View Full Version : Khyber Marketplace
- My trading thread
- Happy Easter Abbot
- WTB Devil's Keepsake
- WTS Scroll Bracers of the Claw
- WTB Scroll of the Boots of Corrosion
- WTS some scrolls
- WTB: 20 White Scales
- WTS Charged Gauntlets Scroll
- WTT Skiver (all 8 tome pages)
- Looking for shield fragment 3
- WTB Scroll of Bracers of the Claw
- WTS Scroll of Time Sensing Google
- WTB Vibrant Purple Ioun Stone
- WTB Scroll of the Bracers of the Claw
- WTT for funk and twigs
- WTS/WTT Scroll of the Dragon's Eye
- wttf bloodstone
- WTB Some Chrono Scrolls
- WTB Sos Scroll
- 2 lg. scales for a Bloodstone.
- wtb scroll cloack pay well
- wtb flawless red dragon scales...
- WTB Vambraces of inner light.
- WTS/WTT Von Scrolls
- Trading Large Ingredients
- wtb any heart of wood
- WTB/TF 3 hearts or 3 end level khyber shards
- WTS/WTT Scrolls
- WTB Robe of Acid
- WTB The Blood Stone
- WTT Boots of Corrosion Scroll for Larges
- Wtt scrolls
- wts +1 lesser heart of wood
- WTS +3 Lesser Heart of Wood
- Blue and White for Black
- WTB Reds
- WTB Docent of Defiance
- WTT Claw Bracer scroll for Glaw Glove scroll
- WTS Bracers of the Claw scroll
- Have: The Blood Stone, Want: Firestorm Greaves
- Looking for Chaosblade Scroll
- WTB SoS Scroll
- WTB +1 lesser heart of wood
- Epic Scrolls for Trade.
- WTS Scroll of Firestorm Greaves
- WTB Envenomed Cloak Scroll
- WTB claw glove scroll
- WTB Charged Gauntlets Scroll
- WTT GS Blank Boots for Cloak
- WTB Pale lavender ioun stone and Eardweller farmer
- Scroll of the Dustless Boots
- WTS Holy Burst Silver D-Axe
- WTS Charged Gauntlets Scroll
- Jens Scroll Sales
- WTS: +4 Holy Greataxe of Greater Undead Bane
- WTB Stone of Change Ingredients
- WTS Envenomed Cloak Scroll
- Scroll Price Check
- WTB Scroll of the Gloves of the Claw
- WTT: Bracers of the Claw scroll for Gloves of the Claw scroll
- WTB SoS scroll
- WTB +1 Greater Heart or +1 Lesser Heart
- WTT my Envenomed Cloak scroll for a Charged Gauntlets scroll
- WTB a greensteel greataxe
- WTT Pale Lavender Ion Stone for Your Vibrant Purple Ion Stone.
- Wtd: Firestorm Greaves
- WTB Envenomed Cloak Scroll
- WTB Torc Scroll
- Wtb Items
- Wtb
- WTS: 100 Major Mnemonic Pots
- PC and WTS Scroll of Siren Charm
- WTS scrolls + items (Chrono, Desert, VoN)
- WTB Bracers Of The Claw Scroll
- WTB Pale lavender ioun Stone, Torc Scroll
- WTB Eerie scarab powder
- Ring of Spell Storing
- wtb lesser wood and royal gaurd mask
- WTS Bracers of the Claw Scroll
- WTS chrono scrolls
- WTS Scroll of Bow of Elements (Air)
- WTS: Docent of the Diabolist Scroll
- WTT Scrolls
- WTS Scroll of the Greenblade
- WTS Bloodstone Scrol
- WTS Full Claw Scroll Set (Bracers + Gloves)
- WTS Sands Scrolls
- WTB White and Black Dragon Scales 50k ea
- WTB Antique Axe Scroll
- WTB: GS Necklace
- wtb scroll of utility vest
- WTS scrolls
- EPIC Scrolls + Loots - 4 Sale or Trade
- wtb scroll of robe of the diabolist
- WTB Striding Boots
- WTS Flawless Reds
- WTS Scrolls
- WTS Scroll of the Envenomed Cloak
- WTB/WTT Gs goggles
- WTS Scroll of Bracers of the Claw, and Timeblade
- WTS Charged Gauntlets Scroll
- wts +3 lesser heart of wood
- Buying Antique Bronze Tokens
- WTB or WTT bracers of the claw scroll
- WTB Blue Dragon Scales
- WTB Scroll of Belt of the Mroranon
- WTB black scales
- WTT Pale Lavender for Vibrant Purple
- WTTF +1 greater wood
- WTTF Scroll of the Envenomed Cloak
- WTB Ioun Stones
- WTB Charge Gauntlets scroll
- WTT Scrolls
- WTT White scales for Black scales
- WTS - + 4 Force Burst of PG Wraps
- WTB/WTT Dragon Scales (white/black/blue)
- Buying Claw gloves scroll.
- WTB Envenomed Cloak Scroll
- WTB Rare and Unbound items
- WTT ingredients and scroll
- WTS Staff of Nat Gann Scroll
- WTB Flametouched Maul
- WTB Scroll of the Docent of the Diabolist
- Wyllywyl needs Essences!
