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  1. Do you use any named items for level 10-19?
  2. Cannith Challenges
  3. VIP being asked to buy packs to play.
  4. DDO Stories that make you Smile!
  5. DDO Soundtracks
  6. concerning Disciples of Rage
  7. quality of life Inventory improvement
  8. Please quality of life update
  9. U38 is not ready.
  10. Hirelings
  11. Are the Iron Defender & Wolf Attacks Considered Unarmed?
  12. Jack Jibbers Question
  13. Question about Blasting Chime
  14. Daily Dice results!!!
  15. Well, at last, you did it. Hirelings went on strike.
  16. Need help decluttering
  17. Turbine Malware?
  18. When will U38 be released?
  19. Nothing today
  20. Does phantasmal killer work on clay golems?
  21. Any estimate on Crystal Cove Return Date?
  22. Rerolling Chest
  23. Big Thanks to Gingerspyce
  24. Week 30: Best Screenshot of . . . Dwarves!
  25. Balance - utterly useless?
  26. MARCH of the BEARS II - Electric BoogaBaloo
  27. Fastest runspeed?
  28. The Cry of Battle Filigree Set
  29. Double-strike over 100%
  30. Melee is bad?
  31. Mayhem in the Mountains Inaugural
  32. +3 free heart for druids - what iconics to roll?
  33. So, What do you do during maint?
  34. Blessed blades with Imp. Martial arts not WAI?
  35. Did I miss the easter egg hunt?
  36. Purchased the Ravenloft expansion via the DDO store. Vistani tree not available?
  37. Which Filigree Set best suits an Epic Sirocco?
  38. Cloak of the mimic
  39. mask of deception dropped heroic named item on EE
  40. 2-3 second weapon swap delay -- something get added again?
  41. Looking for the dev comments about the new deflection they gave mobs
  42. Wasn't Edward black tentacles also a wizard spell?
  43. Any new volumes of Monster Manual in the works?
  44. Shroud portals bugging out
  45. Organizing multiple quick bars suggestion for DEVS
  46. Sorc Icy Prison
  47. Devs please consider. Slavers augment jeweler's kits!
  48. Please fix these quests
  49. Twilight Forge - Why it's Great now and How to make it better Epic
  50. Random Question about party member targeting
  51. I want my cake and I want to eat it too!!
  52. does Lithe and Unearthy reactions stack?
  53. Feigned Health and Consecration
  54. Critical view over the disparity between a Veteran and a new player. [Long post]
  55. PAX East
  56. They are destroying the RPG!
  57. Chaser items
  58. Stacking Bonus Potions
  59. There is support
  60. The Traveller's Terrific Trunk
  61. Vistani Initial Thoughts
  62. 20% off the Ravenloft Collector's and Ultimate Fan Editions in the DDO Market!
  63. First Impressions: The View from Noobia
  64. MY loot - NOT your loot.
  65. Racial AP tome question
  66. DDO: Starter Pack
  67. Best cannith crafted weapons?
  68. Artiicer Flame Turret
  69. Suggestion: ritual to "own" an item
  70. Dex-based Vistani
  71. How Many Quests/Challenges On DDO Aren't Cannon To P&P Modules?
  72. Mark of Death?
  73. Shout Out to Knockback for Brawnpits
  74. Barovian throwing dagger bugging out with ips?
  75. Graphics fuzziness help pls..if there is any help.
  76. Lag
  77. Mayhem In The Mountains: A Call For Heroes
  78. Legendary chains blank from slavers: Can this have a reaper boost to melee power?
  79. Why Does DDO Bring Us Into Messaging at First? (And Again?) (And Again?)
  80. Quick Synopsis of classes/gear for a returning player
  81. Great Article about D&D
  82. Can we safely discard mimic cards ?
  83. Hreoic Reaper - whats your sweet spot?
  84. Thanks, +Crane!
  85. Are DDO's dungeons mainly left or right handed?
  86. A Distinct Lack of Coffee
  87. Streak and Guild Colors: Need an upgrade!
  88. Ravenloft free month of VIP borked?
  89. Druid Forms bug
  90. From EH To EE
  91. U38 update please
  92. LGS crafting questions
  93. U38 tomorrow?
  94. Coming Back after 5+ years. Need some advice
  95. Where Are All The Specialists?
  96. Reminder about reaper lockout on dungeon exit
  97. Epic levels
  98. Heroic GS Greataxe advice
  99. spell pen : how much?
