View Full Version : Sarlona
Pages :
- **Multiple Conc Opps PROOF**
- TR Grouping to levl
- A Song For You
- + insight AC vs. good blast
- brokers
- Props to the Monks of Sarlona
- Did I hear a Little Bird Solo'd EPic DQ?
- Lore
- Because it's time to take that next step...
- Thx to those who helped!
- Looking for a partner in crime
- Voices
- The Failure of Thousands of Greedy Gits Pounding on Walls
- Big thanks for Icy Runs
- pretty funny pic of hound wipe
- Link to epic dq vid
- This Is A Public Service Announcement
- [RANT] Greensteelophillia, MyDDOphillia and the Froobs
- DT vs. Icy Rainments
- High level healers needed - sheesh
- Finally!
- Ha Ha Funny Funny
- O.K. need a little good advice
- A lttle advice...
- It's Tower Tuesday!
- Hawt!!
- Time to go...
- Quiting DDO
- Thoughts from a 2nd in Command
- Tome Trading
- Crucible run
- High Level PvP & Community Questions
- Academia di Curatio
- looking for friend
- see who you are sarlona
- I am leaving
- Thanks Taimasan
- Lack of healers at high levels? Who needs em..
- To the people who came in at the end...
- afk
- ToD
- What is the "right" gear?
- A can of worms has been opened!
- was testing my ability.
- Bad Players Vulturing Auctions
- Lesson of the day:
- Best at what they do thread...
- Solid "guild tags"
- Static group needs help with Tempest Spine raid
- New competition in town
- Tempest Spine for fun!
- Butter Drama
- Quickster give me my friend back!
- Cya people
- Von 5 101 for new ppl running it.
- Cleric for Shroud
- Im Back
- Returning to The Game
- Quick Question...
- Strange effect in Abbot
- Sorry
- Thank You Turbine!!
- PSA for raid leaders
- trade for intimi 15 ring
- Sword of Shadows Scroll for Trade
- So I started lowbie pugging again..
- Proud of My server
- Server Full!?
- hagglebot looking for a home AND a job
- Very fun Epic Von 6
- Are You Solo Friendly?
- Fail
- Squelch is my new toy :)
- [RP Event] Riddle Nights!
- PSA-New People Joining LFMS Etitquette
- Thursday night static group recruiting
- How about something positive, for a change?
- ToD Raid
- Returning, maybe...from Adar
- wat a bummer!
- grinds my gears
- This game is fun
- Thank u to all that helped
- Thanks Fearless Crew and Friends
- Pally intitank gear: the fun
- Returning Player
- New player looking for advice
- Sarlona Cant log on-_VOd Group
- Who's interested in a regular necropolis group?
- A Really, REALLY, bad day!
- To whoever you are, you blessed person, you...
- Oldest D.D.O. screenshots you have
- new fun times
- Loot Rolling Etiquette
- to my elite VoD group
- Way to go new guys!
- Sarlonian Top Three Quests
- thank you quis
- All Rogue elite VoD
- When you cannot pike
- Sarlonas most unorthodox Rogue
- The new cool thing?
- I got Booted...lmao
- Peace -
- Returning SOON
- Dear Sarlona-Only these Hex are me :)
- shroud pug
- so... what now?
- All rogue VoD?
- FightClub - UserChat for Brawlers!
- Sarlona or DDO lag from 2:20 - 03:00 PDT (UTC-8)
- Respect Issues
- the naming system
- Nerfing Mass Exodus Pre-Emptive "Dibs"
- Heading into the Vale of Twilight in the A.M.
- The Kill Kalari Thread
- A change in Sarlona's social structure eminent?
- A story you may like reading
- sarlona down???
- Epic Chains of Flame Server Record
- :(
- Reaver Elite - yes, I was high
- request: Titan raid friday
- number of character deaths
- Guess I'm out, too.
- who wants a 2 day grind on a reroll? full party
- tome/loot ettiquite.
