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  1. Multiple Paladin Bugs
  2. Roll call levers
  3. THF Not Fun
  4. Sneaking seems to work post u45
  5. Anniversary Event Details?
  6. Lost some UMD in update
  7. EVoM
  8. Dance of death bug, update 45
  9. Dailies
  10. Paladin Issues
  11. Creator of 14th Anniversary Party Wiki Page
  12. Scroill/seal/shard looting: worse on Heroic Elite than Epic Normal?
  13. dwarf war ax
  14. U45 ISSUE? - Guild Airship lost applied colours
  15. PSA: Epic Voice of the Master (max sentient xp = 1000)
  16. U45 Is a good one
  17. There was an error generating the hash code for a patch file
  18. No Worries unnerf?
  19. Is 64 bit available for steam download?
  20. What did you slot in your eVoice?
  21. Small request
  22. Anniversary Party Eternal Flasks...Super Bold Blend Coffee
  23. Shame on you for releasing update 45 in this condition!
  24. U45: Shared bank filters - dropdown menu size
  25. Still no Torc :(
  26. Iconic TR Question
  27. Henshin Mystic No Strikethrough?
  28. Jeweled cloak clicky?
  29. another bug for Alchemist
  30. Please please fix kotc
  31. Alchemist w/ Throwing Knives
  32. U45 - List of Bugs
  33. Items Missing after Reincarnation
  34. Missing a large amount of HP...
  35. Favored Weapons
  36. Careful on alchemist LR
  37. Is Heavy Repeater Battle Engineer equal to Inquisitive now?
  38. Which Epic Destiny abilities do you skip
  39. Thelanis is on fire
  40. U45 is swimming in bugs.
  41. Can you fix shadow training 2 please
  42. Dear Devs is 2HF back on the to do list?
  43. Blue-Balls Endure Casters
  44. anniversary rewards
  45. Epic runearms where have you gonne?
  46. Mob hit me for 640 points of constitution damage???
  47. Devs: Purple Dragon Knights glowing eyes not working. Please fix?
  48. Cleaning Up Old Connection
  49. Could something be done about mis-passed loot?
  50. Teleport items timer reduced? Really?
  51. An Ode to my Favorite Combat Style
  52. Horrible, horrible lag
  53. What an Aasimar looks like when they wield a maul
  54. New Laptop Help
  55. Clicky Farming?
  56. Why the boarding pass nerf?
  57. Bonus Reward Ticket
  58. +Lichobel race
  59. Aura of good
  60. Ratcatcher Bug?
  61. What DCs do you need in Sharn
  62. Quicking Admixtures Removed?
  63. New Inventory Sorting Issues & Solution
  64. Bug Report: Shroud of Zombie animation error
  65. Heroic Alchemist
  66. Do Flightfoot Greaves actually come from Death House?
  67. Missing items from shared bank after U45
  68. Bishop Graylight AWOL from Crypt of Gerarrd Dryden Epic?
  69. Why is alchemist punished for healing?
  70. Reaper CC durations seem further reduced since U45
  71. Why EKs have the higher melee dps than fighters and barbarians?
  72. How the dev team balance the classes? dps? abilities? spell casting?
  73. Put a timer on the heal grenades but don't ruin our animation
  74. SSG please fix/update your release notes....re:Envenom the Heart T4 VC
  75. Vistani Toggle Enhancements screwing up Weapon Enchantments
  76. Alchemical Shield Bugged?
  77. Why negative healing spells are better than positive in reaper?
  78. DDO must be doing very well at this point
  79. Free Feat Exchange Broken?
  80. C'mon Man!
  81. Legacy Server?
  82. Deathward and Destruction
  83. Robe of Shadow not applying poison crit bonus
  84. Silence of the Tasty Ham Buff
  85. Endgame: Marguarite bugs, epic normal
  86. Alchemist spell type / arcane spell augmentation
  87. Catacombs - Quick Review
  88. Brussel Sprout Letdown
  89. Alchemist is pretty cool and you fixed horses
  90. PSA-The anniversary event is a decent way to farm cannith crafting collectibles....
  91. Lords of Dust Optional blocked
  92. Evoice mythic or reaper?
  93. Vile knife thrower. An alchemists build
  94. Fixing Horc Pure Pally Vanguard
  95. Some praise for standing stone customer support.
  96. Default Noob question..... Why can't i use a X-bow properly!
  97. known issues list?
  98. Weapon enchantments are overwriting tree enhancements
  99. U45 Boarding Pass change and future changes to other ports/pass
  100. lfms no longer auto populate difficulty on hover over
  101. 64 bit clinet has no bug submission ability
  102. Weirdness in Orchard Cave
  103. Please Advise
  104. DDO Facebook implies HCL2 coming soon
  105. 64bit & flashing/overlapping graphic textures
  106. Shot on the Run Doesn't Stack with Ranged Alacrity
  107. Catacombs chain reward missing named itens.
  108. Alchemist 15 Bug: Only 1 L6 Spell
  109. Vile Chemists really need other non-spell casting options to contaminate foes
  110. Aimed Shot Broken
  111. How about an in-game item that eliminates the lag, so that we can play this game?
  112. Devs - Reaper HP increase?
  113. PSA: Anniversary Event - Rose Goggles ML 30
  114. artificer bonus feat: accelerate
  115. Bad lag on Monday on Sarlona
  116. Spring Attack 20 second Cooldown Too Long
  117. Luck domain - cleric
  118. passive ki regeneration, is wiki up to date?
  119. Looking for a screenshot of Twisted Missile
  120. u45 : Strenght Gear
  121. No Insightful Reflexes for Iconic Alchemist?
  122. HCL 2 The Devil is in the Details
  123. can we fix incap?
