View Full Version : General DDO Discussion
- Please fix coup de grace
- DDO Pre-loader post U22
- No more ship tavern function?
- Low Blow immunities?
- Bucklers and Skirmishing
- 3BC loot
- Swashbuckler
- Earning Guild Buffs in game....Astral Shards
- Guest Passes and Sagas
- I'd like to thank the guilds that
- DDO... Malware?
- Deadly Weapons, Blade Barrier, or Tactical Detonation, Pick 2.
- ETA on Bug Fixes
- Roll back to a backup from before U22 implemented. PLEASE.
- Guild augments gone from guild reward list?
- SWF and Monks
- Sound issue with U22
- Hey... when did they add more storage, and how much?
- Please, please, please, please, please leave the airship hold alone. Please!
- wow just got tp points for free from cordovan :D!
- Airship Price Reduction - what's next?
- WAY for amenities to be cheaper
- Please fix this before you epic the Orchard!
- TR Completionist Color Change!
- Did Turbine ever fix all the Akamai nonsense?
- Devs - Question about amenities in chests
- Cannith Crafting display bug (crafting, not deconstruction)
- Lower ship prices, bur why not also Tempest?
- Single weapon fighting feats
- New guild amenities question
- Assassinate and agro
- Orcish Privateer Boots
- Going KuKu with the new Bard- looking forward to a boost for barbs next
- Where do I get a...
- Entertaining pictures of 3 barrel cove
- Ran 3bc once, no desire to return - Classic example of what NOT to do with content
- Guild gem crafting vs new guild buffs
- question about TF weapons and 1st degree burns
- Gianthold
- We need bigger squelch/ignore list
- It's raining bacon!
- Saturday June 14 anyone else having login issues?
- Can't Login. Stuck @ installing pre-requisits
- *** is with lag in game?
- Multipurpose attendant on ship
- crazy lag on argonesson
- Transport to 3BC
- Does anyone know if the quintuple strike bug has been fixed?
- How Can We Make Sure U23 Has More Staying Power Than 3BC?
- Most effecient method of getting as much content as possible?
- Crew quarters and bacon?
- dear turbine
- Bank and Bags
- I spent 610 AS and all I got was this Tier 3 XP that doesn't work
- Greensteel bugged?
- Iconic character comes with extra slot?
- Epic 3BC - Explorers
- Mobs and traps in Epic Three Barrel Cove: what?
- primal scream is not working with madstone rage
- Unraveling enchantments from Sentinels
- Crucible buggy
- I dont play the game, I just rant on these forums
- Side effect of "bags bug" - Sigil of Abbot is uncompletable
- Epic Crafting help
- Amenity Bar not giving all buffs
- Tree of Death
- The Mighty Fundamentals of U22
- Cleric AA 12 Cleric 6 Monk 2 Pally Elf AKA "The Priest"
- Astral Shard Airship Price Reduction
- Top Floor of Ship
- Produktion_Malphunktion, where are you?
- Swashbukle problem and very easy fix that would be very friendly - please? .-)
- Astral Shard Airship Price Reduction, how to get the refund?
- Pls allow multi crunching of Greater Essences
- Old bards, new bards; my thoughts and experiences
- Why am i unable to take greater single wep fighting as my lv 21 feat?
- Paying to remove a cleric level every TR seems wrong
- Airship amenity definitions
- Glowing Eyes still bugged for Purple Dragon Knights after several updates.
- Login issues?
- How to remove the CLR on a Mornignlord without bug?
- Crafting & bag bugs: Where'd they come from?
- Xp pot and Tickets
- different tack?
- Epic Past Lives
- Max Possible AC
- Hot fix date?
- U22 and monster manual
- So when's Update22 patch 1 out?
- legacy ship buff contracts
- New named bucklers?
- Dev response please: Swashbuckler uncanny dodge not adding passive dodge bonus WAI?
- What goals keep you coming back after level cap?
- Litany Sigil
- Is This Typical Of GM Interactions These Days?
- Build Your Guild Event Soon?
- What was the final word on Ranged Adrenaline?
- Wizards need heal as a class skill
- Legend of Two Toed Tobias Bug?
- Cheap way to extend the life of 3BC
- Am I the only one....
- Shiny Stoneskin?
- Plea to Dev's
- Clarification CSM_River
- Epic Level ML changes
- stepping into e3BC slayer stuck issue
- One last small ship request/suggestion
- Old and New Guild Buff Stacking
- What would you like to see the cargo hold evolve into?
- non-guild members not about to git guild buffs?
- Any ETA on crafting fix?
- helf need some love..
- Bio Text Size
- is there a spot for homebrew
- Dear Devs, Fix the double login bug already!
- Thunderforged throwing axes bugged
- Tower of Dispair monk rings
- Proving Ground Training Dummies
- Where is everyone?
- Ogre Mages
- Basic Courtesy 101 - Hires
- Priest Torch Location? Confirmation?
- Treads of falling shadow heroic normal
- Devs- (Casual) Thoughts on Helping Melee
- Stop Arguing About 3BC Already
- Where is...
