View Full Version : Sarlona

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  1. Anyone have a Chinese translator page I can go to?
  2. I'm not liking this recent trend of......
  3. Age of Conan
  4. I re-acctivated my account today...lol
  5. Docent of Defiance Runs
  6. Tangleroot/Splinterskull
  7. Reaver Run
  8. Royal Guard mask
  9. Party crash in VoD
  10. The guy in the pawn shop
  11. I was going to be gone for a week...
  12. long lfm
  13. VoD #20 tonight!
  14. shout out and thank you
  15. AFK in Crucible, Trap Shrine
  16. I Give You Battledome!!! Pvp Melee Tournament
  17. I Give You Battledome!!! Pvp Melee Tournament
  18. To Zoust,looking my cleric:)
  19. XP bonus weekend killing raids
  20. Gfunk....quick question
  21. Sorceror Elite Shroud
  22. The Hound
  23. All Cleric Shroud
  24. Titan run, #%#$%#
  25. New person to server and game :)
  26. New Character - What Class? Opinion?
  27. Wizards, the Shroud and Rage
  28. Cancelled--battledome--
  29. All Rouge VoD
  30. enhancements
  31. Blue scales again
  32. is the server up?
  33. logging in
  34. Darn it Sarlona!
  35. See Yall In a Few Weeks!
  36. Sarlona Pop
  37. Farewell for now...
  38. Loading Lamania?
  39. Sorry
  40. Radience or Min 2 Rapier 1st?
  41. Shroud Apologies
  42. help!! cant log in
  43. Sorry for bailing on the Shroud run...
  44. Attention Sarlonians
  45. Lammania Shroud Raid
  46. How long should it take?
  47. I suppose I should alert.
  48. Kegheld--if your reading the Forumns
  49. Needing Tech help
  50. anyone else having issues?
  51. What I want for my Birthday
  52. Zoid needs YOU! (to help him with Stealer of Souls)
  53. Coming out of retirement
  54. Patient ..... MOD 9 May it be too late?
  55. Moved from argo
  56. Barb Only Shroud!
  57. SHROUD GROUP- I cant log back on
  58. love the new data centers
  59. Elite Shrouds
  60. Apologies to Titan group (~1 AM EST)
  61. quest list
  62. Stormreach Parade
  63. Is anybody out there?
  64. Looking for Redemption>?
  65. Redemption still alive?
  66. Vod
  67. SoS with no caster.......Naysayers pls look...
  68. No idea
  69. +2 cha
  70. Thinking about taking the plunge.....
  71. Radiance Guard Helm
  72. Leaving game.
  73. Hound Elite
  74. Holy Reaver Raid, Batman!
  75. Anyone know Snipehunter? Geez...
  76. Sarlona is welcomed to compete
  77. Goodbye...
  78. Failed Shroud
  79. Hi All
  80. Goodbye! =)
  81. About SoS Flagged
  82. Caffeine's Silver Flame Club Shroud!
  83. Last Month
  84. Apology to Easier in Gwylan group
  85. Help for new or aspiring guilds wanting to raid
  86. GS off-hander suggestion
  87. Sorry to say, me too
  88. All Cleric Vod.
  89. Good Things about DDO
  90. Baby, you look mahvalous
  91. bards in the shroud
  92. I'm standing on the ledge..
  93. Stormreach Adventurer's Race Circuit
  94. How to Hound.
  95. How do lvl 32 toons show up on the friends list.
  97. reaver rant
  98. forum break
  99. Von 3 fun!!
  100. to all women playing ddo
  101. I suck at math
  102. Sarlona Speed Shroud
  103. to prey group
  104. All Melee/Caster Shroud Run - Build 'em!
  105. 15 minute shroud
  106. Ltt
  107. We're coming back
  108. The Dog Days of Summer
  109. Lol Panzy is back! if anyone at all missed me!
  110. To the ladies group
  111. Making Monk - looking for partner
  112. Thank you thread
  113. Get Your Grind On!
  114. Guilds in Sarlona
  115. Help
  116. Butter's Bday
  117. Adios
  118. Sorc cant complete misery's peak
  119. A call to Arms my fellow server mates
  120. 14 Minute Shroud with Water Chests in Part 3
  121. Huge thanks
  122. *Ding !
