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  1. 18 Fighter/2 Rogue TR
  2. Questions about 18/2 pal monk/rogue
  3. What is the better choice with 12/6/2
  4. Drow Spellsword Build Feedback
  5. Upcoming epic levels and multiclassing
  6. Epic Levels and Your Fighter/Monk
  7. Help a casual player with his Palemaster Monk
  8. Half-Elf 14 Bard/ 6 Ranger Virtuoso II/DWS
  9. Few questions about multiclassing Artificer14/Rogue6
  10. 13 Bard/6 Ranger/1 Barbarian Warcaster II/Tempest I (CRITIQUES NEEDED)
  11. help with solo build
  12. Spellsword build: Archmage, palemaster or neither?
  13. 12fvs 6 fighter 2 monk , King of gimps
  14. Too many Clonks...
  15. Monk Archer. need advice and comments.
  16. Clonk?
  17. need advice on last lv of arti/ranger
  18. Cleric archer
  19. WF Enchantment Wiz/Rog...thing...
  20. The easy button to Completionist
  21. Pali/Monk multi-classing?
  22. Magic Po
  23. Advice on Ranger/Arti/Mechanic
  24. 8 Bard Splash-No PrE???
  25. Barb1/Bard Warchanter
  26. Zen Arcane Articher
  27. rate my warchanter build
  28. paladin/sorcerer
  29. 12 barb / 6 ranger / 2 fighter
  30. Soloing Zombie Arcane Archer (aka HurrPlink)
  31. Need help with a dwarven warchanter
  32. My 2nd life. For barb past life.
  33. Ranger Past Lives
  34. barb/ftr/rog build
  35. 12 pal/6 ftr/2 mnk S&B (Bastard Sword)
  36. An Icy Rainments replacement for more AC?
  37. 13 monk 7 rogue halfling ninja assasin
  38. DOS III worth it?
  39. 18 PM/2 Monk <3
  40. Terror Archer
  41. can anyone refer a rogue wizard build?
  42. Request 32 Pt Paladin TWF build either monk or rouge
  43. Fighter Kensii 2, Arcane Archer twf
  44. FIghter8/Barb12 critiq me.
  45. Dragonmarked elf stalwart shadow
  46. Started as a Wizard, and find thoughts of a splash to be possible.
  47. Paladin/Sorcerer - pics worth 1000 words
  48. Path of Harmonious Balance multiclass
  49. 17cleric/3monk TR healer/melee
  50. WF 1wiz/19rog Mechanic
  51. 13Clr/7Mnk... need help please!
  52. 8 Monk / 12 Fighter Halfling
  53. Let the force be with you! 14 wizard/6 art
  54. Spellsword (another one)
  55. Tempest idea
  56. 4th life.. 12ftr/6rgr/2rog
  57. Combat Caster Extraordinaire! 12Wiz/8Monk
  58. Bard 8 / Sorcerer 12 - Need Ideas
  59. Need a fvs / monk solo build
  60. First time Clonk advice (34pt)
  61. Theorybuild - Raiden, The God of Thunder?
  62. What do you think of this built?
  63. Multiclassing: what am I doing wrong?
  64. Whirling Dervish
  65. Need help, TWF Warchanter
  66. need build advice 11/7/2 Cleric/wizard/monk
  67. The Immortal King - Wiz18/2Monk
  68. Ref: soloing rogue build Helf
  69. 36 Pt Build Helves Angel Fighter 12/ Ranger 6 / Monk 2
  70. Sorc splash advice for Wiz?
  71. 12 fighter 6 barb 2 ranger
  72. Khopesh Wielding Paladin
  73. Request 32 pt wizzy tank build
  74. Theory build - the Silver Fist?
  75. ranger 12/artificer 8
  76. Soaked 2.0: 12rgr/7brn/1art
  77. Omnimonk Multiclass
  78. anti sorcerer
  79. 36 pt TR build
  80. Clonk Gods Hear My Plea
  81. archer dps?
