View Full Version : Ghallanda
Pages :
- Guardians of Honor’s Roll-to-Win event!
- Dar is coming back!
- Looking to trade for cards on Khyber
- Titan Awakes Raid scheduling
- Guardians of Honor’s Roll-to-Win event!
- WTT: Ghallanda card X for Cannith card X
- Social
- Server full issue again (April 6, 2014)
- stuck at "getting in line to connect" 08/04/2014
- Proposal For Standardized Capture the flag Guild Vs Guild events
- No post in 2 days?
- TR Group
- Welcome Ira to the Ghallanda server.
- Mule’s Journey
- Wow...The server is even dead on the forums
- Looking for a Group to quest with!
- 3rd GoH Roll-to-Win event
- 24 hour tr's
- dissapionted with guild
- Where my hoes at?
- Gratz to Ravensgaurd(sp?)
- Ohla
- Ghallanda gamers directory for PUGs
- Unable to Log on Ghallandra
- Anyone willing to help out? :D
- Morgion/Accursed/Tinyfoot
- G-Land Lag
- Congrats
- Ghallandra is down?
- Lr +1 +2 +3 +20 help!!!!!!!
- Anyone Back In G-Land Yet?
- Welcome Anoob to Ghallanda
- LAg Anyone?
- cant get in.
- new completionist
- Mark of Death group Saturday
- Is Ghallandra dead?
- EE MoD time
- Stuck on "cleaning up old connection"
- Anyone have Drow Hunter's Armor?
- Sunday 2pm UCT EE raids pick up group.
- Powerleveling from 8 to 20
- Request a melee artificers build
- Ghallanda Holiday Event!
- Are new players looking for people to group with?
- Logon Server Full
- Circle of Night Public Raiding this weekend!
- Group of 4 looking for help with specific Raids
- $1 a month will raise money towards a new hamster for the ddo staff!
- Where oh where could you be!?!
- Some Helpful Holiday Spirit
- Happy Holidays from Ghallanda ReRolled
- Showing respect your fellow player
- WTT Heroic Otto's Box For TP Code
- Epic Level Artificer
- Happy 2015
- SHROUDPALOOZA Visits G-Land on January 10th!
- Official Ghallanda Steam Group
- Something for the community to consider
- First Khyber now Ghallanda
- Full Heroic Otto's Box Up For Trade
- Its been fun G-Land
- Looking for a +1 lesser heart of wood
- Welcome Pandomonium to Ghallanda!
- Welcome Jargandal to Ghallanda
- cant log in
- Thank you is enough, really
- Looking at return
- Epic Completionist
- Raids + Pugs = YAY or NAY?
- last year's cards.....
- Looking for a new guild
- Lost Mote AH/ASE Prices
- Lock Up Lag?
- Tomb of the Cursed Titan
- Building the character - not only in game, but also i writings :)
- Ghallanda Down 6:52 central time
- Ghallanda Down 5.24 CET
- Ghalanda is down
- Ghallanda Down 4-11 12:26 EDT
- Ghallanda is Down
- Server down (again.)
- Our server is down and has been for hours, what is your problem?!
- Heroic Abbot
- Ghallanda down again, yay!
- G-Land Down Agian!!!
- G-Land Down Again
- And...Ghallanda going down again.
- Please let Turbine and WB Games know how unhappy you are with G-land down AGAIN!
- There goes the server again
- down again
- Yet again! another server drop
- Ghallanda down! AGAIN!
- Why exactly didn't you open up our server?
- dying the slow death
- .....
- So much for the hotfix - server down again
- Ghallanda issues
- Legends of Erath look here please!
- Ghallanda down again!
- Sarlona
- G-land down again for maintenence...
- Planewalking from G-land to...
- Thanks Turbine
- Last night's heroic Chrono
- Anyone know Benlootin?
- This is the end?
- Crashed
- And we have another Ghallanda crash.
- free transfers?
- 100 Things to Do Besides Playing on Ghallanda Today...
- So Can I Come Back Yet?
- Iso end game raids
- ToEE Runs... All Day Today
- Ghallanda went BOOM again
- Really, crashed, again?
- G-Land down.. Again... sigh
- I want a free toon transfer!
- G-Land back up.. But for how long?
- Twice in 2hrs huh... alright
- So, now they've gone and started taking down the server ubruptly themselves...
- Looking for familiar faces
- 60-01 just me or G-land down ?
- 1 (855) 924-2637 - Got some time? I know I do....
- A thank you message to Hiponic...
- Enough is enough. Turbine, we need an answer. Is Ghallanda Dead or Alive?
- Fix your servers Turbine, we pay money for this JUNK.
- looks like were down again
- profit vs loss
- on a positive note
- Ode to Ghallanda
- Server wide trade channel for Ghallanda
- Unbelieveable server lag
- For those with us on that EE TotD run last night
- Baypath's lives:
- more g-land lag today?
- Ghallanda down AGAIN ?
- Is it normal?
- DDO Raid Quiz - Prizes! Trivia! Fun!
- Hoi. Been a while...
- Might Change To This Server
- EE Defiler on Gland!
