- Obsessed with handwraps
- 2 LDS for shocking/holy burst Warhammer of Stun +10
- Icy burst kits for sale / trade
- WTT Twisted Talisman Scroll
- WTTF Holy/Anarchic Handwraps of GCB
- WTT/WTS List
- Scrolls: My Gloves of the Claw for your Charged Gauntlets
- +1 W/P Longbow For Sale?
- WTT Ring of Spell Storing for Bloodstone.
- Buying coins
- Need Scroll of the Shadow Sword.
- Some scrolls
- Price Check: Scroll of the Souleater
- WTB handwraps
- Everything Icy
- hob claus!
- wtb scrolls
- Scrolls for Trade
- WTT chaosblade scroll for marilith chain scroll
- My 5 FRDS's for your envenomed cloak scroll
- Ring of Spell Storing vs. Bloodstone
- WTT +3 Greater Heart of Wood
- Scrolls for trade
- WTS Bloodstone AND spectral gloves
- Lf any + Twilight Mithral light armor of Command
- Looking for gloves of the claw scroll
- +3 unbound dex tome for trade.
- pale lavendor ioun stone up for trade
- Wtt/wtb...lds?
- WTB +5 shocking burst falchion of pure good
- Looking for a devil beater
- +1 W/E khopesh w/Icy Burst rr Horc lv.8 for trade
- Infested Armor Scroll and Ioun Stone
- WTS +3 greater heart of wood
- Trading For MC Scroll (with a twist)
- WTS my gloves of the claw scroll
- WTT for marilith chain scroll
- WTD-Spectral gloves scroll
- Looking for Vibrant Purple Ion stone with supressed power
- WTT/WTS Scroll of the Souleater
- 42 Complete Sets of Abishai Cookies For Sale
- WTT Pale Lavender Ioun Stone
- ISO robe of the diabolist
- WTT for DOD
- Greensteel Swap
- my large ingredients for your red scales
- torc scroll
- dod
- WTT Scroll of the Ring of Spell Storing
- WTT Scroll of the staff of Nat Gann
- WTT Scroll of Helm of Frost
- WTT Scroll of Hellstroke Greataxe
- WTB gloves of the claw scroll
- WTT my scroll of the demon scale armor
- Price check on two items
- SoS scroll for Gloves of the claw
- my turn
- WTT Scroll BotC for scroll of GotC
- WTS robe of diabloist scroll
- I got what you want...
- Pricecheck +3 GHW
- Scoob's trade thread
- LF Ring - Cinder's Dance
- WTB : SOS scroll
- WTT for gem of many facets scroll
- Price Check- Superior Impact 4 Clicky
- I want to rip you off for my cloak scroll!
- GS Goggles- WTT for another piece of GS
- WTS Gloves of the Claw Scroll
- ISO Scroll of Bracers of the Claw
- WTT Scroll of Hellfire Crossbow
- LTT my 9 FRDS' for your Envenomed Cloak Scroll!
- Spectral gloves
- Chrono scrolls for trade
- Looking for 25 Blue or Black Dragonscales
- need white dragon sclaes
- Scrolls/Items in need
- My GS Goggles or Bow for your GS Bracers
- Need Shocking Burst Pure Good
- WTS Icey burst kits.
- WTT surplus Chrono/claw scrolls for blue scales
- WTS my vibrant purple ioun stone with suppressed power
- WTS icy burst kits
- Scrolls for Trade
- Trading lots o' stuff for Charged Gauntlets Scroll
- WTB Epic Scrolls
- WTT Icy burst kit for access to your altar of devastation
- Wtb Frds
- WTS chaosblade scroll
- A Few Trades
- WTT Spectral Gloves and 1 Large Devil Scale
- Selling +3 Greater Heart of Wood
- WTS another vibrant purple ioun stone
- Scrolls for sale
- Epic von scrolls for trade.
- WTB Pale Lavender Ioun Stone (with Supressed Power)
- LF Shining Crest of St. Markus scroll
- Lesser and Greater Hearts of Wood
- WTS docent of defiance
- WTTS one Incandescent Blue Ioun Stone
- Trading :3 icy burst kits, 2 Large Devil Scales, 3000 motes of winter
- WTS +@ Tomes
- For Trade
- WTT: Non Exploit Icy Burst Kits, 1Glaciation Kit and various other mats
- Scroll 2 for 1 will trade my robe of diabolist and goggles of time sensing
- *trade List*
- WTB SoS Scroll
- Greensteel swap
- need some scales
- wtb spectral gloves scroll
- W*** Charged Gauntlets Scroll
- WTB/WTT for DoD and Pale Lavendar Ioun Stone
- Items ISO
- WTT Gem of Many Facets Scroll
- +1 Paralyzing Densewood Qstaff of Stunning 10 rr halfling
- Heavy pick for sale/trade
- WTB Bloodstone
- WTS pale lavandor ioun stone
- WTS Green Steel Helm and Large Devil Scale
- WTT Robe of the Diabolist scroll
- WTT Largs DS for your Obscene # of Medium Ingredients
- WTS some chrono scrolls
- LTB Vibrant Purple Ioun Stone (with supressed power)
- WTB Scroll of the Bracers of the Claw
- WTB "Scroll of Gloves of the Claw"
- Looking to trade +1 tomes
- Wts Frds
- 1 LDS for each:
- Looking for Few Scrolls
- Looking for Atonement
- WTB +1 or +3 lesser heart of wood
- Wtt Frds
- WTB/T for envenom claok scroll
- Cross server plat trade
- WTB/WTTF Spectral Gloves
- WTT for FRDS
- Wts scorched bracers scroll
- Wtb scroll of the docent of the diabolist
- Scrolls for Trade
- WTT for larges
- WTS: vicious handwraps of stunning +10 / staff of stunning +10
- WTB Handwraps with +10 stunning and another decent effect
- WTB Staff Of Arcane Power Scroll.
