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  1. Harper tree 'extend' is bugged?.
  2. Shouldn't Mysterious Ramnants scale due to level?
  3. DEVS: Hide of the Fallen- Broken??
  4. a virus called terbine
  5. Does ER resets ransack?
  6. The Joys of Returning after a LONG Absence
  7. LOTRO server mergers
  8. Argo now Default Server?
  9. ER/TR questions...
  10. Is this a thing now?
  11. liches
  12. New players in, jaded vet players out - AGAIN
  13. DnD Movie
  14. stacking stances
  15. Warlock EB might be increasing band width usage
  16. Update the Holy Sword description
  17. um...rolling gold dice on every server?
  18. WB is making a D&D movie
  19. Y'All weren't kidding about Paladin...
  20. Any progress in fixing Defiler lag?
  21. LOTRO has added cosmetic weapons
  22. How can DDO keep vet players while orienting new comers?
  23. Trouble with epic reincarnation
  24. Question about stat drains
  25. Proc rates for Killer and Fatal Harrier
  26. Healing Spring in heroic
  27. New D&D movie in the works
  28. give us pvp development
  29. Bring healers back to the game
  30. Pugs and you as a leader of a party
  31. FVS Archons
  32. Random! Number! Generator!
  33. My Heal-bot was useful for the 1st time since, like, forever, man....
  34. Necklace of Mystic Eidolons, Agro, Alert and Lag
  35. DEVs time to fix Momentum Swing
  36. Perhaps a dumb question, but should I see named items on EC quests?
  37. Stolen SFX
  38. +Steelstar's Insidious Plan
  39. Defiler of the Just - Update
  40. When is the next expansion? (money grab that i consider a positive thing)
  41. Monster Manual Never Resets
  42. Spies in the house
  43. New Augment Idea
  44. melee power inconsistencies/bug
  45. Anyone know what "Magical Book" is?
  46. Completionist!
  47. Potions - Must haves?
  48. hmm , FELLBLADE x2
  49. Fate Slots on your Epic Destiny Tree
  50. Why can't I buy some Arti scrolls?
  51. Mind fog and other save reducing spells question
  52. "Ghost" LFMs....?
  53. Broken Character Lags Out Everyone
  54. Is the in game store down?
  55. +7 Tomes on Sale for 2 days.
  56. Hotbars
  57. Help with damage calculations - I can't figure it out
  58. Hireling bugged again...
  59. Please add ER + TR option
  60. TOEE djinn lamp spawn points
  61. Tomes of Learning Question
  62. LFG Bug?
  63. Shadar-Kai spiked chains?
  64. Is the upgrade tome of supreme ability +6 to +7 price right?
  65. New ideas and player rewards
  66. Problems connecting to the forums securely? New SSL Certificate!
  67. Server merges.... Time to watch & observe
  68. Need help with the one sound in the game I can't turn down.
  69. New Fellblade flavor text
  70. Inflict Serious Wounds potions
  71. Problems I experienced since U27
  72. Forum app?
  73. Interaction between Strange Tidings and other items
  74. Not receiving xp for quest completions or wilderness
  75. Game error [104]
  76. A little break
  77. Ghallanda Lag
  78. request: lower sound level of achieve quest optionals
  79. amrath khyber lag
  80. Turning off Bravery Turns off Daily 20% xp bonus?
  81. Serious, Malicious Warlock Outcome
  82. Scaled up old dungeons or new ones?
  83. New Chain Optional Chest
  84. DDO not the only game with a Ladder Bug
  85. Logging in on Sunday August 9, some problems
  86. Can we get rid of the Eldritch Blast sound?
  87. Reset fate points?
  88. Lag in Defiler, week 3, Video from today 10/8/15.
  89. Temple of Elemental Evil review/discussion *SPOILERS*
  90. Underdark question...
  91. Must-have Items for TRing?
  92. Cormyrean items dropping in strange places
  93. Threnal Bug and no help really?
  94. Ozzy is the dungeon master!
  95. Morninglord how to roll up
  96. Everyone on Orien stuck?
  97. Feather Falling
  98. Rogue Mechanic Crossbow Shooter build advice needed
  99. Noob question regarding Shroud
  100. We need sever merges or else this game will die!
  101. Must be a bug?
  102. Meditation of War bug?
  103. When the Attack Roll is Made?
  104. Lost streak after surpressing
  105. We need server merge threads merged
  106. Warlock Death Bug
  107. Daedalean Kraken lag again?
  108. We need more servers or this game is going to live
  109. DDO Store: Glamered Weapon Auras Missing
  110. Why doesn't Completionist give us our players name an update?
  111. Pre-order +10 Tomes?
  112. *** is up with loading screen crashes?
  113. Harper tree for artificer?
  114. Ok, one more. Best ED for Artificer?
  115. Necro focused Wizzy/ Warlock
  116. IS build section of this forum closed?
  117. Possible Exploit with Warlocks?
  118. warbuckler rules!!!! But...
