View Full Version : General DDO Discussion
- Fear Mongering
- Just re-subbed any chance of getting a beta key?
- Nda?
- Marketplace of modules
- Non-existant on my account, couldnt get the beta invite for being an existing player.
- But .... when will we be getting the mod formerly known as 9?
- I not clear on the Vip downgrade upgrade thing
- am I noted yet?
- fernando-beta keys?
- Best Server??
- It's halflings! Soylent Green is made out of halflings!!!!!!!!!!
- Is there a bug with shurikens and the stone of change?
- Borro is gonna win...
- an opinion from someone not happy - read at your own risk!
- All Current Players Pls Read This And Note Whether You Agree Or Not
- My huge fear is banished now :)
- Borror0 is gonna...
- Eberron Unlimited is killing the European Servers
- Deciding on Unofficial Servers
- Psionisist
- Lamannia
- Cannot Read Eberron Well For The DDO Symbol
- Quite Complainging about Turbine Points
- Yet another VIP -> F2P downgrade question...
- So.... does F2P solve the lag issues?
- The Cube is #14!
- This Fool deserves a forum title
- Can't accept Non disclosure agreement
- acount update error
- Ddo:eu
- Looking for some VoN6 Information
- Please Reconsider Favor and Turbine Points
- Fix For Spawn of Whisperdoom Collectibles
- Hey Turbine!!!!!!!!!!!
- Teleport wands = wrong!
- a question about the cube...
- Non-slow Roleplay?
- On the way out the door...
- Thank you Tolero!
- How many friends will You tell?
- DDO Unlimited beta
- DDO Is Here To Stay
- live servers
- Im getting mad!
- Forum Abuse
- Great game. Already ordered a copy from Walmart.
- DDO being dumbed down?
- How long for GM response? Misery Peak Glitch
- Unlimited planned from begenning?
- New Reputation System Horribly Flawed!
- Why make it solo friendly?
- Druids =/= Primary Healers
- Is the character signtature feature messed up for anyone else?
- Beta links
- Anyone ever tried this to see what it is like?
- Power gamers take the brunt again
- Have Free Trial accounts been discontinued?
- maybe?
- Uninstalled lamnia and red ddo stopped working?
- Pre made path resumee
- Hi Please help! :D
- question re. D&D unlimited
- DDO Cosplay
- thanks a ton
- MOD9 and the current status of your guild?
- Beta Keys, again...(copied from general)
- Not at 1750 favor yet...should I wait?
- crazy shroud
- Trial to Mod9
- For those of us that didn't get a Beta invite
- Master's Touch UI bug
- No invite for beta sign in here
- Trap the Soul greensteel
- Some economical thoughts on the new model
- 6/14/2009 and still No Invite
- Servers down? Sun 11am
- Lotro trial KEY
- Collectable AH prices
- No Beta for Me?
- Beta Characters
- Afraid of Change
- The "I have NO EMAIL/KEY" thread
- Disable Traps/ Pick Locks??
- Class Based Rewards
- Half my gear is missing on one of my toons!!
- New Marketing Method
- Reputation - where do popular posters hang out?
- If I Were A Developer
- New intro video with DDO:U?
- Who's Bad??? 1st Neg Rep here!
- Black widow Bracers
- Missing rares on Sorrowdusk?
- Lame names for new players
- Tasty Ham
- Since I've been gone...
- One of many in need of help:=)
- Finally!!
- Thread Killer...
- Where are the other races?
- Whats your favorite quest?
- Respecing 2nd toughness feat
- DDO Forums Timer?
- Least Favorite Quest
- Current subscriptions and VIP multi-month plan
- Why be Afraid of the New People when EU goes live?
- Goodbye DDO and Fellow players.
- Returning after two years, need some help! :)
- New Paiz Interview
- Revamped areas for higher end quests
- Closed Beta vs. Open Beta
- Invisibility Potions?
- More than 10 character slots - GOOD news
- An interesting learning on quest likes and dislikes
- Turbine's ultimate hope for payment model?
- How Dare HE!
- Sigil Piece
- Setting up UserChat Channels
- Returning player
- Can't open game
- Guild Shopping
- Will Gametime Cards still be available?
