View Full Version : Sarlona
Pages :
- So I got bored
- You know you are a Sarlona resident when....
- Looking for a TR leveling channel
- I miss some of you :(
- Sarlonian Trolls
- Run out of componets
- Be my next build, win 400k plat.
- Tier 3 Alchemical Sceptre
- Epic Lord of Blades (DI Style)
- PM only Shroud Friday
- Abbot Chest Loot Bug... IS DRIVING US INSANE!!!!!
- Server status
- Epic LoB 34 min
- Solo Tempest Spine Elite, lvl 13 (7 Rgr / 6 Arti)
- Cereals Screenshot of the Week!
- No Rogues in my ToD
- Heal me!!!
- Minor Rant Regarding Ship Buffs
- ELOB Static Group for Mondays and Fridays 9:00AM (EST)
- TR assistance
- Reformed Raiding Channel
- to my dearest completionist
- Lagtastic
- Advice for new players - please add (constructive advice)
- Server first?
- u13 goodies
- The Newest Hardest Quest to Date?
- Hear Ye , Hear Ye! (RP Thread)
- ~|| Roleplayers, show yourself! ||~
- Never give up
- Static eLoB's
- server
- What's your favorite ingame achievement so far fellow Sarlonians?
- PM only elite Shroud Wednesday
- Rampage in the Lobster!
- Antisocial? Join my guild then
- New Player Raid Training - Vision of Destruction (revisited)
- TR Bank
- So i tr'd...
- New Player Raid Training – Abbot
- Servants of the Overlord
- language
- Trick to getting LDS
- Dedicated Team on Wed Nite looking for a player
- Shroud Mania!
- Me has big HP... and that's it
- kobold new ringleader down :(
- Word.
- Sarlona Friday Nights...
- VON 5 tonight ..thanks
- Companions
- Crafting!
- DDO Demographic
- It is time to leave the game
- +4 unbound CON tome, roll d2000...
- All PM Elite Shroud
- Sarlona Flagging Thread
- LFMs
- Elite shroud at level
- Best Race for a pure cleric ?? query
- Are any static groups looking for members?
- trollololol
- Completionist characters are mentally unstable!
- Anyone here play on Thelanis too?
- Congobowl II
- Looking for thoughts on best race for Ranger
- Lfm Lfg
- Most Epic Fail LOB Ever!!!
- Oasis in the PUG desert
- so are you a 'safe' solo player, or a 'wild' solo player
- Looking for a decent European guild.
- An LFM experiment
- Where do you farm your scrolls, Sarlona?
- Channel for non zergers.
- What games would you recommend?
- trinket
- To my (Turtley) Elite Running With the Devil's group from last night...
- House Pharlain Carnival, up to level 7, elite for bravery
- Misfits
- Looking for a few good men! or ladies :)
- A Fire Forged Friendship
- 3 man Tod
- Proud to be a Rolemodel
- Odd Request
- Running in the TR race.
- How far does your patience go?
- so hi guys anyone remember me?
- Time for another one
- TRing on Sunday, Welcome to Join.
- Treason
- Awesome PUG
- Yup
- Isn't that Something...
- Another completionist!!!!! But this one many be a first?
- Sarlona is down
- Sarlona Down?
- What?!
- Sweeeeeeeeet....
- Whats going on with logging in?
- DOCK says thanks
- Looking for a Spare Spot
- how did they do?
- Any other Rouge do this?
- Come on Sarlona..
- 10/10 and TR ?
- New Player Raid Training - Lord of Blades
- Why I love Sarlona
- Piker's Fate... a History Lesson
- Shroud puzzles solver...
- Apparently I just...
- How goes it?
- Im back.
- Funny Shroud moment.
- After a few shots of Patron, a word from Thrannypoo Klemmslover
- Worlds back up?
- DDO store down?
- awww.. I want..
- The gâteau was rotten !
- Sarlona's First Level 20 Druid!
- Stupid reasons that got you squelched
- From Turtley - To my Friday Epic Elite Beyond the Rift Group
- Druid time!