  123. How to solo reaver after mod 9 on caster
  124. 7 Minute VOD
  125. Trade List
  126. Flame Nuriela
  127. Abbot Guide wanted
  128. TS Elite apology
  129. Hoisted on virtual shoulders
  130. Sarlona 15 Min Elite VOD
  131. Another reason not to play WOW
  132. Elite Titan
  133. Lets try this again
  134. A call to all old Circle of the Pale Cross guildies
  135. Another returning player looking for old friends
  136. Help pulling my head from my 4th point of contact
  137. Old Player Returning
  138. Looking for RP group/guild
  139. Kanai returns from his travels...
  140. A Quick GoodBye
  141. Returning player looking for rp group
  142. Speed Runs.....
  143. New Timed Shroud Record!
  144. To the Women of Sarlona
  145. Dedicated Teams - Static Groups
  146. Gencon 2009
  147. The DreamSpitter Shroud!
  148. server crash???
  149. Favor help
  150. problems signing on?
  151. ltb Tchurvul's Kukri
  152. 2 Man Vod
  153. So I did a Shroud run today....
  154. My question is why?
  155. Do you know how to Shroud?
  156. Hey everyone! Lvl 4 cleric here.
  157. All CLeric Hound
  158. A Little Help Would be nice ;-))
  159. Caffeine Tome Set Give Away Hosted By Vulger!
  160. SSRI - i'n going to the lake err and undisclosed secret location
  161. Please accept my apologies
  162. Nickel and Dime'ing us to death
  163. I bailed on a shroud run at 1:30am EST and I owe 10 people an apology
  164. longduckdong
  165. Whats Up Sarlona?
  166. note to casters in vod
  167. Yo Ssri -
  168. anyone know
  169. Ty to all Who Helped me get my ICY the past few months
  170. And the winner is......
  171. missing my server
  172. Vision of Destruction
  173. Anti Favor
  174. Disturbing Trend?
  175. Server Crashed Again
  176. Ascension Chamber, never done it
  177. Best PvP melee of Sarlona?
  178. Cowards
  179. Rangers: their need in parties
  180. things to keep ya from doin work at work
  181. Clerics low on mana...
  182. Returning advice,
  183. Dethe's B-Day
  184. Dear Sarlona.
  185. Kulgan's interesting blind tell
  186. How do you get good players in your party??
  187. Oh Aaaaaangel...
  188. New guild for new players
  189. Help switching from lamania to reg game
  190. Wow what a VoD
  191. Harry and Sally
  192. Just Old Pics From A Raid A Long Time Ago
  193. I'm back on Sarlona!
  194. Can't Get In The Game
  195. Can I get a answer please
  196. How would you have handled this?
  197. Sarlona's Own Dethe's Movie!
  198. Hey Sarlona...are you ready for some football???
  199. New Dedicated Team
  200. Cheers Sarlona! from Shaamis!
  201. Sarlona Shroud
  202. London server(s) are going down
  203. Sarlona Is Down
  204. 3:18 Central Time Server Crash
  205. Good and smooth fast Vod run.
  206. Need B4 Greed
  207. 12 errr, 6 man Titan
  208. DPS Needed!!!
  209. I may be behind the times
  210. Dedicated Favored Soul leveling group...Headstart!
  211. Looking for like-minded Afternoon Roleplay Static Group Players
  212. I'm in
  213. I'm in !!!
  214. Please remember to post here:
  215. Im Back!
  216. Cant get back in!
  217. Fpr those who might remember these guys...
  218. Favored Soul?
  219. Sarlona Stumbles in to beat the new raid finally!
  220. Thank you
  221. Looking for Siberys Dragonshard Fragments...
  222. Too Hard!!!
  223. So Sarlona Whos Been Bansished?
  224. Welcome New Players to Sarlona!!!
  225. Hey Guys
  226. thank you Turbine
  227. Yes I declined you!!!
  228. Shroud 9-11-09
  229. Sarlonians down it on hard again.
  230. Sarlona Issues on 9-13
  231. Server was hopping last night
  232. To the boys of Fight Club
  233. 2 years gone, come back with some questions
  234. Elite Tower Complete
  235. for garth
  236. Is Sarlona the RP server?
  237. The oomph is dying
  238. New players answering questions wrong...
  239. my.ddo.com bad habits
  240. Rogues are for traps!!!!!
  241. For Stormr!
  242. Clerics are for healing!!!!!
  243. For Lizzyborden
  244. Spyders new pic
  245. Hello there. Greetings and Salutations
  246. Hey n00bs
  247. FOR Myself!
  248. Let's get some things cleared up...
  249. Dear friend Quik
  250. Abbot Run, Tuesday 8pm EST