View Full Version : Khyber Marketplace
- Need Twigs and a Pebble
- Bloodstone
- HB LB of PG :P
- WTT 200k plat on Khyber for 200k on Orien
- PC on +3 Holy Longbow of GEOB
- Bloodstone / Thornlord
- Wanted: Ancient Axe Scroll
- WTS: +4 Metalline Khopesh of PG
- WTB/WTTF: Black Scales
- Nightshield!
- WTT 2 white scales for 2 black scales
- Selling a couple items + epic scrolls.
- WTB some weapons
- WTT: Ancient Axe scroll for 1 bloodstone.
- WTS Ring of Spell Storing, 850k or best offer
- +5 Vicious Silver Morningstar of Pure Good
- anarchic burst silver great axe
- WTB/WTT Sirocco
- Wtb Chaos Blade scroll
- Twigs and pebbles
- Pc!
- buying lesser heart of wood
- WTT 300k Plat on Orien for 300k Plat on Khyber
- WTB/WTT for red scales
- Large scales
- WTB Hyena Claw Necklace
- LTB Shield Piece 3
- WTB chaosblade scroll
- Looking for Spiked Boots
- WTS Bloodstone 500k PP
- WTB/WTT for Docent of Blood
- WTB Mentau's Goggles
- WTB Robe of Dissonance
- WTB +1 Paralysing Longbow of Pure Good
- WTS Scroll of Antique Greataxe 700kpp
- WTT/WTB Tome Pages
- Looking for a couple tomes and a +6 Wis Ring and more...
- WTT-Pale lavender ioun stone for red scales
- WTT/WTS Scarlet and Blue Ioun stone
- trading whirlwind for bloodstone.
- WTB Anathema
- +5 axiomatic GA of Grtr Dragon bane RR:elf.
- WTS 2000 Cookies/Cakes/Jellies 650k
- WTS: Devil Scales, Red Scales, Ingredients, WTB: Epic Scrolls, Mentau's Goggles, etc.
- WTT for large scales and stuff
- WTS GS rapier>>
- Cookies
- PC Dusty Rose Ioun Stone with supressed power
- WTB Greensteel Cloak
- WTT Greensteel Goggles for Greensteel Heavy Repeater
- Taking offers on a an uber stunning maul
- WTB +15 Intim ring
- WTB Docent of Defiance.
- wtb two large scales 275k plat
- WTB: Marilith Chain Scroll, offering 12 red dragonscales
- WTB Well-used Firestorm Greaves
- WTB large scales
- Bloodstone for DoD?
- WTT Boot Ing..
- My Extra and need list
- Sarlona - Kyber plat trade
- Random yard sale.
- PC on Metalline of PG Heavy Mace
- WTB scroll of staff of arcane power
- wtt red dragonscale for 2 large devil scales.
- WTT my Spectral Gloves for what you have
- WTS: Scrolls, Spectrals, Choker, Ings, WTB: Scrolls, D Scales, etc.
- WTB Scroll of Hammer of Life
- Trading GS for GS
- WTT Blood for Keepsake
- WTT 3 blue scales for a lg devil scale
- WTB Spectral Gloves
- WTTB White or Black Dragonscales
- WTT for Bejewelled Letter Opener
- WTT my Spectral Gloves for a Ring of Spell Storing
- WTB Scroll of Vulkoorim Fighting Leathers
- PRICE CHECK: Royal Guard Mask
- 20 Flawless Dragon Scales for Marilith Chain Scroll
- WTT Thornlord
- WTB 2x Large Devil Scales
- WTS +5 Metalline Greatsword of PG
- Icy Games Upgrades up for Sale Trade
- Epic Robe of Dissonance-Auction
- WTB/WTTF: Scroll of Siren Bracers (belt)
- WTB/WTTF Scroll of Robe of Dissonance
- Selling Pale Lavender Ioun Stone w/ Suppressed Powah
- Shamm's garage sale - epic scrolls, interesting weapons armors, oh my!
- PC on Lightning-Split Soarwood
- WTB fighting leathers scroll
- Eardweller service
- free stuff
- WTB smiters/banishers
- Wtb
- Price check
- WTB Mari Chain scroll.
- Want a Bloodstone?
- Looking for Pale Lavender stone w/supressed power
- WTTF Red Dragon Scales/Black Dragon Scales
- WTTF Marilith Chain scroll
- WTB/WTT devilskeepsake
- Trading Scales!
- WTB/WTT for Sirrocox2
- WTB +5 Holy Burst Handwraps
- My Devils Blood, Your Keepsake
- Looking for a +2 Wisdom Helm
- Epic scrolls for trade.
- WTT Lightning-Split Soarwood for Taps
- WTB large devil scales
- WTB Heavy or light Repeaters
- WTB bloodstone 500k
- WTB/WTT for Scroll of lion-headed belt buckle
- WTS Robe of Dissonance Scroll
- WTT Epic scrolls and other stuff for L scales
- Anyone selling a GS Falchion?
- Price check please.
- WTS +2 Metaline handwraps of bleeding
- +3 metaline of pure good handwraps
- WTB: Dustless Boots Scroll
- Trading Spectral Gloves scroll for Red scales
- WTB Bloodstone 500k
- Weakening Enfeeblers
- WTT Greensteel Scepter for Kopesh
- WTB Scroll of Demon's Consort Bracers
- wtb red scales
- WTB/WTT for Large Scales
- WTT my Demon's Blood for your Devil's Keepsake
- Price Check - Spiked Boots
- How much are Epic SOS Scrolls going for?
