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  1. New Enhancements tables?
  2. Crafted Weapons
  3. LFM advertisement & community attitude towards it
  4. Dear Quartermaster: How to sell your shared plat bank.
  5. New enhancement system did the impossible
  6. Do tactical DC bonuses from the Dwarf and Kensai trees stack?
  7. Advance/complete "Secrets of the Stormhorn"
  8. When will Sagas come back?
  9. Morninglord Cleric's Weapon Proficiency
  10. I have questions regarding an issue with my TR character
  11. Epic Wilderness The High Road bugged? Same goes for other heroic/epic wildernesses?
  12. Wheloon Journal 8?
  13. Epic Spare Hand
  14. So... confused about something.
  15. Few bugs I've seen.
  16. Raid Completions - Turbine doesn't care
  17. S&B Spin attack,,,
  18. What I Love Most About the Update
  19. My khopeshes crit from 15-20...whut
  20. please "un nerf" Bards
  21. Epic Damage Reduction in Heroic Quests?
  22. Monk splash bennies?
  23. Epic Reflexes Does not work!
  24. Doubleshot bracers?
  25. ideas to encourage pug'ing
  26. Resists have display error
  27. Are old weapon effects forever gone? Or is it just a bug?
  28. Improved Heroic Durability - What levels?
  29. Icy Prison Fail
  30. New quests do not show up in Adventure Compendium?
  31. Titan Raid currently impossible to complete?
  32. servers down
  33. I know that this is a fantasy game, but.....
  34. Shortbows
  35. otto box exp bonus
  36. Put the crossbow to my head and Pull
  37. ML, chest level and Random generated loot + level ?
  38. Lines of Supply bonus chests bugge?
  39. Time to extend ship buffs
  40. northwind vs keen edge.
  41. What is the new minimum chest level required for +4 tomes and +5 upgrade tomes?
  42. Finally get back online and...
  43. Stuck on "installing pre-reqs" when launching game...
  44. Servers Down?
  45. Absolute minimum level on armors
  46. Turbine DDO wont launch for all players help please!
  47. PSA--- Servers are down confirmed by Turbine Customer Support
  48. Allowed to Sell Shards?
  49. DDO Hangin
  50. Healing potions
  51. DoooooM
  52. Lotro twitter made me laugh
  53. To compensate for lost time on TRs
  54. Loot team: Post U19 Eval
  55. My Trollish theory on the outage
  56. I am done cya around!
  57. skill checks in partycrashers quest
  58. Stone of XP MotU + Bigby/Ottos box
  59. Free NE Patriots Box Seats
  60. DDO servers are UP...
  61. Yo Whatafail:
  62. I finally fight through my really corrupted character and now this
  63. Neg LVL's after killing mobs!!
  64. Turbine must pay
  65. It wont be fixed today Sunday, maybe tomorrow or Tuesday IMHO
  66. Turbine, it's time. Time to change your slogan. Some ideas:
  67. Sue third party providers for contract SLA breach fees...
  68. I know, wrong genre but...
  69. New Gamers
  70. Where are you located at that you can log into the game?
  71. Stuck on "INstalling Pre-Req"
  72. @Cordovan
  73. Prediction: Outage not fixed until Tuesday
  74. Does the epic destiny feat "Lasting Inspiration" make Twisting Reign viable?
  75. Thought about server down times.
  76. I dont buy it
  77. Pre-Reqs
  78. I can't Blame Turbine any longer
  79. While the games down, an attaboy to turbine devs/management, seriously.
  80. Wheres mah halflings?
  81. Thank you Guild Wars 2...
  82. This is not a fix to login problems Turbine!
  83. Thoughts on the new quests, prison and wilderness
  84. My half orc fast moving cartoon like feet.
  85. Got past pre-req problem, now I have a new one...
  86. Legendary Upgrade
  87. Forums back up!!
  88. Is this why we can't play the game? If so, then shame on your Turbine.
  89. Reason DDO is down: Pando has shutdown and Turbine failed again to plan for this
  90. Massively finally has update for Servers being down!
  91. Is VIP worth it anymore?
  92. Epic Destiny Feats
  93. The Pando shutdown has Nothing to do with the outage
  94. login status change? progress? no.
  95. Servers are UP this is not a Drill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  96. Routing working / please turn on the auth servers
