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  1. LTTF/ scourge chocker or dod
  2. Trades from Argonnessen
  3. Few things for trade or sale
  4. WTT: +2 Wounding of Puncturing Light Xbow
  5. WTT +5 Resistance Cloak
  6. I have a +5 Resist Cloak Too :)
  7. My: Custom Crafted Shroud Item(s) Your: Mucho Plat and/or ingredients
  8. WTB w/p picks
  9. WTT: +2 Dex Tome for...
  10. 2 +2 str tomes for trade
  11. Price check please?
  12. WTTF: WoP Light Repeating Xbow
  13. 10 gold coins forsale
  14. Price Check: Buying Slashing Greater Construct Bane
  15. descartes weapons and arms
  16. Willing to buy a w/p bow for 150k plat or shortbow for 125k plat
  17. Items of power for trade
  18. WTT: +2 CON Tome for...
  19. Larges for Larges
  20. wtt a +2int tome for a +2con tome
  21. need a +2 dex tome
  22. WTT +1 Dex Tome for Dwarven thrower
  23. WTB/WTTF Tome piece 2
  24. +2 DEX tome for trade
  25. Banishing rapier of Puncturing for sale/trade
  26. wtt cha tome for str/con tome
  27. Looking to pimp my Pally
  28. Friday Night Fight Challenge To Aussie
  29. Looking for +2 Dex and Int tome
  30. Have spell storing ring, want ring of origins
  31. Need +2 int tome
  32. Need boots of Innocence
  33. price check +1 thundering rapier of disruption min lvl 12 no rr
  34. WTB ML10 light disruptor
  35. +1 WoP rapier (undamaged) - taking offers
  36. Scourge Choker For Sale/Trade
  37. +1 WoP dagger for sale
  38. Docent Of Quickening
  39. wts/wtt: +3 Transmuting Rapier of Greater Evil Outsider Bane
  40. LF docent of Defiance
  41. Need +2 tomes
  42. RR weapons for trade
  43. My +2 Wis tome...
  44. Need +2 Int and +2 Wis tome
  45. WTB bloodstone
  46. WTS Banishing Rapier
  47. wtt: +2 dex for +2 str tome
  48. +5 transmuter scimmy of maiming, trade for similar in 2H slasher?
  49. Looking to buy a +2 Dex..
  50. trading shroud ingredients for vale ingredients
  51. Couple of items
  52. Trade Firestorm Greaves.
  53. WTS - 7 stacks of 50 Sun Flasks
  54. WTS full set of +2 tomes
  55. LF +15 Intim helm
  56. Want to swap +15 intimidate helms
  57. WTT bloodstone/spectral gloves/+5 res cloak
  58. Have +2 dex and +2 wis...
  59. WTT +2 wis tome for larges
  60. WTT Tomes
  61. Looking for lowbie epics.
  62. The Ingredient Shop
  63. How do you get a large scale?
  64. Hey guys and gals, I need something!
  65. WTT +2 wis tome..
  66. WTS: +1 WoP Dagger
  67. Trading for a large scale
  68. Selling Larges
  69. Selling GS rapier
  70. Selling Festival Coins
  71. Need +2 Con Tome
  72. haggle me this...
