- WTT +3 Weakening of Enfeebling Scimmy
- WTT +1 Ghost Touch Heavy Pick of Disruption
- Looking for a good pit fiend weapon
- Looking for Scourge Choker.
- WTTF +2 Con Tome
- Wtt w/p lt repeating xbow
- Price Check on +5 Mithral Tower Shield
- wtt/wtb Maelstrom
- Looking for a Greensteel Scepter
- Greensteel Heavy Pick.
- Green Steel Necklace for sales
- Free Wisdom +6 (and something useless) helm
- i pulled a +5 resist ring any interest in it
- want to trade 4 / buy heavy repeat of disrupt
- A Few items for trade.
- screenshot?
- Buying dex +1 and Str +1
- +2 Ghost Touch Longbow of Disruption
- +1 holy rappier of grtr construct bane
- need skyvault sheild
- wttb +5 protection necklace dwarf only
- FS Boots of innocence + some stones.
- Tome Page set
- trading +2 dex tome, need +2 wis
- Larges for a +2 Int Tome
- Need ac+5 bracers
- Buying Gold coins
- Selling large ingredients in set only *cheaper
- Trading Funk
- Need twigs: have tomes
- WTS: +1 Keen Smiting Scimitar
- Stop artificially raising the price of twigs on AH
- Tackilack's Greensteel service
- WTB good bursting Light Picks
- Black scales for white
- WTTF: +2 DEX have...
- +2 tomes, fiend beaters, weak/puncts for sale/trade
- +1 wounding of enfeebling bastard sword
- LTB Kamas
- Looking for Large Devil scales...
- Should I sell... +4 w/p Rapier
- WTS Banishing and smiting rapiers
- WTB Wounding Khopeshes
- +2 Tome Sale
- +3 maladroit hand wraps of bone breaking
- +1 holy rapier of grtr undead bane AUCTION
- For sale:+2 holy bastard sword of greater construct bane
- Price check on Royal Guard Mask
- +2 tome sale!
- price question woe and wop
- wtt gs goggles for ds necklace
- Trading Tome of Legend VI
- Price Check - Banishing Rapier
- Price Check/WTT/WTS? +5 Twilight Mith Fp of Light Fort
- kardins eye for trade
- Looking for: Scourge Chocker
- Price check on puncturing s/s
- BUYING -- Titan Cookies & Copper coins...
- Antithesis
- wts ring of grt false life
- for sale wop ss
- WTT +2 cha or +2 str tome for +2 int tome
- Price check on original Maelstrom
- Price check on 2 Wounding scimy's of Enfeebling
- How to get off Korthos island?
- for sale Keep Rapier o smitin
- WTS +5 Tranny Bastard Sword of PG
- WTS +5 Shocking Burst Great Axe of Pure Good
- 24 Large Ingredients
- Trading Large Arrowheads For Large Shrapnel
- WTB Finger Necklace
- Twigs for sale
- Pebbles for sale
- Great Crossbows on Khyber (Xbows)
- Jorgrumdal Collar
- Need 3 Reavers Rings
- + 2 Keen Rapier of Punc Auction
- looking to trade 4 / buy a few bows.
- FS Ring of spell storing.
- WTB Sup Pot 6 Sickle
- Weapon shoppe.... Greater banes and more!!!
- 2large Ingredients a for +2 tome
- Wts +5 Icy Burst Basterd Sword of Mainming
- Need a Couple Larges
- +2 dex tome
- WTB Royal Gaurd Mask
- WTB/WTTF 2x +4-5 Elemental Burst Light Picks (of Maiming a plus)
- Items for Sale
- Don't craft while tired....
- WTB: WOP SS or Dagger
- Price Check
- FS/FT: +2 Rapier of Smiting RR:Dwarf
- Want to trade green steel longsword for heavy mace or morningstar
- For Sale..
- Scales
- PC: Grevious blade
- WTB your major pots
- After 2 scales have SSring 4 trade etc
- 2 DScales needed, will trade awsome rapiers SSring Spectrol gloves and more
- Going price on spectral gloves?
- rapiers....
- looking to trade +2 wis & +2 strn tomes for bloodstone
- WTT +2 Str Tome for +2 Cha or +2 Int Tome
- +2 dex tome
- Para of Punct Heavy Pick
- WTT Vorpal sickle of pure good...
- Wounding punture crossbow for sale
- Paying 1 million plat
- wtt +6 wis neckl rr elf for another
- May be selling another wop rapier
- Price Check of POP ring of GFL.
- +1 UnHoly Heavy Mace
- 2 +2 tomes wts
- wttf scourge choker
- looking to trade large scales for other ingredients
- +2 wis tome
- +4 w/e scimitar elf drow
- pc: sup pot 6 kama
- Ring of Spell Storing
- Portal beaters! For sale!
