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  1. Cant charge counter for Everything is nothing
  2. Defensive (SD & DoS) stance: Clarification asked to Devs
  3. Diamond of Endless Night
  4. Cannith Challenge Bows Broken?
  5. CR's in Lords of dust chain
  6. Power Critical stacking
  7. New patch brings back recent problem
  8. mired in kobolds is busted
  9. Warpriest problem
  10. I need YOUR help .. Support is ignoring me
  11. still 2 monk issuse
  12. mabars up ....for a little bit at least
  13. No trap spot on ELITE Coalescence Chamber
  14. Asassin's "Venomed Blade" + Wolf Shape
  15. Mabar just opened !!!
  16. Epic newb
  17. Epic Fail at Mabar festival
  18. I just feel bad
  19. Comments on Mabar
  20. Mabar lag
  21. Mabar - something to think about
  22. Devs: actual constructive ideas about Mabar from someone who will not rage post :P
  23. ok, so every melee that can multistrike well should now splash 2 cleric
  24. Turbine Dev's Mabar 1 per day limit punishes afluent working players
  25. DooOOOooooM is DoooOOOOooooMMMed
  26. storm horns epic end rewards are all heroic
  27. Challenges borked - Teleporters
  28. Ranged returning player
  29. Mabar - No keys in store
  30. Wheloon and Stormhorns end rewards broken on Epic
  31. Mabar 'tribute' song
  32. Which Summoned Monsters are best?
  33. Wheeloon Epic quests are dropping Heroic end rewards.
  34. My question about Mabar and the preview
  35. Scale Mabar turn in based on active server population
  36. The new Hatchery!
  37. Divine Vessel bugged?
  38. cleric domain: is it coming?
  39. Marbar lore,
  40. Is there a guild renown exploit?
  41. Druid and fighter interaction.
  42. Suggest to fix Mabar lag
  43. Quests I would like to thank turbine for, and want more of.
  44. Saga quests counting while there down
  45. No sagas AGAIN?
  46. Previews and non-US players
  47. Food for Thought.
  48. Tanking Goals
  49. When was the last time you thanked the party healer
  50. entering a quest
  51. Guild bacon stolen
  52. Skill Tome Question
  53. Sting of the Ninja Nerf
  54. Has anyone else lost airship amenities today?
  55. Saga Rewards
  56. Any word on fixing the drow racial tree?
  57. Grave wrappings bugged?
  58. EE grouping..
  59. Caster Level Issues
  60. She's a Bebelith?
  61. What is your favorite Wilderness area in DDO and why?
  62. so ARE "healers" a wsste of an EE slot?
  63. New content, end reward changes question
  64. Nice work Turbine - you've got me doing gold rolls
  65. Daily Dice Gold Rolls of 97+
  66. Warpriest Inflame Activation Bug(?)
  67. Impossible login
  68. Any reason to TR after U20
  69. +2 loot bonus bugged?
  70. Can we have a consistency pass?
  71. Beholder graphics.
  72. Shouldn't Gods have better tastes in weapons?
  73. Shield Mastery and Double Strike
  74. +2 loot, DDO Bonus Days
  75. Do you have to be in a certain epic destiny to take and use epic destiny feats?
  76. Daily Dice - Silver Rolls
  77. The Wayward Lobster
  78. A question about the "possible" chest for opt Orc in Tracker's Trap
  79. Nerfs that defy common sense (aka laziness)
  80. Thank you Turbine
  81. Because Sometimes it's Not All Bad
  82. Attn: Cordovan & Quartermaster re: Adv packs
  83. Need Advises - what should I choose for my expansion packs?
  84. Shadowfell Saga: Chronological order?
  85. Life Stealing on Cormyrian weapons - It exists, and it works!
  86. Otto stone nerfed?
  87. freedom of movement vs restoration vs recitation
  88. somthings make "Celestia" useless
  89. end of month, log on server issues
  90. Champion of Good not breaking DR?
  91. any word on improve helf dil?
  92. Resetting Enhancements Is Too Expensive
  93. I miss the old item prefixes and suffixes. Bring them back.
  94. Largest DRs in the game?
  95. Producer Glin... its been two weeks today... Any idea when we will get more details?
  96. Interesting message in combat log!
  97. What is more damage: 10% more critrange vs. 10% more offhandprocs?
  98. Turbine - a simple proposal to revive the raid scene and to help with old epic loot
  99. You’re so gimp…
  100. Developers please take the time to read this.
  101. Nearly One Year and Still Mostly Confused/Mystified!!
  102. Amaunator level 6 fireshield feat is broken
  103. druid capstone: trasmution? conjuration?
  104. Yes, another "chest re-roll" thread -
  105. Did Mabar Break Something?
  106. discuss of Henshin Mystic(Monk)
  107. Guild question
  108. Stuck in Meridia port point
  109. Cannith Challenges bugged?
  110. Elemental Longbow of Earth no longer works?
  111. Cleric Turn Undead Question
  112. Broken Enhancments + expsensive resets = motivation to buy an icionic?
  113. Bring Back Mari Mosshand
  114. Is it safe yet?
  115. Overwhelming Critical + Howl of the North - Do they stack?
  116. Guilds and Renown time for something different
  117. If you had to live in one DDO adventure pack, what would it be?
  118. Do the hamsters have the flu?
  119. perception vs reality, raiding, elitists, healers, byoh, flower sniffers, and you.
  120. DDO on a plasma TV: Results? Thoughts? Opinions? Advice?
  121. do they stack?
