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  1. Non-Temporary Guild Boxes
  2. Turbine! Seriously...
  3. Confirmation box for loot assignment
  4. D&D Dice Compromise
  5. augmented items
  6. Greensteel Handwraps
  7. Wizards and Sorcerors would rejoice...
  8. Guild Augmentations
  9. Gambling
  10. epic wolf whistle - increase duration
  11. Any suggestions to address epic tank discontent?
  12. Combine Precise Shot Feats!
  13. Breaking them apart...
  14. Greensteel Deconstruction
  15. Paladin Censure Demons -> Censure Fiends
  16. Food at shrines
  17. Suggestions-Armor
  18. Dear DDO: Civilized Sheathing
  19. Auto-Sort Inventory
  20. PvP Pits in Guildships
  21. Sideways Swords
  22. Abbot Sigils
  23. Monkey Grip Feat
  24. Silver flame favor suggestion
  25. Significantly increase range of noisemaker trap
  26. Guild Buff Durations should get a bump up
  27. Fixing Pikers in Shroud
  28. Positive Energy Aura
  29. REAL UI improvements
  30. Devs: Guild Renown
  31. Zen Archery-For MONKS
  32. Reflect Spell
  33. Ideas to increase the desire to run all epics
  34. Using Monk Abilities With Weapons
  35. 101 things that should be worth renown
  36. Opening On Elite?
  37. Thornskin
  38. Add Auctioneer to Ataraxia
  39. Choosing the Greensteel Weapon Model
  40. Remove mimimum guild levels from items.
  41. Universal Augment slots
  42. Change the dice notation
  43. Suggestion Add A Practiced Spellcaster Feat
  44. What a noob wants.
  45. Update the character sheet
  46. The Heal Skill
  47. Holy Avenger
  48. My DDO Missing links
  49. Petition - Epic Catacombs on 10/31
  50. NPCs have more emotes than us, give us those ! (with pics)
  51. Alternate Summon Monster Spells
  52. Infinite arcane spells vision/nightmare
  53. Solo quests for beyond 20
  54. Please Make the Museum and Theater of Party Crashers a Public Zone
  55. Organized Ingredients Bags
  56. suggestion on guild leaderboards
  57. Suggestion: Change Sharedbank + BTA + bags
  58. Suggestion: valor tokens
  59. Sleeping Dust; protect queen fight needs adjusting
  60. Monk Weapons
  61. Cookie Jar please!
  62. Add LFG/LFM training to Korthos
  63. Feature Request - Transparent "HUD"
  64. Add glowing effects to ranged weapons and handwraps
  65. Lessen Positive Energy Aura, let us fight while we do it.
  66. Renown Decay, Balance, and Guild Size
  67. WF Body Feats- Bonus Feat
  68. Guild Rank: Observer
  69. The gold to plat thing...
  70. Fernia Fire Games 2012?
  71. Humanoids for hire.
  72. Paint for Armor
  73. Better feedback from turbine regarding player concerns and bugs
  74. Photosensitivity.
  75. Remove yellow ! with proper UMD
  76. With the new House P shield: changing other gear
  77. Make a dungeon editor and have periodic contests!
  78. Dear DDO: Quest End Rewards
  79. please make a ps3 DDO
  80. Cookie jar
  81. Multiclass characters choosing their displayed class icon
  82. Improve Web Site and Forum access from mobile phones
  83. Guild renown bonus
  84. Integrating suggestion
  85. Delayed Blast Fireball
  86. Advanced UI Options I would like to see...
  87. Using a Dimension Door should not remove Invisibility
  88. Public Wilderness
  89. Rogue/Barb intimidate prestige class
  90. City Guards and City Adventures - Bring Stormreach to Life
  91. Ranger Tracking Ability - Where Is It?
  92. Eville Characters are a D&D Must!
  93. PvP Challenge Area? Anywhere!
  94. Multiple suggestion points (version 2)
  95. Shroud mats~ birds of a feather combined together?
  96. minor suggestion - Guild Airship Logout
  97. Problem with getting Guild Level 100
  98. Idea for wands
  99. Improved PvP system needed badly!
  100. My dissapointment with the guild vendors
  101. Fog of absence, map.
  102. Nerf tank equipment and monster Base Attack Bonus
  103. Longer ToD 20th reward list
  104. Build redundancy into AC gear upgrades
  105. Trap recovery
  106. Items limited by Guild Lvl
  107. Improve Murlynd's Spoon Usability?
  108. So we can TR,LR,GR,alignment change so what about Race Changes?
  109. Trophy cases/racks
  110. How much would you pay...
  111. We need to be able to show whether our characters are support or offensive builds.
  112. Please change item restrictions on guild crystals
  113. Psionics suggestion
  114. Halfling run animation
  115. Airship Paint "Test Pots"
  116. Clr PrE: EITHER stop extend working OR swap tiers I&II
  117. Fix myDDO
  118. Buff Greater Two Handed Fighting
  119. Another epic item crafting thread
  120. Bulletin board
  121. LFM pannel refresh button
  122. Making random loot armors a viable option
  123. Guild Items for airship
  124. Augment Summoning Change
  125. Desktop
  126. Some Guild Renown Suggestions
  127. Click-to-Move
  128. Name Flash for Immune to Healing?
  129. Work in more uses for skills.
  130. Click to Examine Players
  131. Daggers as ninja weapons (ki)
  132. acid rain is a wierd underpowered spell
  133. Dear Devs, Something Nice for the OLD Vets
  134. mouse pointer
  135. DDO store item that changes cosmetic look of armors
  136. Metamajics assigned to spells on an individual basis
  137. make certain scrolls/wands/ammo available as favor rewards.
