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  1. All barbarian - All Silver Flame pot raids
  2. Thankyou
  3. 3 stucked toons today, am I alone
  4. MYDDO is back :)
  5. sometimes, everything goes just as planned.
  6. Dear Devs... <3
  7. to Triaja
  8. The Player: Caylyxx
  9. Forced break from game
  10. Happy Valentine's Day, Ghallanda!
  11. Completionist by urin
  12. I am Krunge!!
  13. Being a capstone cleric in abbot is...
  14. wts scroll of charged gaunlets
  15. At level elite Chronoscope PuG awesomeness!
  16. Euro Morning Raid Group - Gathering
  17. Give us noobs a chance
  18. Free loot for a warforged
  19. Another one bites the dust.
  20. WTS My Green Steel Great Crossbow.
  21. Think of the puppies.
  22. Unplayable Lag...
  23. Aussie's and Pacific timeslot players on Ghallanda
  24. Expelling Guildmates.
  25. Ghallanda Pugs: pet photos
  26. Omg It Took Me So Long To Make My Epic Chaosblades
  27. Events... bitter sweet content.
  28. Great Job Devs
  29. PAX East
  30. Ambush!
  31. dark ritual
  32. WTB Pale Lavender Ioun Stone
  33. Crashing a lot today?
  34. Red Scale Lotto!
  35. Static Claw Set Group
  36. How'd you make money at Cove?
  37. Monday Night Static Group on Ghallanda
  38. Are chrono scrolls dropping?
  39. Epic Checkoff List.
  40. Dear Zinraka
  41. Blast from the Past
  42. Trade channel
  43. Concerned about inflation?
  44. Hello G-land users
  45. Ghallanda PUGS: not my pet, but 11 strangers did make horoth our female dog...
  46. Barb Epic Claw Solo
  47. Quarterly Review
  48. Character transfer to Orien. Got some inventory slots open.
  49. (Another) Top 10 Signs Your Shroud is about to fail
  50. Kormor's Belt Needs to be removed from the game!!!
  51. Epic claw solo wizard
  52. Drunken Ghallanda Thursday!
  53. looking for owner of character: Gouwealth
  54. To Paintrainn from SDM
  55. Shadowcrypt opener
  56. Pride, kill your ennemy/opponent and more bragging
  57. Problem with a Greater Reincarnation
  58. Drink a grog man! :)
  59. Thanks to Manko and Lizardo
  60. server down?
  61. * - Ghallanda Down - *
  62. Server Down?
  63. What to do while Ghallanda's down?
  64. Does Pugging increase your EGO?
  65. There was a rollback :(
  66. Would you keep playing?
  67. Parting is such sweet...Wait no it isn't - Farewell
  68. Can we agree?
  69. Disappearing items may cause disappearing players
  70. Not again...
  71. What's Ghallanda about?
  72. Aussie grouping Friday night
  73. Face melting bass wobble gobble better get some real subs
  74. Save ur ears!!!!!!!!
  75. Ghallanda Quiet?
  76. Remember It could always be worse than a pug.
  77. Max lvl 18 shroud tonight!
  78. Some things never change...
  79. Swiftlion
  80. for anyone who has ever lost an item/items/bags due to putting them in acc bank
  81. Barba's First Tr Through Gland
  82. Plat Begging
  83. Level 20's should know by now that rogues ARE dps
  84. One of those days...
  85. Epic Chronoscope
  86. What "D" Door?!
  87. All Monk Raid night
  88. Any regular RP groups on ghallandra?
  89. Pro Piking 101
  90. When does helpful advice become a reason to squelch?
  91. A tale from Proof is in the poisen
  92. Happy 5th Birthday THAC0
  93. Kormors FTW
  94. New Raidtrain - eChrono, eDragon, TOD
  95. Scroll of Ring of Spell Storing
  96. Jahwney's back!
  97. What about server-wide channels?
  98. Ghallanda Tontine
  99. My ascension begins tomorrow
  100. New Crafting Mechanic
  101. Crowd Control and Epics
  102. Want to Learn VON5?
  103. crafting question
  104. waterworks problem
  105. I'm so sorry.
  106. bugged quests?
  107. welcome back shroud & ToD lag..
  108. Thanks Captain's Crew! And sorry everyone else. :-P
  109. The Fred Incident
  110. Dogchair on the air every Wednesday
  111. PSA: Rogues can in fact, do traps.
  112. A Party Wipe Means YOU suck TOO, Goober
  113. Pale Master exclusive Shroud Run
  114. Epic Sword of Shadows
  115. No shards from Epic wizking & oob after u9 patch?
  116. epic queen lag?
