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  1. My trading thread
  2. Happy Easter Abbot
  3. WTB Devil's Keepsake
  4. WTS Scroll Bracers of the Claw
  5. WTB Scroll of the Boots of Corrosion
  6. WTS some scrolls
  7. WTB: 20 White Scales
  8. WTS Charged Gauntlets Scroll
  9. WTT Skiver (all 8 tome pages)
  10. Looking for shield fragment 3
  11. WTB Scroll of Bracers of the Claw
  12. WTS Scroll of Time Sensing Google
  13. WTB Vibrant Purple Ioun Stone
  14. WTB Scroll of the Bracers of the Claw
  15. WTT for funk and twigs
  16. WTS/WTT Scroll of the Dragon's Eye
  17. wttf bloodstone
  18. WTB Some Chrono Scrolls
  19. WTB Sos Scroll
  20. 2 lg. scales for a Bloodstone.
  21. wtb scroll cloack pay well
  22. wtb flawless red dragon scales...
  23. WTB Vambraces of inner light.
  24. WTS/WTT Von Scrolls
  25. Trading Large Ingredients
  26. wtb any heart of wood
  27. WTB/TF 3 hearts or 3 end level khyber shards
  28. WTS/WTT Scrolls
  29. WTB Robe of Acid
  30. WTB The Blood Stone
  31. WTT Boots of Corrosion Scroll for Larges
  32. Wtt scrolls
  33. wts +1 lesser heart of wood
  34. WTS +3 Lesser Heart of Wood
  35. Blue and White for Black
  36. WTB Reds
  37. WTB Docent of Defiance
  38. WTT Claw Bracer scroll for Glaw Glove scroll
  39. WTS Bracers of the Claw scroll
  40. Have: The Blood Stone, Want: Firestorm Greaves
  41. Looking for Chaosblade Scroll
  42. WTB SoS Scroll
  43. WTB +1 lesser heart of wood
  44. Epic Scrolls for Trade.
  45. WTS Scroll of Firestorm Greaves
  46. WTB Envenomed Cloak Scroll
  47. WTB claw glove scroll
  48. WTB Charged Gauntlets Scroll
  49. WTT GS Blank Boots for Cloak
  50. WTB Pale lavender ioun stone and Eardweller farmer
  51. Scroll of the Dustless Boots
  52. WTS Holy Burst Silver D-Axe
  53. WTS Charged Gauntlets Scroll
  54. Jens Scroll Sales
  55. WTS: +4 Holy Greataxe of Greater Undead Bane
  56. WTB Stone of Change Ingredients
  57. WTS Envenomed Cloak Scroll
  58. Scroll Price Check
  59. WTB Scroll of the Gloves of the Claw
  60. WTT: Bracers of the Claw scroll for Gloves of the Claw scroll
  61. WTB SoS scroll
  62. WTB +1 Greater Heart or +1 Lesser Heart
  63. WTT my Envenomed Cloak scroll for a Charged Gauntlets scroll
  64. WTB a greensteel greataxe
  65. WTT Pale Lavender Ion Stone for Your Vibrant Purple Ion Stone.
  66. Wtd: Firestorm Greaves
  67. WTB Envenomed Cloak Scroll
  68. WTB Torc Scroll
  69. Wtb Items
  70. Wtb
  71. WTS: 100 Major Mnemonic Pots
  72. PC and WTS Scroll of Siren Charm
