View Full Version : Ghallanda
Pages :
- Return of Vyrtigo
- In Game Support???
- They dont exist.
- Monday Static Group Looking for Members
- Thinking of playing again, state of the server?
- Abbot
- Anyone interested in a competition?
- ***Public Notice***
- Live auctions in house d vendor 8am PST
- ***Blacklisting: Tool or weapon?***
- damaged inc looking for new members
- Relics
- DDO newb (and AD&D nut) looking for guild for max gaming enjoyment...
- 6 Man the Shroud
- Im looking for roleplayers
- Proof
- Recruiting for warforged only guild called WARFORGED UNION
- Yay me!
- Shroud help...
- Dragon Run
- Look at the Post
- Guess where?
- Hthyuo has left the building
- Anyone out there??? Viva La Fernia!
- Accelerando
- Caster challenge...
- New/Old player back
- Stormreach Academy
- More new players means more bad PUGs for a while?
- Ghallanda and PUGS
- Smatt and Wobert have a little bet going!
- Rogue's Guild
- Old player back
- im just wondering....
- Starting A Wf Only Guild On Ghallanda
- Multiclass Bard/Wizard/Cleric Build Guild
- Looking for adult guild or players
- A Flash of Light......Rakdos the Ancient...has returned!!!
- looking for Mature, good sized guild
- Well.......It has been a blast!
- PUG Casters in Shroud
- Battle Caster Shroud Run
- Would a wonderful person on Ghallanda give me some plat please.
- Modiusz's Final Leap off the Vista
- looking for new guild
- broken gear...
- Khyber Dragonshards Needed
- Hey all
- Monk vs AOC?
- BigPete needs a home babay!!!
- East coast static group looking for a rogue
- For the record
- Mask of the Archmagi (non-raid)
- Checking Interest: Onebie PvP
- => Guilde Francophone En Recrutement<=
- Impressed
- Fun run last night Exodus
- All Your Vendor Trash Are Belong To Us
- dumb quotes
- Kilvorions Uber WF fighter barb build(feel free to critique!)
- Epic team questings
- I'm looking for a guild
- Looking for an Elite Shroud Run
- Another Grateful Thread
- Just a word of thanks
- Looking for a new guild or others
- So y'all around
- What's wrong with the harbor?
- Starting A New Monk Guild
- to my stk group last night
- Hey Everyone In Dma
- Lookin fer group
- Looking for a more active guild
- Need Good Guild
- Bens Back
- when do sorcerers get new spells
- Monk-only Guild for Mod 7 Release
- Scourge Choker
- Question about MONKS
- Alehouse Monestary
- New Guild in Ghallanda
- KaTeT
- Negative ghostrider, the pattern is full.
- Dam Raid Lott
- An W+P Dagger for 2 Vorpals?
- Hello Ghallanda
- Gratz Rakdos on finally getting SOS!!
- I am looking to start a Permadeath guild on Ghallanda
- The Ghallanda Permadeth Guild is recruiting
- WF Sorc looking for guild
- KaTet Members looking for a DM
- New chat channels thread
- Mod 7 Raid Challenge
- Lfg
- So, when is the release date?
- quick completion(solo play..) ddo korea ....
- Wow, I'm back...SO many changes...
- When are they ever going to fix the servers?
- Canceling accounts
- Thud!!!!
- Can I get a second opinion.......
- Apologies to Reaver guys last night
- Sorry Mrs. Barb in Reaver
- Its time to put your -blank- in the dirt Neil Patrick Harris
- Calling out you DM's
- Static Group Seeks Two More!
- Am I wrong
- My last thread
- For all those I offended
- I LOVE Mod 7
- New global user channels
- Ghallanda FTW
- First place!
- Focus on...
- Quick word about the shroud
- Thelanis scared? Why troll our Forum?
- Ghallanda Thelanis
- Shroud run?
- Servers back online!
- Not done with the dragon yet?