- WTB chaosblade scroll
- Selling Reds
- Price check: Mask of Tragedy
- Selling Pale Lavender Ioun Stone for Plat
- WTS Scroll of the Envenomed Cloak
- WTB Medium Guild Slots
- WTb Antique greataxe scroll
- WTS: Ioun Stones
- WTB Adamantine Ores
- WTT x2 pebbles or fungis for 1 funk
- WTB Spell Storing Ring Scroll
- WTB abishai cookies
- WTT Red scale
- Anyone looking for Reds
- WTB Vorpal Shuriken
- Silver weapons
- WTT my Jorgundal's Collar for a Belt of the Seven Ideals
- WTT some handwraps
- Buying Vials of heavy water and Ritual Candles
- WTB electric haze/finger necklace/anathema
- +2 Str/+2 Dex Tomes. Anyone?
- WTB Bracers of the Claw Scroll
- WTB pale lavender ioun stone
- WTB Gloves of the Claw Scroll
- WTB Firestorm greaves
- WTS Scroll of the Spectral Gloves
- WTB Antique Greataxe Scroll
- Selling A Flawless Siberys Dragonshard
- WTS Envenomed Cloak Scroll
- WTB +2 Dex tome - 220k
- Cookies!
- Scrolls - WTS
- looking to buy some wraps
- selling reds
- WTS +1 Greater Heart of Wood
- WTS +1 AND +3 Greater Hearts of Wood
- WTB Guild Slot Weapons
- WTS Pale Lavender Ioun Stone
- WTB Pale Lavender and Vibrant Purple Ioun Stones
- WTB helm of frost and envenomed cloak scroll
- WTS scroll of the boots of corrosion
- Want to trade 2 LDS for your Red Scales
- Trading Tomes for Large Scales..
- WTT Boots of corrosion scroll for charged guantlet scroll
- WTT/WTS Bracers of the clow scroll
- WTB Heavy Picks !
- Price Check Big Top Scroll
- WTB Docent of Defiance
- Selling Cookies and Cakes
- wtb/wtt for charged gaunt scroll
- wtb Firestorm Greaves
- WTT: 3 Black Dragon Scales
- WTS some scrolls
- WTS or Trade Belt of the Seven Ideals
- WTB pale lavender ioun stone, torc scroll
- WTB Lesser or +1 Lesser heart of wood
- WTB gloves of the claw scroll.
- WTT 25 Blue Dragon Scales AND the Helm of the Blue Dragon
- WTB : List of Things
- WTS Pale Lavender Ioun Stone
- Accepting offers for: pale lavender ioun stone, bracers of the claw scroll
- WTT +3 greater + Larges
- WTT Scrolls
- WTB electric haze, paying well
- WTB boots of corrosion scroll
- Gauntlets anyone?
- WTS Scroll of the Charged Gauntlets
- Yep, even more low level loot for sale...
- WTT for Envenomed Cloak scroll
- Another WTS Scrolls Thread
- Trading 3 Charisma+2 tomes for 2
- WTS +3 Greater Heart of Wood
- WTT Pale Lavender Ioun Stone
- Looking for Blue Dragon Scales
- WTS Jorgundal Collar
- WTS +3 Greater Heart of Wood
- WTS some FRDS 1000kpp
- WTT Envenomed Cloak Scroll
- WTS Lots of VoN scrolls
- WTT Helm of Frost Scroll
- WTB +5 Keen Khopesh of PG (2)
- price check handwraps+1 icyburst shocking burst of bleeding
- looking for small eberron shards
- WTT Skiver (all 8 tome pages)
- Looking for someone for favor farming low lvl packs - pay is discussed
- Selling devil keepsakes & flawless reds for plat.
- Price check: 200 Dimension Door scrolls
- WTB Docent of Defiance
- WTT Large Ingredient Bags for GS Blanks
- WTT or WTS Scroll of Bracers of the Claw
- ALAS..Scrolls for Sale!
- WTB ring of inner focus 13/15
- WTB Pale Lavendar and Vibrant Purple Ioun Stones
- WTB blood stones
- Have Gloves of the Claw Scroll
- Pale Lavender for Sale !!!
- WTX Scrolls
- WTT Pale Lavender Ioun Stone
- WTB repeaters
- WTB Torc scroll, marilith scroll
- WTT for gs blanks
- Bloodstone Scroll Ect
- Augment Crystal of Devil's Ruin
- WTS 5 Flawless Red Devil Scales for Plat
- Bracers of the Claw for Sale
- WTB Scrolls, Items, Larges
- Shield Fragments
- WTB Antique Greataxe Scroll
- WTS Tomes/Large Ingredients/Random Things
- WTT torc, claw scrolls
- WTB Vibrant Purple Ioun Stone w/Suppressed Power
- Looking for antique greataxe scroll
- LF gs look-a-like cold iron heavy pick
- WTB Tome Pages/Shield Fragments
- WTB Robe Of Diabolist Scroll
- WTB Cloak of Ice
- WTB Firestorm Greaves
- Possibly WTS (scrolls and tome pages):
- WTS Antique Axe Scroll
- WTB Devil's Keepsake
- WTB lesser/greater heart of wood for plat
- WTT: scroll of Boot of Corrosion
- Selling scrolls
- Need a +2 con tome
- WTT for Black Dragon Scales
- WTB: Legendary Victory from Server Crash
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