XP and I DID lose my Bonus
05-30-2007, 05:53 PM
This was a known "bug" (i.e. "User Error") which they fixed as soon as it became clear there were a lot of people who just couldn't follow simple instructions. (I mean come on, the first thing that shows up on your Quest Goals is "Talk to Blaze.")
Whoa! Slow down there Mr. Cheerleader. :eek: We had the bug where the quest wouldn't finish several times. Each of those times we had already known there was a bug related to not talking to him at the beginning so we always talked to him. It seems there was also a bug which caused him to freak out when multiple people talked to him, or when somebody talked to him at the end who didn't talk to him at the beginning. Don't start blaming the player base for development mistakes. :rolleyes:
05-30-2007, 06:13 PM
Now this didn't happen to me but this is yet another case of what I am talking about how well the GM help you in the game
Check it out. Yes it was a user error but did the GM help him? or would you say they just said sorry have a nice day.
05-30-2007, 06:24 PM
Yes it was a user error but did the GM help him? or would you say they just said sorry have a nice day.
I'm not saying some of the GMs couldn't use an improvement to their "Bedside Manner" (I've seen enough quoted interactions-gone-sour to make that abundantly clear). In fact, I haven't really said anything about the GMs at all. I have very little interaction with them, so I have nothing to base a judgement on. I'm sure some people wait for hours and get no help. I'm sure other people get a near immediate response and have all their problems solved.
I have, however, seen how the Devs treat these things and they seem to take them pretty seriously and work to fix them. Many of the bugs that are still floating around aren't (apparently) as simple as so many people like them to be. But they do work to fix them, there's simply no doubt in my mind about that. But I know how hard it is to nail down a bug in my (comparatively) rudimentary software; I can only imagine how hard it is to solve some of these things in a monster like the DDO code.
05-30-2007, 10:16 PM
Oh, and before you ask: No, I did not bug report it (and I won't) because I honestly do not believe devs read bug reports.
Thank you very much for helping make this a better game for all of us. /rolls eyes too
05-31-2007, 06:03 AM
No, I did not bug report it (and I won't) because I honestly do not believe devs read bug reports.
Yes they do.
I too sometimes find reporting bug reports kinda dull, especially when you're in the middle of a quest or the bug seems somewhat inconsequential. However, something I've started doing whenever I see anything wrong with the game is just typing /loc to get my location and then doing a screenshot (Ctrl-P).
Then, when all my guild are offline and I'm bored for something to do I go through all the screenshots and report them all.
06-01-2007, 10:02 AM
I too sometimes find reporting bug reports kinda dull, especially when you're in the middle of a quest or the bug seems somewhat inconsequential. However, something I've started doing whenever I see anything wrong with the game is just typing /loc to get my location and then doing a screenshot (Ctrl-P).
Then, when all my guild are offline and I'm bored for something to do I go through all the screenshots and report them all.
Awesome! That's really great advice for would-be bug reporters who want to contribute without interrupting their gameplay. You may have noticed that the bug reporting form is doing more of the work for you -- if you're in the game, it will auto-fill some of the data like your location.
As far as the priority question goes, what MysticTheurge said is pretty correct. Severe bugs get assigned high priorities, but there are a few steps in the process. Typically, we have to reproduce the bug internally. That can be very easy or very hard, depending on the nature of the bug. Then the devs have to fix it, which can be easy or hard depending on the nature of the bug. Then the fix has to be tested, which can be easy or hard depending on the nature of the fix.
To confuse matters a bit more, different devs do different work. A simple art bug might be fixed faster than a more severe combat bug because the dev who fixes art bugs had a few minutes free and the dev who is fixing the combat bug is still up to his/her neck in the fix.
Never fear! There is some semblance of rationality to the process, even though it's not always transparent when you're looking at the release notes for a patch. If you've ever scratched your head and wondered why a certain avatar got tweaked to run in a less girly way while your favorite bug is still being worked on, now you know. :D
06-01-2007, 10:16 AM
Before this update, I could copy and paste a plat seller and send in a new ticket. or paste the result of a /loc.
Now is boring you stop what you're doing and type a full message and the names (odausidausiodaui or sadasadsadasd or wharever be) for Devs.
you cannot CONTROL + C and CONTROL + V in Help/New Ticket window.
could you look this? :)
06-01-2007, 10:21 AM
I think the bug reporting tool has gotten better in the newest revision but what I would like to see (and don't understand why its not happening) is the character information get auto filled in. It can figure out your total level but not your classes or level per class? I would think just a bit more work and that would be done for you.
Also, I'm surprised it doesn't know what server you're reporting from.
I know its just a few more clicks but when you're trying to do a quest or fill it out in a hurry for any reason, having all that extra information filled in would be a bonus.
Also, the question 'How often does this problem occur?' needs a few more options. Right now if you report something that you've only seen happen to yourself, such as getting a low level item from a chest, theres really no good option to pick. Was it once only? Or is it happening to others? Even someting like 'Undetermined' would be bettter as far as that goes.
Another thought would be to make the bug reporting form not take precedence on your screen. Allow us to "minimize" it once we open it. Sorta like the examine orb. That way if we are halfway through filling out the form and someone sends a tell or invite or even comes back from an AFK or we get attacked while in a quest, we can quickly minimize it, do what we need to then pop it back up again and finish filling out the information. Thats one of my biggest problems I have is I start to report a bug but I don't have enough time to finish it before somethign happens and I end up closing the reporting tool and forgetting to report it later on.
