View Full Version : General DDO Discussion
- Harper tree 'extend' is bugged?.
- Shouldn't Mysterious Ramnants scale due to level?
- DEVS: Hide of the Fallen- Broken??
- a virus called terbine
- Does ER resets ransack?
- The Joys of Returning after a LONG Absence
- LOTRO server mergers
- Argo now Default Server?
- ER/TR questions...
- Is this a thing now?
- liches
- New players in, jaded vet players out - AGAIN
- DnD Movie
- stacking stances
- Warlock EB might be increasing band width usage
- Update the Holy Sword description
- um...rolling gold dice on every server?
- WB is making a D&D movie
- Y'All weren't kidding about Paladin...
- Any progress in fixing Defiler lag?
- LOTRO has added cosmetic weapons
- How can DDO keep vet players while orienting new comers?
- Trouble with epic reincarnation
- Question about stat drains
- Proc rates for Killer and Fatal Harrier
- Healing Spring in heroic
- New D&D movie in the works
- give us pvp development
- Bring healers back to the game
- Pugs and you as a leader of a party
- FVS Archons
- Random! Number! Generator!
- My Heal-bot was useful for the 1st time since, like, forever, man....
- Necklace of Mystic Eidolons, Agro, Alert and Lag
- DEVs time to fix Momentum Swing
- Perhaps a dumb question, but should I see named items on EC quests?
- Stolen SFX
- +Steelstar's Insidious Plan
- Defiler of the Just - Update
- When is the next expansion? (money grab that i consider a positive thing)
- Monster Manual Never Resets
- Spies in the house
- New Augment Idea
- melee power inconsistencies/bug
- Anyone know what "Magical Book" is?
- Completionist!
- Potions - Must haves?
- hmm , FELLBLADE x2
- Fate Slots on your Epic Destiny Tree
- Why can't I buy some Arti scrolls?
- Mind fog and other save reducing spells question
- "Ghost" LFMs....?
- Broken Character Lags Out Everyone
- Is the in game store down?
- +7 Tomes on Sale for 2 days.
- Hotbars
- Help with damage calculations - I can't figure it out
- Hireling bugged again...
- Please add ER + TR option
- TOEE djinn lamp spawn points
- Tomes of Learning Question
- LFG Bug?
- Shadar-Kai spiked chains?
- Is the upgrade tome of supreme ability +6 to +7 price right?
- New ideas and player rewards
- Problems connecting to the forums securely? New SSL Certificate!
- Server merges.... Time to watch & observe
- Need help with the one sound in the game I can't turn down.
- New Fellblade flavor text
- Inflict Serious Wounds potions
- Problems I experienced since U27
- Forum app?
- Interaction between Strange Tidings and other items
- Not receiving xp for quest completions or wilderness
- Game error [104]
- A little break
- Ghallanda Lag
- request: lower sound level of achieve quest optionals
- amrath khyber lag
- Turning off Bravery Turns off Daily 20% xp bonus?
- Serious, Malicious Warlock Outcome
- Scaled up old dungeons or new ones?
- New Chain Optional Chest
- DDO not the only game with a Ladder Bug
- Logging in on Sunday August 9, some problems
- Can we get rid of the Eldritch Blast sound?
- Reset fate points?
- Lag in Defiler, week 3, Video from today 10/8/15.
- Temple of Elemental Evil review/discussion *SPOILERS*
- Underdark question...
- Must-have Items for TRing?
- Cormyrean items dropping in strange places
- Threnal Bug and no help really?
- Ozzy is the dungeon master!
- Morninglord how to roll up
- Everyone on Orien stuck?
- Feather Falling
- Rogue Mechanic Crossbow Shooter build advice needed
- Noob question regarding Shroud
- We need sever merges or else this game will die!
- Must be a bug?
- Meditation of War bug?
- When the Attack Roll is Made?
- Lost streak after surpressing
- We need server merge threads merged
- Warlock Death Bug
- Daedalean Kraken lag again?
- We need more servers or this game is going to live
- DDO Store: Glamered Weapon Auras Missing
- Why doesn't Completionist give us our players name an update?
- Pre-order +10 Tomes?
- *** is up with loading screen crashes?
- Harper tree for artificer?
- Ok, one more. Best ED for Artificer?
- Necro focused Wizzy/ Warlock
- IS build section of this forum closed?
- Possible Exploit with Warlocks?
- warbuckler rules!!!! But...
- What's your number one reason for spending less time in DDO?
- We upped our download and upload speed
- Log in help please
- Any word when Sarlona logon server will be back online ?
- Saekee,................
- How to reduce Lag in Defiler
- Camera Follows Slopes
- Time to kill some Kittens.