  124. The perfect (casual) party
  125. Patch notes ups and downs
  126. Hardcore Rewards
  127. #HardcoreTooSoon ? Should they have waited until mid-march to launch HC2?
  128. Hardcore League is killing the game.
  129. unholy avatar / inflict wounds potion throw . no synergy
  130. Lichabel kinda mean
  131. Hardcore Money Grab
  132. Just noticed vengance buff has a timer
  133. HC2 5K favor mount
  134. Portable Hole needs Alchemist Trainer
  135. Anniversary Rewards??
  136. just seen release notes
  137. Sharn ingredient drop rate review
  138. Alchemist and Hardcore season 2 timing.
  139. I want to play more than 1 character but.....
  140. Changes to Hardcore League 2
  141. POLL: Hardcore Season Length - What is the optimal length?
  142. I knew it. Server population.
  143. Exalted Smite Nerf???
  144. THF weapon swap and 3-5 seconds freeze
  145. Save our NPCs in the cargo hold
  146. LGS and EDF
  147. Reaper Spawns
  148. did the small shrine in sunrise get nerfed?
  149. New Epic feat "Master of Spellvials" is not working as intended
  150. Too Hot unplayable with lag
  151. Tks for fixing kotc but still some issues:
  152. Enjoying Hardcore League
  153. stucked on load screen almost always
  154. Eternal Rest nerf
  155. 3BC epic slaying
  156. Apologies to Lynnabel and Flimsy
  157. How to filter which forums you see?
  158. Requesting hardcore Alchemist built.
  159. Stuck in mouselook mode with a dialog box I can't interact with
  160. Hey SSG Thank you for Hardcore
  161. Interesting Alchemist Trainer Bug
  162. Any news on stealth improvements?
  163. Bad Lag on Orien - Please Restart Before Weekend
  164. Help! I can't launch the game!
  165. Epic Catacombs
  166. I feel like I was scammed
  167. lesser heart of wood +20 reincarnation stuck question
  168. Changed champion titles?
  169. Curious from afar: is Hardcore Hardcore even bettah?
  170. Gnome Blur no longer auto applying?
  171. Sunrise - give Ezmerelda a -Threat modifier
  172. Paladin upgrades underwhelming
  173. I'm surprised soft core is still VIP only. I know I shouldn't be, but I am.
  174. Dear complainers
  175. halfing enhancement "Stealthy" question
  176. Failed to connect to server
  177. Random loot in hardcore is kinda...off
  178. EXALTED SMITE (RANGED) needs fix
  179. Ddo live population server count? This is it.
  180. DEVS add low lvl SAGAS
  181. Will we ever see +2 racial AP tome back in the store?
  182. Character Bank Space NOT on sale
  183. Being chain stunned is not fun
  184. Challenge Bonus Not Switched On?
  185. The gatekeepers' groove
  186. Summoning hirelings get interrupted
  187. We should not forget Premium players
  188. Epic Catacombs - massive disappointment
  189. My last life
  190. Losing pot time in public zones
  191. Shadow Dancer's Shadow form no longer works with Epic defensive fighting, WAI?
  192. Inventory Upgrades! - buyer beware.
  193. How To completely Reset TOEE
  194. Guild Leader Inactive
  195. Catacombs rework is fabulous
  196. Negative Healing Spell Targeting not the same as positive
  197. sentient xp
  198. Anniversary Party: final chest bugged?
  199. Energy sheath doesn't seem to be dealing damage properly.
  200. Throwing weapons and timing/animation
  201. Use Magic device skill and Alchemy scrolls
  202. Dark Imbuement
  203. Updating issues - please help.
  204. Lag hill not so laggy with 64bit client
  205. Really should have known better
  206. Is there any place for 'normies' anymore?
  207. DR-breaking in current crafting?
  208. First thoughts about Alchemist class
  209. Fast button quest receipt
  210. What random does sometimes.
  211. Change to 2HF hitbox is way too much
  212. Odd UMD bug on live
  213. Loading screens all the sodding time
  214. All Epic Destiny Abilities Reset
  215. Cannith Crafting Bug - Durability And Hardness Scaling
  216. Spring attack is just...silly
  217. BUG: Epic delera's drops heroic Runearm
  218. Legendary Green Steel
  219. Delera's Loot Question
  220. Heavy Draw still has attack penalty
  221. Thinking of quitting for good
  222. Reapers and difficulty/challenge
  223. Alchemist - Potions already thrown really need to land..
  224. I don't understand the new shared bank search feature.
  225. Omaren Guardians in Delara's Tomb
  226. What happened to the controller keymapping?
  227. Is it really Hardcore?
  228. New Feat "Search the Soul" missing?
  229. Tactics DCs
  230. Shutting Down
  231. Thank you for allowing us to put gems into shared bank crafting storage
  232. Customer Service Non Existent
  233. Minor Artifacts - being food
  234. mantle of gentle descent
  235. FYI: Return to Sender
  236. Robe of Duality- Which quest and does it help an Alchemist?
  237. Soarsleds and Stone Shoes
  238. I love alchemist but...
  239. Question on release notes for 2-26-20
  240. Which Build Will Be Nerfed Next?
  241. quick question
  242. Start the nerf-bat deadpool
  243. Are Mabar candies dispellable?
  244. which do you prefer? Melee Power or Debuffs?
  245. Fighter or Paladin Vanguard, which one is better?
  246. Is Snekiibunch still an in-game chat?
  247. Looking for Screenshots of lvl 15 Aasimar Scourge starter gear
  248. Laaaagggg!
  249. something is going on with Whirlwind attack
  250. DDO Store - Which Do I Buy? Official Help Please!!