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  1. searching for logon server
  2. The data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1.
  3. Stuck on Downloading "EN Loading Screen 1"
  4. Compatable
  5. Problems running DDO under WINE
  6. Erratic crashing
  7. Issues with installing DDO high-res.
  8. Missing DDO page
  9. My Profile
  10. Now this is hilarious!!!
  11. I cant log into any world on my computer
  12. What gives?
  13. Access Violation once more
  14. Free LR Bug And NO Help
  15. My.DDO not updating
  16. This character is already in the world
  17. Graphical issues on my mac.
  18. Please help,"there was an error generating a hash code for a patch file."
  19. Website Report a bug forum down
  20. Bug report: In game map displays rare encounters?
  21. Lost Pearl of Power X
  22. Cant remember account or PW
  23. Determine Your Discount Question
  24. More Client Crashes since u14?
  25. anouther DirectX 11 issue
  26. Stuck at Examine game data
  27. Underdark not downloading
  28. The Underlying Connection Was Closed:
  29. Please Help! Wireless Connectivity Issue.
  30. Crash upon login/latency icon
  31. Connection to server has been lost
  32. Von4 Deleted Elite Streak
  33. game doesn't load up at all after selecting world
  34. Lots of in-game freezing
  35. Is there any way to turn fvs wing motion blur off WITHOUT turning post processing off
  36. MyDDO - Your character data has been archived
  37. Guild
  38. Strange Internet Connection Issues
  39. HEYYEYAAEYAYEYAEYAA - What's going on?
  40. Launcher Issue
  41. HTML 5 or flash help needed please
  42. There is an issue XML document (1, 2630).
  43. Very weird and frustrating issues.
  44. Why is fps low and gpu load low ONLY in ddo
  45. Cannot access ddo.com
  46. A Few Glitches/problems
  47. DDO on a mac - OSX
  48. Does DDO run on Windows 8
  49. Game won't update/log in
  50. "The Rift Between Worlds" not loading at all (Archlinux, wine, pylotro)
  51. Yet, another .NET issue
  52. High latency and packet loss
  53. Launcher will not start
  54. Connection to Server Lost w/ Certain Toons
  55. Cant get the game to run in directx 11
  56. new comp DDO will not run
  57. Character names turn green as if transmitting voice
  58. My Mouse cursor is HUGE!
  59. Texures missing AND can't bug report
  60. Steam Launcher - Thanks for Downloading!
  61. Black background in character creator.
  62. Forum login in game
  63. Cursor is not displayed where it does it's clickyness
  64. Client will not run
  65. Locking up when connectiong to game server
  66. No sound in Linux with WINE / PyLotRO
  67. Game runs fine but I get error on exit
  68. Unable to Login
  69. +3 Lesser Heart of Wood Confusion
  70. odd sound problem
  71. Problems with ddo launcher
  72. No sound
  73. Spells missing
  74. Inventory: Anyone ever had this problem?
  75. Mouse pointer speed problem
  76. Random client crashes on Win8 RTM
  77. Huge Usage Increase
  78. system fails since 14.2
  79. I can't run ddo
  80. Bat exterminater in Devils Assault
  81. Random restarts?
  82. PC Freeze
  83. Missing animal companions
  84. Random Disconnections
  85. Opening Main Form
  86. Adventure compendium not displaying quests
  87. Visual Bug in the Harbor?
  88. Launcher Error Badimageformat
  89. trouble logging in
  90. Tech Assistance Please
  91. Client crashes when zoning
  92. Forum Post: Forbidden!
  93. Another lag quiery
  94. Login Server Error
  95. question on adobe flash & java updates please
  96. Ddo -
  97. Game not seeing DirectX11 as an option
  98. Lag, Lag, and DC nightmare
  99. My client freezes
  100. Artificer still glitched
  101. Mouse curser remaining in mouselook mode
  102. Not able to log in
  103. launcher says all servers are down???
