View Full Version : Ghallanda
Pages :
- All barbarian - All Silver Flame pot raids
- Thankyou
- 3 stucked toons today, am I alone
- MYDDO is back :)
- sometimes, everything goes just as planned.
- Dear Devs... <3
- to Triaja
- The Player: Caylyxx
- Forced break from game
- Happy Valentine's Day, Ghallanda!
- Completionist by urin
- I am Krunge!!
- Being a capstone cleric in abbot is...
- wts scroll of charged gaunlets
- At level elite Chronoscope PuG awesomeness!
- Euro Morning Raid Group - Gathering
- Give us noobs a chance
- Free loot for a warforged
- Another one bites the dust.
- WTS My Green Steel Great Crossbow.
- Think of the puppies.
- Unplayable Lag...
- Aussie's and Pacific timeslot players on Ghallanda
- Expelling Guildmates.
- Ghallanda Pugs: pet photos
- Omg It Took Me So Long To Make My Epic Chaosblades
- Events... bitter sweet content.
- Great Job Devs
- PAX East
- Ambush!
- dark ritual
- WTB Pale Lavender Ioun Stone
- Crashing a lot today?
- Red Scale Lotto!
- Static Claw Set Group
- How'd you make money at Cove?
- Monday Night Static Group on Ghallanda
- Are chrono scrolls dropping?
- Epic Checkoff List.
- Dear Zinraka
- Blast from the Past
- Trade channel
- Concerned about inflation?
- Hello G-land users
- Ghallanda PUGS: not my pet, but 11 strangers did make horoth our female dog...
- Barb Epic Claw Solo
- Quarterly Review
- Character transfer to Orien. Got some inventory slots open.
- (Another) Top 10 Signs Your Shroud is about to fail
- Kormor's Belt Needs to be removed from the game!!!
- Epic claw solo wizard
- Drunken Ghallanda Thursday!
- looking for owner of character: Gouwealth
- To Paintrainn from SDM
- Shadowcrypt opener
- Pride, kill your ennemy/opponent and more bragging
- Problem with a Greater Reincarnation
- Drink a grog man! :)
- Thanks to Manko and Lizardo
- server down?
- * - Ghallanda Down - *
- Server Down?
- What to do while Ghallanda's down?
- Does Pugging increase your EGO?
- There was a rollback :(
- Would you keep playing?
- Parting is such sweet...Wait no it isn't - Farewell
- Can we agree?
- Disappearing items may cause disappearing players
- Not again...
- What's Ghallanda about?
- Aussie grouping Friday night
- Face melting bass wobble gobble better get some real subs
- Save ur ears!!!!!!!!
- Ghallanda Quiet?
- Remember It could always be worse than a pug.
- Max lvl 18 shroud tonight!
- Some things never change...
- Swiftlion
- for anyone who has ever lost an item/items/bags due to putting them in acc bank
- Barba's First Tr Through Gland
- Plat Begging
- Level 20's should know by now that rogues ARE dps
- One of those days...
- Epic Chronoscope
- What "D" Door?!
- All Monk Raid night
- Any regular RP groups on ghallandra?
- Pro Piking 101
- When does helpful advice become a reason to squelch?
- A tale from Proof is in the poisen
- Happy 5th Birthday THAC0
- Kormors FTW
- New Raidtrain - eChrono, eDragon, TOD
- Scroll of Ring of Spell Storing
- Jahwney's back!
- What about server-wide channels?
- Ghallanda Tontine
- My ascension begins tomorrow
- New Crafting Mechanic
- Crowd Control and Epics
- Want to Learn VON5?
- crafting question
- waterworks problem
- I'm so sorry.
- bugged quests?
- welcome back shroud & ToD lag..
- Thanks Captain's Crew! And sorry everyone else. :-P
- The Fred Incident
- Dogchair on the air every Wednesday
- PSA: Rogues can in fact, do traps.
- A Party Wipe Means YOU suck TOO, Goober
- Pale Master exclusive Shroud Run
- Epic Sword of Shadows
- No shards from Epic wizking & oob after u9 patch?
- epic queen lag?
- My first Elite VOD, was a great success!!!
- Apologies to the early AM Hound Raid
- At level VON last night - amusingly awesome
- Planned EFens runs twice a weekend
- U9!
