View Full Version : General DDO Discussion
- Really Turbine? Again?
- 3 servers down
- think we deserve a free month or so
- So....any other good games out there?
- if we are trying to balance the game...
- post here if youthink double exp or loot weekend is better
- Yin and Yang Gameplaystyles that drive the forums
- ALL but Galanda UP :D
- Lost items from server crash.
- You have been booted because you logged into Khyber??
- Cloak of Invisibility: from D&D to reality!
- Wounding of Puncturing!
- reaver
- What's the most profitable loot run?
- In Game Request ( module 9 )
- Command items?
- Shroud guard item proc rate?
- Whats the highest tier of slayer quests?
- Using DDO with a XBOX360 Controller
- How do you estimate mana and hp?
- Answer my question please
- referral program
- Where to go with my build?
- To walk thru or not to walk thru?
- Sorry to bring this up again but..
- Leadership..What is a leader?
- Fan made video
- Not profecient with Madstone shield???
- Secret about MOD 9 - Its FREE. I know nothing!
- Lag is Terrible (Thelanis) :(
- Just found something funny on youtube
- DDO Music...must have more!
- GM Hours for Support?
- Sunken Sewer in Marketplace
- How about this for W/P
- Sacred Helm favor
- When will the spam report thing be fixed?
- Dont Stack Down
- Human Improve Recovery stacking
- Anyone know a good run for ivory scorpions and tears of vulkoor?
- barbarian capstone?
- Gametime Cards
- suggested change to Arcane Archer feat prereqs
- Why I got into DDO vs reality, looking for something.
- Insight bonus To AC
- wheres the rogue love wheres the evil
- So I want to reroll my original toon but....
- Getting Plat Spammed again :(
- No Named Loot
- My Luck is so bad that .....
- Pre-looting voodoo?
- sarlona again!
- Pearl of Power X
- Been away kind of newbie again..
- PETITION: Abbot Update in MOD 8.3 patch - Sign it quick!
- Crafting Engine Over Haul
- End of Festivus? Turn in those coins you saved!
- Finally!
- Can't you hear me knocking
- Proc rate for the Transform Kinetic Energy effect
- How to subscribe?
- The story of the item only gotten once
- The Abbot
- sarlona lag tracking
- trouble downloading ddo
- World changing
- Make the game better
- Hate = DDO epic failure
- Patch Release Notes
- Dont Shoot the Messenger?
- Marut is skeered!
- Light objects weakening?
- It's the little things
- I'm looking for...
- Sun Flask Change
- In game Chicken! Poem
- We should get Karokee Night-
- Air guard vs freezing ice guard. Worth the lgs?
- Any news on a release date for next mod?
- I have mail suspicions, anyone else?
- What do I do with
- No new splash screen?
- Marketing push?
- Half Elves?
- Rage Targeting
- Seeking All Information!!!
- 3rd anniversary and cake!
- Thanks again...
- Down...Again
- PO'ed about Server Instability
- Billing Site down
- Confirming crits
- Signatures
- SunFlasks Stack to 50
- Need help with SOS
- Looking for a thread on dragontouched armor attributes
- Bard Capstone?
- 9:01
- Scared of the Shroud
- Update: The worlds are now open! but i cant connect
- Curious, after this down time, did you find the lag monster?
- The right way to fix WoP...
- Tracking raid completions
- posts out of order
- I should get a medal
- A Cautionary Tale - How I lost/destroyed a Good Item
- Forum Signatures
- The other guys don't always get it right
- monk ac revamp. turbine look again....
- What is the exzacked defensive of confirm crit?
- New set items, make ur own
- Whas Up with Dragonshards ??
- Korthos Island - stuck
- ever had this happen to you?
- Forums Friend List
- Best 0% Arcane Failure Shield?
- Got Facebook?
- Ranged sneak attack question
- Raid loot etiquette?
- please add chain shirt to sos armor
- Super Secret Revealed!!!! a guess
- all the updates?
- Mod 9 Is The Ranged Character Killer
- 400 Favors. Stil Cant Get Drow
- Wings and ALE at my place!
- Trap the soul
- Turbine, consider scrapping the Rogue capstone
- DDO needs a players handbook...
