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  1. WTT +3 Weakening of Enfeebling Scimmy
  2. WTT +1 Ghost Touch Heavy Pick of Disruption
  3. Looking for a good pit fiend weapon
  4. Looking for Scourge Choker.
  5. WTTF +2 Con Tome
  6. Wtt w/p lt repeating xbow
  7. Price Check on +5 Mithral Tower Shield
  8. wtt/wtb Maelstrom
  9. Looking for a Greensteel Scepter
  10. Greensteel Heavy Pick.
  11. Green Steel Necklace for sales
  12. Free Wisdom +6 (and something useless) helm
  13. i pulled a +5 resist ring any interest in it
  14. want to trade 4 / buy heavy repeat of disrupt
  15. A Few items for trade.
  16. screenshot?
  17. Buying dex +1 and Str +1
  18. +2 Ghost Touch Longbow of Disruption
  19. +1 holy rappier of grtr construct bane
  20. need skyvault sheild
  21. SELLING LARGE INGREDIENTS!!!! And +2 Tomes!!
  22. wttb +5 protection necklace dwarf only
  23. FS Boots of innocence + some stones.
  24. Tome Page set
  25. trading +2 dex tome, need +2 wis
  26. Larges for a +2 Int Tome
  27. Need ac+5 bracers
  28. Buying Gold coins
  29. Selling large ingredients in set only *cheaper
  30. Trading Funk
  31. Need twigs: have tomes
  32. WTS: +1 Keen Smiting Scimitar
  33. Stop artificially raising the price of twigs on AH
  34. Tackilack's Greensteel service
  35. WTB good bursting Light Picks
  36. Black scales for white
  37. WTTF: +2 DEX have...
  38. +2 tomes, fiend beaters, weak/puncts for sale/trade
  39. +1 wounding of enfeebling bastard sword
  40. LTB Kamas
  41. Looking for Large Devil scales...
  42. Should I sell... +4 w/p Rapier
  43. WTS Banishing and smiting rapiers
  44. WTB Wounding Khopeshes
  45. +2 Tome Sale
  46. +3 maladroit hand wraps of bone breaking
  47. +1 holy rapier of grtr undead bane AUCTION
  48. For sale:+2 holy bastard sword of greater construct bane
  49. Price check on Royal Guard Mask
  50. +2 tome sale!
  51. price question woe and wop
  52. wtt gs goggles for ds necklace
  53. Trading Tome of Legend VI
  54. Price Check - Banishing Rapier
  55. Price Check/WTT/WTS? +5 Twilight Mith Fp of Light Fort
  56. kardins eye for trade
  57. Looking for: Scourge Chocker
  58. Price check on puncturing s/s
  59. BUYING -- Titan Cookies & Copper coins...
  60. Antithesis
  61. wts ring of grt false life
  62. for sale wop ss
  63. WTT +2 cha or +2 str tome for +2 int tome
  64. Price check on original Maelstrom
  65. Price check on 2 Wounding scimy's of Enfeebling
  66. How to get off Korthos island?
  67. for sale Keep Rapier o smitin
  68. WTS +5 Tranny Bastard Sword of PG
  69. WTS +5 Shocking Burst Great Axe of Pure Good
  70. 24 Large Ingredients
  71. Trading Large Arrowheads For Large Shrapnel
  72. WTB Finger Necklace
  73. Twigs for sale
  74. Pebbles for sale
  75. Great Crossbows on Khyber (Xbows)
  76. Jorgrumdal Collar
  77. Need 3 Reavers Rings
  78. + 2 Keen Rapier of Punc Auction
  79. looking to trade 4 / buy a few bows.
  80. FS Ring of spell storing.
  81. WTB Sup Pot 6 Sickle
  82. Weapon shoppe.... Greater banes and more!!!
  83. 2large Ingredients a for +2 tome
  84. Wts +5 Icy Burst Basterd Sword of Mainming
  85. Need a Couple Larges
  86. +2 dex tome
  87. WTB Royal Gaurd Mask
  88. WTB/WTTF 2x +4-5 Elemental Burst Light Picks (of Maiming a plus)
  89. Items for Sale
  90. Don't craft while tired....
  91. WTB: WOP SS or Dagger
  92. Price Check
  93. FS/FT: +2 Rapier of Smiting RR:Dwarf
  94. Want to trade green steel longsword for heavy mace or morningstar
  95. For Sale..
  96. Scales
  97. PC: Grevious blade
  98. WTB your major pots
  99. After 2 scales have SSring 4 trade etc
  100. 2 DScales needed, will trade awsome rapiers SSring Spectrol gloves and more
  101. Going price on spectral gloves?
  102. rapiers....
  103. looking to trade +2 wis & +2 strn tomes for bloodstone
  104. WTT +2 Str Tome for +2 Cha or +2 Int Tome
  105. +2 dex tome
  106. Para of Punct Heavy Pick
  107. WTT Vorpal sickle of pure good...
  108. Wounding punture crossbow for sale
  109. Paying 1 million plat
  110. wtt +6 wis neckl rr elf for another
  111. May be selling another wop rapier
  112. Price Check of POP ring of GFL.
  113. +1 UnHoly Heavy Mace
  114. 2 +2 tomes wts
  115. wttf scourge choker
  116. looking to trade large scales for other ingredients
  117. +2 wis tome
  118. +4 w/e scimitar elf drow
  119. pc: sup pot 6 kama
  120. Ring of Spell Storing
  121. Portal beaters! For sale!
  122. trading my +2 str tome for your ing.
