- Multiple Paladin Bugs
- Roll call levers
- THF Not Fun
- Sneaking seems to work post u45
- Anniversary Event Details?
- Lost some UMD in update
- EVoM
- Dance of death bug, update 45
- Dailies
- Paladin Issues
- Creator of 14th Anniversary Party Wiki Page
- Scroill/seal/shard looting: worse on Heroic Elite than Epic Normal?
- dwarf war ax
- U45 ISSUE? - Guild Airship lost applied colours
- PSA: Epic Voice of the Master (max sentient xp = 1000)
- U45 Is a good one
- There was an error generating the hash code for a patch file
- No Worries unnerf?
- Is 64 bit available for steam download?
- What did you slot in your eVoice?
- Small request
- Anniversary Party Eternal Flasks...Super Bold Blend Coffee
- Shame on you for releasing update 45 in this condition!
- U45: Shared bank filters - dropdown menu size
- Still no Torc :(
- Iconic TR Question
- Henshin Mystic No Strikethrough?
- Jeweled cloak clicky?
- another bug for Alchemist
- Please please fix kotc
- Alchemist w/ Throwing Knives
- U45 - List of Bugs
- Items Missing after Reincarnation
- Missing a large amount of HP...
- Favored Weapons
- Careful on alchemist LR
- Is Heavy Repeater Battle Engineer equal to Inquisitive now?
- Which Epic Destiny abilities do you skip
- Thelanis is on fire
- U45 is swimming in bugs.
- Can you fix shadow training 2 please
- Dear Devs is 2HF back on the to do list?
- Blue-Balls Endure Casters
- anniversary rewards
- Epic runearms where have you gonne?
- Mob hit me for 640 points of constitution damage???
- Devs: Purple Dragon Knights glowing eyes not working. Please fix?
- Cleaning Up Old Connection
- Could something be done about mis-passed loot?
- Teleport items timer reduced? Really?
- An Ode to my Favorite Combat Style
- Horrible, horrible lag
- What an Aasimar looks like when they wield a maul
- New Laptop Help
- Clicky Farming?
- Why the boarding pass nerf?
- Bonus Reward Ticket
- +Lichobel race
- Aura of good
- Ratcatcher Bug?
- What DCs do you need in Sharn
- Quicking Admixtures Removed?
- New Inventory Sorting Issues & Solution
- Bug Report: Shroud of Zombie animation error
- Heroic Alchemist
- Do Flightfoot Greaves actually come from Death House?
- Missing items from shared bank after U45
- Bishop Graylight AWOL from Crypt of Gerarrd Dryden Epic?
- Why is alchemist punished for healing?
- Reaper CC durations seem further reduced since U45
- Why EKs have the higher melee dps than fighters and barbarians?
- How the dev team balance the classes? dps? abilities? spell casting?
- Put a timer on the heal grenades but don't ruin our animation
- SSG please fix/update your release notes....re:Envenom the Heart T4 VC
- Vistani Toggle Enhancements screwing up Weapon Enchantments
- Alchemical Shield Bugged?
- Why negative healing spells are better than positive in reaper?
- DDO must be doing very well at this point
- Free Feat Exchange Broken?
- C'mon Man!
- Legacy Server?
- Deathward and Destruction
- Robe of Shadow not applying poison crit bonus
- Silence of the Tasty Ham Buff
- Endgame: Marguarite bugs, epic normal
- Alchemist spell type / arcane spell augmentation
- Catacombs - Quick Review
- Brussel Sprout Letdown
- Alchemist is pretty cool and you fixed horses
- PSA-The anniversary event is a decent way to farm cannith crafting collectibles....
- Lords of Dust Optional blocked
- Evoice mythic or reaper?
- Vile knife thrower. An alchemists build
- Fixing Horc Pure Pally Vanguard
- Some praise for standing stone customer support.
- Default Noob question..... Why can't i use a X-bow properly!
- known issues list?
- Weapon enchantments are overwriting tree enhancements
- U45 Boarding Pass change and future changes to other ports/pass
- lfms no longer auto populate difficulty on hover over
- 64 bit clinet has no bug submission ability
- Weirdness in Orchard Cave
- Please Advise
- DDO Facebook implies HCL2 coming soon
- 64bit & flashing/overlapping graphic textures
- Shot on the Run Doesn't Stack with Ranged Alacrity
- Catacombs chain reward missing named itens.
- Alchemist 15 Bug: Only 1 L6 Spell
- Vile Chemists really need other non-spell casting options to contaminate foes
- Aimed Shot Broken
- How about an in-game item that eliminates the lag, so that we can play this game?
- Devs - Reaper HP increase?
- PSA: Anniversary Event - Rose Goggles ML 30
- artificer bonus feat: accelerate
- Bad lag on Monday on Sarlona
- Spring Attack 20 second Cooldown Too Long
- Luck domain - cleric
- passive ki regeneration, is wiki up to date?
- Looking for a screenshot of Twisted Missile
- u45 : Strenght Gear
- No Insightful Reflexes for Iconic Alchemist?
