View Full Version : um wow....

05-23-2007, 09:22 PM
yea so im like level one sorcere (rank 3) *ALMOST THERE!* and i teamed up with some random people to go on one of their quests. they were like leval 20, one fighter, and one ranger. so i just went along for the ride. they told me to sit bak and just grab items if they fall, i had asked earlyier if i could have some help lvling up and they decided to add me and we went on this quest. BACK TO THE POINT. so there we are runing through what i think was a sewer and this door closes behind us. so we have no were but forward to go. we are going then BAM our fighter gets smashed into spikes by a trap. stupidly the ranger runs over to revive him and he dies.......sooo im just standing there like. wow. what do i do now. i didnt know how to revive anyone. so i kinda looked around for another way and found a lever. i pulled the lever and a HUGE door opend up. out steps a giant spider, not just one though oh no it was like 5 of them. me being level one was like. wow my luck sucks. so i ran through the trap and died. had no choice. it sucked.

05-23-2007, 10:34 PM
:) its no problem just dont follow them into trap:)

its best if you get a rouge the sec you see a trap they will fix you up and you will be happy

05-24-2007, 08:49 PM
Don't worry, they weren't level 20. The game stops at level 14.

08-17-2007, 06:21 AM
I loved that post

08-17-2007, 11:46 PM
i love when that happens and why were you running with 14s you dont get anty exp and you and me have the same name (sorta) but anyways great