  104. Black screen after selecting char. and playing 5min
  105. DDO and Windows 8 Release Preview (Stopped on 'examine' stage on launcher)
  106. clientmesh file isnt installing
  107. Druid's Curse Quest Chain Locked
  108. Homunculus Combat Alacrity I
  109. Direct X 11 will not enable
  110. Stuck on Cleaning Up Connection
  111. How can I create a logfile of all my toon info
  112. Lordsmarch Bank toon now on Vet Boat ?!?
  113. AwesomiumProcess ???
  114. Just wondering where to report a bug with reporting bugs
  115. My Voice Chat Fades Out
  116. Stuck
  117. DDO Client crashing on reaching Paypal via DDO Store
  118. Ticket buttons missing from help menu...
  119. Login failure
  120. USB 2.0 flash drives..
  121. Hound/Panther Models
  122. Crashed and Now Cannot Login (Character Specific)
  123. After installing a graphics card, DDO runs badly and crashes
  124. Quiver won't gather
  125. MOTU ground textures not rendering
  126. Pando Media Booster install freezing
  127. Any reason NOT to download HIGH RES client
  128. One toon doesn't load
  129. DDO Not Responding
  130. installed on new PC but will not open
  131. The game changed from English to French for me
  132. can't log in
  133. Frozen Launcher
  134. 3 hour ddo store lag
  135. DDO Store Broken
  136. Dual screens
  137. How can I find the source of lag?
  138. "Cleaning up old connection..." old problem, new frustration
  139. Latency upon logging in/immediate close
  140. DDO hogging memory after last maintenance?
  141. Mysterious zone-entry lag-death
  142. DDO: Computer shutting down
  143. Getting data center..
  144. DDO performing worse than Crysis 2
  145. Many issues today
  146. Music retrain--start-stop gameplay
  147. Sounds work via headphones but not speakers
  148. from one to the next game at 1/3rd frame rate
  149. error 201 message help
  150. Any word on support for Windows 8?? It's out already...
  151. Wolf form to human animation when interacting causes huge fps drop
  152. Resizing Examination Window
  153. Can anyone help me out????
  154. Long loading delay at world select/status screen
  155. Windows 7 newbie - DDO Store won't populate
  156. Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center not playing nicely.
  157. server down?
  158. Sound issues
  159. Losing spells more than normal recently.
  160. Can't log in, please help
  161. Cant switch out from DDO in Win7
  162. tell bell volume
  163. Ticket update
  164. ~Underlying Connection Closed Issue plsss helppppp
  165. Trouble with Timers - Ransack Y U NO werk?
  166. Logged in... and nothing.
  167. Forum Language Wrong in Chrome
  168. Client Crash When Saving Options
  169. key problem
  170. crash on character load screen every time
  171. Can't log in. Client crashes at patching.
  172. Graphics issue/upgrade question
  173. Crashes every 15-20 mins
  174. Issue running DDO through Steam
  175. Forums Logout
  176. DDO store black, can't use it.
  177. Frame Rate Throttled for NVIDIA, not for ATI
  178. Sound Issue - Speakers not detected
  179. evon boss killed quest not finished
  180. Video Settings not Saving
  181. not getting patron after finishing quest.
  182. Told in game to submit to tech support - Destiny points
  183. Updating year old client
  184. Failed installation.
  185. Is it the game, or the overclock?
  186. Silver Flame Blessing fix for Mabar?
  187. After the last update cannot play in DX11
  188. cahracter already in the world
  189. client_sound.dat problem identified
  190. Spot not working?
  191. Client Crashes Before Character Screen
  192. umd Charisma lag seems to be back
  193. Downloading
  194. Client crashes when I window out/Locks up
  195. Windows 8
  196. Cant Play
  197. How to purchase Adventure Packs?
  198. ddo screen black
  199. Cannot access MyDDO profile
  200. Something is wrong
  201. First Logon Crash & Double Crash
  202. Patch broke login, Cant play.
  203. DirectX11 not available
  204. No pets.
  205. Connection issues
  206. that character is already in the world
  207. Download impossible
  208. [VIP Access] Impossible to pay with Euro currency
  209. Toon stuck in-game for 12+ hours now
  210. Help me fix my pc lag please
  211. No Communication...except /tell
  212. Provide a way to give ticket feedback without email
  213. Is Custom Character Generation a paid-only feature?
  214. Booted From DDO
  215. proxy_resolver_winhttp (LinuxDDO)
  216. DDO Not Respecting Library Changes (Win 7 x64 Pro)
  217. Can't log on, says error?
  218. Locked in Loading Screen after 10/5 Maintenence
  219. Client stuck on getting data centers
  220. Does anyone know?
  221. Characters and store-bought unlocked items gone
  222. DDO performance and video card GeForce GT 650M
  223. Lamannia Client Issues.
  224. Steam and purchasing TP
  225. Windows 8
  226. Turbine Launcher Failing
  227. Crashing Router / Modem?
  228. Turbine Launcher takes away full bandwidth but download at half speed
  229. DDO Graphic Stuttering
  230. Mouse twitches uncontrollably
  231. Delay in Game play
  232. File not found: patchclient.dll
  233. Launcher update Error
  234. help! after update ddo stopped working in wine!!
  235. Forced Log Out?
  236. Patchclient.dll issues
  237. Crashing after update! YAY!
  238. Graphical errors: weapons hovering/large glowing ball.
  239. launcher work, but stuck in black screen after, am i alone?
  240. ubuntu help please (linux)
  241. Anyone get pyLOTRO to work after U16?
  242. Stuck on House K loading screen
  243. I would like to play for more than 5 minutes please
  244. Sound Playback device is None. User preference file constantly being overwritten
  245. DDO stoped working for me after Update 16
  246. Since Update 16 dual screen is no longer working
  247. Error 40000 - need a smart person to weigh in
  248. Possible Fix to update 16 crash issues
  249. Game crash
  250. something's wrong with my chat box