- Wtt: +2 W/P Heavy Xbow
- My +2 wisdom tome for your +2 dex or con
- price check +6 con ring
- WTT +2 Transmuting Great Sword Of Greater Evil Outsider Bane
- Wttf superior potency VI kama
- Selling Banishing Heavy Repeater 75k
- Vorps/Banishers/Bloodstone auction!!!
- Rapiers
- My Black or White scale for your Blue
- My New Trade Thread
- +2 cha tome for +2 int tome
- Offering a Bloodstone
- my kamas for handwraps
- Scales
- My bloodstone for your tomes...
- Trading ingreadents, i need violet taper (or raw materials for one)
- WTS Firestorm greaves
- Need large ingedients
- Ghost touch Disruptor
- Ghost Touch Kama of Disruption
- WTB: +2 int tome
- Things to get rid of :) Banisher + Disrupter
- +1 WoP shortsword for sale for 20 large scales
- Need a pebble fast
- +5 Blue shine Mith FP of light fort
- Trading for ritual collectables
- WTTF +8 bracers
- Ore of travail for trade
- wanted. +8 ac bracers
- trading large ingredients for +2 tomes
- 300k for your +2 int
- Trading LG ingredient for LG Scale
- Boliard's Shortlived Trade List
- WTT tome for tome
- Selling Ingredients
- Trading +1 Int tome for +1 Wis Tome
- WTT a few things
- I gotta ask....
- WANTED: Boots of the Innocent
- The Gods must be CRAZY!! +3 Vorpal
- +5 int googles ML 9 for Str/Con/dex same
- Trading for Gs Khop/Khop ingredients
- looking for some ingredients
- selling large scales and stones
- +6 Charisma Ring
- WTB: +2 Int Tome
- Smiter
- My Smiting Scimmy...
- Price check on Fanion
- WTB Staff of greater reptilian bane
- Few Trades...
- my WP Dagger + ? for your WP SS
- +1 Int for +1 Wis Tome Swap
- Out of curiosity.......
- Looking to BUY/TRADE for:
- LF +6 wis Necklace RR: Dorf
- +1 Transmuting GS of Grtr Evil Outsider
- WTB Spectacles of Spirit Sight
- WTT +2 Wis Tome for any other
- brand new bloodstone for trade
- +2 Int tome.
- My Ring of Spell Storing for your Larges.
- For Sale/Trade List
- trading for vale ingredients
- Need 20 white Scales
- Warforged Docent shopping
- +1 smiting rapier of seeker (+2)
- WTT w/p dagger. LF Larges
- WTT Large Ingredients for Blue Scales
- WTB/WTTF Level 5-6 finesse weapons.
- Level 4 to 6 wounders
- WTT +3 SUP POT Kama
- WTB/WTTF Sunblade.
- WTB/TF Sup Pot I Helm/Ring
- WTB Green Steel 1 hander
- WTB/TF: Vorpal Returner/Greater ele bane returner
- Ingredient prices
- Please give me money.
- WTT +2char tome +mediums for +2int tome
- wtt +5 resist ring
- large stone for sale
- +3 W/P Rapier 10Mil PP Buyout!
- My 2 +2 wisdom tomes for a bloodstone
- +2 int tome + +2 con tome = larges
- GS Hvy Pick for GS Kama
- Tawnie's Trades
- WTT +2 str tome for dex or con
- PC on +4 vorpal scimitar
- Hi,Im trading a +2 Cha Tome for..
- Selling a Spell Storing Ring/Looking for Beholder Optics also.
- Looking for some nice Puncterers..
- +3 weakening of puncturing rapier rr human
- W&P Light Pick price check
- +2 tomes for trade
- +2 W/P light repeater
- Trade Ethreal Bracers for spectral gloves...
- Bloodstone for Greaves
- price check for wraps
- WTB +5 (or +4) ghost touch kama of parying
- Needing plat
- Spectral Gloves
- WTB +5 WIS gloves, rr human
- Looking for a Kardins' Eye
- +2 INT tome for con/dex
- my +2 in tome for almost any other
- Price check wiz 7 helm
- Price inquiry
- Looking for 25 Blue Scales.
- Need 2 large scales
- ***/B (2) W/P Rapiers
- stocked med ingredient bag for trade
- Lots of stuff, from twink to cap......
- Bloodstone
- pc:Tome: Legend III
- Choose 2 of my 3 tomes for bloodstone
- I need 2 +2 Wis Tomes. I can trade +2 Cha for one...
- WTT +2 Cha Tome for Any Other +2 Tome.
- Ethereal Bracers for sell
- wtt a large scale for optic nerves
- WTT Larges for Scourge choker
- WTS - Tome: Legend IV
- WTT GS Bracers
- 2 Large Scales for Sale
- WTB/WTTF (2) Smiting SS/Rapiers
- Wtt: Spectral Gloves
- WTTF Sup Potency / Devotion Kamas
- Need advice. Got some items to toss around too.
- WTB Bloodstone offering tome and pp
- WTT Bloodstone.
