- offering bloodstone + 2 large scales 4 docent of defiance
- In search of Superior Potency VI or Greater Potency VII ring!
- WTB +2 Dex Tome
- 4 large scales for firestone greaves
- WTS/WTT +3 Transmuting Quaterstaff of Greater Evil Outsider Bane
- WTT Red Taper for Travail
- Cha item
- WTT: Need greensteel cloak and belt
- Wtb +3 W/p Da
- Robe of the Magi
- GS Blanks for Lg. Scales
- Looking for an Atonement
- Willing to Give Away +1 vicious bastard sword of backstabbing.
- Trading a +2 STR tome
- Paralizing Rapier of Puncturing
- LTT: 2 x Wounding Light Pick of Puncturing
- Need +2 cha tome
- Cloak of Curses (named item)
- Cloak of Curses (named item)
- Smallbank of Taylormade (all level gear shop)
- WTT +2 Banishing Rapier of tendon slice
- LTT +2 Con Tome...
- LTS +1 W/P Heavy Repeater
- Transmuter swap
- Iso +5 Mfp
- WTB Beholder optics
- Looking for +2 con, and +2 str tome
- LTT +2 Dex Tome for Large Scale....
- LTT: +2 Wounding Kukri of Enfeebling
- uuuuh...
- Wanted: +X Banishing Rapier of Deception
- +1 Acid Quarter Staff of Disruption
- +2 Dex and Wis Tomes for trade
- WTB: Large Sulfurous Stones
- LTT/LTS +4 Vorpal Kama, RR Human, ML 14
- ISO Large Stones
- Scourge choker for trade
- Trading +2 Tomes for L.Scales/Stones
- Royal Gaurd mask for trade
- LTT +2 Wisdom and +2 Charisma
- WTT Paralyzing shortsword of puncturing
- +1 Keen Kukri of Smiting
- Wtb +3 W/p Da
- WTT +4 Wounding
- "WTB" Docent of Defiance
- Looking for Greater Potency VII Helm
- WTT GTR undead bane
- Looking for help
- WTT Large Shrap for Scales & Stones
- Looking for Blood Stone
- Large Scales/other item/plat for Khopeshes
- Freshly pulled: +1 Longbow of Punctering
- fresh bloodstone
- WTT Large Scale
- +1 loot my @#$
- WTS W/P Heavy Repeater and W/P Long Bow
- +2 Tomes
- Please send arrows to Goewyn
- Who evers got the RR smiting Semi on the AH
- Buying Lg Scales; Lg Stones; FS Greaves . . .
- uuuhhhh docent of defiance
- Robe of the Magi-LoTD WTT/For sale
- LTT Large Gem Bag
- +2 Wisdom Tome for Large Devil Scale
- Full tome set and more trading for Larges
- My +2 dex tome for your large scale
- WTT Scale and stones for +2 tomes
- WTS Docent of Defiance
- Looking for weakening/enfeebling rapier...
- Docent Of Defiance and Scourged Choker for sale
- Looking for Kardin's Eye
- ISO WP Rapiers
- Will to trade w/p items for large
- another DoD and a few more things
- +2 Wis Tome
- blue dragon scales
- looking for 25 blue dragon scales
- Wanted: Major Mnemonic Potions
- looking for armor 8 bracers
- Lithic's Tradelist
- Wiz VII helm for trade... Seeking W/E rapier
- PC on Greater Potency VII sickle
- WTT +6 wis hats...need RR halfling
- hobs gift to argo
- Osiris's Arsenal
- Osiris's Arsenal
- LTT: Cloak of Ice
- blue scales
- What'd a DoD cost me?
- Anyone want to swap a devil scale for a +2 str tome?
- iso couple items
- In need of some large materials
- ISO rings of the djiin
- WTT greensteel blank cloak for......
- Looking for +2 int tome
- Price Check...
- Looking for +2 str and +2 con tome
- LTB Devotion 6 or 7 Item
- w/p rapier
- looking for tome pages 1 and /or2
- docent of defiance for trade
- sup pot 6 sickle/armor 7 bracers
- WTB +2 Con tome
- Looking for W/P rapiers
- Looking for +2 int tome
- +2 Con Tome for Large Devil Scale.......
- large scale for tome page 2
- due to a lack.
- Looking for a specific weapon
- Have Large Scale x 2, need +2 Con tome x 2
- L. devil scales and stones
- 2x +2 wisdom tomes for 1 large scale apiece.
- Some items for trade.. looking for a tome swap
- Items available
- weps fpr sale pr trade
- +2 int tome
- Price check W/E SS
- LTB: Seeker/Puncture Rapier
- Free Blue Scales!
- Full set of Shield Pieces
- Looking for some +2 int tomes!
- WTS +2 char tome for 275kpp OBO
- WTT scourge choker
- Trading full set of +2 Tomes
- LTT Greaves...
