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  1. Looking for GS Helm
  2. Soloartistes Garage sale
  3. My +2 str 4 your +2 wis tome swap
  4. WTS Golden Greaves
  5. Looking for GS Bracers and Belt
  6. WTB Docent of quickening
  7. LF scroll of the elyd edge.have many for trade
  8. WTB Devil's Keepsake and Mysterious Artifact
  9. Epic scroll haves & wants
  10. Looking for potency 4 or combustion 4 weapon
  11. PC scroll of Timeblade
  12. Blank GS Scepter for sale or trade.
  13. Wtt Frds
  14. Collectable Swap
  15. Trading blanks,ingredients,other stuff for LARGES
  16. Looking for Scroll of Ravens Sight
  17. WTT Envenomed Cloak Scrolls
  18. I want a vorpal sickle or hand axe
  19. Make meh a Scimmie blank!
  20. What should I sell my potions of inflict serious wounds for?
  21. Buy my junk
  22. Selling GS Cloak
  23. Cherry's Want List
  24. WTB Scroll Of The Envenomed Cloak
  25. Buying larges
  26. WTB Jidz-Tet'ka Scroll
  27. WTB: Red scales. WTT scales
  28. U7 scroll swap
  29. Epic Scroll Trading
  30. A Plea to FVS running Sins of Attrition on solo
  31. Ombers Epic Scroll Sales
  32. Large stone sale.
  33. Looking for 2 L Arrowhead and 1 L Shrapnel
  34. 1,000,000 plat
  35. Wtb
  36. WTT for Blue Scales & Large Ingredients
  37. LTT Charged Gauntlet Scroll
  38. WTT Scorched Bracers Scroll
  39. WTB/WTTF scroll of the ravens sight
  40. Swap +5 Bodyfeeder Longsword of Pure Good
  41. Paying 400k for Boots of the Innocent
  42. WTB tome of legend pages
  43. Price Check Docent of Defiance
  44. Wondering if I can get a PC on a +3 Holy Cold Iron of PG Dorf Axe
  45. wts flawless red dragon scale
  46. GS greataxe for GS Falchion!
  47. WTB Scroll of gloves of the claw.
  48. WTS: Docent of Defiance
  49. WTB Jinx's Vexation
  50. wts 10 blue scales.
  51. In need of Twisted Talisman scroll
  52. WTS: +1 Lesser Heart of Wood
  53. Looking for two collapsed portable holes
  54. WTB Tapestry Shreds, Jinx's Vexation
  55. WTT 25 Black Dragon Scales for Blues
  56. WTT Larges for Blanks
  57. WTS: Pale Lavender Ioun Stone
  58. WTB 1 Devil's Keepsake
  59. WTS +1 lesser heart of wood
  60. Ltt Scrotched Bracer Scroll
  61. *** Tome Pages
  62. WTB icy burst kits
  63. WTB +1 dex tome
  64. WTB Force Burst Handwraps of Stunning +10
  65. WTT Epic Scrolls For Large Scales and Stones
  66. wtb: icy burst kits
  67. WTB Spectral Gloves
  68. LTT scorched bracers scroll..
  69. WTT for Icy Burst Kit/s
  70. Looking to buy/trade for Tome Page I (x2) nad VII (x1)
  71. WTB Inferno Bracers (dex +6 from Litany)
  72. WTT: Epic Scrolls for Large Scales
  73. WTT my blood for your keepsake
  74. Kit for Pick
  75. WTS 3 kits
  76. Red Dragon Scale for Icy Nurst Kits
  77. Looking fo Helm of Frost scroll
  78. WTS Docent of Defiance - DoD
  79. Trading for 2 large scales
  80. Trading blue scales for large devil scales.
  81. WTS bossbeater and wraps
  82. LF scroll of Belt of the mroranon
  83. I want Helm of Frost Scroll-
  84. Erolwen's trade list
  85. need some scrolls.
