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  1. Need Twigs and a Pebble
  2. Bloodstone
  3. HB LB of PG :P
  4. WTT 200k plat on Khyber for 200k on Orien
  5. PC on +3 Holy Longbow of GEOB
  6. Bloodstone / Thornlord
  7. Wanted: Ancient Axe Scroll
  8. WTS: +4 Metalline Khopesh of PG
  9. WTB/WTTF: Black Scales
  10. Nightshield!
  11. WTT 2 white scales for 2 black scales
  12. Selling a couple items + epic scrolls.
  13. WTB some weapons
  14. WTT: Ancient Axe scroll for 1 bloodstone.
  15. WTS Ring of Spell Storing, 850k or best offer
  16. +5 Vicious Silver Morningstar of Pure Good
  17. anarchic burst silver great axe
  18. WTB/WTT Sirocco
  19. Wtb Chaos Blade scroll
  20. Twigs and pebbles
  21. Pc!
  22. buying lesser heart of wood
  23. WTT 300k Plat on Orien for 300k Plat on Khyber
  24. WTB/WTT for red scales
  25. Large scales
  26. WTB Hyena Claw Necklace
  27. LTB Shield Piece 3
  28. WTB chaosblade scroll
  29. Looking for Spiked Boots
  30. WTS Bloodstone 500k PP
  31. WTB/WTT for Docent of Blood
  32. WTB Mentau's Goggles
  33. WTB Robe of Dissonance
  34. WTB +1 Paralysing Longbow of Pure Good
  35. WTS Scroll of Antique Greataxe 700kpp
  36. WTT/WTB Tome Pages
  37. Looking for a couple tomes and a +6 Wis Ring and more...
  38. WTT-Pale lavender ioun stone for red scales
  39. WTT/WTS Scarlet and Blue Ioun stone
  40. trading whirlwind for bloodstone.
  41. WTB Anathema
  42. +5 axiomatic GA of Grtr Dragon bane RR:elf.
  43. WTS 2000 Cookies/Cakes/Jellies 650k
  44. WTS: Devil Scales, Red Scales, Ingredients, WTB: Epic Scrolls, Mentau's Goggles, etc.
  45. WTT for large scales and stuff
  46. WTS GS rapier>>
  47. Cookies
  48. PC Dusty Rose Ioun Stone with supressed power
  49. WTB Greensteel Cloak
  50. WTT Greensteel Goggles for Greensteel Heavy Repeater
  51. Taking offers on a an uber stunning maul
  52. WTB +15 Intim ring
  53. WTB Docent of Defiance.
  54. wtb two large scales 275k plat
  55. WTB: Marilith Chain Scroll, offering 12 red dragonscales
  56. WTB Well-used Firestorm Greaves
  57. WTB large scales
  58. Bloodstone for DoD?
  59. WTT Boot Ing..
  60. My Extra and need list
  61. Sarlona - Kyber plat trade
  62. Random yard sale.
  63. PC on Metalline of PG Heavy Mace
  64. WTB scroll of staff of arcane power
  65. wtt red dragonscale for 2 large devil scales.
