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  1. The Lag is Still Occuring
  2. The only way to end the SPAM
  3. I volunteer: Plat selling solution
  4. What If trial accounts...............
  5. Saw this and thought I would share it :)
  6. Need quick advice on last feat
  7. Whats a cleric for?
  8. DDO survival
  9. worst
  10. Lag...AKA why i cant keep a party together
  11. WTT +1 W/P Dagger
  12. 2 Reaver Failures in 1 Week
  13. How Djinn Summon Ham
  14. Rogues 'n' Daggers
  15. Still learning - stacking ?
  16. DDO and Forgotten Realms
  17. Optimal armor at various DEX breakpoints?
  18. So what happened at the AH last night?
  19. Non damaging AOE spells ~vs~ the AGRO they beget...a little common sense...PLEASE
  20. I Found An Eberron Dragon Shard
  21. Wda 4/30
  22. My Djinn tricked me!
  23. Share your crafted items
  24. Aspenor Impostor
  25. I would like to thank...
  26. Marketplace Tent ... Coming Back???
  27. Seal of Fire
  28. Lookig to Trade +1 Paralyzing Mace For
  29. How do I do this?
  30. Truth or Myth?: Pit Fiend hit points in part 5
  31. Monk week
  32. Shield blocking in an active combat system
  33. MMO Developer Turbine Nabs $40 Million in Funding
  34. Should maint. times rotate to bother all?
  35. Monks are coming, so I am going
  36. A Bug or Things to come?
  37. Cloudkill hurts...
  38. Seeker?
  39. Is it against the rules to ...
  40. Bare Bones Weapon Matchups
  41. I never pull any good treasure
  42. Worlds back up!
  43. Simply Priceless
  44. Complainers of The World, Unite!
  45. Please fix Barb Rage!
  46. Where can I find Silver Flame Hymnals and Prophecy of Khyber Tomes?
  47. Why cry nerf?
  48. BAB Progress Gives You What?
  49. so did the patch work
  50. respecing toughness
  51. Master's Touch??
  52. My character is too powerful
  53. If you have more than 9 toons - better read this!
  54. Thelain's Last Djinni...Dead
  55. Gather round! Lets talk about exploits!
  56. a tidbit more mod 7 info
  57. Weapon Truth - Staff Of Golden Wizard???
  58. Scroll DC?
  59. Turbine Why do you max the # of toons we can have?
  60. Monster AI and Invis - Thanks Turbine!
  61. Still Experiencing Lag - Titan - Post 5/1 Patch
  62. Serious Issue with the New Crafting Recipies.
  63. SPELL FOCUS QUERY feat/items
  64. ignoring traps an exploit?
  65. is this an exploit?
  66. OMGAZOIDZ is this an exploit?
  67. Level 9-10-11 quests?
  68. Could this be an exploit? It's scary
  69. Introduction to the Gamer
  70. Anyone seen the Sorrowdusk gargoyle?
  71. Hats off to the Devs!
  72. While Trolling/Adding Constructive Comments on The Forums
  73. Poll - Are you happy with Turbine?
  74. Yay! Festival Coin drop rates increased
  75. Need a peripheral
  76. Let Me Be The First
  77. Thanks DDO for an open discussion.
  78. Xiloscient's Video Goodbye
  79. I'm so confused...
  80. Ive seen alot..but this is a first
  81. It is not all about the Build
  82. Kommunity Kobold killed and eaten by sociopath
  83. Here's a good thread for you...
  84. Hasenpfeffer's tenacious quest for the legendary bloodstone!!
  85. Tactics
  86. Please explain this feat to me?
  87. Slay living guard
  88. Triple Negative Greensteal
  89. How to redownload DDO?
  90. Negative levels...I have a question...?
  91. Help Turbine define exploit
  92. I return copperless
  93. Yes, yes...brought up before, but more 'normal' equipment for lowbies?
  94. Lowering Harry's hp yourself ?? You decide..
  95. I have pulled the most UBER SHIELD EVER!!!!
  96. Collectables in crafting: how about including the most abundant "useless" item?
  97. Epic Levels and Epic Items
  98. So How's the overall Lag in Thelanis?
  99. Funn with Es press o...int intu lect ual bar bear ee an
  100. Report feature in Help Panel.
  101. DDOcast Episode 66!
  102. Lag Not Fixed!
  103. Now is the time to ramp up advertising for DDO.
  104. DDOcast's Ask the Devs 3 Transcript
  105. Lag is still bad :(
  106. just woundering
  107. Lag, and how i usually deal with it
  108. So...Mebbe you've heard this one :)
  109. G15 Keyboard
  110. Fix It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!
  111. Consider changing cleric Healing Criticals
  112. help understanding how multi-classing works
  113. Which Dragon would YOU be?
  114. Bracers of Flatulence?
  115. Pit Fiend exploit! details inside
  116. 50 more quests
  117. Request: Ramp of Collectible Drop Rate
  118. selling accounts?