  117. My first Elite VOD, was a great success!!!
  118. Apologies to the early AM Hound Raid
  119. At level VON last night - amusingly awesome
  120. Planned EFens runs twice a weekend
  121. U9!
  122. Final Life (FvS/Mnk)
  123. Guild Recruiting
  124. 5:42 (EST) Servers back up
  125. Did I Gimp my Toon?
  126. Genorosity or Annoyance?
  127. Event: Change of management for the Friends of Nice and Slow
  128. Memories from DDO Europe
  129. Where's the Abbot's Family?
  130. Three Elite ToDs back-to-back-to-back
  131. Ask And He will Answer!!
  132. Max Crafte Level
  133. Make my Pally
  134. Another ToD, another story
  135. how are you gentleman?
  136. Are invisibility stuffs disappeared from Ghallanda?
  137. Good times in G-land
  138. TR is near... But a doubt is hanging over me
  139. mmm rant time once again
  140. Ghallanda Event: Memorial Day 2011. Monday 5/30. 9PM EDT.
  141. HoX run
  142. Taking a break.
  143. Ghallanda Is Up
  144. a final goodbye
  145. Server Full!!
  146. Getting a Group for ToD
  147. A totally new and original topic: Loot discussions!
  148. Small problem
  149. A modicum of respect for buyers and sellers please
  150. Hello Ghallanda
  151. The Dirdee Train is rolling through!
  152. VON 5: Rage/Hillarity/Head-Banging Occurs
  153. Ghallanda Crafting hall Lag
  154. I would like to join Ravensguard
  155. Sorry to the shroud group
  156. PM Vod
  157. Any Polish channels out there?
  158. I'm Back
  159. Your assitance is requested!
  160. Ascension Chamber
  161. Max Crafte Level
  162. R.i.p. ...
  163. Greeting!
  164. Thinking of returning.
  165. Epiv VON 5
  166. Top 10 Toons on Ghallanda
  167. Attn: Ainmosni
  168. im drunk
  169. Craziest eADQ Loot Drop
  170. Hunting Squirrel Season Open
  171. Shroud incompetence reaching all time high
  172. The most fun l've had in ages
  173. All Spell Caster's VoD Tonight
  174. Server is back up
  175. Anyone lose a EU toon during migration
  176. Attention guild leaders and officers
  177. Funny lag and disco issues ... have to share
  178. Attn: Dingal
  179. Congrats
  180. My 4 year old can play ddo and pvp :P
  181. Cant Log...
  182. The new rickroll? reichrolld?
  183. Noobith Maximith - A Rainbow in the Dark Tale
  184. Purple Coin Jumps
  185. titan/abbot raid
  186. What up ppls
  187. Psychobilly
  188. Whats happening with G-Land
  189. Recent Tempest Spine run mishap
  190. Nicely done Elite Hound
  191. I'm back
  192. 3 Man Reavers Raid Levels 13 -14
  193. GOLD Coin Turn In
  194. Valuables you've given away to (random) people
  195. July 31, FREE Icy Burst Kit
  196. PnP or DDO?
  197. How to solo base1 in von6 as a caster?
  198. Theme Shrouds - today is the day
  199. Concerning IP
  200. Would like to thank the brave souls that helped out a fellow adventurer in need...
  201. Let's play: What's Wrong With This LFM? Ghallanda edition!
  202. Any decent players left?
  203. There are some people in Ravensguard...
  204. G-land fantasy football
  205. A Contest!
  206. bards????
  207. Going Away Post
  208. dingal
  209. You're slowing down the zerg.
  210. VoN6 lfm?
  211. Server Go Boom?
  212. Gratz to RG
  213. Hello Ghallandians!
  214. soo much have changed
  215. New German server: bad for G-Land
  216. Thumbs up to that late-night ToD pug!
  217. I've got a good sense of humor...
  218. Blind Invites
  219. Lag monster wants me to solo
  220. Hey Gunga & Cold
  221. All Favored Soul Raids
  222. Truddsey turns 5 years old tomorrow in real life !
  223. Ghallanda Survey - Post Update
  224. Looking for TR channel?
  225. Return Of Arlos!
  226. I Love. . .
  227. Farewell G-Land and DDO!
  228. when do i get my 1000 TP?
  229. Is this a troll, a scammer or someone with a head in the clouds in Auction house
  230. Willing to try D&D role playing group (at least once)
  231. Ghallanda ReRolled Loving Lord of the Blades
  232. Epic Carnival Upgrades?
  233. No drops in epic Eadq
  234. Should I get the new pack?
  235. Have you lost your dog?
  236. Farewell G-Land
  237. Old Style D&D
  238. G-land mini roll back??
  239. Hi, is there some good drama on g-land?
  240. Sorry to the shroud group last night
  241. When the jewels...
  242. Gm-fail
  243. G-land intolerance?!?!?
  244. PSA: What is dungeon reset and party reforming.
  245. Pikers Welcome?
  246. Word of caution
  247. Bulk Buying Large Ingredients
  248. Reforging
  249. Dog Found - Louise
  250. Weirdest VoD ever!