- Queen is down.
- Titan Down
- Dragon Done!
- Does Stability work with Lawful Neutral
- Thelanis won
- Good Times
- New Raid
- Looking for the Character named: Rhade
- First raid done
- Another Devil Down.
- A Bard's Cloak
- A real tip o' the hat
- Loaned Dwarven Axe
- Thanks!
- New Ranger Loot - Abbot
- A thanks to Exodus
- New Chat Channel- LFM (also Raids, Trades, and others possible)
- more pug fun
- Finally thinking about joining a guild
- Hello Ghallanda
- A Vision of Destruction Cake Walk - PUG
- Elite Hound Run Forming
- Screenshots Thread
- Exodus Defeats Abbot on Elite!
- Conundrum
- Unbeleivable
- T's Abbot runs
- Elite devil run!
- Bye Bye
- Foggy hound
- Fastest Running Speed?
- i need help
- The secrets out on Abbot
- Returning Player
- Dear Nagol
- New Guild: DDO Latino
- Where Is Dude's Head!
- I'll be right back...ffffff
- Thanks for the good times
- crippling strike
- Unofficial VoD entry fee
- My Appologies to Ghallanda
- Strategy Discussion for VoD Pugging.
- Favor for everybody!!!
- Kudos to Katet
- 4man VOD
- Thanks for the WoP
- PSA from Ransacked: Filtered Chat
- Looking for french or qc player
- Giant Caves and South Threnal
- Looking for a guild
- NWN 2 Bugged out GARBAGE
- Tyvm Katet !
- Hi++++++++++++++++
- My +2Dex for your +2Str, +2Con or +2Int
- Looking for guild
- Fast/Exp Group
- DDO Noob
- My apologies to KaTet and my fellow guildies
- Les Seigneurs De Karrnath Recrutent Sur Ghallanda
- I'm Back
- A thanks to Ghallanda
- Any guilds with *ahem* older players?
- Alas, I need a new guild.
- Going away PvP party
- 3-men Shroud!!!
- well its time
- Thanks, Exodus?
- Been awhile ...
- Microphone Antics
- Trade
- New Leader
- Looking for Guild
- Looking for a new guild
- +2 wounding light pick of puncturing
- Knights of Myth Drannor Recruitment page
- Apologies to Desert Loot Raid Group
- Ruining the Marketplace :)
- Tanking Question
- Clericless Pit Fiend
- DDO Items Database
- => Les Seigneurs de Karrnath s`agrandissent sur Ghallanda <=
- Guildlife State of the Guild for DDO Survey
- : )
- Looking for a guild
- Question
- Thinking of quitting
- Over 1,524,000 Spam reports and counting
- Sharing the love
- Cant login
- Hello friends...
- Sorry was afk
- The Nameless
- Sorry for Bailing Group on TR
- More Etiquette Questions
- Intimidate Skill
- Devv's Hagglemart
- Thanks and update to shroud 1-completion...errr part3 yesterday
- 2-men VOD completions
- Taking a break
- This is only a test
- Where is the Ghallanda trade channel?
- What's the best thing you ever found on a Vendor?
- Fernia/Epic Guildies
- Why is it that no one wants to group on this server
- Gamer looking for a guild
- This Is NOT A TEST!!!!!
- Hey Jerkky!
- Sad
- Katet has been challeneged.
- come back or play WAR/AoC?
- warhammer opinion.
- New & Returning Player Mentor Program
- MWO-bitcomet
- Any guilds out there recruiting?
- So I finally broke down and did it
- looking for a titan group
- ingrediant(or is it ingredient):) swap
- Kaket?
- Need shield pieces 1 and 3
- ABBOT Month.
- just have to say.....THANK YOU!!
- Does this link works?
- Stop inviting me!
- need help runnin Inferno on leet
- guild searching
- Back
- Guild
- Bards Vs Paladins!
- Apologies to the TS group (9/14)
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