  97. Which Servers To Play If You Are New
  98. Final Straw, I'm out...
  99. Not the whole Otto's box, but maybe just the stone
  100. DDO Bonus days
  101. Take a deep breath before posting something
  102. Is it still down? Not taking my password
  103. LOTRO offical "update" copied and pasted here. 1:46pm Eastern Time
  104. The outing explanation from LoTRO forum
  105. HELP!!! XP Tokens Need to be Stacking Items - Completely useless for me otherwise
  106. Offical DDO Update by Sapience. Service issues Sept 1- Sept
  107. I think they are up now
  108. Just logged in to Khyber.
  109. Its back. but login error...
  110. Ruined Holiday Weekend? (Appreciation thread!)
  111. I got in
  112. Orien is up
  113. Servers are up
  114. DDO is newbie unfriendly
  115. Why is there no time window to cancel bids?
  116. Kinda bummed Master Craftsman ship doesn't work like it used to
  117. And now for something completely different.
  118. Deeds system for Housing?
  119. House Cannith on Cannith sever
  120. Negative Action Points
  121. [Epic Destiny Feats] HellBall
  122. Thanks for the changes to search
  123. Thought Experiment/Fun Challenge: 100 Favor Runner in the new EP
  124. Built Advice: I'm trying to create a very survivable melee dps built.
  125. What goes up Amskar bug, Von 1 Door bug
  126. nothing happened
  127. How good is Ten Thousand Stars and/or Monk 6 splash?
  128. Player housing: realistic approach
  129. EE Trap DCs
  130. Beware Purchasing Items On The Shard Exchange
  131. Grazes and ranged combat - stop lying to us about the to-hit formula
  132. Energy Absorption
  133. HD installer is in German???
  134. LFM abuse or...?
  135. Petition for multiple essence sundering
  136. Anyone else see the launcher always reinstalling vc++ 2005 redistributable?
  137. Sorcerer can be a entire healer at citw
  138. Drow spell resistance from drow race tree doesnt work.
  139. Regarding AA Rangers and why they're not overpowered
  140. Its getting kinda blatant
  141. Key Of Eveningstar
  142. So the vendors what is up with that?
  143. Free lesser reincarnation dont work any more?
  144. Epic Destiny
  145. Why do the new Wheloon loots bind to character on acquire?
  146. Nobody Escapes "The Pit of Despair"
  147. Post of shame. How do I...
  148. Armor piercing no longer stacking?
  149. Another monster patch??
  150. Turbine why cant we edit any of these forums?
  151. One simple change, that will make all our lives better...
  152. Fix Meld Into Darkness
  153. Do we have a new Com Rep patrolling the forums?
  154. Where did class specific quest reward go???
  155. Tired of losing my platinum for new enhancements...
  156. Is it necessary for epic caster levels to be tied to EDs?
  157. -80 Enhancements
  158. Turbine [b]has[/b] asked us to choose between Housing and Raids!
  159. Turbine Brand New NO transfer, level 1 level locked progression server Please Turbin
  160. Devs, ETA on Saga NPCs coming back?
  161. Orien is down
  162. Quick Question, Archmage magic missle SLA
  163. Yay, it's back!
  164. Monk 10 Rogue 5 missing monk enhanements
  165. How do you make tables on these forums?
  166. could we go back to having meaningful AC and to hit numbers?
  167. When is the drow racial enhancement tree going to be worked on/fixed?
  168. King's Forest Rare Encounters
  169. returning player - this is the most expensive game I ever tried
  170. Quest ransack bugged or WAI?
  171. Venom Blades Enhancement
  172. No Chat or Voice anyone?
  173. Are the devs still working on secret doors?
  174. To Producer Rowan & Company:
  175. Is artie lightning sphere bugged?
  176. Inflict Wounds // Vampirism
  177. Thrill of the hunt is the most evil quest ever- please can we get a re-order
  178. Question about mines.
  179. Monk Mountain Stance
  180. No images for signatures :(
  181. Why no tutorial on LFM's for newbies?
  182. two questions about wands
  183. Anyone know a way to see what tomes i've eaten already?
  184. need a little help understanding this build
  185. Enhancements bugged
  186. Where did all the MOtU-era lootgen weapon effects go?
  187. Epic Garos' Malice got an upgrade, did something else aswell?
  188. Divine Vitality
  189. How Epic Destinies and Epic Xp Should Work
  190. Quest/Raid Counters
  191. Can anyone explain to me...
  192. Epic quests to farm for daily XP
  193. Stealth, Occultism and Vanity
  194. DDO Store - Was it part of the routing problem?
  195. Nether Orb questions
  196. Cleric protection capstone, Protector, is not giving a wisdom bonus
  197. Berserker Fury (active past life feat) and Rage stacking?
  198. HELP!!! Stone of Change won't accept Flawed Siberys Dragonshards???
  199. When are sagas returning?
  200. Has anyone gotten any Astral Shards since the new Daily Dice were implemented
  201. Where is Warpriest?
  202. 20th completion FoT and CiTW
  203. Freedom of Movement is not protecting against Hold Monster
  204. Anyone able to buy TP on Khyber?
  205. I dont think i understand how to set up my gear on my Pale trapper
  206. Cannot log character in that logged out in Eveingstar
  207. Voice & XP Shrine Calculation problem
  208. 100 on Gold Roll
  209. Does Prone = Helpless?
  210. Cant find screenshot folder
  211. Enhancement pass on DDOWiki
  212. Random gen Raid loot Introducing the "Bastich Sword"
  214. The Banish spell acting backwards.
  215. Evasion. . .
  216. fot raid
  217. Anyone ever tested balance skill?
  218. are halfings that much shorter then dwarfs?
  219. How good is evasion?
  220. Does dongeon scalling really work?
  221. Astral diamonds
  222. What caused the service outage during the holiday?
  223. August 19 to September 5, I leveled to second with FREE SILVER Daily Dice
  224. No Drow for You! +20 heart of wood
  225. Riposte
  226. I LR'd my monk last night trying to fix his stance
  227. It is time for some communcation around bugs
  228. Prismatic Poem?
  229. Spells / SLA's not firing since update?
  230. Shadowdancer Shadowcharges counting error
  231. Druid Wild Healing
  232. 20 levels! added to a Risia upgraded item... wow do I feel appreciated
  233. Question about VIP 10% xp bonus
  234. Lost Two Feats from +20LHW reincarnation
  235. Green Steel advice please
  236. iconics and tomes during leveling up process
  237. Turbine LOTR is giveing a 2 days credit to all VIP accounts where is ours?
  238. Q-Master - your eyes please
  239. Looking for a Menace of the Underdark pre release code
  240. Not happy with the inconsistency of raids and loot
  241. Keen Edge not working with throwing axes
  242. Please, I need some input!
  243. Are the devs ever going to put back `special augments`in Devils Assault?
  244. Dismayed
  245. Bugged out
  246. So this priestess of Shar asked me to be a lamp post
  247. The Launcher Image - an oldie, but goodie
  248. Harper 250 favour reward - Greater Harper Pin
  249. You know what I miss most from the old lottery?
  250. Having some difficulty grasping how the cannith challenge items are acquired