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  1. This is unacceptable.
  2. Has Anyone Seen This Mind Flayer?
  3. Wheel Symbols - what do you call them?
  4. Reincarnation and destinies
  5. maint today???
  6. Where Worlds Collide
  7. Some ideas
  8. Are there any good builds specifically for half elf?
  9. Disappointment with Cleric War Domain
  10. Beware gem bags
  11. Cleric Domains: Bravo
  12. Reaper XP farming... is end-game farming worth it now with double xp?
  13. Bogw
  14. Please turn on Crystal Cove Immediately!
  15. Agility damage
  16. Turn on Turning
  17. U39 Loot Visuals
  18. Live Stream Edits
  19. Trig Weekly Discussion: This Week, What Is Your Favorite Race & Why?
  20. U39 Preview thoughts.
  21. Hey devs? About those anniversary cosmetics...
  22. When does the Mimic event end?
  23. Will filigree bonuses stack?
  24. Treasure Bags
  25. Kick 'em when they're down
  26. What are the most fun enhancement trees? (abilities, sla's, effects, etc)
  27. Epic reincarnation and 36 point build
  28. Caught in the Web
  29. Racial reincarnation
  30. Expansion Question
  31. Bear and wolf dye!
  32. Veil the Elements
  33. Shared Bank: Item Storage Upgrade 19 (+10 Slots) not on sale
  34. @whoever knows: question about the black abbot
  35. The Exp cap of Sentient Jewel
  36. Mark of healing
  37. (Extra) Intimidate
  38. Should Favoured Souls have real wings?
  39. Just can't fit in Beacon of Magic
  40. What's the best item for Impulse Spell Power?
  41. Yarkity Yark
  42. How good/bad are summons/companions?
  43. A little more info
  44. Stromreaver fresco failed
  45. It's almsot been 13 years...
  46. Vistani Fighting Style Bug
  47. Devs, you NEED to curb loot inflation
  48. "Know the Angles" working for extra damage?
  49. A reminder not to feed the trolls; also cats
  50. Can I free up some slots?
  51. Update 42 (Experimental post)
  52. How do I buy the new expansion using steam?
  53. Question about VIP Points
  54. TR levelling plan
  55. DDO - playing with friends?
  56. Extra favored enemy
  57. Devs, would it be possible to...
  58. +20 Heart Warning
  59. Internal error, please contact customer support - on Mac
  60. Does it exist anymore?
  61. Dumbest Thing I ever did in DDO...
  62. Prowess and LD
  63. Odd bug in changing instances
  64. Skaldic Rage & Blood Feast
  65. What Friend On DDO Would You Nominate To Voice A Sentient Gem And Why?
  66. Reasons to play DDO
  67. Reaper stat bonuses, why is it maxed as an odd amount ?
  68. Cosmetic Previews
  69. borked?
  70. Mortal fear rewok pls
  71. Best place for farming Remnants?
  72. Ravenloft Legendary Raid and Normal Quest Armors, Augments of Fortification Complain
  73. Vanity Post - Mirror to remove elemental effect off weapons
  74. something very strange in baba raid ....
  75. Vertical rubber-band "lag"
  76. 1 Minute 3 seconds of total black screen after login password ?
  77. Seeking Aasimar Tree Post Link, Please Help!
  78. ingame customer service
  79. Religion idea...FVS Pass coming up. Possible WF/BF Racial PRE
  80. Item Stuck in Inventory
  81. Current melle build trends?
  82. List of "easy" things to "fix"
  83. Image galley whats it for actuallly?
  84. Spell Power and Melees and You
  85. Canning crafting insightful
  86. Happy Wed! Time For Another Trig Discussion: Clerics
  87. Accessing Dire Charge
  88. Stream of Many Eyes
  89. 0xp on Optional bug?
  90. Let's Discuss Tiefling Racial Tree Enhancements And Appearance Before The Devs Do!
  91. Problem with Gianthold Walk-ups
  92. Fearsome armor
  93. How can I gift someboyd a VIP subscription?
  94. Quest reset timers and loading screens lag
  95. Dev Request: Bronzewood / Densewood Body Feat
  96. A question about melee DPS..THF line or Cleaves
  97. dwelling in Epics for too too long...