Well, those are just a few thoughts I have about the system overall.
06-01-2007, 10:33 AM
Before this update, I could copy and paste a plat seller and send in a new ticket. or paste the result of a /loc.
Now is boring you stop what you're doing and type a full message and the names (odausidausiodaui or sadasadsadasd or wharever be) for Devs.
you cannot CONTROL + C and CONTROL + V in Help/New Ticket window.
could you look this? :)
Interesting.. you are hit with this as well, yet my fieance who sits right across from me on her computer playing the game does not have this issue. I'm wondering if it is a hardware/software compatibility issue instead. I've got a MS intella type natural keyboard that is USB, her's is one of those enhanced compaq PS2 keyboards. We both use Logitech MX1000 mice. Highlighting seems to have no issue, but I can not copy/paste anything to save my life now.
Heck, I can't even get ping time/packet loss to show up at all anymore either.
06-01-2007, 10:39 AM
Before this update, I could copy and paste a plat seller and send in a new ticket. or paste the result of a /loc.
Now is boring you stop what you're doing and type a full message and the names (odausidausiodaui or sadasadsadasd or wharever be) for Devs.
you cannot CONTROL + C and CONTROL + V in Help/New Ticket window.
could you look this? :)
Interesting.. you are hit with this as well, yet my fieance who sits right across from me on her computer playing the game does not have this issue. I'm wondering if it is a hardware/software compatibility issue instead. I've got a MS intella type natural keyboard that is USB, her's is one of those enhanced compaq PS2 keyboards. We both use Logitech MX1000 mice. Highlighting seems to have no issue, but I can not copy/paste anything to save my life now.
Heck, I can't even get ping time/packet loss to show up at all anymore either.
Kargon also got hit with this when bug reportamaming thingy got change, Kargon too impatimient to report plat farmermers any more without quick 'Kargon got this tell: *paste*.
06-01-2007, 11:03 AM
I have to agree about this...
I am diligent in reporting them, but I liked being able to include what they sent me as proof...with their website, their name and how much the plat they were selling was... That way they can compare when the name changes, but the spam messages are the same...
Anyways, now I type in the name...and say Plat farmer make them stop...
BAH !!!
Doesn't feel nearly as efficient.
Bring back the ability to cut and paste !!!!!
See ya in Stormreach,
06-01-2007, 12:17 PM
Awesome! That's really great advice for would-be bug reporters who want to contribute without interrupting their gameplay. You may have noticed that the bug reporting form is doing more of the work for you -- if you're in the game, it will auto-fill some of the data like your location.
As far as the priority question goes, what MysticTheurge said is pretty correct. Severe bugs get assigned high priorities, but there are a few steps in the process. Typically, we have to reproduce the bug internally. That can be very easy or very hard, depending on the nature of the bug. Then the devs have to fix it, which can be easy or hard depending on the nature of the bug. Then the fix has to be tested, which can be easy or hard depending on the nature of the fix.
To confuse matters a bit more, different devs do different work. A simple art bug might be fixed faster than a more severe combat bug because the dev who fixes art bugs had a few minutes free and the dev who is fixing the combat bug is still up to his/her neck in the fix.
Never fear! There is some semblance of rationality to the process, even though it's not always transparent when you're looking at the release notes for a patch. If you've ever scratched your head and wondered why a certain avatar got tweaked to run in a less girly way while your favorite bug is still being worked on, now you know. :D
The only problem I have with this is; Some bugs/problems seem to get completly ignored. Like one I reported a month ago here (
Still have not gotten an answer. Either in game or out of game. What do we do in this instance?
06-01-2007, 12:29 PM
I cannot copy paste anymore either for reporting them :(
A workaround though, is a gm is most likely going to review your tell's anywayz to verify what u tell them, so simply type name out and put in they offered to sell you plat. Just keep it simple.
I know, I know, copy paste was so much easier cause like Kargon I would just copy paste same thing, but this takes only maybe 3 seconds longer to do.
06-01-2007, 12:32 PM
The only problem I have with this is; Some bugs/problems seem to get completly ignored. Like one I reported a month ago here (
Still have not gotten an answer. Either in game or out of game. What do we do in this instance?
When a bug report is received they do not respond to the reporter. I read your first post in the link you posted and you would need to also file a help request to get a gm to help you get your stuff back. Bug reports and requests for help are two different things.
07-02-2007, 10:38 AM
I hate to necro a thread, but a month later with a response from a QA team member, the bug is still there and an update is coming out next week and there still is NO FIX FOR THE BUG!! :mad:
07-02-2007, 12:34 PM
I have been in a party that asked for help 4 times now while doing quests. That's not a very large sample size for any poll, or experiment, but I can tell you this.
Once, we waited about 30 minutes.
The other 3 times, the DM responded in less than 5 minutes (which admittedly, seemed like about 45 minutes!!!) and within another 5, solved the problem.
In all 4 cases, a boss was not showing up properly, so we could not kill the boss and continue.
In all 4 cases, the issue was resolved for us in a way that we wanted, and we went on our way. (True, twice we did not get the boss's chest, and we didn't really care.)
Again, that's only 4 episodes, but the track record there is not terribly awful in my opinion. That's my 2 copper pieces worth.
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