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  1. Sorry for Dropping Last Night.
  2. Time for TOE to go
  3. Name that shop!
  4. Looking for a compatible guild ;;
  5. Apologies
  6. Taking a break
  7. I miss Bunnycats!
  8. Taking off for a while
  9. Theme Shroud
  10. LTB 1 Siberys Dragonshard
  11. Looking for a good guild
  12. Guildlife Life in Guild Survey Response : Ghallanda
  13. Theme Shroud - WE DID IT!!!
  14. Sefuss! if u out there
  15. Welcom back and thank you
  16. Looking for a healer with guts
  17. Mouse stuck, comp crashed, shroud, sry
  18. Miss Yah All
  19. Lastnights Hound group
  20. LFM Faux Pas
  21. Um. . .
  22. More good times...
  23. Clerical Gratuities
  24. Flame ON!
  25. Top 20 Melees of Ghallanda
  26. Top 1000 reasons we need new content
  27. I Am Awesome!!!
  28. Top 20 Healers of Ghallanda
  29. Top 20 #@*# talkers on Ghallanda
  30. Mod 8 Zerg Team?
  31. Mod 8 Cap Group
  32. Locked out
  33. New to Server
  34. Top 20 reasons to not read this thread.
  35. Video configs for Ghallandians
  36. permadeath guild on Ghallanda?
  37. Paging Harvey Dent....
  38. New to game and server
  39. barb build, looking for tips and help
  40. 3 Man SC Team
  41. My Turn to take a break
  42. Whazzup
  43. Sorry
  44. Sabbat Enrollment Now Open To The Public
  45. Karma in DDO
  46. My first hound run, sweet
  47. Lets get the time right...
  48. Where is everybody?
  49. Server is back up
  50. Coelecance Chamber Solo
  51. The Forgotten recruiting
  52. The TOP 10 Sexiest Ghallanda toons ever
  53. Top reasons to read the forums.
  54. Newb Looking for guild.
  55. Popping my VOD cherry
  56. Hey Xaii
  57. Break Time
  58. Thanks to everyone
  59. News Release: Sabbat and The Forgotten Merge
  60. Where the HECK are you?
  61. Ghallanda only server down?
  62. Has anyone beat the White Dragon quest
  63. So we did all 3...
  64. Mod 8 Completed by Ravensguard
  65. Vanash is back
  66. Top 10 grumpiest/happiest players on Ghallanda (no flames plz)
  67. Protection from Elements
  68. Green Steel Help
  69. Oddlived LOOK (Prey on the Hunter)
  70. Happy Halloween Ghallanda
  71. Looking for players in my time zone
  72. Vokkaz
  73. Perma Death guild
  74. Did stealer of Souls on hard (spoilers)
  75. disappointment
  76. Why r servers down today(Tuesday) ?
  77. Punished for the slackers
  78. Elite Enter the Kobald completion by CotT
  79. Valeria Sinderwind Missing From Korthos Village
  80. So it's that time...
  81. Its over, let go!
  82. How are we supposed to compete?
  83. I'll be taking my leave as well.
  84. Who plays mod 8?
  85. Reposted dissapointment
  86. See ya Ghallanda...for now
  87. Things you heard that can't be true(no names)
  88. returniing player
  89. Returning player looking for HELP
  90. Rupi is the equipment
  91. Fus man lonely
  92. Soooo...
  93. Whatever Happened to Bio's
  94. Movie One Liners. 80's-90's
  95. Drawn Back In
  96. Sorry Runs With Scissors
  97. Ghallanda needs a permadeath guild
  98. is it laggy, or is it just me?
