View Full Version : General DDO Discussion
- Completely baffled...
- A good read
- Reporting in from conan
- Ghallanda Down?
- Pit fiend got game!
- Fix Coalescence Chamber!
- High Def vs Standard Comparison
- Resolution-standard to high res
- VOTE for what you want to see next !
- How do i make a text macro again??
- Armor and AC Question
- Where has Q gone?
- Ham Farming
- Petition: Add More Unique Animations based on Class
- You guys have any idea of...
- DDO Etiquette
- We need turtles in this game...
- Note about DDOcast
- Armor Class question
- DDOcast Episode 70!
- A Reasonable Proposition?
- No muppets! (?)
- Question about GTWF
- Symbol of Death (and other) scrolls
- Lay on hand at level 2?
- First plat seller, now this....
- High Resolution Version
- Show me the money ($40MM)
- Avatars
- Map of Xen'drik
- Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
- Plat Sellers don't waste time
- Sarlona relic run. Another day another PUG> LOL
- Mod 7 Announcement
- Keymapping and High Res Version
- 1 Day Before Mod 7 Handwraps and Flurry of Blows
- Favicon Fix for the Forums with Firefox
- A tip if you have to reinstall DDO
- Faux First Look: Release Notes - Module 7
- powergamers!!!!!
- I wish I were as good as...
- Subscription running up
- Better get this done before tomorrow...
- Auction house caper
- Memories of 3 Barrel Cove
- The Definitive Haste Thread
- It's an Icon of Khyber (Eye of the Tiger)
- Critical hits
- Devil Assult Elite Competition
- Awful Lag Right Now
- quick monk question
- Dwarven Cleric
- Beckett's Online Survey
- Monks and Warforged!
- Fatboy's All About To Be Kung Fu Fighting
- Module 7
- 28 point monk = wothless?
- Greensteel effects bugged???
- wish list for future updates
- new crafting items list
- Monks -- And Future Times
- I'm a brand new monk and I'm okay
- Where does the Monk Fit?
- It's here.......
- Druids Are Here!!!!
- MOd 7 now live - NO NEW CHAR SLOT (start the petition here)
- No new Tele/GT Locations
- Monk Compendium Info
- Tolero can you do me a Huge Favor?
- Anyone able to log in?
- mod 7 has same stuck on load screen when switching characters as risia did
- the 13th moon
- New slot for 5 bounties? Is it true?
- Sneaky stacking
- Known Issues...
- So, how DO you say it?
- No New Char Slot
- Is this wrong?
- No slots, fine. Fix Favor Flagging!
- New Greensteels
- My evil plans shall come to fruition
- Mod 7 Quests?
- Running With The Devils change
- Raid Loot?
- Component bag?
- extra 2weapon slots and quivers?
- A/H ammo gone?
- Beware! Painful Bug.
- Bounties?
- Titan Bugged
- Friends List Totally Messed up
- Stealthy repossession changes?
- character still being saved X3... and loading please wait UNREAL
- So you want another character slot
- Error Found????
- Level Cap???
- Petition: Cremate your dead!
- Why Haven't We Added Merida To The Teleport List?!
- Question about Monk Weapons
- Possible bug with bounties...
- What's your monk's story?
- Character creation videos
- So how exactly does the explorer zone XP work now?
- Why is it broke again?
- ***!!!!!!!
- New Market Loading Screen
- No more 5min timer?
- So like.. the Fire Elemental is a track star?
- Does Wrack Construct Work?
- Paladins have to PAY to get their free enhancement points!!
- Why fight with fists? Makes no sense!
- No Extra Slots
- Monetary reward or possibly items given for deleting high lvl chars.
- monk equips!......where?
- Load Screen ISSUES
- So whats the horns other uses?
- Friends list buggggggggggggggg!
- Art quality control?
- Why do monks have proficiencies with weapons like...
- Underwater gold pile?
- New: Default channels for all servers
- Nat Gan Has been Stolen!