  82. 14/6 TWF KoTC 28pt feedback
  83. 6 rogue/6 arti/ 8x tring build for ranger and other past lives
  84. Solo Barbarian/Rogue/Fighter
  85. 12rng/7pal/1rog
  86. So life after next I want to,
  87. Bard/Monk 3rd Life
  88. 13/7 Radiant Warrior
  89. need help with a build with good saves and good dps
  90. Horrible build trying to be at least gimpy.
  91. Fighter/Monk build help
  92. Smarter than the average hooman
  93. Need help with TR monk paladin
  94. Clr17/Rog2/Pal1, an unusual divine
  95. Help please
  96. Pal18/ftr2 vs pal18/2monk (AC)
  97. The Holy Fist Build
  98. Crazy spellsingerII mechanicI Atri dili Fighter!
  99. Where did I go wrong?
  100. Help with self scroll healing Kensai3
  101. Past life rogue, 18 Barb/2 rogue ideas?
  102. YAMA (Yet Another Monk Archer) - request for feedback
  103. Past Life 12 Fighter / 6 Barbarian / 2 Rogue
  104. Would this be viable?
  105. Battle mage viable?
  106. Need unarmed build for fighter PL
  107. Archmage Fire/Force
  108. In desperate need of a good build.
  109. Divinity (Paladin Arcane Archer)
  110. 18Paladin/2Monk
  111. stances
  112. cap plus multiclass
  113. Ftr x / Monk x / Wiz x
  114. Is elven deepwood sin kensei a bad idea?
  115. The Acclaimed Assassin
  116. Bard 18/Druid 2 viable?
  117. Paladin - Fighter
  118. A solo casual fun time
  119. Is it possible? 28pt Monkcher?
  120. 18/2 ftr rog or 16/4 ftr arti?
  121. Shaolin Monk Quarterstaff
  122. 12 fighter / 6 ranger / 2 rogue dwarf
  123. Bard 18/Soc 2
  124. Questions on druids
  125. bard-barian
  126. entirely monk or cleric h.elf taking druid dilly for fire-scimitars?
  127. Tiina Varbavahe - Divine Archer
  128. Mord'sith Build
  129. Druid arcane archer! is it viable?
  130. Radiant Hunter Impossible?
  131. Build Advice
  132. Wolf Assasin?
  133. The Jack of Fists (Monk 12 / Ranger 6 / Rogue 2)
  134. Drow Sorcificer (Art2/Sorc18)
  135. Halfling Bard / Ranger / Rogue
  136. Theorybuild -
  137. Rogue/Cleric build?
  138. DPS expectations of a battle arcane (and DPS in general)
  139. Need some help optimizing my build.
  140. Thoughts on Druid/1 Arti/1 Fighter
  141. My Druid can't change shape!
  142. Druidshot
  143. Ranger 18/rogue 1/monk 1 ???
  144. Clonkcher
  145. If you were rebuilding today
  146. New player build help tempest 1 / Kensai 2 / Evasion
  147. Need Feedback on Ranger/Monk AA
  148. Wizarficer?
  149. Monk with a rogue splash
  150. repare build
  151. Zombie Wolf Ninja?
  152. Determing Character Class at level
  153. Sorcerer Arcane Archer Thought Party
  154. Red bull give you wings
  155. Monk/Rog - level splash pros & cons
  156. Ninja Assassin Dex Build - 36pt Rogue Life (for Completionist)
  157. What to do with my 1 ranger 10 cleric 28pt build True Neutral Half elf
  158. Druid/Monk build needed
  159. Bard Split Question
  160. 6/arti 6/rog 6/x completionist build?