- Dangit!
- Monk vs Ranger
- Variety is the spice of life
- Shroud craft question
- What the DDO community needs is community
- Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of the Dragon God
- Portal Fragments?
- Token monk....***?
- im drunk
- How do you post a picture in your thread?
- Sun flasks
- Gong Xi Fa Cai
- Bracers of the Glacier and tanks
- invisible dice roll
- Greetings
- Dear Rangers: Mass Camouflage -- Just Say No!
- Word of Praise for the DDO Staff
- So, should I be doing something else with my time now?
- Short Question on stacking
- Shroud group tried to kill Hench
- DDO: Work or Play
- Bran, Tell us Why These Happened
- Why I am leaving DDO.
- Why not Really Random Encounters?
- Washington DC Area DDO Meet up
- Black Loch a DDO hidden treasure
- The Evasion Myth.
- Is the grass always greener?
- weirdness
- Raids Gone Bad - why?
- my sarlona
- sarlona still down
- Xixxyyxx(sp?) Cookies why are they so special?
- Turbine and the "NEW" math
- W/P Balance Issue
- First Run Loot Conspiracy Theory - Part III
- Caster hirelings spell lists.
- monks? why do we need a monk?
- Whats the word on Superior TWF?
- Sneak Peeks, Review, Previews etc?
- question about 2HF damage bonus
- Nerfing of the loot table
- GTWF Question
- Intimidate - How much for what task?
- DDO dieing?? Unknown or Known?
- bound fragments from the shroud
- Let's play guess the mod 9 release date
- Supreme TWF DOES Exist in PnP.... Go Figure.....
- Ranger Capstone (Un-Official)
- Dual Greensteel rapiers or min2 - which is better
- Unlocking 32 pt character Question 1700+favor
- What are the criteria???
- It just accurred to me
- I have seen the Pirate King Raid and it is Awesome.
- Where is the 3rd Anniversary Hype?
- Best of DDO !
- Eladrin - please take another look at Kensai
- Could We Be Seeing a DDO/LORTO Merger?
- A Rogue lover's rant and obeservations-
- Double weapons? Not that hard at all to add
- Barbarian Effects for other effects (shaken is in now)
- WHat Happened to the AH?
- Weapons Help Req. Pls
- Few quick stacking questions:
- hirelings need to pull switches
- large shound
- Preserve Dev Posts
- Possible bug in Monastery of the Scorpion?
- The Great Forum purge of 09! Dont Miss it!
- Vanguard Warrior
- Chineese new year, or plat farmers caught?
- How to Complain Properly!
- Reaver's Refuge Rocks!
- Looking to buy a labtop any suggestions?
- Dragon Raid Apology
- Feynman's predictions for mod 9:
- Because I just have to comment
- The Mod 9 Fighter and Superior Two Weapon Fighting
- Annoying difficulty system
- The official Guess the Mod 9 release date thread
- 31 Days and Counting
- Mod 9 Sneak Peak: LFM interface Changes
- Greensteel Bow Help
- 2HF vs 2WF in mod 9
- Concerning the broken AH...
- Adamantine Defender
- Dear Devs. RE:The Stone of Change
- have a question
- Is there?
- It's a team game, remember.
- Random Crafting - Devs please?
- Location of ....
- Your opinion please
- WOW!! No, not that WOW...
- Intimidation Lag
- Does this item exist?
- eldritch rituals
- Thank you Turbine!!
- I would like the following item:
- House P trinket suggestion
- Just Came Back To DDO - Need Plat
- can't log out... loss loss loss
- Ghallanda shutting down?
- Pathetic lagg once again turbine is the lagg an issue yes or no ?
- Reboot Ghallanda Please
- Petition: Build Thread
- Thanks for Nothing Turbine
- greed
- Official Worlds Down thread
- Please don't nerf casuals -- we're no threat to the game!
- Sparkling dust where?
- You know what's a cool item?
- Black screen on startup
- News at 11: Turbine bug fixes destroy man's sanity
- haste and striding
- Daggers-
- Alignment?
- I've been gone since before Mod 8
- Servers down again?
- Buying Handwraps
- Level 20 Bard question
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