- WTS/WTT Holy Handwraps of stunning 8/10
- WTS/WTT Vibrant Purple Ioun Stone with suppressed power
- One of my favorite Icy Bursted Weapons!
- Khyber plat trade?
- WTB/T Scroched bracers scroll
- WTB Blue Scales with FRDS and plat.
- WTS: Bloodstone and Firestorms
- WTS/WTT Boot of corrision scroll
- I have your Bracers of the Claw scroll...
- Chaosblade Scroll for Trade
- Couple of nice lowbie weapons
- WTS/WTT +3 great heart wood
- WTS Dusty Rose Prism Ioun Stone
- WTS - +4 Anarchic Q Staff of GCB
- wtb blue dragon scales
- LTTF/LTB Handwraps seeker/stunning +!0
- Price Check
- Looking to buy GS kopeh blancs
- WTS scroll of the boots of corrosion
- Spectral gloves scroll
- Buying GS Khopesh Blanks
- WTB +5 Mith FP
- Spec gloves!
- PC: Scroll of Chimera's Fang
- WTS/WTT 9x Blue Dragonscales
- WTT FRDS for Belt of the Mroranon scroll
- Price Check: Docent of Blood
- WTB +1 Lesser Heart
- Superior Impact IV Clickie for Sale
- Looking for gloves of the claw scroll
- Wtt scroll of charged gauntlets for scoll of gloves of the claw
- WTT Lowbie (Icy Bursted) weaps
- Lowbie Handwraps Swap
- WTTF +3 Lesser Hearts
- looking for red scales and tome pages
- Sani's Shop
- WTB Scroll of Phiarlin Mirror Cloak.
- WTS - Pale Lavender Ioun Stone w/ suppressed power
- Scarlet and Blue Ioun Stone w/suppressed power
- WTT Ring of Venom Scroll
- Trading +3 Holy Silver Greatsword of Greater Evil Outsider Bane
- looking for spectral gloves scroll
- WTT Bracers of the Claw scroll for Chaosblade scroll
- WTB Pale lavender Ioun stone.
- looking for 2 scrolls
- Trading +1 Icy Burst Handwraps of Stunning +10, RR Human or Half Elf, Minimum Level 8
- Price Check Paralyzing Stunning Wraps
- Looking for SOS scroll
- Wttf Frds
- Spell Pen Khopesh
- WTT Torc Scroll for Envenomed Cloak Scroll
- WTB WTT For Envenomed Cloak Scroll
- Looking to trade MY LDS for YOUR +3 Heart
- Pile of Red Fens Scrolls and Some Others Looking for a Home
- +5holy burst handwraps of lesser chaotic outsider bane pricecheck
- WTT/WTS Scorched bracer's scroll
- Me want u 2x +3 Lesser Hearts
- WTS: Repeaters (Met of PG + others) & vorpal throwing axe
- WTT Scrolls for FRDS
- Short sword + 5 - price check
- pricecheck greater heart of wood +3
- WTB Scourge Choker
- Scrolls for Sale/Trade
- My FRDS for your LDS
- Need staff of inner sight base item.
- 5 FRDS for ur staff of arcane power scroll
- WTS Bloodstone
- Handwraps for sale
- WTT for Scrolls
- WTT multiple Bones/Arrows for your stones
- Trading Scrolls
- Price check on +1 Lesser heart of wood
- icey kits for blood/keepsake
- WTT Scroll Of Elyd Edge For...
- Looking for scroll of the Torc
- WTS: Large Stones, Arrowheads, Chains, Bones, Shrapnels
- Black Dragonscales for Trade
- WTB/WTT4 SoS Scroll
- Scroll Prices/ Rarity. How do you know?
- I need +1 Handwraps of Stunning +10, RR Warforged
- +1/+2 Tomes - Trading for Black Dragonscales
- WTS/WTT scroll of Belt of the Mroranon
- WTT Greenblade Scroll
- WTT/WTS 2 Scrolls
- WTB Lesser heart of wood.
- WTB Lesser heart of wood.
- Beholder Optic Nerves
- icy kits/sup glac 8 kits
- Looking for Belt of Thoughtful Rememberance
- WTB a scroll of scroll Charged Gauntlets or pale lavander stone
- Trading frds for large scales
- WTS scrolls and a Pale Lavender ioun stone
- A Few Trades
- For Trade: Full set of +2 Tomes
- WTT +5 Elven Chainmail and +2 WoP Dagger
- Looking for Staff of the Seer
- looking for scroll of charged gaunlets
- WTB Greater Heart of Wood
- Trade SOS Scroll For Staff Of Arcane Power Scroll
- WTT/WTS +1 Lesser heart of wood
- WTT larges for black scales
- Nicks Spare Scroll Shop
- 4x Maiming rocksplitters and 1x vampiric wraps for trade.
- Scroll of the Envenomed Cloak for sale / trade
- WTB : medium eberron fragments
- WTB scroll of Marilith Chain
- WTB : white dragon scales