View Full Version : Multiclasses
Pages :
- Team (Dungeons) and PvP Build?
- Frenzy Acrobat the fastest combo for run speed?
- 12 Barbarian / 8 Fighter Tank
- 14 fvs/6 monk
- Wizard 15/Rogue 2 - what next?
- ROG/FIG/WIZ build, need help
- Self Buff Class Help?
- The Fghter/Wizard Class (HELP)
- Bard multi question
- The Chance Dragon.
- Looking for a good solo Toon
- A little Clonk advice, please
- A Bard-barian question
- 3rd Life: 1 Rogue/6 Monk/13 Fighter
- Clonk Offensive caster, build help
- 12/6/2 ranger/fighter/(monk or Barb) when to take what level?
- 2 rog/ 18 art
- Dex Dump-ish Tempest/Monk Your Thoughts
- Whirling Steel Striker-Light version
- Whirling Steel Striker-Dark version
- Best splash for a Monk 12 / Ranger 6
- 18/2 brd/ftr or 12/6/2 brd/ftr/rog ?
- Two-Handed Fighting worthwhile?
- Favored Ranger Build
- three way multi class.
- Is multi-class only good for solo play?
- 18rogue/1fighter/1wizard Burst DPS
- 16/4-bard/fighter need advice
- 1/1/18 build for a guildie
- melee build 13 monk/6 ranger/ 1 rogue
- 18/2 barb/rogue questions about trap skills and evasion
- have at it
- ClassRequest: Wiz/Rouge/Fvs or Sorc/Rouge/Fvs
- 14 Fighter/6 Paladin
- Hybrid Cleric
- Elven Ranger 11/ Artificer 9 AA?
- Iccir's Badger, a Ranger from Glasgow 12/6/2
- Ranger with one lvl of fighter?
- Please Judge this Fighter 12 / Monk 8 build
- 18wiz/2rogue build with shield mastery
- 7/7/6 Art/rogue/ranger long range "monster"
- 1 Mnk / 7 Rogue / 12 Fighter: Repeater
- Advice needed on spellcaster MC
- a new idea for AA
- looking for a build
- Iron Soul: 12 Monk/6 Paladin/2 Fighter Hate tank
- Looking for opinions for a few builds.
- stormsongs, rogue bard build , take a look and be brutal ^^
- 12 fighter/6 barb/2 rogue LEGEND build
- 34 point Past Life Cleric. Looking for 18Cleric/2Rogue input
- Long sword monk
- Big Problem - Who can help me
- Fighter Pally Monk Rogue Ranger build
- 12ftr/6pal/2 rog vs 12ftr/6barb/2rog. TWF
- Need sorc multiclass nub help
- fvs / monk melee dps
- multiclass advantages
- 3rd life build
- Divine Sword
- bardbarian question
- Multiclass Melee
- 6ranger/2rog/12paladin GTWF build! need opinions!
- Heighten and death aura
- TR'ing WF sorc to a Wizzy18/rogue 2 need help with some allocations HELP ME plz
- Wussy the Slasher
- Healing Clonk 17Cleric/3Monk?
- 12 Monk/7 Rogue/1 X - advice needed
- Monster or Helves Angel?
- Fighter/Monk Solo Self Heal Build
- brainstorm: 10 pala 9 dark monk 1 fighter - share your opinions pls.
- Battle Cleric 18 Clr / 2 Monk: Advice requested
- Artificer/Cleric Build?
- New era Berserker aka The blair witch project aka ME! 12 fighter/ 8 barbarian 34 pts
- Holy Avenger
- yet another monk/rogue ninja/trapmonkey (looking for feedback)
- WF Blade Caster
- Gonna respec lvl 20 ranger to higher hp(for melee)ftr 2/rngr 18, please comment
- Fighter/Rogue... THF or TWF?
- Artificers/wizzard build
- What if I add 1 level of Wizard to my Artificer3/Fighter1?
- Rogue TA / kensi vs ninja spy
- Artificer Splash for AA.
- ranger 12 fighter 8 horc
- I submit Rogartbar for your approval.
- Amor (bardcher) 11 ranger 9 bard
- The Chantificer (2 Rogue/6 Artificer/12 Warchanter)
- 12 monk earth stance AA
- The Sneaky Buffer 12bard 6 rogue 2 fighter
- Advices for a TR dps-build
- Bard or Sorcerer
- Angel of Vengeance and Energy of the Scholar
- 2rog/6rang/12paladin Evasion Survivalist build (good build?)
- Dwarf Warchanter/Battle Eng
- "Requesting" build for TR
- PM/Rogue- Thoughts?
- Repeater build - looking for insight
- 12sorc/6rog/2mnk
- 14Virtuoso/6Mechanic build viable?
- My 1 fighter/13 rogue/6 ranger
- The Viking Trapper (12Fgt/6Rgr/2Rog)
- 8 fighter/ 6 ranger/ 6 barbarian?
- Heavy Tempest II (12 Ranger/7 Fighter/1 Barbarian)
- i'm not even sure what to call this. lol
- Assassin2/Tempest1 or Assassin3?
- Current 7 Monk
- 14 Bard/6 Rog or 8 Bard/12 Rog ?
- 18 Ranger/ 2 Monk - Tempest DPS/AC
- 18/2 Cleric/Pally
- Paladin(12)/Fighter(6)/Rogue(2) Help
- Dwarf 18R/2F Tempest Ranger Feat question
- Solo character advice
- Kensai/AA 12figther/7monk/1sorcerer good Idea or fail?
- WANT A SORC18/2monk build for a first tr(34point)
- Cleric 7/Wizard 13 (Pale master)..Melee..
- Helf Kensai II/Tempest I with Wizard Dilettante, advice please.