  86. WTB Scroll of Envenomed Cloak
  87. WTT Scroll of the Sword of Shadows for a Scroll of Storm
  88. *Buying* ioun stones 2mil plat
  89. Buy LArge Scale
  90. AH Ioun Stone: Buyer Beware
  91. Desperatly Seeking DQ Bracers Scroll
  92. Stave of the Seer
  93. Kings Ransom for DQ Bracers Scroll
  94. Beethoven's consolitated trade list
  95. Vibrant Purple Ioun Stone
  96. Unbound +3 Str tome for sale.
  97. Firestorm greaves 600k [buy]
  98. Selling Scroll of the Bracer of The Claw
  99. Buy scroll of the Bracer of the Claw
  100. Buy Scroll of the Gloves of The claw
  101. I want...
  102. Buying Heart of Wood
  103. WTT my +3 WoP Shortbow
  104. LF Scroll of the Belt of The Mroranon
  105. PC Full set of +2 Tomes
  106. I want 3 Burst Kits 85k each
  107. WTB Siberya Dragon Shards
  108. WTT Gloves of the Claw Scroll.
  109. WTT Spectral Gloves
  110. WTT/WTS Pale Lavender Ioun Stone
  111. WTB: Large Stones
  112. WTB +2 holy burst sickle of righteousness or pure good
  113. Looking To Buy
  114. WTS +4INT tomb
  115. Iso
  116. WTB/TF 4 large stones
  117. LF Scroll of the Glove of the Claw
  118. WTT Bracers of the Claw scroll
  119. Wts +2 Tomes
  120. WTS Gloves of the Claw Scroll
  121. stupid splintered horn...