  119. Caster question
  120. WDA coming today?
  121. Who do we sacrafice?
  122. Best Non- Situational AC in the game
  123. Zerging Opinion
  124. Some guys have all the luck (with armor skins)
  125. The way of the Hunk?
  126. A Plea to all Warforged...from a cleric
  127. EXCITED about 4th edition are you ??
  128. Scrolls
  129. Guild Questionaire: Your website needs
  130. Tier 1, 2, and 3... Do They Stack?
  131. You know what I love?
  132. Huge Mistake Of Game Damaging Proportions...
  133. weapon comparison
  134. Too much grind for me.
  135. Shroud bug question
  136. Hitting that wall again...
  137. Reasons why banning exploits do not make sense.
  138. Scrolls and exploiting
  139. A Real Plat Farmer Fix
  140. Remove the Other Scrolls that Are Being Exploited:
  141. Informing the rest of the players
  142. Im sick of all the exploiting!!
  143. I am surprised of pugs...
  144. No answer...must be ok!
  145. Exploits!!
  146. Problem managing tomes
  147. Way/Specialities
  148. no more...
  149. I refuse to POLICE my fellow players.
  150. Reasonable Request?
  151. On the subject of exploits.....
  152. Opened mail disapears with items
  153. Wonderous epic fantasy item thread
  154. If the grind is wearing on you, then this is a MUST READ!
  155. Pit Fiend Bug
  156. Crippling vs. Slowburst
  157. Percent of Players who Intentionally Exploit
  158. Iron Man and DDO, Official thread
  159. sure way not to do any kind of exploit
  160. Static Loot and other ideas...
  161. Shroud fuss truth
  162. WF Barbarian & Power Attack Enhancements
  163. 23 days and counting
  164. Think I found it
  165. When does playing a barbarian become fun?
  166. Vampires & Vorpal
  167. You've given me a bad habit DDO
  168. LFM comment
  169. Most embarassing moment?
  170. Please change the terminology
  171. **GFH GUIDE: Global Forum harmony ** Please Read
  172. Mod 7: Way of the Monk Load Screen is up
  173. Will Saves ... I'm tired of being held
  174. Pure Water Vials, Prayer Beads, Silver Flame Hymnals .....
  175. The Shroud
  176. Can Hardly Wait.....
  177. New Loading Screen
  178. I Love You All
  179. Will the enhancements stack
  180. When did everyone start needing a "guide"?
  181. Kill Count Question
  182. Black Dragon scale armor/ robe
  183. New Fictional Items by MCsquishy
  184. MCsquishy's Item Ideas
  185. stuck on examining data
  186. AC questions
  187. Quick Help: Power Attack
  188. Cleric change comming?
  189. Mod 6? is it a raid? rant?
  190. Class Balance
  191. OH LORD is this lvl a tough one!
  192. What is your favorite crafting recipee?
  193. + tomes / feat shard exchanges
  194. Exploiting new players
  195. Beyond Mod 7
  196. Intresting Thought For Crafting
  197. Brilliant Solution to Exploit(s)
  198. I miss the old forums...
  199. New Servers?
  200. What happened to the cake?
  201. Where to get a Bloodstone Gem
  202. Maxed out Guild !!!
  203. WWRAD? Exploit?
  204. Why can't my.....
  205. Turbine, Fix This!
  206. To gamepad or not to gamepad..
  207. Need some help for a couple people new to DDO
  208. Rage and master's touch needs fixin'
  209. Request to the Dev's for Mod 7 when it gets carried out
  210. LAG issues.....and it's SERVER SIDE
  211. Risa Test Server??
  212. Question on stunning blow duration
  213. Is there a paticular class you have no interest in?
  214. Proof that the Monk's elemental attack needs nerfing...
  215. Mid-Mod Woes
  216. Please help me understand enhancement/item stacking
  217. Grind vs Entertainment
  218. Raise a Mug of Ale!
  219. Why roll a Wizard?
  220. Bloody Crypt, could it be a Raid?
  221. It's like it never existed
  222. Helm of the Mroranon
  223. You'll be back
  224. cursespewing
  225. TWF with a sheild
  226. Plat farmers
  227. Raid's Differences
  228. Why wouldnt Haggle affect your repair price?
  229. Funny graphical glitches
  230. Is there a breakdown of haggles effects?
  231. Stupid reaver plot question (potential spoiler)
  232. Renewed love for the game
  233. superior potency items
  234. Is This Funny?
  235. Beta return, which server?
  236. gonna play lotro untill monks come out.
  237. Improved Feint and Crit questions
  238. I can't get an answer where I ask elsewhere so I'll ask here
  239. DDOcast Episode 67
  240. Happy Mother's Day
  241. Is this right?
  242. Filling the time between mods
  243. >>>Exploit<<<
  244. Its time to say goodbye...
  245. Reaver and getting SP back
  246. Oceania always suffers
  247. Shield Piece of My Mind
  248. Power Critical?
  249. Is it to early to whine about Druids?
  250. It up!