- Sword and spell series guide for FTP
- Pally 14 / 6 Ftr tank
- 12 Ftr 6 Rgr 2 Rogue Help Please
- Fighter/Paladin 14/6 tank build
- Highest damage ranged build advice/ideas?
- Monster Build
- Wizard multiclass
- Purely Ranged Barb PL Grabber - 6 Arty / 7 Rogue / 7 Barb
- Arcane Archers, should I take a lvl of Rogue?
- Rouge 13/Artificer 7 trial
- Question about cleric/sorcerer build idea
- Roboboogie - the arcane swingmachine
- 16 Wizard/4 Fighter Build
- Need 3rd Life help...
- help with ranger/rogue/fighter 28 point build progression
- AA monk/fighter
- Ranger 12/Rogue 7/Monk 1
- Harmony of Balance
- KI and bows
- Want to make a decent x12/rogue6/y2 build
- FVS/Arty?
- Fvs/Monk build, critiques wanted
- arti - insightful strikes vs mechanic ?
- Should my Arti dip Rogue?
- arti 12 / rouge 6 / monk 2 - Xbow build
- clonk build - 36 point - advice / feedback please
- ac tank
- Pale Master/Cleric
- Artificer - an idea
- clonk - dex/wis caster with stunning fist
- Qstaff Rog/Arti/Mnk
- Help with gearing please
- Rgr/Art
- I got them cleric type blues
- Cleric/Paladin/(maybe monk)
- Need suggestion: Ranger 18/Fighter 2
- Cleric RS AA
- another 12 ftr/6 pal/2 mnk build
- Need Comments: Ranger 18/ Monk 1/ Fighter 1
- [Help]Item build help for 14 bard/4fighter/2rogue
- Kensai II/Assassin halfling with self heal potential
- Monk AA Feedback
- Monk Fighter AA
- Build advice please: PM/Ninja Spy/Trapper
- lr
- plz feed back
- Must make a WF Bard
- Paladin + Fighter + Monk...
- Deepwood Ninja . . .
- Need help with Tempest/Kensai Build - only 2 FTR lvls in so might fo Barb.
- A few questions about AC & ASF
- Paladin AA
- A Question about LRing
- 14 pally 6 monk
- Wizard/Rogue
- Elven AA Blitz 12 Fighter 7 Barbarian 1 Artificer
- Multiclassing a rogue
- Ro-Fightificer 8fighter/6artificer/6rogue
- 12 monk 2 ftr 6 paladin build.
- AA - Manyshot and 10K Stars Kensei
- monk rogue aa
- Looking for ranger/rogue build
- 28pt, TWF Human 18/2 Sorr/Fighter, Entirely serious
- F2p Elf utility/ melee build
- 14 Assassin/ 6 Ninja spy mix....
- Master Mechanic
- 32 pt Clonk Help Please
- WF Sorc12/Pal6/Monk2 ?
- 18Ranger/2Fighter
- Interesting Bug for all you Monk/Pale Masters out there...
- 12Ftr/5Rgr/3Mnk Kensai AA Punchy Helf with FINISHERS!
- Earthangel 13monk/6pally/1rogue Hatetank
- GS weapon choice for battle cleric
- LR a WF 8lvlsRanger/4lvlsFighter/1lvlMonk
- Need Advice on Human Blitz Build - Moved from Melee Forum.
- clonk stats help
- Zombie! 12 fighter/6 wiz/2 monk
- build assistance
- The Ranged Capable Rogue
- A Tenser's build
- Cleric/fighter
- Graceful smasher - feedback requested
- arti/rogue
- LR a Cleric
- can stalwart and DoS stances be activated together?
- A little more burst? another archer hybrid
- Maximize and Empower
- brainstorm: lvl 4 Elven AA fighter AA 6 paladin of the Chalice 10 Dark monk
- arti/ranger aoe heal pots
- AA - Cleric
- another stormsongs travesty ! 13 fighter 6 monk 1 wz
- Floating Leaf - ***?
- Battle Cleric 12/8 Cleric Paladin
- Questions regarding Manyshot
- 1st timer multiclass help needed
- critique my monkcher
- quaterstaff clonk build
- item sets for ftr/rog halfling advice
- does Hunter of the Dead and Monk healing amp stack ?
- Seeking suggestions on a Horc AA
- Do you know the best 1A/7M/12F AA build out there?
- Monk Multiclass Build Help
- Rogue/Monk Help
- Bardificer 12 Arty/8 Bard
- Need help with TWF build
- Yossie AKA Smart Death
- Multi-classed Monk Healing Ki
- Build Questions
- Any Idea's? (Build Help)
- Test build
- Revised Godhand Build (12 Monk/8 Fighter - 32 Point)
- Warforged - Pros and Cons
- Half Elf Rogue Barb
- 12/8 Fighter/monk or Monk/Fighter
- Tempest Assassin
- Need some input on 6rng/12wiz/2ftr
- 8/6/6 Fighter/Arti/Rogue
- Acrobat/Wizard thoughts
- AA: 10/6/4 Mnk/Ftr/Rgr 36pt
- 12monk/6ranger/2...?
- My Kung Fu Buffer
- Paladin 18/Fighter 2 Drow Duelwielding Defender
- Monk/Ranger or Ranger/Monk Possible?
- Monk Splashes
- Please Critique this build
- Beverly Helfbilly Ranged Contender
- W18/R2 - Feedback on feat/enahancement path
- Fight6 Rog12 Rangr2
- Barb TR for those that would rather play not a barb?
- Paly splash on a fighter
- Multiclassed cleric for second life?
- dusting off old Tempest build - need advice
- Clonk Feat Selection
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