  73. WTS scrolls + items (Chrono, Desert, VoN)
  74. WTB Bracers Of The Claw Scroll
  75. WTB Pale lavender ioun Stone, Torc Scroll
  76. WTB Eerie scarab powder
  77. Ring of Spell Storing
  78. wtb lesser wood and royal gaurd mask
  79. WTS Bracers of the Claw Scroll
  80. WTS chrono scrolls
  81. WTS Scroll of Bow of Elements (Air)
  82. WTS: Docent of the Diabolist Scroll
  83. WTT Scrolls
  84. WTS Scroll of the Greenblade
  85. WTS Bloodstone Scrol
  86. WTS Full Claw Scroll Set (Bracers + Gloves)
  87. WTS Sands Scrolls
  88. WTB White and Black Dragon Scales 50k ea
  89. WTB Antique Axe Scroll
  90. WTB: GS Necklace
  91. wtb scroll of utility vest
  92. WTS scrolls
  93. EPIC Scrolls + Loots - 4 Sale or Trade
  94. wtb scroll of robe of the diabolist
  95. WTB Striding Boots
  96. WTS Flawless Reds
  97. WTS Scrolls
  98. WTS Scroll of the Envenomed Cloak
  99. WTB/WTT Gs goggles
  100. WTS Scroll of Bracers of the Claw, and Timeblade
  101. WTS Charged Gauntlets Scroll
  102. wts +3 lesser heart of wood
  103. Buying Antique Bronze Tokens
  104. WTB or WTT bracers of the claw scroll
  105. WTB Blue Dragon Scales
  106. WTB Scroll of Belt of the Mroranon
  107. WTB black scales
  108. WTT Pale Lavender for Vibrant Purple
  109. WTTF +1 greater wood
  110. WTTF Scroll of the Envenomed Cloak
  111. WTB Ioun Stones
  112. WTB Charge Gauntlets scroll
  113. WTT Scrolls
  114. WTT White scales for Black scales
  115. WTS - + 4 Force Burst of PG Wraps
  116. WTB/WTT Dragon Scales (white/black/blue)
  117. Buying Claw gloves scroll.
  118. WTB Envenomed Cloak Scroll
  119. WTB Rare and Unbound items
  120. WTT ingredients and scroll
  121. WTS Staff of Nat Gann Scroll
  122. WTB Flametouched Maul
  123. WTB Scroll of the Docent of the Diabolist
  124. Wyllywyl needs Essences!
  125. WTB chaosblade scroll
  126. Selling Reds
  127. Price check: Mask of Tragedy
  128. Selling Pale Lavender Ioun Stone for Plat
  129. WTS Scroll of the Envenomed Cloak
  130. WTB Medium Guild Slots
  131. WTb Antique greataxe scroll
  132. WTS: Ioun Stones
  133. WTB Adamantine Ores
  134. WTT x2 pebbles or fungis for 1 funk
  135. WTB Spell Storing Ring Scroll
  136. WTB abishai cookies
  137. WTT Red scale
  138. Anyone looking for Reds
  139. WTB Vorpal Shuriken
  140. Silver weapons
  141. WTT my Jorgundal's Collar for a Belt of the Seven Ideals
  142. WTT some handwraps
  143. Buying Vials of heavy water and Ritual Candles
  144. WTB electric haze/finger necklace/anathema
  145. +2 Str/+2 Dex Tomes. Anyone?