  66. WTT my Spectral Gloves for what you have
  67. WTS: Scrolls, Spectrals, Choker, Ings, WTB: Scrolls, D Scales, etc.
  68. WTB Scroll of Hammer of Life
  69. Trading GS for GS
  70. WTT Blood for Keepsake
  71. WTT 3 blue scales for a lg devil scale
  72. WTB Spectral Gloves
  73. WTTB White or Black Dragonscales
  74. WTT for Bejewelled Letter Opener
  75. WTT my Spectral Gloves for a Ring of Spell Storing
  76. WTB Scroll of Vulkoorim Fighting Leathers
  77. PRICE CHECK: Royal Guard Mask
  78. 20 Flawless Dragon Scales for Marilith Chain Scroll
  79. WTT Thornlord
  80. WTB 2x Large Devil Scales
  81. WTS +5 Metalline Greatsword of PG
  82. Icy Games Upgrades up for Sale Trade
  83. Epic Robe of Dissonance-Auction
  84. WTB/WTTF: Scroll of Siren Bracers (belt)
  85. WTB/WTTF Scroll of Robe of Dissonance
  86. Selling Pale Lavender Ioun Stone w/ Suppressed Powah
  87. Shamm's garage sale - epic scrolls, interesting weapons armors, oh my!
  88. PC on Lightning-Split Soarwood
  89. WTB fighting leathers scroll
  90. Eardweller service
  91. free stuff
  92. WTB smiters/banishers
  93. Wtb
  94. Price check
  95. WTB Mari Chain scroll.
  96. Want a Bloodstone?
  97. Looking for Pale Lavender stone w/supressed power
  98. WTTF Red Dragon Scales/Black Dragon Scales
  99. WTTF Marilith Chain scroll
  100. WTB/WTT devilskeepsake
  101. Trading Scales!
  102. WTB/WTT for Sirrocox2
  103. WTB +5 Holy Burst Handwraps
  104. My Devils Blood, Your Keepsake
  105. Looking for a +2 Wisdom Helm
  106. Epic scrolls for trade.
  107. WTT Lightning-Split Soarwood for Taps
  108. WTB large devil scales
  109. WTB Heavy or light Repeaters
  110. WTB bloodstone 500k
  111. WTB/WTT for Scroll of lion-headed belt buckle
  112. WTS Robe of Dissonance Scroll
  113. WTT Epic scrolls and other stuff for L scales
  114. Anyone selling a GS Falchion?
  115. Price check please.
  116. WTS +2 Metaline handwraps of bleeding
  117. +3 metaline of pure good handwraps
  118. WTB: Dustless Boots Scroll
  119. Trading Spectral Gloves scroll for Red scales
  120. WTB Bloodstone 500k
  121. Weakening Enfeeblers
  122. WTT Greensteel Scepter for Kopesh
  123. WTB Scroll of Demon's Consort Bracers
  124. wtb red scales
  125. WTB/WTT for Large Scales
  126. WTT my Demon's Blood for your Devil's Keepsake
  127. Price Check - Spiked Boots
  128. How much are Epic SOS Scrolls going for?
  129. tome pages 7 and 8
  130. Junk4$
  131. Anyone got a Clever Mask to sell?
  132. WTT Ring of Spellstoring
  133. WTS +2 Force Burst Handwraps of Greater Evil Outsider Bane.
  134. Have full set of tome pages for trade
  135. WTB SOS Scroll
  136. WTS/T Scroll of the Ring of Spellstoring
  137. For sale: +5 Metalline Cold Iron Khopesh of Pure Good
  138. WTT Spectral Gloves
  139. wtt red dragonscale/ black dragonscales for for large devil scales.
  140. WTB: Holy or Holy Burst Longbow of Greater Bane
  141. WTB Black Dragon Scales
  142. WTB Tome page 5 & 6
  143. WTB Spectral Gloves Scroll
  144. selling docent of defiance
  145. +5 Handwraps of Greater Lawful Outsider Bane.
