View Full Version : Ghallanda
Pages :
- Sorry for Dropping Last Night.
- Time for TOE to go
- Name that shop!
- Looking for a compatible guild ;;
- Apologies
- Taking a break
- I miss Bunnycats!
- Taking off for a while
- Theme Shroud
- LTB 1 Siberys Dragonshard
- Looking for a good guild
- Guildlife Life in Guild Survey Response : Ghallanda
- Theme Shroud - WE DID IT!!!
- Sefuss! if u out there
- Welcom back and thank you
- Looking for a healer with guts
- Mouse stuck, comp crashed, shroud, sry
- Miss Yah All
- Lastnights Hound group
- LFM Faux Pas
- Um. . .
- More good times...
- Clerical Gratuities
- Flame ON!
- Top 20 Melees of Ghallanda
- Top 1000 reasons we need new content
- I Am Awesome!!!
- Top 20 Healers of Ghallanda
- Top 20 #@*# talkers on Ghallanda
- Mod 8 Zerg Team?
- Mod 8 Cap Group
- Locked out
- New to Server
- Top 20 reasons to not read this thread.
- Video configs for Ghallandians
- permadeath guild on Ghallanda?
- Paging Harvey Dent....
- New to game and server
- barb build, looking for tips and help
- 3 Man SC Team
- My Turn to take a break
- Whazzup
- Sorry
- Sabbat Enrollment Now Open To The Public
- Karma in DDO
- My first hound run, sweet
- Lets get the time right...
- Where is everybody?
- Server is back up
- Coelecance Chamber Solo
- The Forgotten recruiting
- The TOP 10 Sexiest Ghallanda toons ever
- Top reasons to read the forums.
- Newb Looking for guild.
- Popping my VOD cherry
- Hey Xaii
- Break Time
- Thanks to everyone
- News Release: Sabbat and The Forgotten Merge
- Where the HECK are you?
- Ghallanda only server down?
- Has anyone beat the White Dragon quest
- So we did all 3...
- Mod 8 Completed by Ravensguard
- Vanash is back
- Top 10 grumpiest/happiest players on Ghallanda (no flames plz)
- Protection from Elements
- Green Steel Help
- Oddlived LOOK (Prey on the Hunter)
- Happy Halloween Ghallanda
- Looking for players in my time zone
- Vokkaz
- Perma Death guild
- Did stealer of Souls on hard (spoilers)
- disappointment
- Why r servers down today(Tuesday) ?
- Punished for the slackers
- Elite Enter the Kobald completion by CotT
- Valeria Sinderwind Missing From Korthos Village
- So it's that time...
- Its over, let go!
- How are we supposed to compete?
- I'll be taking my leave as well.
- Who plays mod 8?
- Reposted dissapointment
- See ya Ghallanda...for now
- Things you heard that can't be true(no names)
- returniing player
- Returning player looking for HELP
- Rupi is the equipment
- Fus man lonely
- Soooo...
- Whatever Happened to Bio's
- Movie One Liners. 80's-90's
- Drawn Back In
- Sorry Runs With Scissors
- Ghallanda needs a permadeath guild
- is it laggy, or is it just me?
- service issue
- THAC0 Leadership Change
- So 5 days left on account
- the resurrection of damaged inc
- Top Ten Trolls on Ghallanda
- iiiii'm dumb
- Happy Thanksgiving Ghallanda!
- Portland Oregon people
- All Rogue Shroud----Why not
- Anyone know
- Dread Looking for Guild
- ddo character planner questions
- Apologies
- Two Coming Back - Looking fo Best Match
- Alex coming to your neighborhood
- Souls Update (Recruiting)
- Hurrik LF Guild
- Looking for group/guild
- vod group last nite
- Festivult Pull today
- Proof!!!
- Valhalla Permadeath Guild Forming
- Tradeable +3 Dex Tome
- Tradeing for 13 black scales
- Downtime Explained!
- Roleplaying Guilds on Ghallanda
- What do you Drink, Ghallanda?
- Hit it.
