View Full Version : General DDO Discussion
- Cant charge counter for Everything is nothing
- Defensive (SD & DoS) stance: Clarification asked to Devs
- Diamond of Endless Night
- Cannith Challenge Bows Broken?
- CR's in Lords of dust chain
- Power Critical stacking
- New patch brings back recent problem
- mired in kobolds is busted
- Warpriest problem
- I need YOUR help .. Support is ignoring me
- still 2 monk issuse
- mabars up ....for a little bit at least
- No trap spot on ELITE Coalescence Chamber
- Asassin's "Venomed Blade" + Wolf Shape
- Mabar just opened !!!
- Epic newb
- Epic Fail at Mabar festival
- I just feel bad
- Comments on Mabar
- Mabar lag
- Mabar - something to think about
- Devs: actual constructive ideas about Mabar from someone who will not rage post :P
- ok, so every melee that can multistrike well should now splash 2 cleric
- Turbine Dev's Mabar 1 per day limit punishes afluent working players
- DooOOOooooM is DoooOOOOooooMMMed
- storm horns epic end rewards are all heroic
- Challenges borked - Teleporters
- Ranged returning player
- Mabar - No keys in store
- Wheloon and Stormhorns end rewards broken on Epic
- Mabar 'tribute' song
- Which Summoned Monsters are best?
- Wheeloon Epic quests are dropping Heroic end rewards.
- My question about Mabar and the preview
- Scale Mabar turn in based on active server population
- The new Hatchery!
- Divine Vessel bugged?
- cleric domain: is it coming?
- Marbar lore,
- Is there a guild renown exploit?
- Druid and fighter interaction.
- Suggest to fix Mabar lag
- Quests I would like to thank turbine for, and want more of.
- Saga quests counting while there down
- No sagas AGAIN?
- Previews and non-US players
- Food for Thought.
- Tanking Goals
- When was the last time you thanked the party healer
- entering a quest
- Guild bacon stolen
- Skill Tome Question
- Sting of the Ninja Nerf
- Has anyone else lost airship amenities today?
- Saga Rewards
- Any word on fixing the drow racial tree?
- Grave wrappings bugged?
- EE grouping..
- Caster Level Issues
- She's a Bebelith?
- What is your favorite Wilderness area in DDO and why?
- so ARE "healers" a wsste of an EE slot?
- New content, end reward changes question
- Nice work Turbine - you've got me doing gold rolls
- Daily Dice Gold Rolls of 97+
- Warpriest Inflame Activation Bug(?)
- Impossible login
- Any reason to TR after U20
- +2 loot bonus bugged?
- Can we have a consistency pass?
- Beholder graphics.
- Shouldn't Gods have better tastes in weapons?
- Shield Mastery and Double Strike
- +2 loot, DDO Bonus Days
- Do you have to be in a certain epic destiny to take and use epic destiny feats?
- Daily Dice - Silver Rolls
- The Wayward Lobster
- A question about the "possible" chest for opt Orc in Tracker's Trap
- Nerfs that defy common sense (aka laziness)
- Thank you Turbine
- Because Sometimes it's Not All Bad
- Attn: Cordovan & Quartermaster re: Adv packs
- Need Advises - what should I choose for my expansion packs?
- Shadowfell Saga: Chronological order?
- Life Stealing on Cormyrian weapons - It exists, and it works!
- Otto stone nerfed?
- freedom of movement vs restoration vs recitation
- somthings make "Celestia" useless
- end of month, log on server issues
- Champion of Good not breaking DR?
- any word on improve helf dil?
- Resetting Enhancements Is Too Expensive
- I miss the old item prefixes and suffixes. Bring them back.
- Largest DRs in the game?
- Producer Glin... its been two weeks today... Any idea when we will get more details?
- Interesting message in combat log!
- What is more damage: 10% more critrange vs. 10% more offhandprocs?
- Turbine - a simple proposal to revive the raid scene and to help with old epic loot
- You’re so gimp…
- Developers please take the time to read this.
- Nearly One Year and Still Mostly Confused/Mystified!!
- Amaunator level 6 fireshield feat is broken
- druid capstone: trasmution? conjuration?
- Yes, another "chest re-roll" thread -
- Did Mabar Break Something?
- discuss of Henshin Mystic(Monk)
- Guild question
- Stuck in Meridia port point
- Cannith Challenges bugged?
- Elemental Longbow of Earth no longer works?
- Cleric Turn Undead Question
- Broken Enhancments + expsensive resets = motivation to buy an icionic?
- Bring Back Mari Mosshand
- Is it safe yet?
- Overwhelming Critical + Howl of the North - Do they stack?
- Guilds and Renown time for something different
- If you had to live in one DDO adventure pack, what would it be?
- Do the hamsters have the flu?
- perception vs reality, raiding, elitists, healers, byoh, flower sniffers, and you.
- DDO on a plasma TV: Results? Thoughts? Opinions? Advice?
- do they stack?
- Artifacts in the Crafting System
- Admission of Lag
- DA destiny?
- Blade Barrier- worth without dc?
- Skipping a life with the +20 stone...suggestions?