- Fun: The ultimate Soul Gem Quizz
- DDO vs WoW
- A Trial DDo:EU question Hybrid
- Two Wep. Fighting (Light)
- Staffs in DDO
- More weapon types in DDO:U? Spears, Polearms?!
- Question about Mod9
- Reputation System earns some favour...
- Can someone help here?
- Do you find soloing WW elite on a level 16 character rewarding?
- Help with Beta
- DDO Store = Death of Plat Farms?
- How to fix your money problem
- Feedback re Beta Forum Rep System
- The Quest for originality!
- Dumbest things we have done or continue to do
- What is going on!? - I have free points, but no beta key?!
- mod 9 or not mod 9 .. whens it gonna get here thats the question
- my beta key--how it got fixed
- Questions about REP
- How far has DDO fallen?
- anyway to play old version after beta update
- Ring Of Spell Storing
- Unable to acces Beta Forum Links
- What's up w/ the AH
- Trouble with Beta
- Stacking bonus from items?
- Interesting interview by GameBanshee
- DDO:U logo in top left of forums...
- Help please
- the forums are interesting again
- Servers down?
- Why I wont play in the beta server
- what do you want in future mods?
- Amatory Adventures of the Green Rep Bar
- More low level content on the way??
- beta help
- Huh...well that's interesting...
- The next BIG thing in Turbine Points
- The Unknown
- Tab Targetting
- Thank you
- Was autoface removed?
- Cannith Manufactury Question
- Self-promotion time....
- Its a Mistake not to join guild's early
- Most populated/active server?
- After level 4, Do you need a group to do anything?
- New to DDO & need advice
- Carrying over Raid completions with reroll.
- Boning You Every 4th level
- Hello all, new player signing in.
- Why should I choose stealth?
- PC Gamer - August
- How many want to try beta?
- whats the point of a NDA if people leak?
- MAC/PC question
- Pics from the DDO Store
- question about customization?
- Beckett's Massive Online Gamer New Website
- Wheres Waldo?
- Just a random question... Anyway to check server pop levels?
- Don't See Beta Forum....
- Raid Counter
- New Player
- I Hope You Get This...Yes I Do
- Beta access for a user with a banned forum account
- F2P with VIP in group
- Tomes above +1
- Downloading Trial tonight
- Is there any substance to the rumours about capping haggle to 40?
- How are you gentlemen?
- Scrolls removed from play
- To reroll or not to reroll
- Greetings from UK
- New players beta vs. free trial confusion
- 11 Toons
- Help with Beta client
- Monk
- How come this was all Super Secret?
- Share
- This is working!
- Blacklisted?
- Beta invites and keys already in use?
- Stormreach Chronicle?
- What happened to my Muckbane and Gerald Dryden's Mace?
- DDO Store
- The Archbishop's Fate
- As of 2009, good solo class for a new player?
- Trying to start a second account
- lvl 1 caster Spell Components in Korthos?
- Druids.
- Face appears in rez window? LOL
- Give talish, sigtrent (and other unsung players) a title!
- Happy Fathers Day Fellow Gamers
- How important to you is Greater False Life...?
- Character info at selection screen...?
- errors take a look
- LARP group forming
- DDO Store
- Happy Father's Day! ummm... wait
- Custom Chat Channels
- Why buy Warforged's??
- Great suggestions
- How big are your
- If there were Achievements in DDO
- Hound Shield Corrected Yet?
- Where are our cool events
- shop in korthos......
- {[to Do List]}
- Filled with anticipation
- Halflings vs. warforged.
- Fiendish Cube...
- Omg Its 12 Pm Est!!!!
- servers down?
- An Idea About Dungeon Scaling and PermaDeath
- Can't use Customize in character creation
- Account Help
- Warning!
- Spell Lores/Damage Types for Blade Barrier, disintegration spells...
- Where are the gem bags etc at in the harbor?
- What happends when you play too much on a laptop?
- You might be addicted IF!!
- Are Keys still being distributed
- Just wondering
- Beta and the Beta forums
- Clothing and such
- pls answere my question
- Re beta, new changes, and the mass cancelations coming for Mod 9
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