  123. LF two items
  124. pc +1 wounding dagger of enfeebling
  125. WTT +2 wis tome
  126. Going price for bloodstone?
  127. WTT a +4 holy silver evil outsider bane kama
  128. WTB: +2 Wisdom tome
  129. WTD 2 large stones.
  130. Trading Larges for Scales
  131. Trade Greensteel Greatsword
  132. Jorgundals for +2 Int tome
  133. +2 WoP rapier for sale
  134. In need of Green Steel Mats
  135. Trading +5 holy burst khopesh RR 1/2 midgets for similar handwraps RR human
  136. WTTF Scourge Choker
  137. Selling larges
  138. Buying a WOP
  139. Just Plat
  140. grtr construct bane
  141. WTT Whites for Blues
  142. WTB Cloak of Ice
  143. LTTF a few things
  144. Tackilack wants your slice of pie
  145. large crafting woops!
  146. LF Smiting Rapier
  147. +2 wisdom tome for
  148. looking for reasonably priced +6 int ring lvl 13
  149. trading smiter
  150. Buying Garbage greensteels
  151. Selling Large Materials
  152. my +1 banishing rapier of puncturing
  153. WTB Int +2 tome
  154. WTTF Holy/Flaming Rapier of Gtr Undead Bane
  155. Cakes
  156. +2 Charisma Tome For Trade
  157. Black Scales for White.
  158. +2 Int Tome Wanted
  159. Trading +2 Wis or ST Tome for..
  160. WTS +1 Wounding heavy pick of puncturing
  161. WTB +2 Con/Str/Wis/Dex/Cha Tomes Paying plat
  162. WTB Devotion/Potency Rings
  163. Few more item
  164. STR tome
  165. Whats up with Icon of Khyber?
  166. Trading Ring of Spellstoring
  167. WTS +3 WOP Shortbow!
  168. Wtt Dod
  169. Price Check
  170. WTB: Bloodstone
  171. greensteels for trade
  172. Some Weapons for sell
  173. selling 2 large devil scales
  174. wts thundering arapier of smiting
  175. Price Check 2
  176. WTT +5 Transmuting Bastard Sword of Pure Good
  177. WTTF Electric Haze
  178. lf rapiers
  179. LTF UWA +15 haggle necklace
  180. what a bunch of jerks that guild is!!!
  181. LTB +2 Int tome
  182. +3 kuckri of grtr construct bane
  183. Novelty Khopeshes for Trade
  184. price check
  185. +4 str item? min lvl 7?
  186. +2 Axio Rapier of Greater Construct Bane
  187. +2 Tome of Understanding 450,000 Plat
  188. Gornn's Goodies
  189. +1 Keen Rapier of Puncturing
  190. +2 Wounding of Puncturing Light Repeating Xbow
  191. WTT +1 Seeker (6) Handwraps of Weighted 5% (24 RR Halfling)
  192. WTT/S Greater Reconstruction Ring (RR Dwarf UMD 16)
  193. Your Greensteel Mistakes - I want them
  194. Looking for Inferno Bracers
  195. Titan Cookies
  196. Problem with another guild
  197. WTB: +2 Int Tome
  198. wtt wp ss for 3 wp heavy picks
  199. Today Is My Birthday!
  200. A Few Things for Trade
  201. WTB Intimidation ring
  202. WTT Scourge Choker
  203. wtt: docent of defiance
  204. Looking for a Bloodstone
  205. trading couple large scales for dif ingredients
  206. Trading dragon scales
  207. + 7 armor bracers
  208. Possibly selling +3 Unbound Wis tome
  209. Selling my toon name
  210. get a bloodstone for a docent of defiance
  211. Want to buy/trade for Bloodstone.
  212. have a few items for sell
  213. Trading/buying shield pieces or tome pages
  214. WTT +2 Wis for +2 Int
  215. Selling +8 AC, RR Dwarf Bracers
  216. Price Check .... Possible up for sale/trade
  217. Trading Fanion Sheild for full Tome Page set
  218. Large Scale for +2 INT Tome
  219. +2 int tome for trade
  220. WTB Greater Devotion/Potency VI Ring
  221. Auction: 5 lg scales for mana pots
  222. Selling +1 WoP Heavy pick
  223. wtt WOP bow
  224. Trading/Buying Tome Pages
  225. wtt gs morning star for gs kopesh
  226. WTT scales for stones
  227. WTB Large Splintered Horn
  228. Twig Farmer wanted
  229. wanted: +2 str tome
  230. WTS Docent of Quickening
  231. Looking to buy Spell Storing Ring
  232. WTB: Greensteel Blanks
  233. Looking to buy vale ingredients.
  234. gallions house of trades
  235. Trading WoP dagger for WoP SS
  236. trading +2str tome for +2 dex
  237. Trading: 2 Large Scales
  238. need some ingrediants
  239. WoP Heavy pick for sale
  240. +3 Wis tome back on the market
  241. WTB Bloodstone
  242. WTT/S Ghost Touch Handwraps of Disruption
  243. Firestorm greaves
  244. Trading +2 Tomes
  245. WTT/S WoP Dagger, Banishing Rapier, WoP Lt Pick
  246. price check any interest?
  247. WTTF GS Khopesh
  248. LF Intim ring ml 11
  249. trade ingrediants:
  250. Need a +2 Str tome and a +2 con tome