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  1. Really Turbine? Again?
  2. 3 servers down
  3. think we deserve a free month or so
  4. So....any other good games out there?
  5. if we are trying to balance the game...
  6. post here if youthink double exp or loot weekend is better
  7. Yin and Yang Gameplaystyles that drive the forums
  8. ALL but Galanda UP :D
  9. Lost items from server crash.
  10. You have been booted because you logged into Khyber??
  11. Cloak of Invisibility: from D&D to reality!
  12. Wounding of Puncturing!
  13. reaver
  14. What's the most profitable loot run?
  15. In Game Request ( module 9 )
  16. Command items?
  17. Shroud guard item proc rate?
  18. Whats the highest tier of slayer quests?
  19. Using DDO with a XBOX360 Controller
  20. How do you estimate mana and hp?
  21. Answer my question please
  22. referral program
  23. Where to go with my build?
  24. To walk thru or not to walk thru?
  25. Sorry to bring this up again but..
  26. Leadership..What is a leader?
  27. Fan made video
  28. Not profecient with Madstone shield???
  29. Secret about MOD 9 - Its FREE. I know nothing!
  30. Lag is Terrible (Thelanis) :(
  31. Just found something funny on youtube
  32. DDO Music...must have more!
  33. GM Hours for Support?
  34. Sunken Sewer in Marketplace
  35. How about this for W/P
  36. Sacred Helm favor
  37. When will the spam report thing be fixed?
  38. Dont Stack Down
  39. Human Improve Recovery stacking
  40. Anyone know a good run for ivory scorpions and tears of vulkoor?
  41. barbarian capstone?
  42. Gametime Cards
  43. suggested change to Arcane Archer feat prereqs
  44. Why I got into DDO vs reality, looking for something.
  45. Insight bonus To AC
  46. wheres the rogue love wheres the evil
  47. So I want to reroll my original toon but....
  48. Getting Plat Spammed again :(
  49. No Named Loot
  50. My Luck is so bad that .....
  51. Pre-looting voodoo?
  52. sarlona again!
  53. Pearl of Power X
  54. Been away kind of newbie again..
  55. PETITION: Abbot Update in MOD 8.3 patch - Sign it quick!
  56. Crafting Engine Over Haul
  57. End of Festivus? Turn in those coins you saved!
  58. Finally!
  59. Can't you hear me knocking
  60. Proc rate for the Transform Kinetic Energy effect
  61. How to subscribe?
  62. The story of the item only gotten once
  63. The Abbot
  64. sarlona lag tracking
  65. trouble downloading ddo
  66. World changing
  67. Make the game better
  68. Hate = DDO epic failure
  69. Patch Release Notes
  70. Dont Shoot the Messenger?
  71. Marut is skeered!
  72. Light objects weakening?
  73. It's the little things
  74. I'm looking for...
  75. Sun Flask Change
  76. In game Chicken! Poem
  77. We should get Karokee Night-
  78. Air guard vs freezing ice guard. Worth the lgs?
  79. Any news on a release date for next mod?
  80. I have mail suspicions, anyone else?
  82. What do I do with
  83. No new splash screen?
  84. Marketing push?
  85. Half Elves?
  86. Rage Targeting
  87. Seeking All Information!!!
  88. 3rd anniversary and cake!
  89. Thanks again...
  90. Down...Again
  91. PO'ed about Server Instability
  92. Billing Site down
  93. Confirming crits
  94. Signatures
  95. SunFlasks Stack to 50
  96. Need help with SOS
  97. Looking for a thread on dragontouched armor attributes
  98. Bard Capstone?
  99. 9:01
  100. Scared of the Shroud
  101. Update: The worlds are now open! but i cant connect
  102. Curious, after this down time, did you find the lag monster?
  103. The right way to fix WoP...
  104. Tracking raid completions
  105. posts out of order
  106. I should get a medal
  107. A Cautionary Tale - How I lost/destroyed a Good Item
  108. Forum Signatures
  109. The other guys don't always get it right
  110. monk ac revamp. turbine look again....
  111. What is the exzacked defensive of confirm crit?
  112. New set items, make ur own
  113. Whas Up with Dragonshards ??
  114. Korthos Island - stuck
  115. ever had this happen to you?
  116. Forums Friend List
  117. Best 0% Arcane Failure Shield?
  118. Got Facebook?
  119. Ranged sneak attack question
  120. Raid loot etiquette?
  121. please add chain shirt to sos armor
  122. Super Secret Revealed!!!! a guess
  123. all the updates?