- Forums are logging me out pretty often today
- Possible new bug
- A Suggested Change to Kensai Tree
- To Devs: ETA on Paladin Dilettante Enhancement fix?
- Intimidating large groups bugged?
- Patch 27.1 Borks animal companion
- Log in fail
- Druid Hierophant capstone not working.
- Best Augment for Epic Sword of shadows?
- Bug with Druid's Wolf companion
- Hirelings and U27.1
- Unleash the Beasts!
- Sneaky devs
- Augments - does slot location matter in all cases?
- Shot on the Run not working?
- Warlock pact types and spell power
- Top tier twelve favor award?
- Turbine, time to go repeater on hirelings
- Fresh Meat - Dev Style
- Rubberbanding Executioners
- Speculation Time-Phones Closed-Infinite Crisis ends tomorrow-What does it all mean?
- My recurring dream metaphor of playing DDO
- Must have gearable attributes
- New Bonus Day Suggestions
- Guild airship amenity "Shrine of the devourer" granting the wrong bonuses to sp
- Please Please Fix This!
- Hey Dev's, thanks for the Defiler tweakage
- Time saving tweaks to game - Auctionista's
- ryo silverbow
- Second Light Source in Rainbow
- Every Light Casts a Shadow
- Shared bank after going back to premium... lol
- New Hireling Bug
- Turbine's Secret Plans to Fix Druids
- this week's coupon code not working
- Craft system bugged....
- Defiler of the Just - 20th completion
- New crashing problem?
- DDO Bonus Days 8/14-8/16
- Temple of Elemental Evil -- is it working right?
- Strange Tidings and Deception
- acid vulnerability toee weapons works on eldritch blast?
- If you think "X" is overpowered...
- Lesser Reincarnation and Epic levels
- Crickets
- Arkyn will not cast Raise Dead when commanded if on Passive.
- Bonus types
- world map problem
- Bring back the value of healing others without nerfs or retrogressive changes
- Which is in higher demand, Heroic or Epic Ottos boxes?
- no lag
- Druid Tank/caster First random run at it.....looking for opinions
- Another one who win DDO – many thanks to developers
- Why roll on an item
- Epic Riftmaker broken? Did I miss an announcement?
- Hey guys, during the Artificer pass...
- Kobald Diva's Estate & Beneficiary Services
- Where is daw n of the citidel?
- Weird wolf pet bug
- Famous Last Words
- Our devs have 2nd best job in America according to this article
- Black Tentacles - Fix it
- Would / Could you "trust your healers" anymore?
- Ranged Rogue
- Demon Assault
- +20 Lesser Hearts of Wood
- What happened to the Jihad thread?
- Artificer Scroll Vendor?
- Saw this in trade channels, is it allowed?
- U27 Bugs
- In-game Ticket
- absent gods
- WTB otto box for 2500as
- Heal Amp items - which do you use?
- Heal Amp, Devotion and Good for melee/ranged builds?
- Chat server down
- DDO Store
- Help: Mouse Look Sensitivity Periodically Changes
- Please fix enlightened spirit!
- Nothing Good For The First 6 Epic Levels
- Any good gear for a low level epics monk? (Besides way of the sun soul)
- Spell Ward bug
- Do Arcane Archer Imbues work for Repeaters?
- The good ol days
- First time in a LOOOOOONG time.
- Update 28
- Artificer ED
- +20 HoW
- cone shape and selected target
- Hot bar /wave /dance ect
- Steam forum community
- Riftmaker versus Shinning devastation?
- Why every ToEE crafting weapon has AOE proc?
- Mutineer's Blade
- Ghallanda Latency & Packet Loss
- Is fishing for 2052 instance simply promoting more lag?
- Is G-Land having issues and/or down?
- Crazy lag on Ghallanda
- Technical difficulties?
- How can we overcome resistance to making the game harder?
- Spell Mastery
- Is this a good build?
- Is this a good build?
- Guild ?
- (Wolf) Companion not attacking?
- ***? forum search function
- construct cannith crafting
- miss post
- tomes are gone!
- Tome bonuses missing after recent hotfix
- Heh, 30 seconds notice
- Iconic XP progression.
- Does melee power or ranged power have diminishing returns?
- Mysterious Remanence drop
- Dev's: Negative Melee Power
- Anything posted about the new Group XP Bonus that starts today?
- Monk gearing question
- Low Light & Dark Vision?
- Skill for Alignment Spell Power?
- Spell Points and Transform Kinetic Enegery
- Now can we use Lamania as a test server, please?
- Servers are up again!
- Missing many airship ammenities
- Major Bug: Adrenaline Broken
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