  161. Bardificer - 16 Warchanter/6 Arti
  162. Ultimate TR Builds to Obtain Completionist? 6/6/6?
  163. Int to Splash Artie-Trapper
  164. Ranger 11 with Cleric 9 or Monk 9?
  165. question about Wizard Shroud of the Zombie
  166. Rog/Healer Half-Elf or Halfling?
  167. Rethinking my Fighter Monk Halfling
  168. Trixter Rng/Art/Ftr 12/6/2
  169. Druid 2 / Barbarian 18
  170. Paladin18/fighter1/rogue1
  171. Ninja spy2/Kensei/now what?
  172. Druid selective clumsiness
  173. Monkchers and the upcoming enhancement changes
  174. Kensai Defender - Thoughts
  175. 12monk / 7Druid / 1Rogue - Storm of a Thousand Fists
  176. my healing build for cosaki hikari 1FvS/19cleric
  177. Exploiter Help
  178. Guide - Rogue Splash Trap Skills
  179. Swashbuckler: critique the build
  180. Ret's Battle Cleric Post
  181. Quarterstaff Monk build with Rogue Skills?
  182. 12 Monk/6 Fighter/2 Artificer build
  183. 28 Point Masochist (Ninja Spy I/Assassin II) Looking for advice.
  184. Is this build viable
  185. Ossrock - Mystra's Champion
  186. Versus
  187. Motivation for the non-uber player
  188. help with guildie's build
  189. Help with a healing amp pally build
  190. Run-a-muck and Suck: The Vambarian build
  191. Noba Dee's build.
  192. AA Rogue 13 - Ranger 6 - Artificer 1
  193. Ranger Multiclass
  194. Semi-tukaw build questions / thoughts
  195. Throwy McThrowington - Yes, it's a Thrower Build
  196. Multiclassing options for a DoS Paladin?
  197. Paladin/monk
  198. Weird TR builds that work
  199. druid/wizard
  200. New Tenser's - the revenge of the Tukaws?
  201. Barb/Rogue build wanted for barb lives.
  202. Barbaric in Nature
  203. 12 Wiz(PM)/8 Ftr (SD) - Feats
  204. Nature's Arrow (Druid H-ELF AA 32-point)
  205. A nice FVS/monk Half elf... maybe?
  206. Level split for a Drunk
  207. 2 past lives of ftr now what?
  208. Dwarven bear
  209. Bard/Druid/Rogue, looking for a good combination
  210. I'm looking for an Arcane Archer who can also Disable Traps and Pick Locks
  211. Battlecleric build ideas?
  212. Favored Soul + Bard?
  213. Hrmm - Possible build?
  214. Ninja Assassin Elf Shadow Build
  215. Monk/fighter/druid with healing marks
  216. Monk/Rogue, stun + SA = truth?
  217. Clonk or Cleric levelling
  218. Harassment Build
  219. The Drunk
  220. Valenar Elf Ranger/Barbarian
  221. Need build advice for Rogue/Cleric/Monk
  222. slimy doom and acid manipulation
  223. Looking for a rogue/monk
  224. Could a non-Warforged Sorc or Wiz/Arti be viable?
  225. Rouge and ...
  226. Advice on feats, please
  227. 2Rouge/6Ranger/12Bard Drow elf
  228. Spellsword of the Undying Court (yes another one^^)
  229. Kliink - 34 pt Warchanter with survival in mind.
  230. All three ranged PRE's
  231. LFAdvice in cr8ing Rogue/Fighter
  232. Need a some advice - 12 monk/7 cleric/1 rogue
  233. Ranger/Rogue
  234. 12monk/8fighter
  235. Elven AA Bard?
  236. Question on my current life
  237. Druid/Monk
  238. [BuildREQ] FVS + ???
  239. raging monk question
  240. 18 Cleric / 1 Fighter / 1 Wizard
  241. Build Help
  242. Build Help 18 Fighter/2 Rogue
  243. monk-tank (name pending)
  244. what would you do with this toon
  245. 18 wizard 2 arti
  246. 12barb/6fighter/2rogue
  247. Jelliebean Jenkins| Half Elf (18 cleric / 2 Monk)
  248. Killer Aura - 17 druid/2 monk/1 fighter DPS build
  249. Barb/Rogue Uncanny Dodge
  250. 6ranger/14monk zen arcane archer