- HCL 2 The Devil is in the Details
- can we fix incap?
- The perfect (casual) party
- Patch notes ups and downs
- Hardcore Rewards
- #HardcoreTooSoon ? Should they have waited until mid-march to launch HC2?
- Hardcore League is killing the game.
- unholy avatar / inflict wounds potion throw . no synergy
- Lichabel kinda mean
- Hardcore Money Grab
- Just noticed vengance buff has a timer
- HC2 5K favor mount
- Portable Hole needs Alchemist Trainer
- Anniversary Rewards??
- just seen release notes
- Sharn ingredient drop rate review
- Alchemist and Hardcore season 2 timing.
- I want to play more than 1 character but.....
- Changes to Hardcore League 2
- POLL: Hardcore Season Length - What is the optimal length?
- I knew it. Server population.
- Exalted Smite Nerf???
- THF weapon swap and 3-5 seconds freeze
- Save our NPCs in the cargo hold
- LGS and EDF
- Reaper Spawns
- did the small shrine in sunrise get nerfed?
- New Epic feat "Master of Spellvials" is not working as intended
- Too Hot unplayable with lag
- Tks for fixing kotc but still some issues:
- Enjoying Hardcore League
- stucked on load screen almost always
- Eternal Rest nerf
- 3BC epic slaying
- Apologies to Lynnabel and Flimsy
- How to filter which forums you see?
- Requesting hardcore Alchemist built.
- Stuck in mouselook mode with a dialog box I can't interact with
- Hey SSG Thank you for Hardcore
- Interesting Alchemist Trainer Bug
- Any news on stealth improvements?
- Bad Lag on Orien - Please Restart Before Weekend
- Help! I can't launch the game!
- Epic Catacombs
- I feel like I was scammed
- lesser heart of wood +20 reincarnation stuck question
- Changed champion titles?
- Curious from afar: is Hardcore Hardcore even bettah?
- Gnome Blur no longer auto applying?
- Sunrise - give Ezmerelda a -Threat modifier
- Paladin upgrades underwhelming
- I'm surprised soft core is still VIP only. I know I shouldn't be, but I am.
- Dear complainers
- halfing enhancement "Stealthy" question
- Failed to connect to server
- Random loot in hardcore is kinda...off
- Ddo live population server count? This is it.
- DEVS add low lvl SAGAS
- Will we ever see +2 racial AP tome back in the store?
- Character Bank Space NOT on sale
- Being chain stunned is not fun
- Challenge Bonus Not Switched On?
- The gatekeepers' groove
- Summoning hirelings get interrupted
- We should not forget Premium players
- Epic Catacombs - massive disappointment
- My last life
- Losing pot time in public zones
- Shadow Dancer's Shadow form no longer works with Epic defensive fighting, WAI?
- Inventory Upgrades! - buyer beware.
- How To completely Reset TOEE
- Guild Leader Inactive
- Catacombs rework is fabulous
- Negative Healing Spell Targeting not the same as positive
- sentient xp
- Anniversary Party: final chest bugged?
- Energy sheath doesn't seem to be dealing damage properly.
- Throwing weapons and timing/animation
- Use Magic device skill and Alchemy scrolls
- Dark Imbuement
- Updating issues - please help.
- Lag hill not so laggy with 64bit client
- Really should have known better
- Is there any place for 'normies' anymore?
- DR-breaking in current crafting?
- First thoughts about Alchemist class
- Fast button quest receipt
- What random does sometimes.
- Change to 2HF hitbox is way too much
- Odd UMD bug on live
- Loading screens all the sodding time
- All Epic Destiny Abilities Reset
- Cannith Crafting Bug - Durability And Hardness Scaling
- Spring attack is just...silly
- BUG: Epic delera's drops heroic Runearm
- Legendary Green Steel
- Delera's Loot Question
- Heavy Draw still has attack penalty
- Thinking of quitting for good
- Reapers and difficulty/challenge
- Alchemist - Potions already thrown really need to land..
- I don't understand the new shared bank search feature.
- Omaren Guardians in Delara's Tomb
- What happened to the controller keymapping?
- Is it really Hardcore?
- New Feat "Search the Soul" missing?
- Tactics DCs
- Shutting Down
- Thank you for allowing us to put gems into shared bank crafting storage
- Customer Service Non Existent
- Minor Artifacts - being food
- mantle of gentle descent
- FYI: Return to Sender
- Robe of Duality- Which quest and does it help an Alchemist?
- Soarsleds and Stone Shoes
- I love alchemist but...
- Question on release notes for 2-26-20
- Which Build Will Be Nerfed Next?
- quick question
- Start the nerf-bat deadpool
- Are Mabar candies dispellable?
- which do you prefer? Melee Power or Debuffs?
- Fighter or Paladin Vanguard, which one is better?
- Is Snekiibunch still an in-game chat?
- Looking for Screenshots of lvl 15 Aasimar Scourge starter gear
- Laaaagggg!
- something is going on with Whirlwind attack
- DDO Store - Which Do I Buy? Official Help Please!!