- Looking for vorpal DA of PG
- LTT large arrowheads
- Fresh Jinx's Vexation
- LTT +2 Wis Tome for +2 Dex
- WTB or trade for Jorgundal's Collar
- Entertaining offers on a +2 WoP Rapier
- trading a CON tome
- 2 wounding of puncturing daggers - offers??
- +3 WoP Composite Longbow
- WTT Devil Scale
- Price Check on Resistance +5 Cloak
- Plat for Large Arrowheads and Stones
- Lttf Firestorm Greaves
- Selling a Scorge Choker
- tome page 2
- For Sale: 2x Wounding Punctering Shortswords
- LTT/LTS plus 5 Resistance ring rr dwarf
- WTT: +2 Tomes
- need (4) vorpal of pure good Kukri's
- Looking for...
- LTB Vorpal Sickle any lvl rr ok
- Looking for Maladroit/Bonebreaking Weapons
- WTS +5 seeker dagger of Punturing
- LTT: Royal Guard Mask
- ISO 25 black dragon scales
- WTT +1 Banishing rapier of enfeebling
- LTS: RG Mask (Royal Guard Mask)
- LTT +2 Int Tome
- banisching rapier of pucturin
- LTT: for a set of Spectral Gloves
- sellin repeater
- Stuff for Sale
- ISO Globe of Imperial Blood
- price check on para rapier of punct, and W/P rapier
- +2 tomes
- LTT docent of defiance
- looking for kopeshes
- Need divine power clickys
- ltt: Bloodstone
- Anyone want to trade a large devil scale for a +2 dex tome?
- LTT trade +2 CHA tome
- ISO: 2 Maladroit/Bonebreaking Warhammer
- Greensteel Blanks for Large Ingredients or Plat
- looking for mage gear,
- Trading Large Scales for +2 Tomes!
- Looking For Off Hand Smiters
- Intimidate +15 Ring for trade
- Wanna trade?
- LTT Scales for +2 tomes
- LTT: +2 Tomes
- My **** for trade or sell
- Looking for a Royal Gaurd mask
- Trading Firestorm Greaves...
- WTB Bloodstone
- Need a Malestrom
- Need +2 Str Tome
- SPOON!! for sale/bow trade
- WTB or WTTF Bloodstone
- LTT Blue Scales
- +2 char tome for +2 con tome
- LTB Tome page
- price check on khopesh
- Looking for Bloodstone!
- WTB: 100 DD Scrolls
- Looking for some bows
- Searching for
- WTS/WTT 100dd scrolls
- WTS> +4 Transmuting Longbow of GEO Bane
- My +2 charisma tome for your large scale
- Tradeing My +15 Intimidate Helm
- Looking for low level monk stuff
- Large Glowing Arrowhead
- WTT 1 Large Scale for a Concentration+15 Ring
- Trading for +2 tomes
- Looking for +2 Dex or Con Tome
- Paying 7 K PP for +1 Con and +1 Dex Tome
- +3 banishing rapier
- LF Teleport Mask
- LTT an Electric Haze
- +8 armor bracers for trade.
- +2 int tome for trade
- LTT +8 ac bracers human for Elf/drow
- WTB Cloak of Ice 450kpp & Atonement 350kpp
- LTT +8 ac bracers human or dwarf for elf/drow set
- Need +2 Tomes (Making GS)
- LTT Firestorm Greaves
- WTT/WTB +1 Strength Tome
- LLT my +5 mith breast plate for your +2 int tome
- need +2 dex tome
- LTB Atonement (450Kpp)
- L.F. Superior potency VI kama
- WTB holy silver Scimatar
- Looking for +2 Int-Tome offering 2 Large Scales
- WTT +15 intimidate ring
- Looking for Chaosgarde
- Iso Nice handwraps and RR warforged monk gear
- WTT Firestorm Greaves
- WTB Bloodstone!
- Iso Glistening pebbles X1
- Looking for major mem pots
- LTT Kardin's Eye
- Cloudkill, D Door and Firewall Scrolls
- +3 flaming burst wraps of weighted 4% ML 16
- Any interest? +5 Lesser acid Guard Elven(mithral) Chainmail of Hammerblockl)
- WTB Atonement, 450k pp.
- WTS - Royal Mask
- ISO Lotd Tome pages
- Anyone have White dragon scales?
- Looking for
- LTT: +5 heavy shield of greater false life
- Top Items for Majors/Plat/Larges
- Looking for
- Wtb +2 Strength Tome
- Looking for a Phase Hammer
- WTT: +2 STR tome
- WTS Stave of Seer
- LTB 2x Small Sulfurous Stones
- can anyone tell me if ...
- ISO planar girds
- LTT Royal Guard Mask
- Green Steel Blanks for Larges
- LF +2 Dex Tome
- +5 thundering kama of pure good / +2 axiomatic greatclub of Greater Construct Bane
- For Sale: +5 Cursespewing Longsword of Parrying elf only
- LTT +1 Holy Hand Axe of GCB