- Login problems as of 6:21pm EST
- cross server trade
- A Hound of Xoriat Story
- First +4 Tome has dropped
- Grow-up People
- Happy Holidays from Angels of Death
- Happy Hunting Stormreach
- 108 Copper Coins in House K
- Happy Ghallanda Christmas from Eberron to Iraq!
- House D 108 Coppers 30 silver
- Evil = House J + Jester + Silver Coins
- House P 108 Coppers 30 Silver
- high five ghallanda
- players dc'ing on challanda
- A Thank you and a Plug for Valhalla
- LFM Stealer of Souls
- Best movies of 2008 are.......
- Happy New Year
- Just want to mention if anyone else...
- Looking for a guild
- Wobert's back
- 53 gold coins cashed in
- R.I.P. Borrigain
- lets talk about rage
- 310 silver coins cashed in
- I'm Still Irate
- Thanks for the Irian cakes!!
- greetings from a new player
- I Am Not A Plat Farmer!
- Those who can do, those who cant .....
- Elite Shroud
- Just Courious
- Sup Pot 6 Kama...
- Bye Bye
- Rhynn!
- Gimps Hate Ravensguard
- No DDO?? Survial tips welcome...
- Booted
- another +4 tome?
- Thank You Sabbat
- Fanatik, Rachna et. al
- Are the Servers Down Again?
- Thanks Katet
- poetry1
- Shroud Speed Run: Sign ups
- Static Permadeath Group TUESDAYS
- FINAL 2008 Festivult 82 Gold Coin Statistics
- FINAL 2008 Festivult 482 Silver Coin Statistics
- FINAL 2008 Festivult 2496 Copper Coin Statistics
- if you don't want someone or a class in your party
- Fun once, but let's not make it a habbit!
- Any VoD runs open?
- Plague - new guild
- Thanks to Sabbat !!!
- input welcom
- Paladin build advice
- Dragonmarks
- Any Interest? Been Done Yet?
- returning player looking for guild
- Sorry
- The NEW Rainbow in the dark ???
- Coming back to the game.
- Elite Shroud on Saturday 1/31 1pm EST
- ghallanda crashing?
- Congrats to Bronko on becoming a Canadian Sheriff!
- About the Hound and the discovery
- Making Ghallanda my 2nd server?
- Bah, i need advices again
- Layoffs
- To persons posting at the AH
- Servers
- *** down again?!?
- apologies to shroud group
- Tips
- Take it easy DDO'ers
- apologies to the shroud group i was in
- The Scourge Hath Returned.
- New to the Game and Learning
- Favor!! Ghallanda - Please assist :)
- The Jonythunders Expierence!
- Wow!!
- Leaving DDO, had a great time but moving on
- Raid Guilds
- Items named after Ghallanda players (stolen idea from khyber & Sarlona)
- Where the hell is
- Congrats to whoever is pulling good loot
- Att:: Smoking Hot Elf Chicks!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Newbish questions that need answering
- Ghallanda server complaint
- Cripes!
- shroud speed run last minute get-to-gether
- Old DDO Player Returning
- Live auction time again.
- Ahhhhhhh...I <3 you guys!!!
- New guild!!!!!
- Looking for a Guild or Leveling Buddy
- DDO Birthday contest. Please Read Ghallandians
- Not related, but wanted to share....
- All bard Shroud
- Congrats Peechie!!! Somkin Hot Elf Chick winner
- ISO Bloodrage Symbiont
- Argh!!
- to all the women players out here!
- Servers crashing again
- Jaerlach's Great Crossbow Build Contest-Extravaganza!
- I've come back...again!
- GJ on the PUG hound tonight guys
- Merge It Merge It Merge It Merge It Merge It V2
- Favor gathering
- Ladies' Shroud - Monday, Mar. 9, 9pm CST
- Any interest in another PvP tournament Ghallanda?
- Sorry to Shroud elite
- just wanted to say thanks to a group
- Elite Shrouds
- 1337 rolling
- Long Live FERNIA!!
- Thank you thac0
- Thank you KaTet V2
- Peace to Graveman
- LOOK it has to be said, sry Ghallanda..
- Val on forums - themed Shroud
- Juice and NHrs
- The Waterworks Gauntlet
- Raid Chests and Greater Teleport
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