  98. Ticking Time Bomb
  99. I just bought DDO points and none showed up
  100. Spell saves
  101. Strange behaviour within the game
  102. Bluff stacking
  103. question about shared cool downs for devs
  104. Combat Log - Suggestion
  105. Before I eat them, any epic Necro 4 or DoJ gear still worth keeping?
  106. Bought points right before double bonus sale
  107. Question on Doublestrike...
  108. Named loot legendary
  109. Purchasing DDO Sales while VIP
  110. Thinking about Items, Power creep versus Quality of Life
  111. Come Share Gear Designs!
  112. Sheltering and PRR
  113. How do you lock key mapping
  114. I think all classes should have pets
  115. Iron Defender Collars not working
  116. A bit bummed/underwhelmed
  117. **** on rolls
  118. Guards in general and Legendary Bracers of sun and moon
  119. Canning crafting
  120. Inferno shot scale with spell power ?
  121. Ranged power or fire / poison damage
  122. 3 days in a row, log in and then log out
  123. Strahd Conversation Typo
  124. Make Stormreach great again!
  125. New content
  126. Double bonus point sale.
  127. Spark of Memory
  128. Help - can't find a thread!
  129. Named loot chance affected by level?
  130. Spell saves or resistance ?
  131. U40 this fall? Sept-Oct?
  132. Why is self-healing turned off?
  133. Filigree Question
  134. web support ticket question
  135. Nerf and bug fix Dire Charge
  136. PB's Random Armor Guide for Cosmetic-lovers
  137. What are some of your favorite looking weapons?
  138. Why are there no Legendary greensteel Orbs Let alone Heroic Greensteel orbs?
  139. Arguments for and Against Kansei tree access being offered in a racial tree
  140. CTIW weapons after reaper
  141. Worst Mob in DDO?
  142. Grouping Issue!
  143. Cursed Sharpening Stone (Orb for single weapon fighting)
  144. Can we finaly fix casters and give them a real pass?
  145. Pick your poison! so to speak
  146. Visual effect question about Spellswords, Mirrors, and Fate
  147. Strahd learning from mistakes!
  148. Never thought I'd say this
  149. Are there 2 Monster Manual Volume 1's?
  150. Alias for Wellow and Barcans
  151. Epic Destiny and Epic TR questions
  152. Summer Sales - not for VIPs
  153. Just merge the dang servers already
  154. Aasimar scourge on summer sail?
  155. Barbarian Build
  156. Didn't receive shards in mail after outbid
  157. Sneak attack damage on frozen or feared targets
  158. Fun Independence Day
  159. Poll: Equipment types that deserve more focus
  160. Guesstimate on u39
  161. Trig Weekly Discussion, This Week: Tell Me About Your Favorite Characters
  162. (Argo) Mentoring
  163. Strahd Circles
  164. Single Weapon Fighting Cleric Testing
  165. Concentration
  166. DDO Bonus Days!
  167. Quick Draw with Casting
  168. What is the worst "logical" build you can think of?
  169. Criticism For This Filigree Set Concept?
  170. Suggestion: Remove/reduce unnecessary class, character or level restrictions
  171. Summer Sales: Do you want my money?
  172. Nightmother's Vampirism is broken
  173. Human vs Aasimar Appearance
  174. A couple of ideas...maybe they are good, maybe bad
  175. Wand Masters
  176. Palemaster SLAs bonuses
  177. Major Slayer Boost not working in Necro/Devs not responding to tickets
  178. Exceptional augments
  179. Explain to a non-developer
  180. Bastard Sword Not Acknowledged As A Bastard Sword By The Deity Helm?
  181. Hireling problems
  182. Mists of Ravenloft Purchased with DDO Points
  183. DDO/D&D monsters that don't exist/don't yet exist or aren't yet used......
  184. Can't buy DDO Points
  185. Ring That Turns A Wizard Into An Antipaladin As Much As DDO can Permit (Blackguard)
  186. Crafting; The most usefull items you have crafted? And items you always craft
  187. Tome bug
  188. First time achievement
  189. Serious Question For The Devs (BlackRazor related)
  190. True Seeing Scroll ML
  191. shiradys champion destiny, completly usless and need boost
  192. Reaper killed procs and small dmg bonuses.. shall we make some arrangement about this
  193. Elemental Apotheosis
  194. Ravenloft loading screen?
  195. Improved Fortification breaks the amenity bar
  196. Ranger overhaul
  197. Dear devs,
  198. 2 builds: Openers for Necro 2 & Necro 3
  199. Help Archive Pure Class Build Weaknesses
  200. Bounties and Trophies?
  201. Rangted weapon RoFs?
  202. Why does Combat Log say this when Sneaking?
  203. Suggestion: Add Legendary as a difficulty option for older content
  204. Epic Reincarnation question
  205. What Kind of Game Are You Running SSG?
  206. Need Help Badly
  207. Spell focuss and fliligree
  208. Electrocution filigree damage scaling ?
  209. Returning Player query: General cAster queries/How are Shiradi Missile spammers now?
  210. May Have Solved The Tail Problem For Kobolds
  211. Iconic cove farming build
  212. Dear players, clickbait titles do not help.
  213. Attempting To Build A Frost Death Knight
  214. Favored Soul Gear Gaps
  215. Create Your Own Cosmetic Item, possible?
  216. Dear devs, here is a puppy. Also, please make Necro flagging like all the other flags
  217. Re: DDO Store Sales: July 5th - 12th
  218. Is it just me or is U39 huge?!
  219. Adrenaline
  220. Is Flint Really the best Heroic DPS dagger?
  221. Thelanis down
  222. U39's launch is critically important to SSG & u40+ wishlist
  223. Garstone's Lenses & Renegade Champion Potential Bug
  224. Question for the Devs: Why isn't Stealth Supported in Reaper?
  225. U39 - Is this what Sev hinted at?
  226. Question: What is the worst Arcane Sphere Epic Destiny Tree?
  227. Solo non-rogue players - how do you do it?
  228. Universal enhancement trees. Love them?
  229. New Folks
  230. Need a little info please...
  231. First time PJ wearer: what outfits to look for?
  232. Weathered Targe Drop Location/Rate
  233. Sentient Jewel
  234. Last year's vs. this year's summer "sales"
  235. Sentient Weapon Gap Problem
  236. Dazing IV and Stunning?
  237. Adventure Compendium sort and filter?
  238. Scepter with blue slot?
  239. Thoughts On Pale Master Tree's Untapped Synergy For Melee Builds
  240. Design your perfect weapon (4 effects only)
  241. Time to reevaluate Tethyamar heroic difficulty and XP again.
  242. Eldritch Knight And Half-Elf Pass (let's Visualize this)
  243. BUG: Getting held through FoM
  244. WPM Release date guesses...
  245. Careful what bosses you inflict CON damage on
  246. Jar Of Mayonnaise (Gag Buckler/Orb Idea)
  247. Please add a teleport option in Sands like u did in 3bc
  248. Worlds that have players
  249. Learned Something On Lammania That Does Not Add Up (BAB Inconsistency)
  250. New Shard/Seal/Scroll Type System Coming?