View Full Version : General DDO Discussion
- Do you use any named items for level 10-19?
- Cannith Challenges
- VIP being asked to buy packs to play.
- DDO Stories that make you Smile!
- DDO Soundtracks
- concerning Disciples of Rage
- quality of life Inventory improvement
- Please quality of life update
- U38 is not ready.
- Hirelings
- Are the Iron Defender & Wolf Attacks Considered Unarmed?
- Jack Jibbers Question
- Question about Blasting Chime
- Daily Dice results!!!
- Well, at last, you did it. Hirelings went on strike.
- Need help decluttering
- Turbine Malware?
- When will U38 be released?
- Nothing today
- Does phantasmal killer work on clay golems?
- Any estimate on Crystal Cove Return Date?
- Rerolling Chest
- Big Thanks to Gingerspyce
- Week 30: Best Screenshot of . . . Dwarves!
- Balance - utterly useless?
- MARCH of the BEARS II - Electric BoogaBaloo
- Fastest runspeed?
- The Cry of Battle Filigree Set
- Double-strike over 100%
- Melee is bad?
- Mayhem in the Mountains Inaugural
- +3 free heart for druids - what iconics to roll?
- So, What do you do during maint?
- Blessed blades with Imp. Martial arts not WAI?
- Did I miss the easter egg hunt?
- Purchased the Ravenloft expansion via the DDO store. Vistani tree not available?
- Which Filigree Set best suits an Epic Sirocco?
- Cloak of the mimic
- mask of deception dropped heroic named item on EE
- 2-3 second weapon swap delay -- something get added again?
- Looking for the dev comments about the new deflection they gave mobs
- Wasn't Edward black tentacles also a wizard spell?
- Any new volumes of Monster Manual in the works?
- Shroud portals bugging out
- Organizing multiple quick bars suggestion for DEVS
- Sorc Icy Prison
- Devs please consider. Slavers augment jeweler's kits!
- Please fix these quests
- Twilight Forge - Why it's Great now and How to make it better Epic
- Random Question about party member targeting
- I want my cake and I want to eat it too!!
- does Lithe and Unearthy reactions stack?
- Feigned Health and Consecration
- Critical view over the disparity between a Veteran and a new player. [Long post]
- PAX East
- They are destroying the RPG!
- Chaser items
- Stacking Bonus Potions
- There is support
- The Traveller's Terrific Trunk
- Vistani Initial Thoughts
- 20% off the Ravenloft Collector's and Ultimate Fan Editions in the DDO Market!
- First Impressions: The View from Noobia
- MY loot - NOT your loot.
- Racial AP tome question
- DDO: Starter Pack
- Best cannith crafted weapons?
- Artiicer Flame Turret
- Suggestion: ritual to "own" an item
- Dex-based Vistani
- How Many Quests/Challenges On DDO Aren't Cannon To P&P Modules?
- Mark of Death?
- Shout Out to Knockback for Brawnpits
- Barovian throwing dagger bugging out with ips?
- Graphics fuzziness help pls..if there is any help.
- Lag
- Mayhem In The Mountains: A Call For Heroes
- Legendary chains blank from slavers: Can this have a reaper boost to melee power?
- Why Does DDO Bring Us Into Messaging at First? (And Again?) (And Again?)
- Quick Synopsis of classes/gear for a returning player
- Great Article about D&D
- Can we safely discard mimic cards ?
- Hreoic Reaper - whats your sweet spot?
- Thanks, +Crane!
- Are DDO's dungeons mainly left or right handed?
- A Distinct Lack of Coffee
- Streak and Guild Colors: Need an upgrade!
- Ravenloft free month of VIP borked?
- Druid Forms bug
- From EH To EE
- U38 update please
- LGS crafting questions
- U38 tomorrow?
- Coming Back after 5+ years. Need some advice
- Where Are All The Specialists?
- Reminder about reaper lockout on dungeon exit
- Epic levels
- Heroic GS Greataxe advice
- spell pen : how much?
- Week 31: Best Screenshot of . . . Humans!
- Put shrines in bars?
- Please improve DDO - Player Segregation and Inventory Nightmares
- Thelanis lag again
- Flame Arrow Description
- Nevermind
- Advice on a Proper Druid Wolf Shapeshifter
- Ravenloft itemss
- Uninvited hirelings
- Airship Name
- Does "Rare" filigree stack with "non-rare" of the same type?
- Option to Turn Off Gem Voice Per CHARACTER
- So, how hard is it to get back in?
- If a mummy dances in the desert and noone's around to see it...
- Quality of Life Suggestions: Sound
- Welp, the Devs made the Avatar of Nature builds (tree builds) completely unplayable
- U38 is Kind of Live
- Bye Bye Tree Builds
- Eyelets?
- Dragonmark visibility
- Druid Wolf form Bite mark
- Dispel Magic clickie
- Disciples of Rage: First Impressions
- Mobs in new quests not in monster manuals?