  146. Want a Bloodstone?
  147. WTB scroll of pouch of jerky
  148. Anyone have Tome Page 6
  149. WTT: Boot Parts for Boot Parts
  150. WTT Scourge Choker with docent of defiance
  151. Weak Soul Gems
  152. Sellin + 1 Holy SBow of GUB
  153. PC +3 metaline b.sword of pure good + vorpal b.sword
  154. WTB Devil's Keepsake
  155. WTB: A couple scrolls
  156. Looking for a few scrolls
  157. WTB or WTT for Spectral Gloves
  158. ***WANTED*** Gloves of the Claw scroll
  159. WTB tome pages 4/5
  160. Price check on Sickle..
  161. WTT: +5 GT Handwraps of GEOB
  162. WTB Vibrant purple ioun stone with surpressed power
  163. PC on +5 Mithril Full Plate
  164. WTT Spectral Gloves scroll
  165. Buying dark motes
  166. WTS +2 Anarchic Silver Heavy Pick of Pure Good
  167. My: Blood&Artifact; Your: Keepsake&Iron
  168. Trading for Red Scales to repay the national debt
  169. Khyber scroll price comparison
  170. looking for +3 heart
  171. WTT LArges
  172. WTB Greater Potency VI weapon
  173. WTB or trade for Scroll of sandstorm Goggles
  174. WTS/WTT Spell storing ring
  175. Looking for Bramble casters scroll...
  176. WTS Spectral Gloves
  177. WTT for Devil's Keepsake
  178. Yet another need Keepsake thread...
  179. blood and iron for keepsake and artifact fair deal?
  180. WTS: Scroll of demon scale armor
  181. WTB A few epic scrolls
  182. Looking for +4 or better 1h vorpal
  183. WTS +3 Shock Khopesh of GEOB
  184. Your: Keepsake; My: Demons Blood + 1 red scale
  185. wtb/wttf hammer of life scroll
  186. WTB/WTTF Spectral Gloves Scroll
  187. Looking for a couple of rings
  188. PC on mysterious artifact
  189. wtt flawless red scales for devilscales
  190. Price check/WTS +1 Axiomatic Burst HW of GCB
  191. WTT Blood for Scale, WTB Stone
  192. Price Check Please
  193. trading large devil scale
  194. WTT Blood for Scale
  195. Hoarder's Remorse (WTT/S List)
  196. LF Blue Scales
  197. Buying flawless scales
  198. WTT Ring Of Spell Storing
  199. PC - +2 HolyBurst HWs of GEOB
  200. Wtt Gs Blank For Blank
  201. WTB/WTTF Bracers of demons consort scroll
  202. WTT blank for blank
  203. Chaosblade Scrolls
  204. Boot Components....
  205. WTS/WTT my Scourge Choker
  206. WTT for a Devil's keepsake
  207. Trading Red Dragon Scale For Devil Scales
  208. PC Epic Demonscale Armor Scroll
  209. WTB tome pages
  210. Trade
  211. WTT paralyzing rapier for paralyzing rapier
  212. A Trade-Apalooza!!!
  213. Buying Khopesh/Rapier
  214. WTT 3 Red Scales for Lesser Heart
  215. Wis Ring
  216. Selling/trading stuff I have lying around.
  217. PC +2 Viscious adamantine scimmy of smiting
  218. Trading Red Scales or +3gtr heart for Chaos Blade Scroll
  219. PC +8 AC bracer RR ML15
  220. Buying or Trading for bracer of claw scroll
  221. WTT trade blood for keepsake
  222. Wtt Chaosblade scroll for chronosphere scrolls
  223. WTT trade blood for artifact
  224. Trading Full Tower Boot Set for Epic Claw Bracer Scroll or For Some Chronsphere Ones
  225. WTT for vale small ingredients
  226. WTTF scroll of charged gauthlets
  227. WTB: Greater Potency 3....
  228. WTT +1 Holy Burst Scimitar of Pure Good
  229. WTS +2 Int Tome, 180k
  230. WTT +2 Con Tome for +2 Int or Wis Tome
  231. To Khyberians Making Horcs/Helves
  232. WTB Anathema ring
  233. Want a bloodstone?
  234. (My Keepsake for your large scale) x2
  235. Wtb/wttf scarlet and blue ioun stone
  236. WTB Heavy Fort Ring with False Life of Some Type
  237. Spectacles of Spirit Sight
  238. WTB Maelstrom
  239. WTT my Tomes for a Bloodstone
  240. WTB Envenomed cloak scroll
  241. PC: +15 intimidate hat
  242. WTB/WTTF Royal Guard Mask (teleport helm)
  243. Looking for:
  244. WTB Bloodstone
  245. WTT Blood for Keepsake
  246. Trading for motes
  247. WTT Demon Consort Bracers/Dustless Boots Scroll
  248. WTT Large scales
  249. Wanted G/S Cloak
  250. WTS +5 Metaline rapier of pure good