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  1. Wtt: +2 W/P Heavy Xbow
  2. My +2 wisdom tome for your +2 dex or con
  3. price check +6 con ring
  4. WTT +2 Transmuting Great Sword Of Greater Evil Outsider Bane
  5. Wttf superior potency VI kama
  6. Selling Banishing Heavy Repeater 75k
  7. Vorps/Banishers/Bloodstone auction!!!
  8. Rapiers
  9. My Black or White scale for your Blue
  10. My New Trade Thread
  11. +2 cha tome for +2 int tome
  12. Offering a Bloodstone
  13. my kamas for handwraps
  14. Scales
  15. My bloodstone for your tomes...
  16. Trading ingreadents, i need violet taper (or raw materials for one)
  17. WTS Firestorm greaves
  18. Need large ingedients
  19. Ghost touch Disruptor
  20. Ghost Touch Kama of Disruption
  21. WTB: +2 int tome
  22. Things to get rid of :) Banisher + Disrupter
  23. +1 WoP shortsword for sale for 20 large scales
  24. Need a pebble fast
  25. +5 Blue shine Mith FP of light fort
  26. Trading for ritual collectables
  27. WTTF +8 bracers
  28. Ore of travail for trade
  29. wanted. +8 ac bracers
  30. trading large ingredients for +2 tomes
  31. 300k for your +2 int
  32. Trading LG ingredient for LG Scale
  33. Boliard's Shortlived Trade List
  34. WTT tome for tome
  35. Selling Ingredients
  36. Trading +1 Int tome for +1 Wis Tome
  37. WTT a few things
  38. I gotta ask....
  39. WANTED: Boots of the Innocent
  40. The Gods must be CRAZY!! +3 Vorpal
  41. +5 int googles ML 9 for Str/Con/dex same
  42. Trading for Gs Khop/Khop ingredients
  43. looking for some ingredients
  44. selling large scales and stones
  45. +6 Charisma Ring
  46. WTB: +2 Int Tome
  47. Smiter
  48. My Smiting Scimmy...
  49. Price check on Fanion
  50. WTB Staff of greater reptilian bane
  51. Few Trades...
  52. my WP Dagger + ? for your WP SS
  53. +1 Int for +1 Wis Tome Swap
  54. Out of curiosity.......
  55. Looking to BUY/TRADE for:
  56. LF +6 wis Necklace RR: Dorf
  57. +1 Transmuting GS of Grtr Evil Outsider
  58. WTB Spectacles of Spirit Sight
  59. WTT +2 Wis Tome for any other
  60. brand new bloodstone for trade
  61. +2 Int tome.
  62. My Ring of Spell Storing for your Larges.
  63. For Sale/Trade List
  64. trading for vale ingredients
  65. Need 20 white Scales
  66. Warforged Docent shopping
  67. +1 smiting rapier of seeker (+2)
  68. WTT w/p dagger. LF Larges
  69. WTT Large Ingredients for Blue Scales
  70. WTB/WTTF Level 5-6 finesse weapons.
  71. Level 4 to 6 wounders
  72. WTT +3 SUP POT Kama
  73. WTB/WTTF Sunblade.
  74. WTB/TF Sup Pot I Helm/Ring
  75. WTB Green Steel 1 hander
  76. WTB/TF: Vorpal Returner/Greater ele bane returner
  77. Ingredient prices
  78. Please give me money.
  79. WTT +2char tome +mediums for +2int tome
  80. wtt +5 resist ring
  81. large stone for sale
  82. +3 W/P Rapier 10Mil PP Buyout!
