View Full Version : Argonnessen Marketplace

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  1. offering bloodstone + 2 large scales 4 docent of defiance
  2. In search of Superior Potency VI or Greater Potency VII ring!
  3. WTB +2 Dex Tome
  4. 4 large scales for firestone greaves
  5. WTS/WTT +3 Transmuting Quaterstaff of Greater Evil Outsider Bane
  6. WTT Red Taper for Travail
  7. Cha item
  8. WTT: Need greensteel cloak and belt
  9. Wtb +3 W/p Da
  10. Robe of the Magi
  11. GS Blanks for Lg. Scales
  12. Looking for an Atonement
  13. Willing to Give Away +1 vicious bastard sword of backstabbing.
  14. Trading a +2 STR tome
  15. Paralizing Rapier of Puncturing
  16. LTT: 2 x Wounding Light Pick of Puncturing
  17. Need +2 cha tome
  18. Cloak of Curses (named item)
  19. Cloak of Curses (named item)
  20. Smallbank of Taylormade (all level gear shop)
  21. WTT +2 Banishing Rapier of tendon slice
  22. LTT +2 Con Tome...
  23. LTS +1 W/P Heavy Repeater
  24. Transmuter swap
  25. Iso +5 Mfp
  26. WTB Beholder optics
  27. Looking for +2 con, and +2 str tome
  28. LTT +2 Dex Tome for Large Scale....
  29. LTT: +2 Wounding Kukri of Enfeebling
  30. uuuuh...
  31. Wanted: +X Banishing Rapier of Deception
  32. +1 Acid Quarter Staff of Disruption
  33. +2 Dex and Wis Tomes for trade
  34. WTB: Large Sulfurous Stones
  35. LTT/LTS +4 Vorpal Kama, RR Human, ML 14
  36. ISO Large Stones
  37. Scourge choker for trade
  38. Trading +2 Tomes for L.Scales/Stones
  39. Royal Gaurd mask for trade
  40. LTT +2 Wisdom and +2 Charisma
  41. WTT Paralyzing shortsword of puncturing
  42. +1 Keen Kukri of Smiting
  43. Wtb +3 W/p Da
  44. WTT +4 Wounding
  45. "WTB" Docent of Defiance
  46. Looking for Greater Potency VII Helm
  47. WTT GTR undead bane
  48. Looking for help
  49. WTT Large Shrap for Scales & Stones
  50. Looking for Blood Stone
  51. Large Scales/other item/plat for Khopeshes
  52. Freshly pulled: +1 Longbow of Punctering
  53. fresh bloodstone
  54. WTT Large Scale
  55. +1 loot my @#$
  56. WTS W/P Heavy Repeater and W/P Long Bow
  57. +2 Tomes
  58. Please send arrows to Goewyn
  59. Who evers got the RR smiting Semi on the AH
  60. Buying Lg Scales; Lg Stones; FS Greaves . . .
  61. uuuhhhh docent of defiance
  62. Robe of the Magi-LoTD WTT/For sale
  63. LTT Large Gem Bag
  64. +2 Wisdom Tome for Large Devil Scale
  65. Full tome set and more trading for Larges
  66. My +2 dex tome for your large scale
  67. WTT Scale and stones for +2 tomes
  68. WTS Docent of Defiance
  69. Looking for weakening/enfeebling rapier...
  70. Docent Of Defiance and Scourged Choker for sale
  71. Looking for Kardin's Eye
  72. ISO WP Rapiers
  73. Will to trade w/p items for large
  74. another DoD and a few more things
  75. +2 Wis Tome
  76. blue dragon scales
  77. looking for 25 blue dragon scales
  78. Wanted: Major Mnemonic Potions
  79. looking for armor 8 bracers
  80. Lithic's Tradelist
  81. Wiz VII helm for trade... Seeking W/E rapier
  82. PC on Greater Potency VII sickle
  83. WTT +6 wis hats...need RR halfling
  84. hobs gift to argo
  85. Osiris's Arsenal
  86. Osiris's Arsenal
  87. LTT: Cloak of Ice
  88. blue scales
  89. What'd a DoD cost me?
  90. Anyone want to swap a devil scale for a +2 str tome?
  91. iso couple items
  92. In need of some large materials
  93. ISO rings of the djiin
  94. WTT greensteel blank cloak for......
  95. Looking for +2 int tome
  96. Price Check...
  97. Looking for +2 str and +2 con tome
  98. LTB Devotion 6 or 7 Item
  99. w/p rapier
  100. looking for tome pages 1 and /or2
  101. docent of defiance for trade
  102. sup pot 6 sickle/armor 7 bracers
  103. WTB +2 Con tome
  104. Looking for W/P rapiers
  105. Looking for +2 int tome
  106. +2 Con Tome for Large Devil Scale.......
  107. large scale for tome page 2
  108. due to a lack.
  109. Looking for a specific weapon
  110. Have Large Scale x 2, need +2 Con tome x 2
  111. L. devil scales and stones
  112. 2x +2 wisdom tomes for 1 large scale apiece.
  113. Some items for trade.. looking for a tome swap
  114. Items available
  115. weps fpr sale pr trade
  116. +2 int tome
  117. Price check W/E SS
  118. LTB: Seeker/Puncture Rapier
  119. Free Blue Scales!
  120. Full set of Shield Pieces
  121. Looking for some +2 int tomes!
  122. WTS +2 char tome for 275kpp OBO
  123. WTT scourge choker
  124. Trading full set of +2 Tomes
  125. LTT Greaves...
  126. Looking for vorpal DA of PG
  127. LTT large arrowheads
  128. Fresh Jinx's Vexation
  129. LTT +2 Wis Tome for +2 Dex
  130. WTB or trade for Jorgundal's Collar
  131. Entertaining offers on a +2 WoP Rapier
  132. trading a CON tome
  133. 2 wounding of puncturing daggers - offers??
