View Full Version : Thelanis Marketplace
- WTB Cookies and Coins
- WTB Ring with Large Slot
- WTS 10 Ioun Stones
- Selling Pale Lavender Ioun Stone
- 50 white abishai cookies
- WTS Full Abishai Scroll Set
- Buying LDS with TPs
- WTS/WTT +4 Holy Silver Treaded HW
- WTT epic scrolls
- WTB scroll ring of the mire
- WTB/trade for a martial cell
- WTS Scroll of Envenomed Cloak
- WTT/B scrolls
- WTT +4 CHA Tome
- WTS Heart of Wood
- WTB Adamantine Greatsword (or Axe)
- WTB Kobold Cookies
- Claw Glove scroll for your Lesser heart
- LDS for blue scales
- WTB - +2 Heart of wood
- WTS a few scrolls.
- WTT Red Tapper
- WTB Chimera Fang scroll
- WTS Scroll of the Scorched Bracers
- Start your new year with a BANG!
- WTB craftable Bracers with Large Guild Augment Slot
- Wtb frds & lds
- WTB Toven Cookies!!!
- Modest Trades
- wts bracers of claw scroll
- WTT Envenomed Scroll for other Chrono scrolls or FRDS
- Looking for Gloves of The Claw Scroll
- the pharking shop
- +3 Silver Treaded HW of Evil Outsider Bane
- Have some, want some
- WTS Bracers of the Claw Scroll
- new offer...WTB FRDS & LDS
- WTT for Icy Burst Kits
- LF white abishai cookies
- WTT +4 cha tome
- WTB heart + xx
- WTS +1 Greater Heart
- Wts 2hw
- LF +4 int tome
- WTB gloves of the claw scroll
- WTT/S Envenomed Cloak scroll
- Essences Needed
- Scrolls and such
- Gear wanted...
- Looking for scroll of deadly weapons
- wtb jidz tetka scroll
- WTB Potency Kamas
- WTB Scroll of Gloves of the Claw
- A few scrolls
- Cannith power cells WTT
- WTB +3 Lesser heart, or maybe any heart..
- WTS Vibrant purple ioun stone w/ suppressed power
- WTT Bracers of Claw scroll
- WTB Brawn Spirit Scroll
- Finger Necklace
- WTS,WTT, +3 Silver Threated Handwraps of Evil Outsider bane.
- Hello Trade
- Scrolls and FRDS
- WTB Lightning-Split Soarwood
- WTB/WTTF Gloves of the Claw Scroll
- WTS Scroll of Jidz tetka and bracer of claw
- PL Ioun Stone
- WTB Phiarlan Mirror Cloak scroll
- WTB/T 2 large scales
- WTS Flawless red dragon scales
- WTB adamantine kukri
- WTB/WTT Cell and Alchemical weap.
- WTT/B a couple of things.
- WTB/T Scroll of Roderic´s Wand.
- WTS Envenomed Cloak scroll
- Martial or Greater cell for lesser heart
- WTS Envenomed Cloak scroll
- WTT some scrolls
- WTS Large Devil Scale 300kpp
- Wrunt's Scrolls
- WTB Envenomed Cloak scroll
- WTS Alchemical Repeating Light Crossbow
- Silver Wraps and Scrolls
- +4 Holy Silver Treaded HW
- WTB alchemical crafting ingredients
- Looking for grim braclet scroll
- silver handwraps - adamantine handwraps
- Silver Wraps
- WTS Gloves of the Claw scroll
- WTT - +3 silver handwraps and WTT - +5 Adamantine need 2frds total
- WTB: GS helm
- WTB GS Cloak
- WTB +2 Int Tome
- Lds for gs khopesh
- WTS, 100 Hezrou Cookies.
- WTS Tome page VII
- Large Guild Slots: Ring, Long Bow and Robe--Price Check
- WTB Sword of shadows scroll
- wtt bracers claw scroll
- WC's WTS/WTB List
- 100 of every color abishai
- Selling Pale Lavender Ioun Stones
- WTT Envenomed Cloak Scroll
- WTB Vampiric Stonedust Wraps
- Wtb heart of wood
- WTS Large Guild Slots: Ring, Long Bow, GAxe and Robe
- wtt 2 lds for 2 gs khopesh blanks
- Wts FRDS
- WTB brawn´s spirits scroll
- WTT: Scroll of the Sword of Shadow
- WTb/*** Tome: legend II
- WTb/WTTF Tome: legend II
- Need FRDS
- Essences - Ack!
- WTB: Finger Necklace
- Looking for greater essences. Offering FRDS.
- Selling - Buying - Trading
- WTB Hearts of Wood
- WTS Large Guild Slot Items
- zarooth's trade list
- Buying eda augments
- Wtb fdrs.
- WTT heats of woods, Lds, silvers, Tomes...