- Can you put 8 slots in sentient weapon now?
- Lucky Number Ten!
- Racial types and Construct Essence
- U38 Issue Log
- Frequency of DDO Bonus Points sales?
- The butterflies! (a Druid tale)
- Why don't Cannith Crafted Pet Collars do anything?
- update has screwed up curative admiture pot throwing
- Thoughts on SSG's Customer Service
- Why the stupid long timer on key to eveningstar?
- Savage Roar Broken, Does Nothing
- Kinetic Discharge is...weird.
- Citizens in Quarantined do not register as beig insta-killed
- Working as designed shoutout thread - Band together and make the dev's hear us
- Ki shout
- Update broke crafting
- Thanks for enabling again runearm charging sound
- Archmage Enhancement Tree Missing?
- Soooo anyone Epic/Heroic TR post u38?
- Trace of Madness
- Sorcerer elemental immunity debuff tweaks suggestion
- I've noticed other changes with druid, and an especially large nerf to wolf form
- Improved Critical feat not showing
- Animal Forms and combat style bonuses question
- Change in daily dice menu?
- Sellsword's tavern
- Threnal
- There is no skill in DDO - Get over yourselves.
- trace of madness: solipsism questions
- Disciples of Rage named items (updating)
- Raven's Bane
- Balancing around Reaper?
- A lack of inspiration
- No +3 Fate tome?
- U38 Constructive Feedback and Review Thread
- U38: New Eyelets are available in the Mysterious Remnant Vendor?
- Rune Arm Noise
- Invisible walls .... why?
- Was LGS salt nerfed?
- BUG: Spell Agility +15 augment not working
- Spelling and Grammar
- Question about Reaper XP
- Has any of the new content changed the Collectible Farming methodology?
- Got a +3 Heart of Wood - Could use a +20 :)
- Piles of dirt and rubble after U38
- My new favorite thing in this game
- Druid Imp Crit, post-U38
- crossbow or repeater and centered
- Gh xp saga reward "untakeble"
- Who Did The Runearm Knives Eternal Belong To?
- Items: Specific Saves vs Resistance
- Find brawnpit
- I have to redo all my pictures. Any threads I missed?
- Wild Frost
- Thelanis needs a restart.
- Few question about game.
- Champion Hunter Week - no cloaks or bracers
- Sentient weapon and scroll buff
- Character Select Screen Song
- update 38 named loot drop locations
- Reincarnation bug fixed?
- Marketplace->Ship bug
- All Slaying Arrows lvl 8 disappeared out of quiver in inventory
- 12 hours after server restart 12 people dead in tempest spine all lagged out
- freezing spray useless after druid update
- Is there a way to remove Trapsmith's workshop?
- Stealth Question for the Devs
- Spell Critical Multiplier
- Phantom shots on Bow attacks
- Trace of Madness on U38 items
- Aelonwy's Review of Disciples of Rage (Incredibly Spoilery!)
- Memoirs is busted
- Reaper difficulty write down, thoughts and review. [Longpost]
- stuck at loading screen
- Nice touch Devs!!!!!
- Hey Coco ......
- Water effects in Spies in the house post u38..near Watsun
- Unable to get people into groups on Gland
- Anyone else having Wiki issues?
- Violet Slimes Seem To Be Having A Bad Time...
- Tavern and Inn name ideas!
- Sharn!
- Missing Champion Week items?
- Rogue skill items for heroic levels?
- Dire charge does not proc follow up
- Good Job on Night Falls
- Patching existing installation U37->U38 taking very long.
- Load Time Issues
- All worlds down?
- What to do with my lvl 20 "bank mules"
- Favored Soul Pass
- Forgotten Light
- Tokens of the Twelve
- Memoirs
- Wreath of Flame
- Fix Hirelings!!
- Disciples of Rage Bugs
- LFM Bug on Ghallanda Again
- more Gland woes?
- Stuck in Party. Anyone else?
- Dear Devs, any chance for your thoughts on the current status of stealth?
- resets every hour ***?
- Shadow training II... where'd who go?
- New Classes And Obscure Races DDO Might Be Able To Add Later On?
- Named Item - icons / Fate the Knower of All
- review of toxic treatment
- So long forumites and players, see you in-game
- doors, switches, levers and runes vs stealth
- Use new Sealed In Amber tech to improve stealth options
- Stealth aggro through a closed door?!?!?
- Sorc elemental immunity debuff not WAI
- TR Question
- Tomes to buy on DDO store for stats
- How long until...?
- My son's opinion on Reaper difficulty...
- Did Thelanis just crash?
- thelanis down?
- #beardye thank you for the update
- Be nice to your trapper
- as a caster
- Most populated server
- Max Summoner Build
- Favored Soul Stout of Heart bugged even more after taking 14
- Rogue hirelings
- New player race?
- Impeach Viggie Storr!
- Shared Bank 18 and 19 Sale, or not
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