  119. What's your number one reason for spending less time in DDO?
  120. We upped our download and upload speed
  121. Log in help please
  122. Any word when Sarlona logon server will be back online ?
  123. Saekee,................
  124. How to reduce Lag in Defiler
  125. Camera Follows Slopes
  126. Time to kill some Kittens.
  127. Forums are logging me out pretty often today
  128. Possible new bug
  129. A Suggested Change to Kensai Tree
  130. To Devs: ETA on Paladin Dilettante Enhancement fix?
  131. Intimidating large groups bugged?
  132. Patch 27.1 Borks animal companion
  133. Log in fail
  134. Druid Hierophant capstone not working.
  135. Best Augment for Epic Sword of shadows?
  136. Bug with Druid's Wolf companion
  137. Hirelings and U27.1
  138. Unleash the Beasts!
  139. Sneaky devs
  140. Augments - does slot location matter in all cases?
  141. Shot on the Run not working?
  142. Warlock pact types and spell power
  143. Top tier twelve favor award?
  144. Turbine, time to go repeater on hirelings
  145. Fresh Meat - Dev Style
  146. Rubberbanding Executioners
  147. Speculation Time-Phones Closed-Infinite Crisis ends tomorrow-What does it all mean?
  148. My recurring dream metaphor of playing DDO
  149. Must have gearable attributes
  150. New Bonus Day Suggestions
  151. Guild airship amenity "Shrine of the devourer" granting the wrong bonuses to sp
  152. Please Please Fix This!
  153. Hey Dev's, thanks for the Defiler tweakage
  154. Time saving tweaks to game - Auctionista's
  155. ryo silverbow
  156. Second Light Source in Rainbow
  157. Every Light Casts a Shadow
  158. Shared bank after going back to premium... lol
  159. New Hireling Bug
  160. Turbine's Secret Plans to Fix Druids
  161. this week's coupon code not working
  162. Craft system bugged....
  163. Defiler of the Just - 20th completion
  164. New crashing problem?
  165. DDO Bonus Days 8/14-8/16
  166. Temple of Elemental Evil -- is it working right?
  167. Strange Tidings and Deception
  168. acid vulnerability toee weapons works on eldritch blast?
  169. If you think "X" is overpowered...
  170. Lesser Reincarnation and Epic levels
  171. Crickets
  172. Arkyn will not cast Raise Dead when commanded if on Passive.
  173. Bonus types
  174. world map problem
  175. Bring back the value of healing others without nerfs or retrogressive changes
  176. Which is in higher demand, Heroic or Epic Ottos boxes?
  177. no lag
  178. Druid Tank/caster First random run at it.....looking for opinions
  179. Another one who win DDO – many thanks to developers
  180. Why roll on an item
  181. Epic Riftmaker broken? Did I miss an announcement?
  182. Hey guys, during the Artificer pass...
  183. Kobald Diva's Estate & Beneficiary Services
  184. Where is daw n of the citidel?
  185. Weird wolf pet bug
  186. Famous Last Words
  187. Our devs have 2nd best job in America according to this article
  188. Black Tentacles - Fix it
  189. Would / Could you "trust your healers" anymore?
  190. Ranged Rogue
  191. Demon Assault
  192. +20 Lesser Hearts of Wood
  193. What happened to the Jihad thread?
  194. Artificer Scroll Vendor?
  195. Saw this in trade channels, is it allowed?
  196. U27 Bugs
  197. In-game Ticket
  198. absent gods
  199. WTB otto box for 2500as
  200. Heal Amp items - which do you use?
  201. Heal Amp, Devotion and Good for melee/ranged builds?
  202. Chat server down
  203. DDO Store
  204. Help: Mouse Look Sensitivity Periodically Changes
  205. Please fix enlightened spirit!
  206. Nothing Good For The First 6 Epic Levels
  207. Any good gear for a low level epics monk? (Besides way of the sun soul)
  208. Spell Ward bug
  209. Do Arcane Archer Imbues work for Repeaters?
  210. The good ol days
  211. First time in a LOOOOOONG time.
  212. Update 28
  213. Artificer ED
  214. +20 HoW
  215. cone shape and selected target
  216. Hot bar /wave /dance ect
  217. Steam forum community
  218. Riftmaker versus Shinning devastation?
  219. Why every ToEE crafting weapon has AOE proc?
  220. Mutineer's Blade
  221. Ghallanda Latency & Packet Loss
  222. Is fishing for 2052 instance simply promoting more lag?
  223. Is G-Land having issues and/or down?
  224. Crazy lag on Ghallanda
  225. Technical difficulties?
  226. How can we overcome resistance to making the game harder?
  227. Spell Mastery
  228. Is this a good build?
  229. Is this a good build?
  230. Guild ?
  231. (Wolf) Companion not attacking?
  232. ***? forum search function
  233. construct cannith crafting
  234. miss post
  235. tomes are gone!
  236. Tome bonuses missing after recent hotfix
  237. Heh, 30 seconds notice
  238. Iconic XP progression.
  239. Does melee power or ranged power have diminishing returns?
  240. Mysterious Remanence drop
  241. Dev's: Negative Melee Power
  242. Anything posted about the new Group XP Bonus that starts today?
  243. Monk gearing question
  244. Low Light & Dark Vision?
  245. Skill for Alignment Spell Power?
  246. Spell Points and Transform Kinetic Enegery
  247. Now can we use Lamania as a test server, please?
  248. Servers are up again!
  249. Missing many airship ammenities
  250. Major Bug: Adrenaline Broken