- trap the soul hand wraps
- Really, Sarlona?
- Master Artificer?
- Has anyone seen.....
- Just saying bye
- Crippling lag?
- re: Shroud tonight - for streak!
- Game crash
- Unlocked all ED to level 5!
- Change the name of Unyielding Sentinel
- Retirement!
- Caught in the Web
- sorry for my english
- Laters
- Troubles with "A new Invasion"
- Sarlonians, what would be your completionist build?
- Dear Sarlonian Wizzards
- trouble with lag, loaden screens, and server
- What's up with all the high-level explorer and quest LFMs lately?
- Need an Opener?
- Rage
- raiding in sarlona
- guild wars 2
- The state of PUGing on Sarlona
- hola sarlona... greeting and rant
- Thanks for Sarlonan kindness
- Balzak
- Taking a break, almost forgot to let you know!
- pugging lowbie
- RIP McWinter
- What's the RP like here?
- Greetings
- Gonna get back in the game.
- Looking for a static group.
- looking for a teacher so to speak
- I'm done...
- Sarlona channels?
- Returning to game, looking for folks/guild
- Elite HoX & VoD for xp
- Sarlonan healers = rule
- 3-4 million plat to give away, but how?
- Answer video game questions, win plats/prizes!
- Kudos to Rojox
- EMPIRE best guild on sarlona
- Wraith Companion
- so...
- Sarlona is now a better place
- Are things dead for a reason right now?
- Zonixx
- Sarlona Still Busy
- Server Merge
- This is why...
- Communication
- just Chill.. forget the seriousness.. 'BYOD'
- Trade for Large Guild Augment head gear
- To who it may concern
- So.. i was bored....
- One of the best groups
- Um...did Sarlo just go down?
- world connection
- Hide of goristro/ master transmuter
- 14Oct2012 - LV 18 under Reaver / Shroud
- Hello, Sarlona.
- A light roleplay, beginner-friendly Sarlona STATIC GROUP is recruiting
- Lord of Blades and Celestia
- Thank You!!
- Passing On The Torch
- I have (no"one of "here)the best "PPP" green steel maul
- Sarlona's newest player
- New Guild Decay Rules
- Sarlona Concept Artwork
- BgNasty Completionist
- I'm done
- Reliable commodities?
- Ptt??
- Dl ddo
- Question about maximum heal amp
- Any Sarlonians on Diablo III?
- Hey Sarlona, stop being mad at me mmkay?
- Chat/Raid/Trade Channel?
- High Road Map ;)
- This is what we pay for?
- The Newbie's first 'Awesomesauce'
- RP-Story ~Life as a priest~
- Quest teleportation
- New Static Group
- mabar drama, the blacklisting........
- Feel like I'm starting all over.. brushing the dust bunnies off my WF
- Crippling Lag Today?
- Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand Crash
- Sarlonians demand devs attention!!!
- Sarlonas back up but...
- What happened
- Returning after 2 years, HELLO SARLONA!!
- Grouping with Go Ren
- Shroud for xp
- Stuck
- WTS EE Bastion + Nether Grasps
- WTB Exceptional +1 Charisma Ring of Concentration +13
- Server Problems
- Are epic scrolls dropping for you?
- In the holiday spirit
- Sarlona Crash
- FYI seems fixed...
- Hi
- one more titan
- Shroud runs galor
- Ranger/Druid?
- More LFMs
- Siily question
- Looking for a Stone of Experience
- Guest Passes need a good home
- Winning
- Server wide lag?
- Happy Holidays,Merry Christmas,Happy Kwanzaa,Happy Hannuka,et al
- Who's running Lord of Blades?
- Merry Christmas, Free +4 con tome. Just post here to enter.
- Merry Christmas
- titan
- Interested?
- Saying goodbye for awhile!
- Crazy Marketplace Lag
- So, I've been away for a while ...
- Wtb/wtt for high tier random loot gen gear
- New Player Raid Training – 2013
- Tips - please add yours...
- Bards night out!
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