- LoB or FoT or... um... MA
- Any old school ravensguard players still around?
- Ghallandown ???
- Second Annual Ghallanda Holiday Event!
- EE Raid Stuff
- When is the official release date of u29?
- Most Hilarious Item Pulled Before The Game Collapsed Like A Dying Star
- Thanks everyone for a fun 6 years.
- Ghallanda restarted an hour ago for performance issues, still closed 1 hour later
- Lag on Ghallanda?
- Cant get back in
- This server
- Sorry about naming poeple
- The Case of the non appearing recipe.
- 54 54 54 54 54 54 54
- In docent question
- LE Tempest Spine
- Terrible lag and now unable to log back in
- Monday Marauders 2016 group - 2 spots open
- Hello Peeps!
- DDO lag getting out of hand again
- Any Active Rper's or RP Guilds that do stuff still on Ghallandra?
- Fernia>>Ghallanda...Philo
- Looking for a new guild
- A voice from the past...
- Budstein's Great Give-Away
- Proposed rebuild of character I love playing, but just isn't DPS enough
- List of Descriptor Words on Items
- First Ever TR, comments or ideas appreciated
- Considering getting back in.
- WTB/WTT Heroic TOEE Armor
- LVL20 Raids with Captain's Crew
- Returning player
- Sever down
- Stuck on loading screen when logging in
- Is it me or is the server a little dead?
- Server Lag is getting royally stupid
- Possible Druid
- Welcome Hillarie-1 to Ghallanda.
- Thunderholme lag
- TeamSpeak 3 for Ghallanda players
- Streaming Reaper on Twitch
- The GOLDEN DRAGON. Tyrs Tavern Monthly. First Edition.
- Ascension Chamber raid - weekly late night run (Ghallanda Sunday 2am est)
- New player seek a guild !
- Against the Demon Queen - 4 EST
- The GOLDEN DRAGON. Tyrs Tavern Monthly. March 2017 Edition.
- Weekly Raid
- ascension chamber heroic training raid - wednesdays ~7pm est
- Later All
- Communauté francophone de Ghallada regroupez vous! (logiciel gratuit avec chan vocal)
- ghallanda - twilight forge/titan awakes raid - monday 4/24/17 3-5pm est
- ghallanda - weekly twilight forge/titan awakes raid - wednesdays 9pm est
- ghallanda - weekly heroic abbot raid (reaper difficulty) - Mondays 7pm est
- Helter Skelter Plans Friday Night Raiding
- ghallanda - weekly twilight forge/titan awakes raid - wed 9pm est + saturday 11pm est
- heroic Ascension Chamber raids - twice a week: Tuesdays 10pm est + Saturdays 12am est
- Ghallanda Auction House sale
- ghallanda - hephaestas' forge: CANNITH raids thursdays 9pm est
- ghallanda - heroic abbot raid (reaper difficulty) - Sunday late late night
- ghallanda - hephaestas' forge: CANNITH raids *WEDNESDAYS* ~10pm est (change of day)
- Afternoon lagfest
- Ghallanda Represent
- Fire on Thunder Peak. and Temple of the Deathwyrm open raids?
- Deathwyrm/FoTP raid Black Friday 24 November 7PM CST
- Fire on Thunder Peak. and Temple of the Deathwyrm
- Teamspeak or Discord
- Unlimited Protection to Baudry's Interests
- Static multi racial and other TR group
- Looking to Schedule a CitW R1
- Toons in banks stuck!
- looking for rare arcane scrolls
- Ghallanda Guild Leaders United
- Solo LN Strahd Raid (fail) Unsinful-1 of Omnipresence
- Returning ,again
- Ghallanda, ooh na-na
- End Game Raiding
- ghallanda - heroic abbot raid (reaper difficulty)
- Looking for a static group
- Notice: Funeral services for Captain's Crew 2018-03-09
- Transferring Server
- Gland, 3barrel cove questing
- Can't log into GLand.
- Ghallanda Server (Unable to Login)
- Ghallanda Perma Death Group / Guild
- Super Huge Cartoons
- Back on Ghallanda
- Melee only R1 Shrahd - tonight 7:30ish Eastern time
- heroic abbot raids ~9pm est TUES/SAT
- Are you happy with your guild?
- Danskerne
- Planning Killing Time raid tonight Tues 10-9-18 9 Pacific/12 Eastern
- LFM or LFG for Killing Time Raid
- Thursday oct 11 8pm CET - Baba, KT and maybe more pug raids
- Oct. 27, 2018 Zombie Apocalypse
- October 23, 2018, 23:35 Central Time - Server Lag unplayable
- Sorry I had to pause mid quest but that phone call was kinda important
- Merry stinking christmas!
- Dansker raids
- Looking for some company
- Returning
- Legendary Shroud runs
- Legendary Shroud tonight 9PM EDT-- Lets do it!
- The Wild & Crazy Time "Who Knows If We'll Be Online" Dirty Legendary Shroud Run!!!
- Titan Raid Run
- Finally got my semi flower sniffer to Completionist
- Searching for people
- Circle of night recruiting!
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