- Mabar Tome question
- DDO losing steam
- Does anyone know why VON was re-written?
- Is there anyway for me to use the LR +20 to turn a barbarian into a paladin?
- Please don't use ED exploit at heroic levels
- cross realm dungeons ?
- My Monk Stun/kill DC build b4 they nerfix it
- How does the Perfect Two Weapon Fighting feat work, what stacks what doesnt?
- Please don't use spells in heroic levels.
- +1 Retributive Cursed Boredom of Funbane
- Game is easy after U19
- Conspiracy or Coincidence
- sources of dodge cap increase?
- End epic hard just have epic normal and epic elite
- Dear Feather, where is my +5 tome upgrade?
- Anyone pulled UMD + 1 or UMD +2 or UMD upgrade tome ?
- Cleric Icon
- Minimum Specs for DDO
- Otto's XP stones and their ongoing saga:
- New Players and Storage Bags: The great mystery of DDO
- Is it possible to Bank more than 2 levels in Epic levels? Is there ED Feat Respec?
- Arcane Archer Force Arrows enhancement is broken
- What happened to loot? My mini rant.
- Monk second life... Could use some help planning.
- Swarmhorde Spiders
- What ever happened to Arlos?
- Escape Plan scaling issues?
- Communication with the devs
- Launcher loading
- Favorite Trap
- Is a rogue's defensive roll is counted before or after PRR?
- Who Is The Best 2 Weapon Fighter Now - Fighter/Monk Or Pure Ranger?
- Critical threat range QUESTION???
- +6 improved smiting dagger with Red slot, what shot I slot?
- where did high resolution ddo download go?
- Highest sustainable reflex?
- How do you put an excel chart into your thread?
- If you were going to change Server, wich one would you choose?
- Life Drain on Cormyrian Weapons is bugged
- Thrill of the Hunt -- are you kidding me?
- End of the month again, will servers/internet go down again?
- Proof read launcher posts
- Turbine Math *sigh*
- war priest- exclude silverflame?
- How to fix barbarians
- TR Advice requested
- What are best TWF weapons from lvl 16-24 range (Not including raid weapons)
- Power-Leveling in Epics
- Recently installed a new MMO
- TR (U20) Thought
- Trubine: you guys realize you made it HARDER to kill undead with the changes right?
- Baarb Rage and Drafonmark abilities
- Cheap, easy and massive game expansion ideas!
- Animate Ally on Owlbear
- Updating Old Epic Gear
- Community build: "Ironrooster" Critalicious eSoS user Self healing, suvivable.
- When are dodge granting abilities going to work?
- ReRoll Button and Chest Ransack
- Dear Diary: Grinding EDs on differnet toon is soul-suckingly mind-numbingly painful
- u19.3
- Animate Ally
- Little help?
- Your thoughts on an acrobat using Sireth
- Cannith Manufactury: Toven's 2nd letter
- new cleric enh
- Ddoge Stacking
- Raids need a new direction in this game.
- More Sagas? - Dev Question
- Are Proficiency feats really worth it? Is the -4 to hit penalty that bad?
- Introducing Artifacts to DDO
- LR help needed
- Epic Destinies Issue
- servers going down, yet there are new LFMs
- evade on mobs
- My Master Plan
- Tracert October 2
- Do Tier Upgrades to Cannith Challenge Items Persist through Level Upgrades?
- Credit is due (Mabar and U19.3)
- Help Pls - Iconic LR
- another proof how fixing bug works
- are u sure sagas are fixed?
- How to play a Drunken Master!
- Question About a Change via Update and Patch RE: Enhancements
- Dogs and Bones
- cant get into game
- Racial past lives?
- Warpriest's Divine Vessel with longbow
- Tomes from Saga Rewards
- Mechanics and Crossbows
- Gold rolls are nice!
- Can login to any server except Sarlona
- Turbine! Why are you screwing with my game controls!?
- Error in GH saga, with fix
- no dev response about broken human S&B animation? really?
- I wonder what Vampire Fangs are worth?
- Ghostbane is so helpful for the lower levels!
- Potential Maybar Disappointment
- Venomed Blades still broken
- paralyzing undead and constructs?
- 5000 Favor Reward
- Twink Korthos Loot
- I have drow and monk unlocked from years and years ago, and don't remember much
- Gotta love the stones of xp
- Twist of Fate
- Hey Feather, Savants' Curse is still bugged and stops you in place.
- GH Saga?!?!
- Sell me your Soul
- Any ETA on Mabar?
- Next Patch?
- Monarch New Player Mentoring Program
- Devs please distinguish Owned vs. Purchasable Quests in the Adventure Compendium
- epic and arcane archer..
- Old Cannith Challenge Tokens
- If I TR now, will I miss out on Mabar stuff?
- Reincarnation List
- level 27 random generate named?
- Epic Skill Focus Haggle is in Divine Sphere?
- What to slot in the New Muck Doom
- DDO Bonus Days
- Additional information on U20 and Epic TR
- Ithun Orenah
- ED grinding, How it should have been.
- Attn: Quartermaster
- Data on DDO since MOTU
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