- The magic of DDO
- Stop Reinventing the Wheel and Design a Stronger Wheel (pt one)
- It's time to allow Hirelings in Raids
- Need help Getting a error 201 box
- Do cookies go into bag Deposit Box now?
- Solid State Hard Drive sweet spot link right here. Huge DDO game experience boost
- Devs: Bags are not fixed!!!
- Bag Deposit Bag Crippled
- When Do Thunder-Forged Weapons Bind?
- What is a current FotM to LR20 into?
- What's the best bard build designs now w/swashbuckler enhancement?
- this saga can only be played once
- Thunderholm Flying chest
- idae making certain pack useful
- Bags still do not work correctly
- New Bucklers?
- Blow by Blow and Swashbuckling not working properly w/ thrown weapons. Clarification?
- Bag deposit box item stacking
- The song the bard trainer plays.
- Please Remove the Quest Timeout
- Red Fens collector nerfed?
- Epic shroud suggestions
- no mmooks allowed!
- Bonus Days Suggestion: Build Your Guild!
- Please Add Skill +15 Augments To The DDO Store
- Isn't there a middle ground for the forums and game anymore?
- Yes. I'm gonna say it. I love bag storage!
- error: "you do not have current version" and also 201 error, help
- Game not working..being ignored
- "your character cannot be saved" on log in...
- I Lost MY TR Bank after Epic TR
- Ziksquik not recognizing Guild Leader
- solo EE
- SARLONA appears to be DOWN
- Possible bug in AH
- *facepalm*
- MajorMal, Rowan, who's in charge now?
- Heroic Elite Blown to Bits Bugged
- Thanks DDO.. Your Ruined EVERYTHING
- Is anyone else's Guild Augment HP not working?
- What is a...?
- Fred Not Displaying Feats
- ETA on Fixing Disappearing Ship Buffs?
- E* Key works from airship again
- New ship buffs not stacking with guild slots
- Swashbuckler Dodge bonus bug? Or I'm I missing something
- And with U22 I'm uninstalling DDO from my computer...
- Upgrade the DC bonuses on DC feats
- Single mob pulls
- Restricted guild members
- A stupid question or 3 regarding TR and ETR
- Precious Cargo Bug?
- Epic Moment Counters
- Frequent crashes post-patch?
- regarding character slots, information required.
- Dev Response Please: Are The New Changes To Guild Slot/Buff Stacking WAI?
- Winter Wolf and Improved Critical
- Ring of master artificer bug
- Run Three-Barrel Cove Series 3 Times For End Reward
- Sortable / groupable deposit bag?
- Ranged targeting issues.
- Dear Devs, please change the following newly introduced in U22
- What? Selling ddo stuff and/or accounts on ebay?
- Open to suggestions...
- U22 :(
- A must have for Update 30!
- Can't find login server?
- +30% to Guild Renown This weekend is a hoax
- Toughness still required?
- Improving encounters to make the game more fun.
- Blinding green glow when "using" anything
- Shadowsale armor glow/aura/smoke effect: Do the Robes hav it?
- Trying to introduce new players to the game.
- Thank you DDO ...
- A update error
- Oldest Server
- So Mobs don't "Reset" anymore?
- Proficiency Bastard Sword not showing up for fighter feats
- Orbs and spellcasting implement?
- What is your favorite Two Handed Weapon?
- Why do they keep doing crafting sales?
- Thunderforged weapon damage
- Returning player, with some turbine points...
- Maybe it's time for a good ol' Heroic Pack sale!
- We need a pack sale.
- Can't upgrade level 16 Mournlode Breastplate. Help?
- Programmable mouse, auto-clickers and action bots
- Anyone else have this issue
- Bluff-Pull Broken?
- Bash the Breakables Cargo Bay Buff and Jewel of Fortune
- Next DDO Producer - Let's Vote.
- Cross Server Trading Ethos
- Use Great Crossbows. They're the only weapon worth anything.
- How to stop ddo from coming to the forefront on its own
- I think we're alone now
- Ok, where is that parrot
- I guess you could cal this "A Dream Raid"
- Experience ship buff just suddenly disappears..?
- New guild amenity issues
- New Augment suggestions
- Devs. Since we're playing superheroes...
- Guild Airships are still Vulnerable
- Why do people play an Massively MULTIPLAYER Game and then go and solo everything?
- Trouble logging on to Thelanis
- Animals everywhere
- Getting stuck on loading screens
- White Dragonscale Plate Armor is Perfect
- Interactive Poll: The Top 20 Fixes You'd Make to DDO!
- Light Emitting : Are damages the only worthwhile effects ?
- Hireling costs in Sellsword Tavern
- Libram of silber magic update- be carefull that GM not trash it during update!
- U22 <airship's/buffs> what do you think?
- Lag
- Inventory Management: A Fresh Hell
- Buffing capstones
- How Do I Report Cheating?
- Epic Heart of Wood usage gone all wrong?
- Veteran Status 2 not avaliable
- taking 10k stars with lv 6 monk class feat still borked
- new Guild Renown curve?
- Looking to grow the Reddit DDO community, and a new shiny build :)
- Players Council - What Happened with Bag Bank and Ship Amenities?
- Tr Bank Cache :((((
- Saga rewards and reincarnation
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