- Final Life (FvS/Mnk)
- Guild Recruiting
- 5:42 (EST) Servers back up
- Did I Gimp my Toon?
- Genorosity or Annoyance?
- Event: Change of management for the Friends of Nice and Slow
- Memories from DDO Europe
- Where's the Abbot's Family?
- Three Elite ToDs back-to-back-to-back
- Ask And He will Answer!!
- Max Crafte Level
- Make my Pally
- Another ToD, another story
- how are you gentleman?
- Are invisibility stuffs disappeared from Ghallanda?
- Good times in G-land
- TR is near... But a doubt is hanging over me
- mmm rant time once again
- Ghallanda Event: Memorial Day 2011. Monday 5/30. 9PM EDT.
- HoX run
- Taking a break.
- Ghallanda Is Up
- a final goodbye
- Server Full!!
- Getting a Group for ToD
- A totally new and original topic: Loot discussions!
- Small problem
- A modicum of respect for buyers and sellers please
- Hello Ghallanda
- The Dirdee Train is rolling through!
- VON 5: Rage/Hillarity/Head-Banging Occurs
- Ghallanda Crafting hall Lag
- I would like to join Ravensguard
- Sorry to the shroud group
- PM Vod
- Any Polish channels out there?
- I'm Back
- Your assitance is requested!
- Ascension Chamber
- Max Crafte Level
- R.i.p. ...
- Greeting!
- Thinking of returning.
- Epiv VON 5
- Top 10 Toons on Ghallanda
- Attn: Ainmosni
- im drunk
- Craziest eADQ Loot Drop
- Hunting Squirrel Season Open
- Shroud incompetence reaching all time high
- The most fun l've had in ages
- All Spell Caster's VoD Tonight
- Server is back up
- Anyone lose a EU toon during migration
- Attention guild leaders and officers
- Funny lag and disco issues ... have to share
- Attn: Dingal
- Congrats
- My 4 year old can play ddo and pvp :P
- Cant Log...
- The new rickroll? reichrolld?
- Noobith Maximith - A Rainbow in the Dark Tale
- Purple Coin Jumps
- titan/abbot raid
- What up ppls
- Psychobilly
- Whats happening with G-Land
- Recent Tempest Spine run mishap
- Nicely done Elite Hound
- I'm back
- 3 Man Reavers Raid Levels 13 -14
- GOLD Coin Turn In
- Valuables you've given away to (random) people
- July 31, FREE Icy Burst Kit
- PnP or DDO?
- How to solo base1 in von6 as a caster?
- Theme Shrouds - today is the day
- Concerning IP
- Would like to thank the brave souls that helped out a fellow adventurer in need...
- Let's play: What's Wrong With This LFM? Ghallanda edition!
- Any decent players left?
- There are some people in Ravensguard...
- G-land fantasy football
- A Contest!
- bards????
- Going Away Post
- dingal
- You're slowing down the zerg.
- VoN6 lfm?
- Server Go Boom?
- Gratz to RG
- Hello Ghallandians!
- soo much have changed
- New German server: bad for G-Land
- Thumbs up to that late-night ToD pug!
- I've got a good sense of humor...
- Blind Invites
- Lag monster wants me to solo
- Hey Gunga & Cold
- All Favored Soul Raids
- Truddsey turns 5 years old tomorrow in real life !
- Ghallanda Survey - Post Update
- Looking for TR channel?
- Return Of Arlos!
- I Love. . .
- Farewell G-Land and DDO!
- when do i get my 1000 TP?
- Is this a troll, a scammer or someone with a head in the clouds in Auction house
- Willing to try D&D role playing group (at least once)
- Ghallanda ReRolled Loving Lord of the Blades
- Epic Carnival Upgrades?
- No drops in epic Eadq
- Should I get the new pack?
- Have you lost your dog?
- Farewell G-Land
- Old Style D&D
- G-land mini roll back??
- Hi, is there some good drama on g-land?
- Sorry to the shroud group last night
- When the jewels...
- Gm-fail
- G-land intolerance?!?!?
- PSA: What is dungeon reset and party reforming.
- Pikers Welcome?
- Word of caution
- Bulk Buying Large Ingredients
- Reforging
- Dog Found - Louise
- Weirdest VoD ever!
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