  134. +3 WoP Composite Longbow
  135. WTT Devil Scale
  136. Price Check on Resistance +5 Cloak
  137. Plat for Large Arrowheads and Stones
  138. Lttf Firestorm Greaves
  139. Selling a Scorge Choker
  140. tome page 2
  141. For Sale: 2x Wounding Punctering Shortswords
  142. LTT/LTS plus 5 Resistance ring rr dwarf
  143. WTT: +2 Tomes
  144. need (4) vorpal of pure good Kukri's
  145. Looking for...
  146. LTB Vorpal Sickle any lvl rr ok
  147. Looking for Maladroit/Bonebreaking Weapons
  148. WTS +5 seeker dagger of Punturing
  149. LTT: Royal Guard Mask
  150. ISO 25 black dragon scales
  151. WTT +1 Banishing rapier of enfeebling
  152. LTS: RG Mask (Royal Guard Mask)
  153. LTT +2 Int Tome
  154. banisching rapier of pucturin
  155. LTT: for a set of Spectral Gloves
  156. sellin repeater
  157. Stuff for Sale
  158. ISO Globe of Imperial Blood
  159. price check on para rapier of punct, and W/P rapier
  160. +2 tomes
  161. LTT docent of defiance
  162. looking for kopeshes
  163. Need divine power clickys
  164. ltt: Bloodstone
  165. Anyone want to trade a large devil scale for a +2 dex tome?
  166. LTT trade +2 CHA tome
  167. ISO: 2 Maladroit/Bonebreaking Warhammer
  168. Greensteel Blanks for Large Ingredients or Plat
  169. looking for mage gear,
  170. Trading Large Scales for +2 Tomes!
  171. Looking For Off Hand Smiters
  172. Intimidate +15 Ring for trade
  173. Wanna trade?
  174. LTT Scales for +2 tomes
  175. LTT: +2 Tomes
  176. My **** for trade or sell
  177. Looking for a Royal Gaurd mask
  178. Trading Firestorm Greaves...
  179. WTB Bloodstone
  180. Need a Malestrom
  181. Need +2 Str Tome
  182. SPOON!! for sale/bow trade
  183. WTB or WTTF Bloodstone
  184. LTT Blue Scales
  185. +2 char tome for +2 con tome
  186. LTB Tome page
  187. price check on khopesh
  188. Looking for Bloodstone!
  189. WTB: 100 DD Scrolls
  190. Looking for some bows
  191. Searching for
  192. WTS/WTT 100dd scrolls
  193. WTS> +4 Transmuting Longbow of GEO Bane
  194. My +2 charisma tome for your large scale
  195. Tradeing My +15 Intimidate Helm
  196. Looking for low level monk stuff
  197. Large Glowing Arrowhead
  198. WTT 1 Large Scale for a Concentration+15 Ring
  199. Trading for +2 tomes
  200. Looking for +2 Dex or Con Tome
  201. Paying 7 K PP for +1 Con and +1 Dex Tome
  202. +3 banishing rapier
  203. LF Teleport Mask
  204. LTT an Electric Haze
  205. +8 armor bracers for trade.
  206. +2 int tome for trade
  207. LTT +8 ac bracers human for Elf/drow
  208. WTB Cloak of Ice 450kpp & Atonement 350kpp
  209. LTT +8 ac bracers human or dwarf for elf/drow set
  210. Need +2 Tomes (Making GS)
  211. LTT Firestorm Greaves
  212. WTT/WTB +1 Strength Tome
  213. LLT my +5 mith breast plate for your +2 int tome
  214. need +2 dex tome
  215. LTB Atonement (450Kpp)
  216. L.F. Superior potency VI kama
  217. WTB holy silver Scimatar
  218. Looking for +2 Int-Tome offering 2 Large Scales
  219. WTT +15 intimidate ring
  220. Looking for Chaosgarde
  221. Iso Nice handwraps and RR warforged monk gear
  222. WTT Firestorm Greaves
  223. WTB Bloodstone!
  224. Iso Glistening pebbles X1
  225. Looking for major mem pots
  226. LTT Kardin's Eye
  227. Cloudkill, D Door and Firewall Scrolls
  228. +3 flaming burst wraps of weighted 4% ML 16
  229. Any interest? +5 Lesser acid Guard Elven(mithral) Chainmail of Hammerblockl)
  230. WTB Atonement, 450k pp.
  231. WTS - Royal Mask
  232. ISO Lotd Tome pages
  233. Anyone have White dragon scales?
  234. Looking for
  235. LTT: +5 heavy shield of greater false life
  236. Top Items for Majors/Plat/Larges
  237. Looking for
  238. Wtb +2 Strength Tome
  239. Looking for a Phase Hammer
  240. WTT: +2 STR tome
  241. WTS Stave of Seer
  242. LTB 2x Small Sulfurous Stones
  243. can anyone tell me if ...
  244. ISO planar girds
  245. LTT Royal Guard Mask
  246. Green Steel Blanks for Larges
  247. LF +2 Dex Tome
  248. +5 thundering kama of pure good / +2 axiomatic greatclub of Greater Construct Bane
  249. For Sale: +5 Cursespewing Longsword of Parrying elf only
  250. LTT +1 Holy Hand Axe of GCB