- WTT Keen Scimitar of Smiting for Rapier or keen Kukri
- WTS: +2 CON TOME - 400kpp.
- wtt +2 para D axe
- Looking for Boots of the Innocent
- WTB/WTTF Few Greater Banes
- Wtt/wtb W/p Rapier
- +4 cripping scimitar of smiting
- +1 True Chaos Rapier of Smiting
- Trading tome pages
- +2 Tome Set for trade
- armor
- Trade value check: W/P SS/Dagger for W/P hvy repeater
- WTTF Superior Potency 6 kama
- Con & Cha Rings for possible trade
- Auctioning a Ghost Touch bow of Disruption
- price check on Dex tome
- trading a +2 wis tome for +2 dex
- Price Check Request
- wtt +4 transmuting light of pg
- wtt: GREATER Spell Penetration 6 Scepter
- inquiry re value of banishing ss versus smiting rapier
- FS/FT: +3 Transmutting Light Repeating Xbow of PG
- +2 charisma tome for +2 int
- large scales and stones for spectral gloves
- WTS/WTT 25 White Scales
- WTB: +2 int tome
- Trading a +2 Cha Tome for..
- anyone interested in this?
- WTTF: Armor 7 or 8 Human UMD Bracers
- WTT +2 Wis tome for +2 Int tome
- looking for bows
- looking for bloodstone
- looking for +8 ac bracers
- tome page set
- Looking for a necro sheild part #3
- trading larges for specral gloves
- wts: +2 dex tome, spell storing ring for plat
- wts greensteel greatsword
- +2 int for +2 dex
- Offering 2 Kardin's Eyes
- Trading +2 CHA Tome for ..
- WTT: +3 Vorpal Sickle of Right
- Wtt/wttf
- My firstborn for a Bloodstone
- Reward for Return of Tenacious' +5 MBP
- Trading +2 w/p light repeater rr: Halfling (umd 20)
- Ancient Vulkoorim Dagger For Trade
- Looking for your Tome Page Set
- WTT +3 w/p Longbow RR Halfing
- Price check: Helm of Free Will
- WTT +1 wounding/punctering bow
- tomes for trade:
- WTB ML11 +6 wisdom item (rr human)
- Greensteel Heavy Pick for a Khopesh
- Trading AC 8 Bracers
- WTB +1 cha tome
- +3 vorp kama for sale
- *** Tome page 2
- WTT: +1 Disrupting dart for +1 Disrupting Shurkien
- Selling a +1 Banishing light repeater
- Price Check on GToD
- Looking for a fiend rapier
- Peeches Peachy Trade List :)
- Have Kardin's Eye...
- Weakening of Enfeebling Handwraps
- +1 Ghost Touch Cold Iron Bastard Sword of Disruption (ML12)
- PC on +4 Ghost Touch SS of Disruption
- WTT/WTS Hat of Wizardry VII
- Wttf disease immunity ring of resistance +4 or ring of resistance +5
- Ring of Djinn & +2 GT of Disruption LB To Trade
- +3 gs of greater construct bane
- WTT: +2 con tome
- TWO +2 strength tomes for trade
- WTB: +5 Mithral Breatplate
- WTS/WTT +5 True Law Kama of Greater Elemental Bane
- WTT +5 Mith FP for Boots
- Buying Titan cookies
- PC on +2 Banishing Rapier
- The Silver Leaf Adventurer's Shop
- ISO: Belt of the Seven Ideals
- +2 Tome Swaps
- Looking 4 +2 str tome, have +2 con or cha
- looking for bloodstone offering::::
- Fiend killing greataxe
- WTT W/P Dagger
- PC on +2 tomes
- Kardins
- WTB/WTTF Cursespewing Kama of Parrying
- Price Check and wts "+1 Wounding rapier of puncturing"
- +2 con tome
- bloodstone
- +2 int tome/+2 con tome
- Wounding Light Pick of Puncturing For Trade
- portal beaters
- Trading +2 Wis Tome
- Wtt/Wts Ring of Disabling + 15!!
- Looking for +2 INT tome $$$
- Wanted Silver Bow.
- WTT/S Jorgundals Collar
- WTB vorpal sickle
- +2 Str tome for +2 Int or +2 Dex or Larges
- wtb: disruption heavy repeator and banishing ga (paying plats)
- WTB Light repeaters
- WTT Bloodstone for a Smiting Rapier
- WTB - Ring of steady spell casting
- my Jorgandals Collar for your Finger Necklace
- Price Check Please?
- Trading +2 Con Tome for +2 Wisdom tome
- +2 int tome for trade, +6 rings for sale
- Kardin's Eye
- Gunslinger_trades
- +5 khopesh of greater dragon bane
- LF Large Scales/Stones...
- Price check on +10 DA
- Wanting: w/p hvy repeater. trading +2 w/p dagger
- Now that the Shield AC ritual is working again
- lazarus' trade goods
- WTT: +6 con ring, wiz 7 hat
- WTT +2 Str for +2 Dex.
- Boots of Innocence