View Full Version : Multiclasses
Pages :
- Quarterstaff Monk
- making a rogue/ranger
- build advice 12rogue/2monk...
- MMA - Mixed Martial Arcane
- summoner build? will it work?
- Vertha - Twf Pali
- Wiz/Monk Necro build
- Sun Tempest
- Fighter/Mage: Where to Start?
- question about tempest prestige
- need help
- just wondering?
- Fun character: Jumper
- some questions
- Help me get some more SPOT SKILL PLS
- Shepherd.....Valiance variant 17/2/1
- Arcane Archer-Longbow Kensai Build
- Can the exploiter builds do these?
- Favored Soul / Sorcerer : worth doing?
- Meltyman
- will this work? advise.
- Warlock Build- Please give feedback
- Question about a build
- Wiz/Cleric
- 15/3/2 Pal/mnk/ftr another self healing battery. Thoughts/comments pls
- Multiclassing my paladin
- monk10/fighter10/ranger4 build?
- Favor Soul/Rogue
- Rogue with Wizard splash?
- Solo-ing ideas
- Multiclassing ideas
- tempest/kensai/assassin? possible good build?
- seen many different rogue/wiz would like feedback
- curious about ranger/rogue/fighter build
- 14 Barbarian / 6 Rogue ?
- Multi class help, tough build
- fighter/paladin or fighter/cleric sugestions pls
- Lyles Warchanting, Kensai II-Archane Archer
- Dwarf Rogue/Ranger - Advice needed
- Gimpmask Leatherface...Evasion tank
- Wizard/Rogue Build Help
- Need help making a Monk/Ranger/Rogue Air Beast
- WIZ/RNG or WIZ/ROG or WIZ/FTR. know nothing of wizards
- help with first rogue1/ranger19 empest build
- self-buffing dual-kopesh spellblade
- Gishyface
- U5 - Ninja/Kensei - need advice
- The All in One
- don't have wf yet but want a r2/w18 halfling
- Razebot - A build for people who want to see the whole game on a budget
- playing with a idea 12 fighter, 6 ranger, 2 monk with longswords
- Rog/Monk
- Fighter/Mage Cold Spell Casting
- U5 - Barb/Rogue Staff build brainstorm
- Multiclass build
- Freakazoid
- WF 13rogue/6fighter/1barbarian - need some feedback
- Lets build the "perfect" multiclasser
- U5 - barb/fighter thrower help
- 12ftr/6ranger/2mnk TR need advice please!
- human version of the monster(12ftr/6ranger/2mnk) tell me what you think
- Seeking Build Info
- Paladin 12/Sorcerer 8
- Favored Soul 11/Bard 9
- TR'ing my "Monster" post U5
- Friar Tuck
- Rogue/Ranger/Fighter multiclass
- Which is better, and why?
- Evasion + 21 Reflex Save worth it?
- Critique my build
- Pale Master Monk Combo
- A Very Good Multiclass For a WF
- Favoured Soul/Ninja multiclass
- Wizard/Rogue - backup Trap guy
- Candle In the Wind (revision)
- Ranger/Rogue Multiclass
- I need advice
- What to Multiclass with Monk?
- WF Wizard Pally Monk
- Saves Question(help)
- Heighten Spell
- The Crossbow Sniper
- Ninja-spy PrE build ideas?
- Shadow warrior build...
- Seige Mage
- fighter/magic user/thief
- Has anyone posted a "Shadow Warrior" yet?
- elf gish for analisis
- Simple Criteria, your advice is appreciated ...
- Advice needed for my reckless son....
- Rogue/Ranger Elf Question
- Ultima Build!!!
- Wanting to Build an Old Bard Please help
- My maybe epic multiclass.
- For newbie: Dont do splashes with arcane/divine caster with arcane/divine
- Bard w/ ranger? helpz!
- Looking for build advice; healer/buffer toon.
- Rogue/Ranger 32 point build setup first run
- Splashing rogue for UMD: how does it work?
- Monk/Pali/Fighter
- Which classes with FvS for Arcane Archer?
- Monk/Ranger advice needed
- looking for a ranger12/paladin6/fighter2?
- UMD on fighter / Ranger
- Do Class Devotion Enhancements stack?
- Alone in the Wilderness
- WF TWF Barbarian18/Fighter2 Khopesh?
- Advice on a respec
- New Player Seeking Advice on Great Crossbow build
- My Take on Multiclassing
- 12/7/1 Drow Tempest Kensai
- Barbarian/Paladin, Bard/Paladin, etc.
- New Build, hopefully.
- Ninja Tempest
- Radiant Whirling Kensai
- Do turn undeads stack?
- Build Advice: A few random questions
- Monk/Rogue assassin build
- Fighter/Ranger Build Help?
- Ranger/Fighter build...
- confused about feats
- if i take 1 lv of fighter
- 16sorc/2pally/2rogue... or is this just a Jank Bard
- 6cleric/14wizard radiant servant/pale master build
- my confusion about multiclassing is gone now
- Does Bard Song magic and Cleric Life magic stack?
- Warchanter/ Mechanic
- Kipshot the PRE addict
- 18barb/2rogue Trap Disabling Warmaster
- multiclass listing
- Need help with a 18/2 wiz rogue halfing
- 6 Bard / 6 Ranger / 6 Rogue
- Which class should I take at 20?
