View Full Version : Ghallanda
Pages :
- I'm back
- Newbie needs some help!
- Later boys and girls
- 'Cuz it needs to be said
- hmm...
- Thank you for a great Shroud run
- The New Server
- And that's how ...........
- Freakin Hilarious
- Anyone selling GS blanks?
- sorry to that shroud party
- 9 Shroud runs
- Brutalyzer, Ipicalotta and Co.
- Guess the DDO:EU Time: Win the Pool
- to Ravensguard:
- Cya on the other side!
- Ummmmh....
- Why?
- from release notes
- Forming new guild on cannith
- Do Not Watch This, So Gross
- Servers up?
- This is one of those goodbye threads
- Hound apology
- Capped!!!
- Sad
- What is up Ghallanda!
- Coming back casually
- Oogly's BACK!
- Hey Everyone
- so I may be back
- Checking back in!
- Shroud Run - Meatsheel & Dalaan
- ToD beaten again!
- Chloe is back!!!
- To Rhynn
- Thank You
- To RG
- New to the server!
- ToD completion :)
- HVS runs - the definition.
- First FvS to level 20!!!
- semi-private?
- Hola!
- Mr. Smiley
- Returning player and from Thelanis even
- 1750 favor
- Apologies
- 0 death TOD
- how long as it been
- Oogly54 /wave
- New to the Server
- Nebraska.....
- Soth's ranger got PWND!!
- Please Change This Quest !!!!
- Ghallanda Tools for Newbs Programme
- Hvsdq
- Ghallanda Tools and Noobs Programme
- New Guild on the server
- Thanks for group
- Back from a huge break
- Farewell from Rhynn
- Cya's in a month!
- 6 Man ToD eli 75min
- Ummmmm....Welcome to uhm, Eberron!!
- ToD 4 man again.
- trading for Blood and Shrapnel
- Transnational Communication Study
- Ooooogly!
- Yet another, question about guilds/people thread
- Sorc named Sagittia
- Thanks Newbie
- May as well introduce myself...
- To the Sins group I was clericing. . .
- Who are you?
- WTT +2 Int Tome No ML
- This goes out
- just hangin around [SS]
- Back again
- enough with the server elite!
- Some noob love...
- Tempest Spine run Yesterday
- So why?
- Extreme Challenge Permadeath Group
- Banished with Boots on?
- fix air ellies
- Movie Debate #1
- No internet Friday through Wednesday
- Rant
- VoD Elite
- Chat Server Disconnection Issues
- Epic Smokin' Hot Elf Chick Contest!!!!!!
- Guild Ranks FTW !!!
- Too late for the contest but...
- Intimitanks...
- Shroud
- I'm back, and I'm gone.
- "I have a bit of a mess up here"
- Anyone.....
- Back once agina on the forums need clerical help
- Where are all the Epic groups?
- Whats Up?
- Thanks!
- What do I do with the siberys dragon shards and the other shards?
- DDO Comedy Club
- Information request: Guild Issues
- Gianthold Group
- Hello Old Timers on Ghallanda!!!
- There are a few good "Newbie" casters in G-land!
- Epic Smokin' Hot Elf Chick results
- Thoughts on Epic
- Thoughts on /Squelch
- Thoughts on hitting LFM's
- House P unavailable atm?
- Southern Tenant Farmers Union (read here)
- Best builder on ghallanda
- PuGs worse than ever on Ghallanda?
- why cant turbine get billing right
- Movie Debate #2
- Static Group Power Leveling
- Thelanis/Ghallanda Money transfer
- Taking a break from VIP
- Shroud Still Broke
- The happy happy joy joy thanksgiving thread
- can someone help me?
- Bronko vs. Zarman and Demonzfire
- Sorry for PUGS Hound Round at 2150!
- This is a serious POLL!
- Looking for experienced people with mid level chars 10-16
- Shroud
- Sharing the quest - good or bad?
- Do you care if a group member doesn't use voice ?
- Searching for logon Server
- Sigmar's Hammer
- "Connection Failed: Server Full"
- Heard in TS. . .
- ToD banishment
- %@#$%@$% PUG backseat drivers...
- OK. Who did it?
- Apologies Gude and G&G
- Ghallanda Gold Coin Gala
- Ok, I'm very confused...
- props to a couple pro's
- Teaching Titan Puzzles
- Dresek: BE the perfect rouge
- Logon Server Full?
- Valhalla PD Guild Storms Desert.
- Have you ever had....
- Seattle players
- am i the only one struggling to log on?
- Tower of Despair Pugs?
- Happy Holidays..?
- Proof!
- [Toolbar screenshot thread]
- PUG-ing Question
- Chairs' SantaCon Update
- Season's Greetings from THAC0
- Ring of the Ravager Set
- Happy Holidays Ghallanda!
- Items from Jester
- looking for bujing, this is passme
- stcuk at loading new game data
- Know the quest
- NYE PARTY in Portland Oregon
- Relic runs and admantine ore
- A new low in class discrimination
- Melee-Only PVP **Tonight**
- Looking for a TR (or otherwise powergamey) Guild
- anyone else having trouble logging in?
- Leaving Stormreach for good.
- Trying to organize a Zawabi's Revenge raid . . .
- I'm leaving ...
- Dear Thriand,
- A solemn return
- Just saying Hi
- Booyah
- Kudos to KoI
- Returning
- What's all this, then? (or, who put a beach in my harbor?)
- I'm so sorry!!
- permanent questing group?
- @Whery
- Goki's Killer Bio
- PVP King of the Server?
- RavensGuard PR ~~
- Electronica
- For my 2112th post, let me just say that...
- Henrieta the wizard
- TOD Frenzy
- Vault of Night Question...
- Music to SOLO to.
- Request
- ** Removed **
- Shroud advice
- to gusman/xanto et all SOS 9:30am run
- I don't really like you very much Ghallanda
- Yup, I said it.
- late 80's and early 90's
- Did Days of our DDO go off the air?
- Server Full!
- connection attempt failed
- Dont Disarm that TRAP!
- It's been a long 3.5 years since I played - Hello Again!
- new guy on the block
- alarming trends
- Grumpy Treaka....
- it returns
- New player stories(Not slanders)
- The beast must die
- Building a new gaming rig, yay!
- confused
- My first ever rant..
- Tissue Paper Rangers...?
- VoN 1 - 4 group
- More music from Chair
- Soundcard and DDO, Vid Card?
- Heya ghallanda
- when are tr's gonna get slayer areas?
- hai
- New music by dogchair
- Looking for mentors
- drow tempest lvl 11 looking for friends
- Soloing music for GRR
- Hirelings and Crafting
- Lag deaths in the Shroud
- Dear DDO Devs - Chair appeals to you.
- Question about Win 7
- LFM's and Common Sense
- Communications Breakdown
- Has Harry lost his "summon lag-monster" ability?
- Been a long time
- How are you
- logins
- Modern Shroud Etiquette
- Looking for leveling friends this weekend.
- Rejaculation - the new mix for ghallanda
- Ring of Spell Storing
- WTS/WT Firestorm Greaves
- [Moody] the new mix for ghallanda
- ToD Static Raid
- ToD pug!
- How's it goin?
- portable hole help
- healers & potency kamas
- Sunday raid party
- The cake is a lie...
- on behalf of all Ghallanda welcome back hurry and clam plagues finest
- To the Necro group on friday afternoon...
- 10% Death Penalty
- The Ides of March mix
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