  122. Artifacts in the Crafting System
  123. Admission of Lag
  124. DA destiny?
  125. Blade Barrier- worth without dc?
  126. Skipping a life with the +20 stone...suggestions?
  127. Mabar Tome question
  128. DDO losing steam
  129. Does anyone know why VON was re-written?
  130. Is there anyway for me to use the LR +20 to turn a barbarian into a paladin?
  131. Please don't use ED exploit at heroic levels
  132. cross realm dungeons ?
  133. My Monk Stun/kill DC build b4 they nerfix it
  134. How does the Perfect Two Weapon Fighting feat work, what stacks what doesnt?
  135. Please don't use spells in heroic levels.
  136. +1 Retributive Cursed Boredom of Funbane
  137. Game is easy after U19
  138. Conspiracy or Coincidence
  139. sources of dodge cap increase?
  140. End epic hard just have epic normal and epic elite
  141. Dear Feather, where is my +5 tome upgrade?
  142. Anyone pulled UMD + 1 or UMD +2 or UMD upgrade tome ?
  143. Cleric Icon
  144. Minimum Specs for DDO
  145. Otto's XP stones and their ongoing saga:
  146. New Players and Storage Bags: The great mystery of DDO
  147. Is it possible to Bank more than 2 levels in Epic levels? Is there ED Feat Respec?
  148. Arcane Archer Force Arrows enhancement is broken
  149. What happened to loot? My mini rant.
  150. Monk second life... Could use some help planning.
  151. Swarmhorde Spiders
  152. What ever happened to Arlos?
  153. Escape Plan scaling issues?
  154. Communication with the devs
  155. Launcher loading
  156. Favorite Trap
  157. Is a rogue's defensive roll is counted before or after PRR?
  158. Who Is The Best 2 Weapon Fighter Now - Fighter/Monk Or Pure Ranger?
  159. Critical threat range QUESTION???
  160. +6 improved smiting dagger with Red slot, what shot I slot?
  161. where did high resolution ddo download go?
  162. Highest sustainable reflex?
  163. How do you put an excel chart into your thread?
  164. If you were going to change Server, wich one would you choose?
  165. Life Drain on Cormyrian Weapons is bugged
  166. Thrill of the Hunt -- are you kidding me?
  167. End of the month again, will servers/internet go down again?
  168. Proof read launcher posts
  169. Turbine Math *sigh*
  170. war priest- exclude silverflame?
  171. How to fix barbarians
  172. TR Advice requested
  173. What are best TWF weapons from lvl 16-24 range (Not including raid weapons)
  174. Power-Leveling in Epics
  175. Recently installed a new MMO
  176. TR (U20) Thought
  177. Trubine: you guys realize you made it HARDER to kill undead with the changes right?
  178. Baarb Rage and Drafonmark abilities
  179. Cheap, easy and massive game expansion ideas!
  180. Animate Ally on Owlbear
  181. Updating Old Epic Gear
  182. Community build: "Ironrooster" Critalicious eSoS user Self healing, suvivable.
  183. When are dodge granting abilities going to work?
  184. ReRoll Button and Chest Ransack
  185. Dear Diary: Grinding EDs on differnet toon is soul-suckingly mind-numbingly painful
  186. u19.3
  187. Animate Ally
  188. Little help?
  189. Your thoughts on an acrobat using Sireth
  190. Cannith Manufactury: Toven's 2nd letter
  191. new cleric enh
  192. Ddoge Stacking
  193. Raids need a new direction in this game.
  194. More Sagas? - Dev Question
  195. Are Proficiency feats really worth it? Is the -4 to hit penalty that bad?
  196. Introducing Artifacts to DDO
  197. LR help needed
  198. Epic Destinies Issue
  199. servers going down, yet there are new LFMs
  200. evade on mobs
  201. My Master Plan
  202. Tracert October 2
  203. Do Tier Upgrades to Cannith Challenge Items Persist through Level Upgrades?
  204. Credit is due (Mabar and U19.3)
  205. Help Pls - Iconic LR
  206. another proof how fixing bug works
  207. are u sure sagas are fixed?
  208. How to play a Drunken Master!
  209. Question About a Change via Update and Patch RE: Enhancements
  210. Dogs and Bones
  211. cant get into game
  212. Racial past lives?
  213. Warpriest's Divine Vessel with longbow
  214. Tomes from Saga Rewards
  215. Mechanics and Crossbows
  216. Gold rolls are nice!
  217. Can login to any server except Sarlona
  218. Turbine! Why are you screwing with my game controls!?
  219. Error in GH saga, with fix
  220. no dev response about broken human S&B animation? really?
  221. I wonder what Vampire Fangs are worth?
  222. Ghostbane is so helpful for the lower levels!
  223. Potential Maybar Disappointment
  224. Venomed Blades still broken
  225. paralyzing undead and constructs?
  226. 5000 Favor Reward
  227. Twink Korthos Loot
  228. I have drow and monk unlocked from years and years ago, and don't remember much
  229. Gotta love the stones of xp
  230. Twist of Fate
  231. Hey Feather, Savants' Curse is still bugged and stops you in place.
  232. GH Saga?!?!
  233. Sell me your Soul
  234. Any ETA on Mabar?
  235. Next Patch?
  236. Monarch New Player Mentoring Program
  237. Devs please distinguish Owned vs. Purchasable Quests in the Adventure Compendium
  238. epic and arcane archer..
  239. Old Cannith Challenge Tokens
  240. If I TR now, will I miss out on Mabar stuff?
  241. Reincarnation List
  242. level 27 random generate named?
  243. Epic Skill Focus Haggle is in Divine Sphere?
  244. What to slot in the New Muck Doom
  245. DDO Bonus Days
  246. Additional information on U20 and Epic TR
  247. Ithun Orenah
  248. ED grinding, How it should have been.
  249. Attn: Quartermaster
  250. Data on DDO since MOTU