- I give up!
- I played when the level cap was 10, what's changed?
- Bounty system seems unworkable.
- Props on the Monk DDO!
- What ive learned about monks limitations
- Old School Titan
- Small ingredient bags?
- So I grouped with a ranger...
- today reminded me what it used to be like two years ago
- By the way - THANK YOU!
- Can we have our scrolls back,
- State of the raids: some better. some (much) worse
- Any Suggestions
- Yay For.....
- Three Barrel Cove: The Elusive Bounty
- Everbody Was Kung Fu Fighting!
- Petition to Turbine for all forthcoming Mods
- Prove your worth Fire Chest
- Greater shadows immune to FW?
- Additional account.
- My Theory on the loading issues
- Pit Fiend- Bad Lag or Bug?
- Improved Loot
- Three Barrel Cove: Resort and Spa for Psychos
- Unarmed Combat
- Way of Tortoise question
- DDO newsletter
- Playing Monks
- Mod 7 Bug list.
- Changed Party Status (Font)
- Fix the log in errors
- Race for the Capped Monk!
- Monks and Diehard feat
- dusk heart
- Khyber rocks>>>
- Turbine recieves big investment
- Monk Wear
- Charms dancing with Ottos Ball spell
- Extra Slots, Worse News
- MOD 7 thoughts......
- A competition when people can't even log in?
- Auctions!!!
- Quivers ... what?!!
- Call for people to set up and use LFG channels
- Potions and Combat Expertise
- Go Ghalla!!!
- Mod 7 + Linux
- Spell Question - Arcane Spell, 5th level
- client crashes
- Painfully Long Load Screens!
- Permadeath in Mod 7
- New Bugs Found!
- this is ********
- Titan raid
- changing alignment
- What's up with the friends list?
- A tribute
- Bounty Quest question
- Hand wraps AH
- The future of the Monk/Cleric duel class
- Cross server PVP
- Log IN Problems Module 7
- Mob select problems
- My imagination or...
- Gygax Trinket Question
- Heads up on the Shrieking Mines
- Ghallandas Cheating in the Race!
- Kobold Sentrys are more sentry like
- My thoughts on Way of the Monk
- video - post effects
- Broken Loot Table
- - “For your Butt-kicking pleasure!”
- Monk AC bonuses
- Hotfix?!?!
- Risia not up?
- A foul deed! Thelanis efforts sabatoged!!
- Back up
- Servers Are Up.
- Cleric spells.
- Tip #150
- Anyone else getting this AP display bug?
- Which server is most populated?
- 2 down
- It won't stop.....
- Thelanis DQ done!
- thelanis has one to go
- East 2 Question
- Shroud counter bug back?
- Path of inevitable dominion
- Grievance
- Ghallanda WINS! BOOH YEA!
- A quote for those who bet against Thelanis
- Awwww Its So Cute!!!!
- new raid spoilers
- Can you Play DDO like Special Forces?
- Griefing
- Congrats Thelanis and Legion for your win.
- what do you in?
- To Power Level or not to Power Level?
- That was an exciting race
- Enhancements
- How do you level quickly?
- Any word on the Abbott?
- Good Luck, Nat Gann
- Bruce Lee vs. Chuck Norris
- Anyone else notice?
- Q, where you be?
- New Quest A Day??
- Can't create new character
- 2nd Raid?
- DDO Ajax Crafting Planner App
- Action Point Calculator???
- Stabilized -> rage ended -> bled to death?
- Ok, if you don't share some information, why are you making a new thread...
- Server maintenance June 9th/Meridia Teleport
- The new craze! Returning Ham
- 1750 Favor!!
- What is the Max amount of Money a toon can hold?
- DDO is 100% better
- The Subterane, A Visitor's Guide - Spoilers
- Server wipe?
- Are raid tokens useless now that subterrain is unlocked?
- Quick Question re: Ability points
- Xoriat Cipher Loot
- Blur & Displacement stack?
- connection error
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