  99. service issue
  100. THAC0 Leadership Change
  101. So 5 days left on account
  102. the resurrection of damaged inc
  103. Top Ten Trolls on Ghallanda
  104. iiiii'm dumb
  105. Happy Thanksgiving Ghallanda!
  106. Portland Oregon people
  107. All Rogue Shroud----Why not
  108. Anyone know
  109. Dread Looking for Guild
  110. ddo character planner questions
  111. Apologies
  112. Two Coming Back - Looking fo Best Match
  113. Alex coming to your neighborhood
  114. Souls Update (Recruiting)
  115. Hurrik LF Guild
  116. Looking for group/guild
  117. vod group last nite
  118. Festivult Pull today
  119. Proof!!!
  120. Valhalla Permadeath Guild Forming
  121. Tradeable +3 Dex Tome
  122. Tradeing for 13 black scales
  123. Downtime Explained!
  124. Roleplaying Guilds on Ghallanda
  125. What do you Drink, Ghallanda?
  126. Hit it.
  127. Login problems as of 6:21pm EST
  128. cross server trade
  129. A Hound of Xoriat Story
  130. First +4 Tome has dropped
  131. Grow-up People
  132. Happy Holidays from Angels of Death
  133. Happy Hunting Stormreach
  134. 108 Copper Coins in House K
  135. Happy Ghallanda Christmas from Eberron to Iraq!
  136. House D 108 Coppers 30 silver
  137. Evil = House J + Jester + Silver Coins
  138. House P 108 Coppers 30 Silver
  139. high five ghallanda
  140. players dc'ing on challanda
  141. A Thank you and a Plug for Valhalla
  142. LFM Stealer of Souls
  143. Best movies of 2008 are.......
  144. Happy New Year
  145. Just want to mention if anyone else...
  146. Looking for a guild
  147. Wobert's back
  148. 53 gold coins cashed in
  149. R.I.P. Borrigain
  150. lets talk about rage
  151. 310 silver coins cashed in
  152. I'm Still Irate
  153. Thanks for the Irian cakes!!
  154. greetings from a new player
  155. I Am Not A Plat Farmer!
  156. Those who can do, those who cant .....
  157. Elite Shroud
  158. Just Courious
  159. Sup Pot 6 Kama...
  160. Bye Bye
  161. Rhynn!
  162. Gimps Hate Ravensguard
  163. No DDO?? Survial tips welcome...
  164. Booted
  165. another +4 tome?
  166. Thank You Sabbat
  167. Fanatik, Rachna et. al
  168. Are the Servers Down Again?
  169. Thanks Katet
  170. poetry1
  171. Shroud Speed Run: Sign ups
  172. Static Permadeath Group TUESDAYS
  173. FINAL 2008 Festivult 82 Gold Coin Statistics
  174. FINAL 2008 Festivult 482 Silver Coin Statistics
  175. FINAL 2008 Festivult 2496 Copper Coin Statistics
  176. if you don't want someone or a class in your party
  177. Fun once, but let's not make it a habbit!
  178. Any VoD runs open?
  179. Plague - new guild
  180. Thanks to Sabbat !!!
  181. input welcom
  182. Paladin build advice
  183. Dragonmarks
  184. Any Interest? Been Done Yet?
  185. returning player looking for guild
  186. Sorry
  187. The NEW Rainbow in the dark ???
  188. Coming back to the game.
  189. Elite Shroud on Saturday 1/31 1pm EST
  190. ghallanda crashing?
  191. Congrats to Bronko on becoming a Canadian Sheriff!
  192. About the Hound and the discovery
  193. Making Ghallanda my 2nd server?
  194. Bah, i need advices again
  195. Layoffs
  196. To persons posting at the AH
  197. Servers
  198. *** down again?!?
  199. apologies to shroud group
  200. Tips
  201. Take it easy DDO'ers
  202. apologies to the shroud group i was in
  203. The Scourge Hath Returned.
  204. New to the Game and Learning
  205. Favor!! Ghallanda - Please assist :)
  206. The Jonythunders Expierence!
  207. Wow!!
  208. Leaving DDO, had a great time but moving on
  209. Raid Guilds
  210. Items named after Ghallanda players (stolen idea from khyber & Sarlona)
  211. Where the hell is
  212. Congrats to whoever is pulling good loot
  213. Att:: Smoking Hot Elf Chicks!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  214. Newbish questions that need answering
  215. Ghallanda server complaint
  216. Cripes!
  217. shroud speed run last minute get-to-gether
  218. Old DDO Player Returning
  219. Live auction time again.
  220. Ahhhhhhh...I <3 you guys!!!
  221. New guild!!!!!
  222. Looking for a Guild or Leveling Buddy
  223. DDO Birthday contest. Please Read Ghallandians
  224. Not related, but wanted to share....
  225. All bard Shroud
  226. Congrats Peechie!!! Somkin Hot Elf Chick winner
  227. ISO Bloodrage Symbiont
  228. Argh!!
  229. to all the women players out here!
  230. Servers crashing again
  231. Jaerlach's Great Crossbow Build Contest-Extravaganza!
  232. I've come back...again!
  233. GJ on the PUG hound tonight guys
  234. Merge It Merge It Merge It Merge It Merge It V2
  235. Favor gathering
  236. Ladies' Shroud - Monday, Mar. 9, 9pm CST
  237. Any interest in another PvP tournament Ghallanda?
  238. Sorry to Shroud elite
  239. just wanted to say thanks to a group
  240. Elite Shrouds
  241. 1337 rolling
  242. Long Live FERNIA!!
  243. Thank you thac0
  244. Thank you KaTet V2
  245. Peace to Graveman
  246. LOOK it has to be said, sry Ghallanda..
  247. Val on forums - themed Shroud
  248. Juice and NHrs
  249. The Waterworks Gauntlet
  250. Raid Chests and Greater Teleport