  100. Week 31: Best Screenshot of . . . Humans!
  101. Put shrines in bars?
  102. Please improve DDO - Player Segregation and Inventory Nightmares
  103. Thelanis lag again
  104. Flame Arrow Description
  105. Nevermind
  106. Advice on a Proper Druid Wolf Shapeshifter
  107. Ravenloft itemss
  108. Uninvited hirelings
  109. Airship Name
  110. Does "Rare" filigree stack with "non-rare" of the same type?
  111. Option to Turn Off Gem Voice Per CHARACTER
  112. So, how hard is it to get back in?
  113. If a mummy dances in the desert and noone's around to see it...
  114. Quality of Life Suggestions: Sound
  115. Welp, the Devs made the Avatar of Nature builds (tree builds) completely unplayable
  116. U38 is Kind of Live
  117. Bye Bye Tree Builds
  118. Eyelets?
  119. Dragonmark visibility
  120. Druid Wolf form Bite mark
  121. Dispel Magic clickie
  122. Disciples of Rage: First Impressions
  123. Mobs in new quests not in monster manuals?
  124. Can you put 8 slots in sentient weapon now?
  125. Lucky Number Ten!
  126. Racial types and Construct Essence
  127. U38 Issue Log
  128. Frequency of DDO Bonus Points sales?
  129. The butterflies! (a Druid tale)
  130. Why don't Cannith Crafted Pet Collars do anything?
  131. update has screwed up curative admiture pot throwing
  132. Thoughts on SSG's Customer Service
  133. Why the stupid long timer on key to eveningstar?
  134. Savage Roar Broken, Does Nothing
  135. Kinetic Discharge is...weird.
  136. Citizens in Quarantined do not register as beig insta-killed
  137. Working as designed shoutout thread - Band together and make the dev's hear us
  138. Ki shout
  139. Update broke crafting
  140. Thanks for enabling again runearm charging sound
  141. Archmage Enhancement Tree Missing?
  142. Soooo anyone Epic/Heroic TR post u38?
  143. Trace of Madness
  144. Sorcerer elemental immunity debuff tweaks suggestion
  145. I've noticed other changes with druid, and an especially large nerf to wolf form
  146. Improved Critical feat not showing
  147. Animal Forms and combat style bonuses question
  148. Change in daily dice menu?
  149. Sellsword's tavern
  150. Threnal
  151. There is no skill in DDO - Get over yourselves.
  152. trace of madness: solipsism questions
  153. Disciples of Rage named items (updating)
  154. Raven's Bane
  155. Balancing around Reaper?
  156. A lack of inspiration
  157. No +3 Fate tome?
  158. U38 Constructive Feedback and Review Thread
  159. U38: New Eyelets are available in the Mysterious Remnant Vendor?
  160. Rune Arm Noise
  161. Invisible walls .... why?
  162. Was LGS salt nerfed?
  163. BUG: Spell Agility +15 augment not working
  164. Spelling and Grammar
  165. Question about Reaper XP
  166. Has any of the new content changed the Collectible Farming methodology?
  167. Got a +3 Heart of Wood - Could use a +20 :)
  168. Piles of dirt and rubble after U38
  169. My new favorite thing in this game
  170. Druid Imp Crit, post-U38
  171. crossbow or repeater and centered
  172. Gh xp saga reward "untakeble"
  173. Who Did The Runearm Knives Eternal Belong To?
  174. Items: Specific Saves vs Resistance
  175. Find brawnpit
  176. I have to redo all my pictures. Any threads I missed?
  177. Wild Frost
  178. Thelanis needs a restart.
  179. Few question about game.
  180. Champion Hunter Week - no cloaks or bracers
  181. Sentient weapon and scroll buff
  182. Character Select Screen Song
  183. update 38 named loot drop locations
  184. Reincarnation bug fixed?
  185. Marketplace->Ship bug
  186. All Slaying Arrows lvl 8 disappeared out of quiver in inventory
  187. 12 hours after server restart 12 people dead in tempest spine all lagged out
  188. freezing spray useless after druid update
  189. Is there a way to remove Trapsmith's workshop?
  190. Stealth Question for the Devs
  191. Spell Critical Multiplier
  192. Phantom shots on Bow attacks
  193. Trace of Madness on U38 items
  194. Aelonwy's Review of Disciples of Rage (Incredibly Spoilery!)
  195. Memoirs is busted
  196. Reaper difficulty write down, thoughts and review. [Longpost]
  197. stuck at loading screen
  198. Nice touch Devs!!!!!
  199. Hey Coco ......
  200. Water effects in Spies in the house post u38..near Watsun
  201. Unable to get people into groups on Gland
  202. Anyone else having Wiki issues?
  203. Violet Slimes Seem To Be Having A Bad Time...
  204. Tavern and Inn name ideas!
  205. Sharn!
  206. Missing Champion Week items?
  207. Rogue skill items for heroic levels?
  208. Dire charge does not proc follow up
  209. Good Job on Night Falls
  210. Patching existing installation U37->U38 taking very long.
  211. Load Time Issues
  212. All worlds down?
  213. What to do with my lvl 20 "bank mules"
  214. Favored Soul Pass
  215. Forgotten Light
  216. Tokens of the Twelve
  217. Memoirs
  218. Wreath of Flame
  219. Fix Hirelings!!
  220. Disciples of Rage Bugs
  221. LFM Bug on Ghallanda Again
  222. more Gland woes?
  223. Stuck in Party. Anyone else?
  224. Dear Devs, any chance for your thoughts on the current status of stealth?
  225. resets every hour ***?
  226. Shadow training II... where'd who go?
  227. New Classes And Obscure Races DDO Might Be Able To Add Later On?
  228. Named Item - icons / Fate the Knower of All
  229. review of toxic treatment
  230. So long forumites and players, see you in-game
  231. doors, switches, levers and runes vs stealth
  232. Use new Sealed In Amber tech to improve stealth options
  233. Stealth aggro through a closed door?!?!?
  234. Sorc elemental immunity debuff not WAI
  235. TR Question
  236. Tomes to buy on DDO store for stats
  237. How long until...?
  238. My son's opinion on Reaper difficulty...
  239. Did Thelanis just crash?
  240. thelanis down?
  241. #beardye thank you for the update
  242. Be nice to your trapper
  243. as a caster
  244. Most populated server
  245. Max Summoner Build
  246. Favored Soul Stout of Heart bugged even more after taking 14
  247. Rogue hirelings
  248. New player race?
  249. Impeach Viggie Storr!
  250. Shared Bank 18 and 19 Sale, or not