  73. WTT +1 Wound of Puncturing Rapier...
  74. Can't remember who needed..WoP rapier
  75. Selling major pots
  76. Looking for Daggertooth Belt
  77. Make me an offer on 5 Large Devil Scales
  78. China hats?
  79. PC: +4 Banishing Rapier
  80. Tackilack's Tilted Ingredient Exchange
  81. +2 WoP dagger for sale
  82. WTT: 2 BloodStones
  83. WTS...ring of unknown origins
  84. wp light repeater
  85. need a +2 int tome
  86. WTT: +3 w/p Heavy Repeater and Light
  87. WTT:+5 Handwraps of Greater Contruct Bane
  88. Trading Larges for a full +2 Tome Set
  89. Collectibles for sale
  90. WTT: +5 resist ring RR halfling
  91. WTT: +3 WoP SS
  92. Buying Backstabber's Gloves or Goggles of Intuition
  93. Looking for some nice q-staffs
  94. WTB festivul twigs and coal
  95. All Monk Shroud
  96. AEST Looks like no DDO tonight
  97. Buying twigs (Crafting that twigs)
  98. WTB twigs
  99. 30% striding ring
  100. Sup. Essence of Water for Pure Ethereal
  101. Jorgundals Collar
  102. Helm of Bluffing +15
  103. 5 +2 Tomes
  104. Looking for 1 junk greensteel item
  105. Selling WoP twinkage
  106. WTB: Scourge Choker & Docent of Defiance
  107. Repeater Swap
  108. Tomes of the untold legend
  109. Have +2 WIS and +2 CON tomes....
  110. Swap of your crappy greensteel item plus vale ingred for my good greensteel item
  111. WTT:+1 Weakening Handwraps of Greater Contruct Bane
  112. Good or Bad I'm the one with...
  113. wtt +2 transmuting scimitar of grtr undead bane
  114. wtt banishing rapier ML 10
  115. WTB a transmuting piercer of greater evil outsider bane
  116. Have +2 Str tome, need +2 Int tome
  117. Looking for a Kardins Eye
  118. +4 Banishing Rapier
  119. Dwarven axes for sale
  120. +8 AB Bracers rr Dwarf fer sale/trade
  121. Price Check +5 Mithril Tower Shield of Protection +4
  122. WTT +2 cha tome
  123. Tome Trades
  124. +3 Transmuting Khopesh of GEOB
  125. Wtb
  126. PC Fanged Gloves
  127. Price Check On Isle Three
  128. Any +2 Tomes for Sale?
  129. My Larges for your......
  130. Full Heavy Repeater set for sale/trade!
  131. Looking for WOP bow
  132. Price Check: +3 WOP Shortsword lvl 14 no rr.
  133. Buying shurikens!!
  134. What ya guys think..
  135. trading +5mith for +5mith
  136. Ryin's Tag Sale
  137. Trades...
  138. +2 cha for +2 int
  139. Looking for Light Maces
  140. minII rapier for trade
  141. Few Items for Sale / Trade
  142. Trading +2 str tome or cha tome for +2 int tome
  143. 2 Large Devil Scales for sale
  144. Firestorm Greaves: what can I get for these?
  145. Yet another pair of fire boots...
  146. +1 Banishing Rapier of Enfeebling
  147. WTT dignity and integrity for raid loot
  148. WTT +2 Dex Tome
  149. For trade
  150. Bloodstone for sell
  151. WTS: +2 int tomes
  152. P/C Charismatic Cloak of Resistance
  153. Uber loot for trade!
  154. 2 tomes 4 sale!
  155. ISO: Bodyfeeder Rapier
  156. Docent of Defiance for Sale
  157. ISO....Plat
  158. +2 wis for your +2 int
  159. Looking to Buy - Intimidation Ring +15
  160. Greensteel to trade
  161. Sup Pot VII?
  162. Stave of the Seer
  163. 2 +2 banishing rapiers for sale or trade
  164. WTT +2 int tome for +2 con tome
  165. taking offers on a +15 intemdation helm
  166. +2 int for +2 dex
  167. Awesome Items for trade/sale (KHYBER)
  168. PC on Daggertooth's Belt plz
  169. WTB: Blue Scales
  170. LF Superior potency kamas
  171. Looking for Sourge choker
  172. buying docent of difiance
  173. Ingredients for Sale
  174. +3 tome trade??
  175. Selling three items
  176. price check
  177. PC Uber item
  178. Price Check - Possibly Best Item In Game
  179. +3 superior potency six kama
  180. +2 Dex tome for +2 Int
  181. Maybe Trading a +3 WoP Rapier
  182. +5 Holy Burst, Pure Good Bastard Sword
  183. Transmuting B Sword of Greater Evil Outsider Bane
  184. After some tome pages
  185. WTT +2 Int tome
  186. Have: Greensteel Scimitar. Want: Greensteel Rapier.
  187. My + 2 Int tome.....
  188. Any interests for a +1 Bodyfeeder Rapier of Puncturing?
  189. +2 Bodyfeeder Rapier of Deception
  190. Price check please!
  191. 300kpp for your con+2 tome
  192. +5 shock bastrd sword of greater elemental bane
  193. looking for bloodstone
  194. WTB +5 Mithril full plate or Jinx's Vexation
  195. WTT 1 Large Scale
  196. Wanted: +6 stat item with +5 tumble on it
  197. Price check
  198. smiting scimitars
  199. Price check wop s/s
  200. WTB Full +2 tome set
  201. WTB/T Electric Haze
  202. Seeker and Smiter, worth much?
  203. Price Check Please
  204. WTB: Disrupter ML 9 or less
  205. my large ingredients your blue scales
  206. Docent of Defiance for Sale
  207. belt for sale or trade
  208. pc please
  209. I need your larges and plat!!
  210. PC: Seeker Smiting Rapier
  211. Feather Falling Ring of Intimidation?
  212. 700kpp for your boots of innocent
  213. +15 Intimi Ring.
  214. +3 Weakening light repeating crossbow of Enfeebling
  215. Selling /trading Vorpal returning shuriken
  216. +8 ac bracers
  217. Looking for Weakening of Enfeebling Rapier or SS
  218. +5 mfp of improved false life
  219. 20th run and Abbot Elite again on Kyber
  220. WTT +2 WIS Tome
  221. Bloodstone for Spectral Gloves
  222. Wis Helm
  223. Price Check - couple of items
  224. 2 WOE for sale/trade
  225. Trading w/p dagger, slight perm damage
  226. WTT/WTTS +1 Banishing SS Min Lvl 8-RR Drow
  227. Selling a Brand new +1 WOP Rapier
  228. For Sale!!!! (HOT)
  229. +3 Shocking Burst Khopesh of Vert10 rrWF
  230. WTB bloodstone
  231. buying large scales/mushrooms/+2 tomes
  232. Price Check-Ghost Touch Great Xbow of Disruption
  233. Price Check: 2 Banishing Rapiers
  234. Dwarven Thower
  235. Scourge Choker for sale
  236. Looking for nice DPS Rapiers/Shortswords with ML between 8-12
  237. looking for a docent of corpsecraft for my Wf cleric.
  238. Price check on a LDS
  239. Price check on some puncturing rapiers
  240. Maelstrom Up for Sale!
  241. WTTF Transmuting greater evil or lawful outsider bane quartestaff
  242. Selling +2 Transmuting Greater Evil Outsider Scimitar
  243. wtb a few things
  244. LTB +2 INT and +2 STR tomes
  245. price check
  246. Weapons For Sale
  247. +1 Vorpal returning Shurriken of (Junk)
  248. +8 armor bracers rr wf + ? for +8 armor bracers rr halfling
  249. +1 Anarc B longsword of GEB
  250. Trading greensteel for greensteel