- WTT tome pgs, scroll, alchemical weapon
- WTS Charged gauntlet WTB helm of frost scroll
- WTT Envenomed cloak scroll
- new to market place WTS Envenomed Cloak scroll
- WTB Lesser Heart of Wood
- WTS 2 greater cannith cells
- Wtb/Wtt for white scales
- Blood Stone
- WTB Envenomed Cloak and/or Scorched bracers scrolls
- For Trade: Alchemical Handwraps
- WTT Bracers of Claw scroll for FRDS
- WTB any heart of wood
- What do yuo do when DDO is down?
- WTTF Gloves of Claw Scroll / Bracers of CLaw Scroll / Envenomed Cloak Scroll
- Price check, gloves of the claw scroll
- Wtb Alchemical Kama
- WTB Scroll of SOS
- WTS Jidz scroll
- Wayfinder Septers
- WTB Gloves of the Claw Scroll
- Alchemical Trade
- alchemical blanks + random drop weapons for sale
- WTTF Envenomed cloack scrol
- Wts eternal titan wand
- Wtb some stuff
- WTS +4 silver threaded holy wrandwraps
- WTB GS Falchion blank
- WTT Envenomed Cloak Scroll for Gloves of the Claw Scroll
- LDS, 300k. Have 6
- WTS/T scroll gloves of claw
- wtt/s finger necklace
- Superior Glaciation VIII (or IX if you're really gung ho)
- WTS GreatSword
- WTT 1 Martial Cell Need 1 Geater Cell pst
- buying/trading for greater essences
- WTT +3 STR tome
- WTS +3Lesser +1Greater Hearts
- Price check - The Blood Stone
- WTB SoS Scroll
- WTB Tome Legend
- WtB/T Scroll of Phiarlan Mirror Cloak
- WTB Greater Essences
- wtb phiarlan mirror cloak scroll
- Selling lds and stuff
- Trading my LDS for your Greater Essences
- WTT Antique Greataxe Scroll
- Buying frds
- greater DIVINE essences
- LF Greater Cannith Power Cell
- WTB Cloak of Curses
- WTS 16 Small + 4 Medium Eberron Dragonshard Fragments
- WTB Hearts of Wood
- Trade:my GS Cloak blank for your GS Goggles blank
- WTT Jidz Scroll
- Wts 2 Scrolls of Claw Gloves
- WTT/WTS +1 Greater heart
- Time to rifle through your collectables bag...
- Selling FRDS, need plat.
- WTS Gloves of the Claw Scroll
- WTB Shamans band scroll
- Wtb frds
- Wts frds
- WTS SOS scroll.
- WTB: Fanged Gloves
- Price Check/WTB Black Dragon Scales
- GS trade
- Price check: Cannith cells.
- 2x gloves of the claw scrolls
- WTB Scroll of Boots of Corrosion
- WTB Silver/Cold Iron Handwraps. Medium/Large guild augment handwraps and kamas
- WTB belt w/Large slot and heavy fort
- Dont look !!!
- LF Greater cannith cell
- WTB scroll of grim's bracelet/sirens belt
- Looking to buy a boots of corrosion scroll
- want to trade scroll of the antique greataxe
- WTS Silver and Adamantine Handwraps
- WTB +1 Greater Heart of Wood
- wttf scroll of silver slinger and vibrant purple ioun stone
- WTTF Chrono scrolls
- WTS Epic Scroll of Cruel Nobility
- WTS Epic scroll of Templar's Justice
- Tapestries for Trade
- WTTF +3 Lesser Heart of Wood
- Looking to buy Preorder code
- WTT Vibrant Purple for your Pale Lav.
- Jinx's Trade Emporium
- LF Sos Scroll
- WTT Vibrant Purple Ioun Stone for Pale Lavender
- WTB brawn´s spirits scroll
- Some scrolls for trade
- WTB Alchemical Handwraps
- WTT Scroll of silver slinger
- WTS/WTT all new scrolls
- WTS a bunch of scrolls from the new pack
- WTT Silver Handwraps
- Trading for some scrolls.
- WTT +3 Dex tome
- Points
- FRDS for gs blanks
- Price check: Full set of tome pages...
- WTB PG of Holy Scimitars level 6
- WTB Vibrant Purple Ioun Stone w/suppressed
- WTTF gs cloak blank
- Ye Olden Tome Page and Shield Piece Trade Site
- wttf +3 lesser heart of wood
- 20 tapestry
- WTS silverthreaded handwraps
- Looking for chrono cloak
- PC: +3 int tome
- Buying large essences for Cannith Crafting in Bulk.
- Going rate for a +1 Lesser Heart of Wood?
- Want to buy +6 stat shards
- WTB Lesser/greater heart of wood
- WTB envenomed cloak scroll
- WTB Martial Power Cells
- Cannith power cells
- WTS/WTT scrolls and stuff
- WTS Cannith cells
- Guild Augment Sale
- My +3 STR tome for your +3 CON/CHA tome
- WTS Docent of quickening
- WTT for tome pages
- WTB +1 or more heart (lesser or greater)
- WTB +3 Dex Tome
- My tome page 1 and 3 for your
- WTB gloves of the claw scroll
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