- tome pages 7 and 8
- Junk4$
- Anyone got a Clever Mask to sell?
- WTT Ring of Spellstoring
- WTS +2 Force Burst Handwraps of Greater Evil Outsider Bane.
- Have full set of tome pages for trade
- WTB SOS Scroll
- WTS/T Scroll of the Ring of Spellstoring
- For sale: +5 Metalline Cold Iron Khopesh of Pure Good
- WTT Spectral Gloves
- wtt red dragonscale/ black dragonscales for for large devil scales.
- WTB: Holy or Holy Burst Longbow of Greater Bane
- WTB Black Dragon Scales
- WTB Tome page 5 & 6
- WTB Spectral Gloves Scroll
- selling docent of defiance
- +5 Handwraps of Greater Lawful Outsider Bane.
- Want a Bloodstone?
- WTB scroll of pouch of jerky
- Anyone have Tome Page 6
- WTT: Boot Parts for Boot Parts
- WTT Scourge Choker with docent of defiance
- Weak Soul Gems
- Sellin + 1 Holy SBow of GUB
- PC +3 metaline b.sword of pure good + vorpal b.sword
- WTB Devil's Keepsake
- WTB: A couple scrolls
- Looking for a few scrolls
- WTB or WTT for Spectral Gloves
- ***WANTED*** Gloves of the Claw scroll
- WTB tome pages 4/5
- Price check on Sickle..
- WTT: +5 GT Handwraps of GEOB
- WTB Vibrant purple ioun stone with surpressed power
- PC on +5 Mithril Full Plate
- WTT Spectral Gloves scroll
- Buying dark motes
- WTS +2 Anarchic Silver Heavy Pick of Pure Good
- My: Blood&Artifact; Your: Keepsake&Iron
- Trading for Red Scales to repay the national debt
- Khyber scroll price comparison
- looking for +3 heart
- WTT LArges
- WTB Greater Potency VI weapon
- WTB or trade for Scroll of sandstorm Goggles
- WTS/WTT Spell storing ring
- Looking for Bramble casters scroll...
- WTS Spectral Gloves
- WTT for Devil's Keepsake
- Yet another need Keepsake thread...
- blood and iron for keepsake and artifact fair deal?
- WTS: Scroll of demon scale armor
- WTB A few epic scrolls
- Looking for +4 or better 1h vorpal
- WTS +3 Shock Khopesh of GEOB
- Your: Keepsake; My: Demons Blood + 1 red scale
- wtb/wttf hammer of life scroll
- WTB/WTTF Spectral Gloves Scroll
- Looking for a couple of rings
- PC on mysterious artifact
- wtt flawless red scales for devilscales
- Price check/WTS +1 Axiomatic Burst HW of GCB
- WTT Blood for Scale, WTB Stone
- Price Check Please
- trading large devil scale
- WTT Blood for Scale
- Hoarder's Remorse (WTT/S List)
- LF Blue Scales
- Buying flawless scales
- WTT Ring Of Spell Storing
- PC - +2 HolyBurst HWs of GEOB
- Wtt Gs Blank For Blank
- WTB/WTTF Bracers of demons consort scroll
- WTT blank for blank
- Chaosblade Scrolls
- Boot Components....
- WTS/WTT my Scourge Choker
- WTT for a Devil's keepsake
- Trading Red Dragon Scale For Devil Scales
- PC Epic Demonscale Armor Scroll
- WTB tome pages
- Trade
- WTT paralyzing rapier for paralyzing rapier
- A Trade-Apalooza!!!
- Buying Khopesh/Rapier
- WTT 3 Red Scales for Lesser Heart
- Wis Ring
- Selling/trading stuff I have lying around.
- PC +2 Viscious adamantine scimmy of smiting
- Trading Red Scales or +3gtr heart for Chaos Blade Scroll
- PC +8 AC bracer RR ML15
- Buying or Trading for bracer of claw scroll
- WTT trade blood for keepsake
- Wtt Chaosblade scroll for chronosphere scrolls
- WTT trade blood for artifact
- Trading Full Tower Boot Set for Epic Claw Bracer Scroll or For Some Chronsphere Ones
- WTT for vale small ingredients
- WTTF scroll of charged gauthlets
- WTB: Greater Potency 3....
- WTT +1 Holy Burst Scimitar of Pure Good
- WTS +2 Int Tome, 180k
- WTT +2 Con Tome for +2 Int or Wis Tome
- To Khyberians Making Horcs/Helves
- WTB Anathema ring
- Want a bloodstone?
- (My Keepsake for your large scale) x2
- Wtb/wttf scarlet and blue ioun stone
- WTB Heavy Fort Ring with False Life of Some Type
- Spectacles of Spirit Sight
- WTB Maelstrom
- WTT my Tomes for a Bloodstone
- WTB Envenomed cloak scroll
- PC: +15 intimidate hat
- WTB/WTTF Royal Guard Mask (teleport helm)
- Looking for:
- WTB Bloodstone
- WTT Blood for Keepsake
- Trading for motes
- WTT Demon Consort Bracers/Dustless Boots Scroll
- WTT Large scales
- Wanted G/S Cloak
- WTS +5 Metaline rapier of pure good
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