- Shroud Drama ... Sarlona Edition
- Logon Server is full?
- Build Demand on Sarlona
- Brain surgery in the Shroud
- Titan raid
- Too many Butter's Not enough Time
- older D&D rouge lvl ranking
- 33 and drinking
- The were some hungry warforged spotted outside the Abbot last night
- The best "worse" Shroud I've ever been in
- Regarding "lore lol"
- Back Again hope it sticks?
- Sarlona up and down
- The RUN
- To all of you from Poland.
- Be on the lookout when you are in a VON6
- Griefers and Pikers on Sarlona!
- Long distance reachout
- Tempest Shroud run
- tome/loot ettiquite - part 2
- what is up with the new breed of healers??!!
- Fast shroud - what it means for me.
- How many people from Adar are left?
- Last stand of epic sos - who cares
- Bumper Stickers!
- Looking For Team
- I need Help!
- Human Fighter looking for a RP guild
- Raid Leader Strategy - PUG shrouds to make "friends"
- Why? Tolero
- sorry
- Any of you thinking of making Battle Cleric now?
- What DPS Nerf?
- Just to show braddly it can be done
- Update?
- Eternal Wrath now FLIES over Stormreach!
- Lol spiffy!
- Mlau
- Cant log in after update???
- thought your guild was better then this
- LobotoRaid!
- PuG Hound
- Static group looking for VoN 5-6
- Server crash?
- Sarlona is UBER
- July 5th Elite HOX PUG
- Money Has Depreciated in Value Since U5
- Do you noob?
- For Spyder: xoxo
- Break
- Unable to Connect to World Queue
- Nice to meet you
- Elite Tod
- consent
- Who wants a Tasty Ham?
- BYOH Shroud
- back from a break
- the big lagging
- Looking for members of the "Moonshiners"
- 4 years it took me ;P
- So about that ressurection shrine in the harbour...
- Abbot
- /Reported
- Unofficial RP Severs?
- My Video Card Blew - Octaviann Is On A Break Again
- Useless healers
- Sarlona down?
- Tinytrunk
- Looking for new players to raid with
- Please stop!
- This Is the......
- And now...
- Need to vent......
- Im leaving
- Battle Cleric wipes Shroud again
- Your fancy Ship buffs are great and all. . .
- DDO and the folks that play on Sarlona
- So long Sarlonians
- A Big "Thank You" to Quickster
- 36point build in salona
- Sarlona is back up!
- my vent
- Druids leaked! Sarlona gets them first!
- That's just rude...
- Those who seek Role Playing in Sarlona
- Challenge...
- So Sarlona... how big are you?
- What's your Major Malfunctions Sarlona?
- PuG Shrouds
- Blood Rage Symbiot
- Raid Training for new players.
- This one time, after a DQ raid...
- cya for a bit
- Mushroom Farmer
- Guild Renown
- if u don't know chinese,how to "hun" in salona?
- Screen Layouts
- [RP] I've been bamboozled!
- Is this how the Shroud is supposed to go?
- scourage chocker on a non melee caster
- VoN 5-6
- Shield Blocking in Shroud part 5
- [RP] Riddle Nights, in pictures!
- Kal without a gaming pc= more forum entertainment
- Call me an elitist
- Drama Queen before the Demon Queen
- Could Intimidate be Bugged?
- A Message from Uncle Mahmood
- Healers and Shroud pt.1
- Specific Channels
- Question on Reaver "Fly"
- Dont Use Min II on Shroud Portals
- Veteran Guilds-Are you passing your Knowleege Down to Newer Members?
- Karma comes full circle…
- Aloha Sarlona
- [RANT] En Taro Sarlona
- Any G.I.M.P.'s around?
- Question?
- Thanks guys, its been fun
- PUG miracle or maybe our newer player base is gaining experience!
- Post a song thread.
- All Barbarian Shroud
- Help!!!
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