  138. Alignment Change [Single Item]
  139. More SP?
  140. Some Things Ddo Really Needs!
  141. Fix Frost Lance?
  142. Epic Random Loot
  143. Use the community to help with EPIC items
  144. Show Guild/Race restrictions in item icon
  145. Action Point Spent Requirement [OCD Fix]
  146. Echoes in Dungeons
  147. PvP arenas in Guild Boats.
  148. Fitting Rooms in Shops and Auction House
  149. Torches, torches, torches.
  150. Auction House and Value
  151. Fun Change to Enchance Abbot experience
  152. MyDDO & Friends
  153. Stone of Change Attendant
  154. Devs: Please change the look and sound of Death Aura
  155. New Item for Guilds - Airship option - aura/stone of the Mentor
  156. Duration of store-bought potions
  157. Make non-raid Epic Items BtA
  158. Renown Scaling
  159. Obvious new bard spell
  160. Add Guild boat to Teleport spell
  161. Ddo2
  162. small guild renoun bonus tweek
  163. Suggestions for Caster Fleshies (Drow in particular) at End Game
  164. Feat Change - Skill Focus
  165. Beating the Dead Horse On Reaver Crafting
  166. Itemization: Greater Evocation Focus on an item besides a robe!
  167. Pale Master needs an early form!
  168. Dual Prestigue Line Change with AAs
  169. Move the invite popup
  170. Suggestion for Airship Flags
  171. TR xp suggestion, and completionist suggestion
  172. Raid Teams
  173. Warforged Great Weapon Attribute -- will it ever be functional?
  174. Options with guilds
  175. Kobold Island: will we see thee again?
  176. Abundant Step
  177. HV as a pre-req for Enhancements
  178. Can YOU See Whats Wrong With This Picture?
  179. One simple thing
  180. Make Potions of Wonder Stack
  181. Cosmetic and Historic
  182. A REAL VIP perk
  183. Keybinding - Steer, Attack, and Orbit
  184. Petition to strike THAN from the english dictionary.
  185. Devs I want to go here!!!!
  186. Lefthanded
  187. Shared Bank Slot for Money
  188. Increase squelch list size.
  189. Allow item customization for MyDDO
  190. Auction House Improvements
  191. No More NPC Chatter In Say Channel!
  192. stealth(again)
  193. Marking of quests as PAID CONTENT for VIPs
  194. Show entire spell description in Bard/Sorcerer/Favored Soul spell swap windows
  195. Proof against Hold Person
  196. Trolls are pansies, and an easy fix.
  197. Ideas to implement missing Spells
  198. Rangers unseless ?????
  199. Group buff for resist!!
  200. Picnic Basket.
  201. The Tech Obviously Exists....So...
  202. Petition For Better Looking Dragontouched Leather Armor
  203. Slashing Blades: A ? for the Devs
  204. Oh, no! This game is too hard!
  205. Guild Ship Amenities - Gaming
  206. Cooldown on Disappearing Ddoors
  207. A new guild rank
  208. Suggested Change to Shroud of the Lich
  209. Friendly Fire
  210. Graphic for Cone of Cold
  211. Soul Gem Bags
  212. Roleplayed Invisibility versus Game mechanic
  213. Omni Mode
  214. Request - Adaptation of the "Chains" effect
  215. 10$ Point Buy "Option"
  216. Please let all customized keys stay customized
  217. Binding on guild airships - and why.
  218. Death Penalty XP Debt
  219. Guild Voice Chat Please
  220. Player grouping in guild screen
  221. Introduce Grapples
  222. Pale master-undead stance, lich form
  223. Viable Addition for Character Appearance Customization
  224. LFM Panel warns character they are not flagged
  225. The Sentinels quests are fun, but
  226. Guild chests on airship!
  227. Coloredd Dots for players on map
  228. Change name of "Release Notes/Known Issues" subforum
  229. Froob Racial Profiling
  230. CouldFailed Teleport Not go to Market Place?
  231. Suggestion on Armor Style/Type Change outs.
  232. Feat Exchange Timer
  233. Astral Diamonds should cost Gold
  234. Modify Harm to make it easier to harm Pale Masters
  235. Link Feats, Spells & Enhancements
  236. XP Potions timers should stop in public areas
  237. Official thread: Combat Expertise and 2x spell points
  238. How to end most trade spam
  239. Oh, one more thing re: Pale Masters
  240. Orien Spirit Mail
  241. Dirty Fighting
  242. Beating a dead horse re. Flagging issues
  243. Spell Component Pouch (Didnt see it there, maybe I missed it)
  244. Targeting via Party Names/Mini Map
  245. UI healing options
  246. Inventory Management .... Again
  247. Custom Attack Chains
  248. Rating players by Renown in Guild + Player removing rule
  249. Radeant Servant Aura and extend
  250. A Serious Flaw In The Guild Ranking System!