  83. My 2 +2 wisdom tomes for a bloodstone
  84. +2 int tome + +2 con tome = larges
  85. GS Hvy Pick for GS Kama
  86. Tawnie's Trades
  87. WTT +2 str tome for dex or con
  88. PC on +4 vorpal scimitar
  89. Hi,Im trading a +2 Cha Tome for..
  90. Selling a Spell Storing Ring/Looking for Beholder Optics also.
  91. Looking for some nice Puncterers..
  92. +3 weakening of puncturing rapier rr human
  93. W&P Light Pick price check
  94. +2 tomes for trade
  95. +2 W/P light repeater
  96. Trade Ethreal Bracers for spectral gloves...
  97. Bloodstone for Greaves
  98. price check for wraps
  99. WTB +5 (or +4) ghost touch kama of parying
  100. Needing plat
  101. Spectral Gloves
  102. WTB +5 WIS gloves, rr human
  103. Looking for a Kardins' Eye
  104. +2 INT tome for con/dex
  105. my +2 in tome for almost any other
  106. Price check wiz 7 helm
  107. Price inquiry
  108. Looking for 25 Blue Scales.
  109. Need 2 large scales
  110. ***/B (2) W/P Rapiers
  111. stocked med ingredient bag for trade
  112. Lots of stuff, from twink to cap......
  113. Bloodstone
  114. pc:Tome: Legend III
  115. Choose 2 of my 3 tomes for bloodstone
  116. I need 2 +2 Wis Tomes. I can trade +2 Cha for one...
  117. WTT +2 Cha Tome for Any Other +2 Tome.
  118. Ethereal Bracers for sell
  119. wtt a large scale for optic nerves
  120. WTT Larges for Scourge choker
  121. WTS - Tome: Legend IV
  122. WTT GS Bracers
  123. 2 Large Scales for Sale
  124. WTB/WTTF (2) Smiting SS/Rapiers
  125. Wtt: Spectral Gloves
  127. WTTF Sup Potency / Devotion Kamas
  128. Need advice. Got some items to toss around too.
  129. WTB Bloodstone offering tome and pp
  130. WTT Bloodstone.
  131. WTT Keen Scimitar of Smiting for Rapier or keen Kukri
  132. WTS: +2 CON TOME - 400kpp.
  133. wtt +2 para D axe
  134. Looking for Boots of the Innocent
  135. WTB/WTTF Few Greater Banes
  136. Wtt/wtb W/p Rapier
  137. +4 cripping scimitar of smiting
  138. +1 True Chaos Rapier of Smiting
  139. Trading tome pages
  140. +2 Tome Set for trade
  141. armor
  142. Trade value check: W/P SS/Dagger for W/P hvy repeater
  143. WTTF Superior Potency 6 kama
  144. Con & Cha Rings for possible trade
  145. Auctioning a Ghost Touch bow of Disruption
  146. price check on Dex tome
  147. trading a +2 wis tome for +2 dex
  148. Price Check Request
  149. wtt +4 transmuting light of pg
  150. wtt: GREATER Spell Penetration 6 Scepter
  151. inquiry re value of banishing ss versus smiting rapier
  152. FS/FT: +3 Transmutting Light Repeating Xbow of PG
  153. +2 charisma tome for +2 int
  154. large scales and stones for spectral gloves
  155. WTS/WTT 25 White Scales
  156. WTB: +2 int tome
  157. Trading a +2 Cha Tome for..
  158. anyone interested in this?
  159. WTTF: Armor 7 or 8 Human UMD Bracers
  160. WTT +2 Wis tome for +2 Int tome
  161. looking for bows
  162. looking for bloodstone
  163. looking for +8 ac bracers
  164. tome page set
  165. Looking for a necro sheild part #3
  166. trading larges for specral gloves
  167. wts: +2 dex tome, spell storing ring for plat
  168. wts greensteel greatsword
  169. +2 int for +2 dex
  170. Offering 2 Kardin's Eyes
  171. Trading +2 CHA Tome for ..
  172. WTT: +3 Vorpal Sickle of Right
  173. Wtt/wttf
  174. My firstborn for a Bloodstone
  175. Reward for Return of Tenacious' +5 MBP
  176. Trading +2 w/p light repeater rr: Halfling (umd 20)
  177. Ancient Vulkoorim Dagger For Trade
  178. Looking for your Tome Page Set
  179. WTT +3 w/p Longbow RR Halfing
  180. Price check: Helm of Free Will
  181. WTT +1 wounding/punctering bow
  182. tomes for trade:
  183. WTB ML11 +6 wisdom item (rr human)
  184. Greensteel Heavy Pick for a Khopesh
  185. Trading AC 8 Bracers
  186. WTB +1 cha tome
  187. +3 vorp kama for sale
  188. *** Tome page 2
  189. WTT: +1 Disrupting dart for +1 Disrupting Shurkien
  190. Selling a +1 Banishing light repeater
  191. Price Check on GToD
  192. Looking for a fiend rapier
  193. Peeches Peachy Trade List :)
  194. Have Kardin's Eye...
  195. Weakening of Enfeebling Handwraps
  196. +1 Ghost Touch Cold Iron Bastard Sword of Disruption (ML12)
  197. PC on +4 Ghost Touch SS of Disruption
  198. WTT/WTS Hat of Wizardry VII
  199. Wttf disease immunity ring of resistance +4 or ring of resistance +5
  200. Ring of Djinn & +2 GT of Disruption LB To Trade
  201. +3 gs of greater construct bane
  202. WTT: +2 con tome
  203. TWO +2 strength tomes for trade
  204. WTB: +5 Mithral Breatplate
  205. WTS/WTT +5 True Law Kama of Greater Elemental Bane
  206. WTT +5 Mith FP for Boots
  207. Buying Titan cookies
  208. PC on +2 Banishing Rapier
  209. The Silver Leaf Adventurer's Shop
  210. ISO: Belt of the Seven Ideals
  211. +2 Tome Swaps
  212. Looking 4 +2 str tome, have +2 con or cha
  213. looking for bloodstone offering::::
  214. Fiend killing greataxe
  215. WTT W/P Dagger
  216. PC on +2 tomes
  217. Kardins
  218. WTB/WTTF Cursespewing Kama of Parrying
  219. Price Check and wts "+1 Wounding rapier of puncturing"
  220. +2 con tome
  221. bloodstone
  222. +2 int tome/+2 con tome
  223. Wounding Light Pick of Puncturing For Trade
  224. portal beaters
  225. Trading +2 Wis Tome
  226. Wtt/Wts Ring of Disabling + 15!!
  227. Looking for +2 INT tome $$$
  228. Wanted Silver Bow.
  229. WTT/S Jorgundals Collar
  230. WTB vorpal sickle
  231. +2 Str tome for +2 Int or +2 Dex or Larges
  232. wtb: disruption heavy repeator and banishing ga (paying plats)
  233. WTB Light repeaters
  234. WTT Bloodstone for a Smiting Rapier
  235. WTB - Ring of steady spell casting
  236. my Jorgandals Collar for your Finger Necklace
  237. Price Check Please?
  238. Trading +2 Con Tome for +2 Wisdom tome
  239. +2 int tome for trade, +6 rings for sale
  240. Kardin's Eye
  241. Gunslinger_trades
  242. +5 khopesh of greater dragon bane
  243. LF Large Scales/Stones...
  244. Price check on +10 DA
  245. Wanting: w/p hvy repeater. trading +2 w/p dagger
  246. Now that the Shield AC ritual is working again
  247. lazarus' trade goods
  248. WTT: +6 con ring, wiz 7 hat
  249. WTT +2 Str for +2 Dex.
  250. Boots of Innocence