- Idea of a Battle Cleric
- The True(ly Useless) Necromancer
- Possibly new Cleric Tank
- 9/8/3 , barb/fighter/rogue. Leveling only! NO END GAME!
- Rgr12/Fit7/Rog1 Shadowdancer
- Wizard+Cleric/Paladin/FS, is it worthit?
- Looking for a Stealthy/Dual Rapier or Longsword user
- Post U5: Rog 1/Monk 1/Rng 18 (dual khopesh) compared to Fighter 20 (khopesh kensai)
- Unplanned Tempest Ranger - Multi-class or stay pure?
- the new big f'n stick(maybe)
- 32pt Assasin 3
- New to the game...
- AA Kensai Build
- Tempest Enhancements and Monk Unarmed
- Barbarian Sorcerer gameplay
- How good is Tempest?
- I am not sure... lil help plz...
- Fighter or barb intimidate, only 1?
- Concept build: The Drow Ferret
- A 12 ranger/ 8 barbarian build.
- Ranger/Rouge/Fighter
- Monk/Pally/Rouge...Will this Work?
- 2 ftr/2 rgr/16 paladin needing feedback
- Montey McSlaughter tr'd 12 ranger/7rogue/1 fighter
- Elven Kensai AA with Khopesh
- Monk/Rogue Theory
- Cleric/Monk/Fighter gear?
- The Sneaky Archer
- monk questions for my elf 12ftr/6rgr/2mnk kensai-AA
- Um a build of some kind
- Hard Boiled [Ninja Assassin Build]
- Monk Splash
- Holy Oni
- The Steel Tempest
- Build in Progress.......
- Sorcerer/Paladin build
- thaughts on 9monk /11rogue to-hit
- Hit Dice of Multiclasses
- trying to get the best 28pt wf wiz18/rog2
- Rogue/Wiz Build Advise
- Test build 12fvs/6monk/2pally, healing amp
- Skill limits for multi-class
- Is changing TWF feat when I hit lvl 2 ranger a good idea?
- Last ElF Standing 12cleric/6monk/2fighter
- Best build?
- tempest II/kensai I
- A complete DPS/Tanker/buffer and self healer! check if u like it.
- The Decent Paladin/Tempest build, thoughts?
- Not Tukaw's build
- some advice on a fighter thnking about milticlassing
- Demon Slayer
- barb/rogue
- Elven Arcane Archer: A Tale of Two Builds
- Anyone else think this build is cool?
- Warforged Monk/Pally
- Corpsman
- WF Wiz 15/Rogue3/Fighter2
- Dark Fist
- Fighter/Wizard Advice
- Thinking of Multi my tempest dwarf ranger
- Dual Prestige Class Rogue/Wizard
- Clonk.... splash Favored Soul?
- any idea with this stats...
- kenseiIII monk plz coment
- So What should I do with this guy now?
- 8/6/6 monk/ranger/fighter
- rogue/wiz/fgtr plz coment to improve
- Sorc/Favored Soul-Help my build!
- Sorc/Wiz Question
- Battlemage/Swordmage Build for Noob
- quick question need a clear answer
- Kensai/tempest Paly splash
- How to finish?
- Dwarf: TWF Dwarven Axes vs THF Greataxe
- maybe it works?
- [Request Build] Cleric/Monk/Rogue
- Cleric/Paladin Build
- ranger/rogue advice needed
- 18/2 Wiz/Rogue build help needed
- Ok I'm gonna do it
- Open lock skill on rogue splash, how much needed at lvl 20?
- Best DPS class?
- URGENT: 1 level cleric = no-fail Heal scrolls???
- Casual favor speed-runner / stress relief high AC Barb/Fighter
- Ok pro gamers, I need some good advice here for multiclass thingy
- 12 Cleric/8X RSII builds. Opinions on those last 8 levels and the impact of heal amp?
- Rgr 11/Mnk 9 Arcane Archer - Mythal variant
- arcane archer cleric build
- Dex question (advice sought)
- Mechanickal: WF Pale Master/Ninja Spy
- What should I do next?
- Monk/Paladin what next?
- Ranger/monk...... /rogue?
- For fun Fighter/Rogue
- 18cleric/1fighter/1wiz>18cleric/2fighter???
- Spellsword build, 17 wiz/2 fighter/1 rogue. Need advice.
- Pale Master Intimitank, Please critique.
- Requesting a Healing-Specced Paladin build
- Mystic Shadow..opinions wanted
- Radiant servant Clonk w/kensai I
- Emi/Stainer/Dark-star
- will this multiclass work?
- Paladin / Cleric Radiant Servant II
- Fighter 12 /Cleric 6... just for past life.
- 3 melee & something builds
- multiclassing help!
- Pally / Monk even split - Opinions please?
- Which Multiclass .......
- Ranger/Cleric/Pally - Fighter/Cleric/Pally?
- fighter lvl 1/cleric lvl 1 drow is not the best combo
- A Few Questions
- 12barb/6bard/2rog
- Please Help Me!
- I'm doing a LR+3 of my favorite character... (short on time - o
- what's the deal with TR 10/10 split?
- Ranger/Monk/Pal?
- Cleric and Bard enchancements
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