- trading my +2 str tome for your ing.
- LF two items
- pc +1 wounding dagger of enfeebling
- WTT +2 wis tome
- Going price for bloodstone?
- WTT a +4 holy silver evil outsider bane kama
- WTB: +2 Wisdom tome
- WTD 2 large stones.
- Trading Larges for Scales
- Trade Greensteel Greatsword
- Jorgundals for +2 Int tome
- +2 WoP rapier for sale
- In need of Green Steel Mats
- Trading +5 holy burst khopesh RR 1/2 midgets for similar handwraps RR human
- WTTF Scourge Choker
- Selling larges
- Buying a WOP
- Just Plat
- grtr construct bane
- WTT Whites for Blues
- WTB Cloak of Ice
- LTTF a few things
- Tackilack wants your slice of pie
- large crafting woops!
- LF Smiting Rapier
- +2 wisdom tome for
- looking for reasonably priced +6 int ring lvl 13
- trading smiter
- Buying Garbage greensteels
- Selling Large Materials
- my +1 banishing rapier of puncturing
- WTB Int +2 tome
- WTTF Holy/Flaming Rapier of Gtr Undead Bane
- Cakes
- +2 Charisma Tome For Trade
- Black Scales for White.
- +2 Int Tome Wanted
- Trading +2 Wis or ST Tome for..
- WTS +1 Wounding heavy pick of puncturing
- WTB +2 Con/Str/Wis/Dex/Cha Tomes Paying plat
- WTB Devotion/Potency Rings
- Few more item
- STR tome
- Whats up with Icon of Khyber?
- Trading Ring of Spellstoring
- WTS +3 WOP Shortbow!
- Wtt Dod
- Price Check
- WTB: Bloodstone
- greensteels for trade
- Some Weapons for sell
- selling 2 large devil scales
- wts thundering arapier of smiting
- Price Check 2
- WTT +5 Transmuting Bastard Sword of Pure Good
- WTTF Electric Haze
- lf rapiers
- LTF UWA +15 haggle necklace
- what a bunch of jerks that guild is!!!
- LTB +2 Int tome
- +3 kuckri of grtr construct bane
- Novelty Khopeshes for Trade
- price check
- +4 str item? min lvl 7?
- +2 Axio Rapier of Greater Construct Bane
- +2 Tome of Understanding 450,000 Plat
- Gornn's Goodies
- +1 Keen Rapier of Puncturing
- +2 Wounding of Puncturing Light Repeating Xbow
- WTT +1 Seeker (6) Handwraps of Weighted 5% (24 RR Halfling)
- WTT/S Greater Reconstruction Ring (RR Dwarf UMD 16)
- Your Greensteel Mistakes - I want them
- Looking for Inferno Bracers
- Titan Cookies
- Problem with another guild
- WTB: +2 Int Tome
- wtt wp ss for 3 wp heavy picks
- Today Is My Birthday!
- A Few Things for Trade
- WTB Intimidation ring
- WTT Scourge Choker
- wtt: docent of defiance
- Looking for a Bloodstone
- trading couple large scales for dif ingredients
- Trading dragon scales
- + 7 armor bracers
- Possibly selling +3 Unbound Wis tome
- Selling my toon name
- get a bloodstone for a docent of defiance
- Want to buy/trade for Bloodstone.
- have a few items for sell
- Trading/buying shield pieces or tome pages
- WTT +2 Wis for +2 Int
- Selling +8 AC, RR Dwarf Bracers
- Price Check .... Possible up for sale/trade
- Trading Fanion Sheild for full Tome Page set
- Large Scale for +2 INT Tome
- +2 int tome for trade
- WTB Greater Devotion/Potency VI Ring
- Auction: 5 lg scales for mana pots
- Selling +1 WoP Heavy pick
- wtt WOP bow
- Trading/Buying Tome Pages
- wtt gs morning star for gs kopesh
- WTT scales for stones
- WTB Large Splintered Horn
- Twig Farmer wanted
- wanted: +2 str tome
- WTS Docent of Quickening
- Looking to buy Spell Storing Ring
- WTB: Greensteel Blanks
- Looking to buy vale ingredients.
- gallions house of trades
- Trading WoP dagger for WoP SS
- trading +2str tome for +2 dex
- Trading: 2 Large Scales
- need some ingrediants
- WoP Heavy pick for sale
- +3 Wis tome back on the market
- WTB Bloodstone
- WTT/S Ghost Touch Handwraps of Disruption
- Firestorm greaves
- Trading +2 Tomes
- WTT/S WoP Dagger, Banishing Rapier, WoP Lt Pick
- price check any interest?
- WTTF GS Khopesh
- LF Intim ring ml 11
- trade ingrediants:
- Need a +2 Str tome and a +2 con tome