  124. Mod 9 Is The Ranged Character Killer
  125. 400 Favors. Stil Cant Get Drow
  126. Wings and ALE at my place!
  127. Trap the soul
  128. Turbine, consider scrapping the Rogue capstone
  129. DDO needs a players handbook...
  130. Dangit!
  131. Monk vs Ranger
  132. Variety is the spice of life
  133. Shroud craft question
  134. What the DDO community needs is community
  135. Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of the Dragon God
  136. Portal Fragments?
  137. Token monk....***?
  138. im drunk
  139. How do you post a picture in your thread?
  140. Sun flasks
  141. Gong Xi Fa Cai
  142. Bracers of the Glacier and tanks
  143. invisible dice roll
  144. Greetings
  145. Dear Rangers: Mass Camouflage -- Just Say No!
  146. Word of Praise for the DDO Staff
  147. So, should I be doing something else with my time now?
  148. Short Question on stacking
  149. Shroud group tried to kill Hench
  150. DDO: Work or Play
  151. Bran, Tell us Why These Happened
  152. Why I am leaving DDO.
  153. Why not Really Random Encounters?
  154. Washington DC Area DDO Meet up
  155. Black Loch a DDO hidden treasure
  156. The Evasion Myth.
  157. Is the grass always greener?
  158. weirdness
  159. Raids Gone Bad - why?
  160. my sarlona
  161. sarlona still down
  162. Xixxyyxx(sp?) Cookies why are they so special?
  163. Turbine and the "NEW" math
  164. W/P Balance Issue
  165. First Run Loot Conspiracy Theory - Part III
  166. Caster hirelings spell lists.
  167. monks? why do we need a monk?
  168. Whats the word on Superior TWF?
  169. Sneak Peeks, Review, Previews etc?
  170. question about 2HF damage bonus
  171. Nerfing of the loot table
  172. GTWF Question
  173. Intimidate - How much for what task?
  174. DDO dieing?? Unknown or Known?
  175. bound fragments from the shroud
  176. Let's play guess the mod 9 release date
  177. Supreme TWF DOES Exist in PnP.... Go Figure.....
  178. Ranger Capstone (Un-Official)
  179. Dual Greensteel rapiers or min2 - which is better
  180. Unlocking 32 pt character Question 1700+favor
  181. What are the criteria???
  182. It just accurred to me
  183. I have seen the Pirate King Raid and it is Awesome.
  184. Where is the 3rd Anniversary Hype?
  185. Best of DDO !
  186. Eladrin - please take another look at Kensai
  187. Could We Be Seeing a DDO/LORTO Merger?
  188. A Rogue lover's rant and obeservations-
  189. Double weapons? Not that hard at all to add
  190. Barbarian Effects for other effects (shaken is in now)
  191. WHat Happened to the AH?
  192. Weapons Help Req. Pls
  193. Few quick stacking questions:
  194. hirelings need to pull switches
  195. large shound
  196. Preserve Dev Posts
  197. Possible bug in Monastery of the Scorpion?
  198. The Great Forum purge of 09! Dont Miss it!
  199. Vanguard Warrior
  200. Chineese new year, or plat farmers caught?
  201. How to Complain Properly!
  202. Reaver's Refuge Rocks!
  203. Looking to buy a labtop any suggestions?
  204. Dragon Raid Apology
  205. Feynman's predictions for mod 9:
  206. Because I just have to comment
  207. The Mod 9 Fighter and Superior Two Weapon Fighting
  208. Annoying difficulty system
  209. The official Guess the Mod 9 release date thread
  210. 31 Days and Counting
  211. Mod 9 Sneak Peak: LFM interface Changes
  212. Greensteel Bow Help
  213. 2HF vs 2WF in mod 9
  214. Concerning the broken AH...
  215. Adamantine Defender
  216. Dear Devs. RE:The Stone of Change
  217. have a question
  218. Is there?
  219. It's a team game, remember.
  220. Random Crafting - Devs please?
  221. Location of ....
  222. Your opinion please
  223. WOW!! No, not that WOW...
  224. Intimidation Lag
  225. Does this item exist?
  226. eldritch rituals
  227. Thank you Turbine!!
  228. I would like the following item:
  229. House P trinket suggestion
  230. Just Came Back To DDO - Need Plat
  231. can't log out... loss loss loss
  232. Ghallanda shutting down?
  233. Pathetic lagg once again turbine is the lagg an issue yes or no ?
  234. Reboot Ghallanda Please
  235. Petition: Build Thread
  236. Thanks for Nothing Turbine
  237. greed
  238. Official Worlds Down thread
  239. Please don't nerf casuals -- we're no threat to the game!
  240. Sparkling dust where?
  241. You know what's a cool item?
  242. Black screen on startup
  243. News at 11: Turbine bug fixes destroy man's sanity
  244. haste and striding
  245. Daggers-
  246. Alignment?
  247. I've been gone since before Mod 8
  248. Servers down again?
  249. Buying Handwraps
  250. Level 20 Bard question