  122. WTB Large scale 300k pp
  123. LTB 3 Large Scales
  124. Selling a couple things
  125. Scroll for sword of shadow and helm of mronan for trade
  126. Looking For Vibrant Purple Ioun Stone
  127. Need Scales and Stone
  128. WTB Helm of Frost Scroll
  129. WTT Larges/Stuff For Gird/Tomes/Stuff
  130. WTB maiming rocksplitter
  131. WTB Icy Burst Kits
  132. Cherry's trades
  133. WTS Scroll of Ravens Sight
  134. Looking for Heavy and light picks
  135. need some mediums
  136. WTS Full set of boot ingredients
  137. Wanted Large Scales & Stones
  138. Jumphigh's trade list
  139. Wtb Motes of Winter
  140. WTT Scroll of Sword of Shadow
  141. +3 Lesser Heart of Wood
  142. WTS Envenomed Cloak Scroll
  143. pc on grtr heart +1
  144. WTT Gloves of the Claw Scroll
  145. Trading boot ingredients
  146. WTB Flawless red dragon scales and maybe a scroll or two
  147. Looking for a +1 lesser heart of wood
  148. Buy maiming Rocksplitter
  149. Tobril’s Trades…
  150. LF Greensteel QStaff Blank
  151. WTT GS cloak for your GS bracers
  152. WTT +5 metalline dagger of pure good
  153. Looking to buy Larges
  154. Need last minute Motes
  155. + 3 Greater Heart of Wood
  156. PC +5 met of Pure Good SS
  157. WTB Scroll of the Helm of Frost
  158. Buying Souleater/Shining Crest scrolls
  159. WTB +1 GR Heart of Wood
  160. Looking for scrolls of the Boots of Corrosion and the Dustless Boots
  161. WTS Bracers of Hunter & Bracers of Defness Scrolls
  162. WTS +2 Vorpal Khopesh of PG ML14
  163. WTT for Scroll of the Gloves of the Claw
  164. WTB scroll of roderic's wand
  165. WTB +1 Greater Heart of Wood
  166. WTT/WTS docent of quickening
  167. WTT Spectral Gloves Scroll
  168. WTB Chaotic or Holy, Quarterstaff of G Evil outsider Bane
  169. WTT/WTS Goggles of Time-Sensing Scroll
  170. Greed`s trade list
  171. WTS: Vibrant Purple Ioun Stone w/ Suppressed Power
  172. WTB Scroll of Dragon's Eye
  173. WTT/S +5 Anarchic Quarterstaff of Greater Construct Bane
  174. WTB: scroll of antique axe
  175. Got a demons blood looking for a devils keepsake
  176. WTT Scroll of Ring of Spell Storing
  177. WTB Metalline wraps
  178. WTT GS Longsword blank
  179. WTS/WTT Charged Gauntlets Scroll
  180. wtt scroll of boots of corrosion for scroll of envenomed cloack
  181. LF a Heart of Wood!
  182. trading off some tomes
  183. WTT: Scroll of SOS & also 5 Red Dragon Scales
  184. Looking for a Vibrant Purple Ioun stone with Supressed power
  185. WTT +3 greater heart of wood
  186. WTB Scroll of the Marilith Chain for 10 Red Scales
  187. LF Scroll of the Gloves of the Claw and Timeblade
  188. Looking for Docent of Defiance and Vibrant Purple Ioun Stone
  189. WTT 20 Red Scales+25 Black Scales
  190. Garribaldi's Trades
  191. Need Earth Elemental Soul Gems
  192. NEED 100 Adamantine ORE
  193. WTB/WTT for DR breaking HW's
  194. WTS Scroll of Golden Greaves
  195. WTB Red Scales
  196. WTT 2 Bloodstones for Docent of Defiance
  197. LF Scroll of gloves of the claw
  198. WTB kamas with major lore
  199. WTT Large Devil Scale 4 GS Greatsword Blank
  200. GS maul
  201. Unbound ethereal rest shrine
  202. WTT +3 Lesser Heart of Wood
  203. Want to trade for white scales
  204. WTB Hellstroke GA Scroll
  205. Handwraps for sale
  206. WTB Large Scale/Large Stone
  207. Level 15 Potency 4 or 5 Ring
  208. I need a Keepsake
  209. price check...
  210. small scroll trade off
  211. Need a few epic scrolls.
  212. WTB Pale Lavender Ioun Stone
  213. LF Scroll of the bracer and the gloves of the claw
  214. WTB a Few Scrolls
  215. *** - Tome Pages
  216. Repeaters for sale
  217. WTT Ring of Spell Storing scroll
  218. Possibly selling ML:9 +6 str gloves
  219. WTS Boots of Corrosion Scroll
  220. Ratin's trade list
  221. WTB: Greensteel Blanks (boots, goggles)
  222. Buying GS ingredients
  223. WTB Force Burst Wraps of Stunning 10
  224. Cute Rogue Needs Scales and Souleater Scroll
  225. WTT Tome +1 Con for Charisma
  226. wtb ioun stone
  227. WTB "Pale Lavender Ioun Stone"
  228. My very small trade list.
  229. Want Major Mana Pots
  230. WTB Scroll of Raven's Sight
  231. Assualting some devils
  232. Salona ingredient values
  233. Need Large Scale
  234. +1 Greater Heart of Wood
  235. Stuff for sale.
  236. Wtt / Wts cursespewing of disruption
  237. WTT MinII for Pale Lavender Ioun Stone/Surpressed
  238. Monk's Scroll List
  239. Christiany's Trade List
  240. Iccir's mintit list o stoater stuff
  241. WTB +5 Holy Silver Khopeshes of PG
  242. WTB 2 Chaosblade Scrolls Offer Just as Absurd as for the Chain scroll.
  243. Looking to trade GS GS blank for GS rapier blank
  244. Price Check Handwraps
  245. Selling Docent of Quickening
  246. [WTB] Scroll of the infested armor
  247. Price Check on Shield pieces 3 & 4
  248. Need Vibrant Purple Ioun Stone
  249. WTT Larges for GS Blanks
  250. some items for trade...