  146. WTB Bracers of the Claw Scroll
  147. WTB pale lavender ioun stone
  148. WTB Gloves of the Claw Scroll
  149. WTB Firestorm greaves
  150. WTS Scroll of the Spectral Gloves
  151. WTB Antique Greataxe Scroll
  152. Selling A Flawless Siberys Dragonshard
  153. WTS Envenomed Cloak Scroll
  154. WTB +2 Dex tome - 220k
  155. Cookies!
  156. Scrolls - WTS
  157. looking to buy some wraps
  158. selling reds
  159. WTS +1 Greater Heart of Wood
  160. WTS +1 AND +3 Greater Hearts of Wood
  161. WTB Guild Slot Weapons
  162. WTS Pale Lavender Ioun Stone
  163. WTB Pale Lavender and Vibrant Purple Ioun Stones
  164. WTB helm of frost and envenomed cloak scroll
  165. WTS scroll of the boots of corrosion
  166. Want to trade 2 LDS for your Red Scales
  167. Trading Tomes for Large Scales..
  168. WTT Boots of corrosion scroll for charged guantlet scroll
  169. WTT/WTS Bracers of the clow scroll
  170. WTB Heavy Picks !
  171. Price Check Big Top Scroll
  172. WTB Docent of Defiance
  173. Selling Cookies and Cakes
  174. wtb/wtt for charged gaunt scroll
  175. wtb Firestorm Greaves
  176. WTT: 3 Black Dragon Scales
  177. WTS some scrolls
  178. WTS or Trade Belt of the Seven Ideals
  179. WTB pale lavender ioun stone, torc scroll
  180. WTB Lesser or +1 Lesser heart of wood
  181. WTB gloves of the claw scroll.
  182. WTT 25 Blue Dragon Scales AND the Helm of the Blue Dragon
  183. WTB : List of Things
  184. WTS Pale Lavender Ioun Stone
  185. Accepting offers for: pale lavender ioun stone, bracers of the claw scroll
  186. WTT +3 greater + Larges
  187. WTT Scrolls
  188. WTB electric haze, paying well
  189. WTB boots of corrosion scroll
  190. Gauntlets anyone?
  191. WTS Scroll of the Charged Gauntlets
  192. Yep, even more low level loot for sale...
  193. WTT for Envenomed Cloak scroll
  194. Another WTS Scrolls Thread
  195. Trading 3 Charisma+2 tomes for 2
  196. WTS +3 Greater Heart of Wood
  197. WTT Pale Lavender Ioun Stone
  198. Looking for Blue Dragon Scales
  199. WTS Jorgundal Collar
  200. WTS +3 Greater Heart of Wood
  201. WTS some FRDS 1000kpp
  202. WTT Envenomed Cloak Scroll
  203. WTS Lots of VoN scrolls
  204. WTT Helm of Frost Scroll
  205. WTB +5 Keen Khopesh of PG (2)
  206. price check handwraps+1 icyburst shocking burst of bleeding
  207. looking for small eberron shards
  208. WTT Skiver (all 8 tome pages)
  209. Looking for someone for favor farming low lvl packs - pay is discussed
  210. Selling devil keepsakes & flawless reds for plat.
  211. Price check: 200 Dimension Door scrolls
  212. WTB Docent of Defiance
  213. WTT Large Ingredient Bags for GS Blanks
  214. WTT or WTS Scroll of Bracers of the Claw
  215. ALAS..Scrolls for Sale!
  216. WTB ring of inner focus 13/15
  217. WTB Pale Lavendar and Vibrant Purple Ioun Stones
  218. WTB blood stones
  219. Have Gloves of the Claw Scroll
  220. Pale Lavender for Sale !!!
  221. WTX Scrolls
  222. WTT Pale Lavender Ioun Stone
  223. WTB repeaters
  224. WTB Torc scroll, marilith scroll
  225. WTT for gs blanks
  226. Bloodstone Scroll Ect
  227. Augment Crystal of Devil's Ruin
  228. WTS 5 Flawless Red Devil Scales for Plat
  229. Bracers of the Claw for Sale
  230. WTB Scrolls, Items, Larges
  231. Shield Fragments
  232. WTB Antique Greataxe Scroll
  233. WTS Tomes/Large Ingredients/Random Things
  234. WTT torc, claw scrolls
  235. WTB Vibrant Purple Ioun Stone w/Suppressed Power
  236. Looking for antique greataxe scroll
  237. LF gs look-a-like cold iron heavy pick
  238. WTB Tome Pages/Shield Fragments
  239. WTB Robe Of Diabolist Scroll
  240. WTB Cloak of Ice
  241. WTB Firestorm Greaves
  242. Possibly WTS (scrolls and tome pages):
  243. WTS Antique Axe Scroll
  244. WTB Devil's Keepsake
  245. WTB lesser/greater heart of wood for plat
  246. WTT: scroll of Boot of Corrosion
  247. Selling scrolls
  248. Need a +2 con tome
  249. WTT for Black Dragon Scales
  250. WTB: Legendary Victory from Server Crash